Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1435: Empty dust

   Chapter 1435

"Amitabha Buddha, don't hurt your peace with this trivial matter. Actually, there is nothing wrong with my Famen Temple being the master of the ring first. Anyway, each school always has its turn. It's just a matter of order. So, it's not a entanglement. These, you two, sit down, I will ask the disciple in the door to come up and be the master of the ring!" After speaking, the old monk Jue Yuan shouted to the audience, "Where is the empty dust?"

  A voice under the stage responded, "Abbot and Uncle, the dust is here!"

  Abbot Jueyuan nodded, and then said, "You will come up and be the master of the first round!" After finishing speaking, Monk Jueyuan did not move, but his body moved back automatically, and then sat on the chair.

When the young monk Kongchen heard the call of his uncle, he dared not obey the order, so he replied, "Follow the uncle's order." Then he slid on the stage without any fancy, and landed on the stage steadily. Monk Chen's hand surprised everyone, many people sighed, but some people showed interesting expressions on their faces, and some people were expressionless, as if they didn't put Kongchen in their eyes at all.

"Brother Kongchen's ancient Buddha sitting meditation has been practiced to the point of shocking the world, and his own strength is already at the ninth level of the reborn state. I am afraid that few people dare to challenge him!" A young monk in Famen Temple saw Kongchen down. The pan is so stable, and I can't help but say with some envy in my heart.

   "Well, I also think Senior Brother Kongchen is very similar to Senior Brother Kongji three years ago. I am afraid Senior Brother Kongchen will also become famous in this battle!" said another monk.

The rule of this exchange meeting is that one person will be the leader of the competition and accept the challenge of ten people in a row. If he insists on winning the challenge of the next ten people in a row, then he will be promoted to the second round, and then the other people will be promoted to the second round. People go on stage and continue to be the master until no one wants to be the master, but once the challenge fails, they are not qualified to continue the competition. Of course, if the challenge is successful, then they can continue to be the master, accept the challenge of others, and be challenged by others. The defeated challenger will also lose the qualification for subsequent battles and be completely eliminated.

"Everyone, the little monk is Kongchen, a disciple of Famen Temple. I am here today to be the master of the ring. I hope you can enlighten me!" The little monk Kongchen spoke politely, and his voice made people sound very comfortable, so many people started Praising Famen Temple really deserves to be a leader, the disciples are so extraordinary, not to mention the strength of this Kongchen, just looking at this style, many people are beyond the reach.

After Kong Chen finished speaking, the scene was cold for a while, and no one touched the brow first. However, when everyone was silent, one person stood up, jumped onto the ring, and said, "Brother Kongchen, I am Chen Kunyuan, a disciple of the Liujiang Sect, and I hope that my brother will give me some advice!"

Kong Chen nodded slightly, and after the two sides clasped fists, they began to fight. Chen Kun was far like a Jaguar, with his body arched in the shape of a crescent, and then quickly collapsed. At the same time, the faint red color of his hands showed that he was extraordinary. Hands-on skills.

   Kongchen saw Chen Kunyuan's swift move, and did not dare to take it carelessly. The two were both masters of the 9th floor of the True Element Realm, and the difference between them might decide the outcome. Kong Chen's originally standing body suddenly sat down, and then began to squeeze the complicated and obscure Fa Jue in his hand, and saw different Buddhist symbols slowly rotating around Kong Chen's body, which looked very mysterious.

  Chen Kunyuan’s red hands were like a soldering iron burned in a carbon fire, with a thud on the Buddhist language symbols around Kongchen, and only heard a thump, Chen Kunyuan was ejected a few feet away.

  Chen Kunyuan never expected that Kongchen's strength was so strong, and he was able to make himself so embarrassed under the condition of gout strength. Although he did take it lightly, he also had to say that Kongchen's strength was indeed strong.

So Chen Kunyuan also put away his fluke. Looking at the empty dust in the distance, the red vitality on his hand began to gradually spread upward, and finally the red vitality enveloped his entire arm, and the air around his arm squeaked. The sound of his voice seemed to be burned by the red vitality, and at the same time, a steady stream of red elements flowed from his body to his red arm.

"The way of fire? It turned out to be the way of fire. It seems that Chen Kunyuan's way of fire has reached the fourth floor. This is not easy!" said a person from the fifth floor of the born-out state beside Chen Xuan. When he spoke, Chen Xuan couldn't help but said, isn't it the way of fire? And it's only four floors!

Chen Xuan's words immediately caused dissatisfaction among the people around him, so the person who had just spoken turned his head and glared at Chen Xuan, and then said, "What do you know when you are a little reborn? Do you know what Tao is?" Covering people's eyes and eyes, constantly changing their strengths, they didn't feel satisfied until they finally adjusted to the first level of the Fire Road.

Chen Xuan looked helplessly at the person in front of him teaching himself, but Chen Xuan didn't say a word. Judging from Chen Xuan's current height, this kind of test is full of flaws, but now Chen Xuan finally knows what he is doing. It turned out to be an exchange meeting for the disciples of the ancient sects. To put it bluntly, it was here to fight and discuss.

  Chen Xuan just inadvertently saw the empty and silent monk who had not seen him for three years, and the little devil Qiu Rushuang, the other two four dragons, Bai Yiyan and Jiang Yihan, but Chen Xuan did not see it.

The man talked to Chen Xuan for a long time what annoyance was, and then saw Chen Xuan seemingly absent-minded, and then patted Chen Xuan and asked, "Is your kid listening!" After hearing this, Chen Xuan repeatedly hit and said, "This man Brother, this brother, I'm listening, I'm listening!"

   "Hmph, you still respect brother!" Then the man turned back, and everyone else looked at Chen Xuan contemptuously, then ignored Chen Xuan and continued to turn their heads to the battle between the two on the stand.

Actually, this is not to blame Chen Xuan, after all, after Chen Xuan came out of the Heavenly Spirit Sect, he went to Kunwu Secret Realm. Even the weakest people he saw everywhere understood the Dao, because where were the various ancient sects. It’s not surprising that he understands the Tao, but this gives Chen Xuan an illusion, making Chen Xuan think that all the disciples of the ancient sect have understood the Tao when they were born again.

  But today, this situation taught Chen Xuan another lesson. It seems that not all disciples of the ancient sect can comprehend the Tao. Just like the one who taught Chen Xuan just now, although his strength is already at the fifth level of the reborn state, he still hasn't understood the way.

  The two people on the stage fought for hundreds of times. Finally, due to Chen Kunyuan’s move, he was accidentally hit by the Buddhist monk Kongchen’s Buddha seal and fell under the stage, ultimately failing.

However, the seal of Monk Kongchen deliberately reduced his strength. Although Chen Kunyuan was blasted off the ring, it did not cause him any harm. This made Chen Kunyuan and everyone in the audience admire Monk Kongchen even more. Famen Temple praised it, and the old guys on the ring also stroked their beards and nodded slightly.

   Then according to the regulations, Monk Kongchen was given a certain amount of time to regain his vitality, and he continued to fight. In this way, Monk Kongchen fought nine people in a row without fail. This was praised by more people.

"It seems that Senior Brother Kongchen can successfully advance to the second round this time. Senior Brother Kongchen's strength is amazing!" said a monk from Famen Temple. Kongchen's nine consecutive victories made their faces at Famen Temple brighter. At the same time, they His confidence also increased, and he believed that Monk Kongchen had almost certainly been promoted to the second round.

   "I don't know which other senior brothers will come up to give advice!" Monk Kongchen said to the audience after defeating the ninth opponent. There was no sound in the audience. Those high-powered people generally disdain to shoot. They wait until later to shine. This is also an unwritten rule for many years. Otherwise, those high-powered people will come out from the beginning. No finale?

When everyone was silent, a strangely-looking person walked out. This person was dressed in a strong black suit. Although he was not big, he looked very strong. His dark skin gave people a kind of silence. Deterrence. Moreover, his aura was restrained, and ordinary disciples couldn't see his strength at all, but the moment he jumped onto the stage, Chen Xuan's face suddenly changed, because this person gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

The disciples in the audience saw that this man was not good looking, and that he was dressed in such a soil, his hair was short, and his style was so weird. At first glance, he was not a powerful character, so they did not report any expectations to him. Down, the province suffered a lot of skin and flesh.

  However, the man didn't realize it, and ignored everyone's ridicule. However, several young masters in the audience, such as those in the top ten on the top ten list, and the uninvited guest Tian Xiao's face all changed, and the old guys on the stage were also moved.

  "The donor, please give your name by name!" Monk Kongchen folded his hands together.

   "My name is Jun Huayin, a little sect from the secular world!" this person said.

  Hearing the words of Mr. Huayin, those who were astonished just now couldn't help but become more puzzled. Which secular sect can train such a young master, even the three largest sects in the secular world may not be able to do it.

   "Kong Chen, go on, no need to fight, you are not the opponent of this little benefactor!" Just as the battle between the two was about to start, the old monk Jueyuan suddenly said this.

   Although Kongchen has a good temperament, he is still a young man after all. Even a monk can't avoid the emotion of comparison. Moreover, this is a normal test. Before the battle, the uncle will let himself give up. Isn't this embarrassing himself in front of everyone?

So Monk Kongchen folded his hands together and said to Abbot Jueyuan, "The abbot and uncle, my nephew is here to compete with the other fellows. If you don’t retreat, wouldn’t you have lost your original intention, uncle, Kongchen, please? !" Said the little monk Kongchen, with a hint of stubbornness in his tone!

  (End of this chapter)

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