Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1440: Tianxiao

  Chapter 1440 Tian Xiao

The next few battles were still equally dull. When it was Chen Xuan's turn, Chen Xuan and the man fought, and did not directly take him off the stage, but fought with him for a while to find out his battle. He attacked him after his style. This move made many people very puzzled. They thought that Chen Xuan had the strength to get him down directly, but they didn't know who Chen Xuan would fight against. , Chen Xuan would not directly blast people down, because in Chen Xuan’s view, no matter who you fight against is a kind of learning. Everyone has their own different ways of fighting. Perhaps his fighting style represents a genre of fighting. Style, such learning is very worthwhile.

After all the battles in the second round were over, there were thirty people left. These thirty people entered the third round. The third round was still drawn. I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The third round was still not drawn. What a wonderful battle, I still entered the fourth round so ignorantly. The fourth round was fifteen people. This time it is still a draw, but there will be one bye. Among the draws, there is an empty lot. This empty lottery was automatically promoted to the final round. However, the result of the draw showed that Chen Xuan was the lucky one. He was drawn directly to the empty lottery and entered the final round, while the rest were still fighting each other.

  The rest of the people in the fourth round are masters, and finally there is a wonderful battle, that is, Tianxiao vs. Silence.

Everyone present has heard of the name Tianxiao, because there have been rumors that this person defeated Qiu Rushuang. Although the rumors are not true or false, the rumors are all based on a certain basis, at least to prove this person. Qiu Rushuang’s face became very ugly when the two of them came to the stage, and Qiu Rushuang’s expression became very ugly. He had to admit that Tian Xiao was indeed a difficult opponent, neither Knowing where this person came from, it was so powerful.

  "Amitabha Buddha, little monk..." After standing on the stage, Kongji said respectfully, but before he could finish speaking, Tian Xiao preemptively said, "You don't need to say, I know you, you are called Kongji!"

   "This is the case, the little monk has also heard of the prestige of the donor, and the donor is called Tian Xiao!" Said Kong Ji.

"Yes, my name is Tian Xiao. I heard that your strength is very good, especially your Tianyin in Jianglong Town is superb. It is the second person outside of Famen Temple Master Master who can practice this skill to the extreme at this age. People!" Tian Xiao said.

   "It's just a rumor, it's not credible, let's see the real chapter under our hands, donor, please!" Kong Ji said.

Tian Xiao is also welcome, Yurun's vitality slowly radiated from his body, and his flowing long hair also danced without wind, and then his whole body was wrapped in vitality, as if he had become a man carved from jade. Children are average.

  "Tianxiao, this technique seems to have never been seen before!" said an ancient sect leader.

"Yeah, I have stayed in the ancient school for so many years. It can be said that Nanfengyu's exercises are not yet unknown to me, unless..." The other master did not continue, but the meaning was already obvious. That means that this exercise is not from the southern region.

Suddenly everyone began to speculate about the identity of this Tian Xiao, but Abbot Jueyuan didn’t hear about it, as if this matter had nothing to do with him, but there were also well-informed heads of the ancient sect. One of them said, "I think this person's exercises seem to be a bit like those of the Celestial Cold Clan recorded in ancient books."

When these words came out, everyone was very surprised. The people of Tianyu, the area is not big, it is just a large small world, its area is only one-fourth the size of the Nanyuyu, but the aura of Tianyu is richer than As far as Nanfengyu is concerned, it is more than twice as strong, so this also causes the average strength of people in Tianyu to be higher than that of Nanfengyu. There, people in True Yuanyu can be seen everywhere. Put.

But this is not the key. The key is that Nanfengyu and Tianyu once had a battle. At that time, Nanfengyu looked down on the small place of Tianyu, so it despised them, but after they fought, they realized that this seemed weak and small. There were so many masters in Tianyu, and for a while, Nanfengyu could hardly withstand Tianyu's offensive. Later, thanks to the profound knowledge of many ancient sects, they barely defeated Tianyu, and this made the two fields calm.

However, since then, there has been little contact between the two domains. Everything in Tianyu has become a legend. There are very few people who participated in the war, and these people are almost all the towns of various sects. Clan figures, if there were no major things to destroy the door, they would not come out.

The battle on the stage was not worse than the discussion under the stage. The empty hands danced quickly, seeming to be using some method to determine the same. I saw that his whole body was full of golden Buddha light, which looked unusually dazzling, although not. What a violent movement, but an incredible power seemed to be hidden in the silent Buddha light.

   Then there was no fancy confrontation. I saw a golden Buddha seal that seemed to drop from the sky and hit a jade-run light dragon. The light dragon was lifelike, especially the eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the opponent.

   "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the space suddenly tore. The harsh sound of the space tearing can almost crack a person's eardrums. The old guys on the stage were also a little caught off guard, and they hurriedly tried to block the violent impact. Although such an impact could not cause them much damage, they did not expect that the two little guys would have made such a big one. movement.

The two people in the center of the storm were naturally injured more severely. They saw their bodies quickly pulled back, each kneeling on one knee, and vomiting a mouthful of blood. After a mouthful of blood, Tian Xiao had already stood up, but nothing was left. After another spit, he stood up.

"Hahaha, happy! I didn't expect your Buddhist seal, monk, to be so powerful, but I underestimated you!" Tian Xiao said with a wild smile, as if he didn't care about the injury, it would be better to fight happily. It made him feel more joyful.

"I have never seen your martial arts, but I have to say that your martial arts are more domineering than any martial arts I have ever seen. It seems that there is a kind of domineering spirit in it, which is hard to defend. I was accidentally hit just now. Some secret tricks, so the injury is heavier than you!" Kong Ji said flatly, his Zen mind has long been free from the interference of the world, these are nothing to him.

   "Little monk, it seems that you are still not convinced, how about we fight again?" Tian Xiao said wildly.

  "Amitabha, the little monk is a monk, and his six roots are pure. Yu fame and wealth have nothing to do with the little monk, but I really want to make up for my own shortcomings with a master like yours!" Said Kong Jing.

"Hahaha, you monk will find excuses, and just a few words will push the fault on me, you really deserve to be a disciple of Famen Temple, it's not easy!" The sound of the sky whistling just fell, and his figure was like a bolt of lightning. Shooting towards the emptiness, the expression of emptiness changed drastically, and the speed of Tian Xiao already made him a little scared. Among the younger generation, except for the one named Chen Xuan three years ago, he seems to have never seen anyone who can have such a fast The speed, this speed, has clearly exceeded the limit of his body. That is to say, this Tian Xiao has mastered the way of space, but he seems to feel that something is wrong in his heart, and then he suddenly raised his head and his eyes flashed. A ray of light, "It's the law of space!"

"Not bad, I can see it!" I saw the empty body lifted up, avoiding the impact of Tian Xiao, because the speed of Tian Xiao was too terrifying for him, he definitely couldn't keep up, so He must dodge, not daring to confront Tian Xiao head-on, and can only look for opportunities to find flaws.

   "Tian Xiao!" Chen Xuan, who was watching the battle in the audience, murmured the name, and then stopped speaking, but the law of space on his body was also inadvertently flashed. However, this subtle move was noticed by the old man next to Tian Xiao, that is, Uncle Yan, who stared at Chen Xuan closely with his eyes.

Chen Xuan suddenly felt as if he was being stared at a beast by a hunter. He shivered fiercely. Then he looked in that direction and saw an old man looking at him coldly. The unfathomable sensation, especially those eyes, had no emotion, and Chen Xuan shuddered fiercely in his heart.

"Haha!" The two on the stage are like chasing children, one chasing and the other running. Of course, they attack each other from time to time. Although the attack frequency is not high, the attack efficiency is particularly high. .

"Puff!" There was a sudden, slight noise, and a silent finger shot through Tian Xiao's shoulder, and then Tian Xiao also slapped Chen Xuan's chest firmly with a palm at the same time. The two were already in the ring. On the edge, Kong Ji was caught by the palm of the sky, and immediately lost his balance. He leaned back and planted the ring. However, Kong Ji was indeed one of the four dragons of the sky list. The moment he was attacked, he had quick eyes and quick hands. Tian Xiao, who had just finished attacking and was still in a period of weakness, was caught off guard. He was pulled by this, and at the same time he fell off the stage with Kong Ji.

  The fighting between the two was far more exciting than all the previous battles, and even surpassed the battle between Chen Xuan and Liu, the beggar. Seeing such a wonderful battle, there was a cheering voice in the audience. And this ending is really incredible. The two fell off the ring at the same time. It seems that it should be a tie. In the previous tie, the two sides were unwilling to continue fighting or exhausted before they were sentenced to a tie. But there has never been such a tie.

  However, just when everyone thought that the ending had been frozen, the situation suddenly changed, and Tian Xiao, who was above, used articulation to open Kong Ji's hand tightly.

  (End of this chapter)

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