Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1441: Empty and silent

   Chapter 1441

  Then the whole person's body was like a light smoke, suddenly suspended in the mid-air incredible, then slowly moved upward, and finally landed firmly on the ring.

  This scene happened so quickly that everyone hardly saw what was going on. Xiao had already landed on the stage that day. Everyone whispered to each other and asked each other what happened just now, but everyone just shook their heads. No one could see exactly what happened just now, including Qiu Rushuang, but some Iraqi people could see clearly. Knowing Chu, that was Chen Xuan who also mastered the laws of space.

The host of    also did not get over for a long time. After Abbot Jueyuan coughed and reminded him behind him, he just woke up like a dream and said, "Oh, oh, loneliness and defeat, Tian Xiaosheng!"

Tian Xiao’s spatial law has only one level, and it should be a breakthrough only recently, but it is often surprising that Tian Xiao has mastered two laws. This is incredible. When enlightened, many geniuses can do it. Enlightenment of two kinds of ways, and even some geniuses who are against the sky can master four or five kinds of ways, but when they understand the laws, almost no one can understand the two kinds of laws at the same time, because the understanding of the laws and the difficulty of understanding the Tao can be said to be heavenly. The difference is that the difficulty index is not at the same level at all. Many people find it difficult to touch the threshold of the law throughout their lives. It can be imagined how difficult it is to understand the law.

Chen Xuan’s current way of ice and fire has reached its peak, and it is only one step away from the law, but this one step away is like a chasm blocking in front of countless people. The population of the entire southern region is tens of billions. There are only a few thousand people who understand the law, and the probability is terribly small.

Now the younger generation of masters here are almost the top young people in the entire Nanfeng region. However, there are only a few people who can understand the law. Therefore, those who have mastered the law and those who have not. People at the same level are not at the same level of combat. A person who has mastered the rules can easily fight with more than a dozen people of the same level without any effort.

After the battle between Kongji and Tianxiao, there were a few more duels. Those who can enter the top fifteen, almost all break in by strength, and none of them will be very weak, so the subsequent battles are still very exciting. However, with the shocking battle between the empty silence and Tian Xiao in front, everyone was not interested in the battle that followed.

  After several fierce battles, Chen Xuan finally ended. The top eight finalists were Chen Xuan, Tian Xiao, Qiu Rushuang, Jiang Yihan, Wei Zhenyue, Huayin Jun, Liu Yuan, and Ling Yu. Wei Zhenyue has made great progress in the past three years, rushing to the second place in the ranking list in one fell swoop, Liu Yuan and Ling Yudou are now third and fourth in the ranking list respectively. Wei Zhenyue's strength gap is not too big, in the end, except for special cases like this year, the previous ones are not too big.

"Okay, I now announce the list of people who have been promoted to the final round!" The host exclaimed. "These eight people are Tian Xiao, Cheng Jiang, Jiang Yihan, Wei Zhenyue, Qiu Rushuang, Liu Yuan, Ling Yu, and Hua Yin Jun!"

  Everyone sighed when they heard Chen Xuan's name, because they felt that Chen Xuan got in by luck, so they didn't know what kind of thoughts they had. In short, they were a little uncomfortable.

Because three of the top eight people this time were not from their ancient sect at all, and there were two from the secular world. Although the identity of this Tianxiao was very mysterious, it was not from their ancient sect after all, so how could they? All feel uncomfortable. But they forgot that Chen Xuan once powerfully defeated the beggar Liu who killed Bai Yiyan, one of the four dragons in the top ranking list.

  Beggar Liu was seriously injured after fighting with Bai Yiyan, so he took the initiative to withdraw, but even so, he already had a place in everyone's mind. A person who can kill the four dragons of the sky list, although it does not mean that his strength has far surpassed the four dragons of the sky list, but at least it proves that his strength is not weaker than the four dragons of the sky list.

After the host had finished speaking, he did not pause, but directly said, "The last round is different from the young ones, because the previous one-on-one battles can only test the individual's strength, but in many cases, people fight At the time, there is almost no one-to-one time, so this last round of the competition requires all eight finalists to join together, and the rankings are determined in the order of falling. Okay, the battle can begin. Please these eight people to come on stage. Come on!" The host retired after speaking.

The discussion in the audience suddenly became intensive. This kind of competition is simply incredible, because this is simply a chaos. There are almost no trusted people on the stage. It is possible that the teammates were still teammates in the first second, and they were bombarded by teammates in the next second. Step down. But when he heard such a test method, Tian Xiao licked his lips and said, "That's interesting, Nan Fengyu did a good thing this time!"

  At the same time, Qiu Rushuang was also surprised, but he soon settled down and prepared to deal with what was coming. There is no doubt that Qiu Rushuang’s strength is at least not weaker than Kong Ji, so he is not worried about this kind of competition. In Qiu Rushuang’s eyes, only Tian Xiao and Jiang Yihan can compete with him this time. Tian Xiao he He had already found a way to restrain him. As for Jiang Yihan, he was already too familiar with him. By then, he would suffer both losses at best. If he could cleverly use Tian Xiao to hurt Jiang Yihan a little, it would be perfect.

But although his idea was good, he ignored the most important person, Chen Xuan, and Jun Huayin never fully revealed his strength from beginning to end, Chen Xuan did not dare to say that he was 100% sure. Defeat Jun Huayin, but Qiu Rushuang is so arrogant.

The eight people didn’t speak too much, they just silently walked onto the ring from eight different directions. Just after Tian Xiao’s last foot fell on the ring, the voice of the old man, Uncle Yan, fell on the ring. In Tian Xiao's ear, "Be careful of that Chengjiang!"

Uncle Yan’s words made his heart tighten. Uncle Yan’s vision has always been very high. He has such an outstanding talent. Over the years, he has only heard two compliments from him. Once, he realized the fifth kind five years ago. When Tao, once is the time when you have comprehended the second law of space law.

  Anyone who can make Uncle Yan speak to remind him is enough to show that this person is very dangerous. Tian Xiao's eyes glanced at Chen Xuan inadvertently, and when he looked at Chen Xuan's shameless appearance, his heart gradually became vigilant.

  Eight people stood at the eight corners of the ring. No one made any movements. Everyone just stood quietly and observed each other, as if looking for some flaws.

  However, this silence was interrupted by Qiu Rushuang, "Brother Yihan, Brother Tian Xiao, how about the three of us first working together to clean up the garbage? The province, they interrupt the duel between the three of us!"

  Jiang Yihan looked at Qiu Rushuang. There was no expression on his face. He was non-committal about Qiu Rushuang’s words. However, Tian Xiao said without any hesitation, "Excuse me, I have no interest in this matter. Go find someone else!"

In fact, Tian Xiao’s heart was already sneered, secretly saying that this hatred Rushuang had no brains, wouldn’t it offend the other five people besides the three of them, although his strength is high, but if the five people join hands to engage him, I’m afraid he will have to do it too. He was defeated in an instant, he was okay to find something to bring hatred to himself.

Sure enough, the four people except Chen Xuan stared at Qiu Rushuang coldly. Which of them is not the pride of the sky, which is not powerful, although it may be slightly inferior to Qiu Rushuang, but they are said to be rubbish, who can bear it? .

However, Chen Xuan didn’t catch a cold with Qiu Rushuang’s words. His xinxing had already been tempered in the life-and-death struggle. These ridiculous ridicules had little effect on him. On the contrary, what Chen Xuan thought of was not anger the first time. , And thinking about how to use his carelessness to defeat him more easily.

  Looking at Chen Xuan's Gu Jing Wubo look, Tian Xiao was even more convinced by Uncle Yan's judgment. This Chen Xuan was indeed not a fuel-efficient lamp. At least from this performance, he would definitely not be worse than Qiu Rushuang.

  Looking at the cold eyes of the people around him, Qiu Rushuang also secretly regretted it. Why did he just say those things? Is this unclear? The most hateful thing is that Xiao didn't give himself any face that day. Did he really think he was not his opponent? Put on some airs, wait a minute and let you taste what is awesome.

  But at present, we still have to deal with the troubles in front of us first, otherwise we can't wait for the time to fight Tian Xiao alone. When Qiu Wanli heard his son Qiu Rushuang actually said such a sentence on stage, his heart swelled. From his old experience, he had almost seen the end.

"You guys, it was just a joke just now, everyone is fighting for themselves, how can it be possible to form a team? And such a team has no credibility, so you don't need to take what I just said to heart." Qiu Rushuangyi Instead of changing his tough posture, he said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it's a joke. What you say is the spilled water. You were like that just now. How can you forgive you? Everyone is a genius among geniuses. What did you just say? Rubbish? The people covered can't listen anymore. How can you forgive this kind of thing? It doesn't exist, what do you say? Brother Chengjiang!" Tian Xiao said with a smile, Tian Xiao's heart is very deep, how could he be possible with such a good opportunity Let it go, the dream cleared one is one. Finally, he asked Chen Xuan deliberately. It was very meaningful. On the surface, it gave Chen Xuan face, but actually pushed Chen Xuan into the fire pit.

  (End of this chapter)

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