Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1442: Heaven

  Chapter 1442 Tianyu

  He said this, doesn't it prove that Tian Xiao attaches great importance to Chen Xuan, what about the others? Can you ignore it? Chen Xuan was pulled from the edge to the grill for roasting.

With Chen Xuan's mind, he naturally figured this out in an instant. He couldn't help but snorted secretly in his heart. The scheming of this day's howl was rather deep. Even if it came to him so quickly, Chen Xuan didn't understand, this day. Why does Xiao calculate the seemingly inconspicuous self? Moreover, Chen Xuan was also full of curiosity about this Tian Xiao. Originally, Chen Xuan thought he was a new genius of a certain school of ancient sect, but the discussion in the audience just now did not seem to be the case. The ancient sect’s Ren was concerned about this mystery. Jiang Xiao's genius was also full of questions. This person seemed to have emerged out of thin air, but Chen Xuan decided that this person was definitely not a person in the secular world, because the old man beside him seemed to Chen Xuan to be much stronger than the master of the heavenly demon, Qiu Wanli. Chen Xuan couldn't imagine a person willing to be a servant by his side, what a huge force was behind Tian Xiao.

Although Chen Xuan has some capital now, he is unwilling to offend those behemoths, so Chen Xuan is still unwilling to offend the person Tian Xiao, because he faintly feels that this person may be a harbinger of a storm, he does not want to offend him. Be that fuse. But even though he didn't want to offend him, Chen Xuan definitely didn't want to be calculated by him just like that. Chen Xuan hated the feeling of being calculated by others, especially people like Tian Xiao, a smiling tiger.

"Brother Tian Xiao laughed, I am such an insignificant person, how can I dare to comment on your affairs? Besides, I don't think there is anything wrong with Qiu Rushuang's words. I'm just a rubbish, just waiting to be cleaned." Chen Xuan's words almost completely bounced back Tian Xiao's words.

Tian Xiao smiled and did not continue to talk to Chen Xuan, but in his heart he was even more sure that Chen Xuan was really bad. He turned his head and said to the other four indignant people, "Let’s work together and let’s How about Qiu Rushuang's cleaning?" Tian Xiao's big turn of one hundred and eighty degrees made Qiu Rushuang unable to adapt. Qiu Rushuang looked at the seven people approaching, with a trace of anxiety in his eyes, but after all he is a disciple of the Demon Sect. The stock is fierce, even in the face of such a lineup, Li started his hands.

  This time Qiu Rushuang didn't leave any hands, he opened the eyes of the gods and demons directly, and cooperated with his magic door's supreme cultivation method to prepare to fight the combined force of the seven people, let them know that he was not easy to provoke.

  However, when Qiu Rushuang hadn't fully used his martial arts, a black light suddenly flew towards Qiu Rushuang very quickly, forcibly interrupting his spellcasting, and ruthlessly grasping his back to the distance.

  Almost everyone did not react, but one person quietly chased him. This person is not someone else, but the person next to Tian Xiao, Uncle Yan. Uncle Yan's body style is very good. Although he set off for a long time, he still caught up with Qiu Rushuang and Qiu Wanli.

Among those present, Abbot Jueyuan found that Uncle Yan was chasing after him, but he didn’t care about it, because he knew that this matter might have been out of their control. When the exchange meeting was over, he had to notify him quickly. The great elders in the temple will analyze and resolve this matter. If they really start a war with the heavens, then they will be overwhelmed again.

"Old thing, why are you chasing me!" Qiu Wanli didn't run away. He suddenly fell down with Qiu Rushuang in his face. With his strength, he certainly felt that someone was chasing him behind, and the strength of this person was very high. High, at least much taller than him. He noticed this person from the beginning, but he thought that in the southern part of the territory, this old man might not dare to be too presumptuous, but he really caught up with him. He was far away from the demon. There was still some distance to the door, and he couldn't beat it in a fight, and he couldn't run, so he stopped and prepared to discuss the matter.

   "Why chasing? Then why did you run? You made it clear, I will say why chasing you!" Uncle Yan's figure also stopped, not far away from Qiu Wanli.

   "My son has suddenly gone into trouble, I want to take him back to the door for treatment!" Qiu Wanli found a very reluctant reason and said.

"Hahaha, you are Chou Wanli, the master of the Tianma Sect in the Southern Enchanted Region, right? You are still the leader of a faction, but you said such ridiculous things. Do you think I will believe it? I've heard about the gods and demons. The Eye once appeared in the Southern Region, and now it seems to be true." Uncle Yan said coldly.

"Huh, old thing, the eyes of the gods and demons are indeed on my son, but you have to think about it clearly. This is in my southern region, not in your heaven. If you dare to do something, I can guarantee you will not leave. Out of the southern region!" Qiu Wanli did not show any weakness, because he knew that showing weakness was useless, and it was indeed in the southern region. He believed that this old man still did not dare to mess around in the southern region.

   "Hahaha, guarantee that I won't be able to get out of the southern region? What guarantee do you have? Is it your strength?" Uncle Yan smiled sarcastically, and didn't pay attention to Qiu Wanli's unnutritious threat.

"I promise you can't get out of the southern region!" Suddenly a majestic voice came from the air. After hearing this voice, Qiu Wanli, who had been bitter, was overjoyed, but Uncle Yan's complexion changed drastically. The strength of his skill is not something he can handle, and if the owner of this voice really wants to keep him, he really can't go.

"Senior, the younger generation has offended so much, but I hope to forgive my sins, the younger generation will leave now!" Saying that Uncle Yan is about to leave, but a body shapelessly appeared in front of Uncle Yan, this man is an old man. He looked sick, his hair and beard were all white, but his eyebrows were black, and his deep eyes seemed to be able to swallow everything.

"Come as you want, leave as long as you want, when I am in the southern region!" said the old man. In the old man, Uncle Yan did not feel the slightest fluctuation of vitality, but the old man seemed to give him a heavy weight. It felt that the old man's thin body was in front, making him feel like a big mountain lying in front, unable to cross.

   "I don't know what seniors want? The juniors try their best to satisfy seniors!" Uncle Yan respectfully bowed his hands.

"Well, you have a good attitude, but well, you know something you shouldn't know, I want your life, will you give it?" The old man said calmly, as if he was talking about a trivial thing. .

Uncle Yan's face changed drastically, but he still didn't dare to make any moves. He just said, "Senior, aren't you afraid to start a war between the two domains? My life jade card is broken, but Tianyu can do it in an instant. I know what kind of school it is!"

  "Are you threatening me?" The old man's otherwise plain face suddenly changed to a hint of anger, and his tone was not as soft as before.

   "The younger generation dare not!" said Uncle Yan.

   "If this is the case, then you should go to death!" The old man suddenly shot his hand and pointed at Uncle Yan, but the light in front of Uncle Yan flickered, and then the whole person disappeared!

  The Tianxiao who was fighting on the stage suddenly disappeared without a sound, which made everyone watching feel very strange. However, Abbot Jueyuan did suddenly change his face. He only heard him shout, "This is the end of the exchange meeting, and each of you will get the first prize."

After a pause, Abbot Jueyuan looked at the surrounding leaders and said, "You guys, there may be another war. Go back and talk to the elders of your respective sects and say that the heavens will come soon. Get ready!" After speaking, Abbot Jueyuan didn't stay there, and left directly with the disciples of Famen Temple, leaving behind everyone with surprised faces. Chen Xuan also didn't understand what was going on and what heaven was coming? It seems that there is no such so-called celestial domain in the three major domains.

   "Uncle Shi, I'll go after it!" Qiu Wanli said when he saw Uncle Yan who had disappeared suddenly!

   "No need to go, this Tianyu is really willing to spend the money, and the instant teleportation array is used, but it takes a lot of effort!" said the old man. Qiu Wanli heard that it was an instant teleportation array, so he stopped talking. Although he had never seen the instant teleportation array, he had heard of it. This instant teleportation array could instantly teleport people hundreds of thousands of miles away, and it could still Shuttle space barriers, there is no way to track them!

"The war is inevitable, but don't be afraid. After all, Tianyu is going to our Nanyuyu to grab things. That is the entire Nanyuyu. You don't need to worry. The top priority now is to hide Rushuang in an absolutely safe place. , The eyes of the gods and demons must not be lost, otherwise our branch of the demon clan in the southern region will be destroyed!" the old man continued.

  "Don't worry, Uncle Master, I must hide Rushuang!" Qiu Wanli said vowedly. The old man nodded, and then his figure disappeared suddenly.

  Only Chen Xuan was left on the arena, and everyone was gone. Chen Xuan didn’t know what happened, what war, and what disaster would happen?

"Brother Chengjiang, maybe I can help you answer one or two, let's leave here first, and I will talk to you while walking!" The figure of Jun Huayin did not know where he came from, and Chen Xuan nodded and followed Jun Huayin went down the mountain together.

Chen Xuan and Hua Yinjun barely said anything all the way, so they walked all the way down the mountain. After going down the mountain, Chen Xuan still didn't say a word, which made him a little strange. Chen Xuan is not afraid of deceiving himself. him?

  "Don't you want to ask anything?" Jun Huayin asked tentatively.

   "You must have something to say!" Chen Xuan also replied, smiling at Jun Huayin, his face that was not handsome after changing his face turned out to be very sunny.

   "Haha, I didn't expect you to have a handsome side!" Jun Huayin saw Chen Xuan's sunny smile, and he was momentarily stunned as a pure master.

  (End of this chapter)

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