Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1445: A sister-in-law

   Chapter 1445

Although Chen Xuan suspected that Qiu Rushuang might still be paying attention to him, he was not very worried. Under such circumstances, I am afraid everyone would think that he was dead. Presumably Qiu Rushuang would not be too skeptical, let alone Chen Xuan still has. Hidden from the cover of Tianjue, he wasn't afraid that someone with a heart would discover his whereabouts.

  Presumably no one will connect two people with huge differences in strength and completely different faces, even if it has been three years.

  So Chen Xuan didn't make too many cover-ups. He just changed his appearance slightly and was ready to set off.

   Just before leaving, Chen Xuan found a very embarrassing problem, he is now on his body! no! Minute! Text! After hesitating for a while, Chen Xuan decided to get away with it. Anyway, he didn't ask for any particularly expensive dishes. It was only on credit, and the money would be returned to them when he had a chance next time.

  Just say to run and run, anyway, I changed my appearance, no one would recognize me. So Chen Xuan slipped away quietly while the owner was not paying attention.

  It wasn't until Chen Xuan had left for a full hour before the boss found out that someone had eaten Bawang's meal.

   "The **** who kills a thousand knives and eats the king's meal, don't let Lao Tzu catch you, or you must let you spit out everything that ate me." The shop owner said angrily.

  The shop owner is also very helpless. After all, people are light-hearted and have no strength. From time to time, some people rely on their strength to bully them who are small businesses. However, such people are a minority after all, and generally no one would do this kind of loss of status. , The boss's curse disappeared.

Chen Xuan was indeed very happily carrying the God and Demon Feiying Jue and hurried to the road. Because in order to avoid trouble, Chen Xuan only flew at low altitude, but the consumption of using the God and Demon Feiying Jue to drive is higher after all. Just stop running what Feiyingjue, and rest for a while at the normal speed of the road.

  In this way, at midnight, Chen Xuan came to a small town.

  Chen Xuan decided to fix it here. It is really inconvenient to go on the road at night. He has been attacked by many wild beasts not long after night. Although Chen Xuan is not afraid, he is annoying. Because of this, the speed of advancement was greatly affected, so it would be better to fix it.

   "It looks like this small town is very prosperous. I will inevitably be a knight who robs the rich and the poor this time." Chen Xuan touched his chin and said to himself as he looked at the brightly lit town.

  As long as there is a place where humans gather, there must be a place to hide dirt. This is an eternal truth.

Sure enough, Chen Xuan only went around the dark streets of the small town a few times and found a few people who were hiding in the dark corners at the entrance of the casino and doing shameful deeds. With Chen Xuan's current strength, it was easy and easy. He knocked them to the ground and touched all the coins on them.

  Unexpectedly, these people did not look very good, and they still had some assets. Chen Xuan drew the money bag in his hand, fearing that they might not have dozens of middle-grade crystal coins.

Chen Xuan didn’t care, he just found an inn and stayed there. He planned to leave early in the morning. When there was nothing to do, Chen Xuan began to practice in the inn. It was to restore the physical strength consumed by rushing during the day. Secondly, he was familiar with consolidating his current realm, and knew that there was a war waiting for him. Chen Xuan did not dare to relax at all.

  But before Chen Xuan practiced for a long time, he received a warning from the heart of the gods and demons.

   Chen Xuan furrowed his brows, and the **** and demon Fei Ying Jue rushed out of the room in an instant. Then, the bed where Chen Xuan had just rested was split in half by a sword energy.

  Chen Xuanyun got up from the martial arts shrine, and soon found the attacker hiding in the dark.

  The assailant was also simply, but he missed a hit and immediately retreated. Of course, Chen Xuan picked up the **** and demon Fei Ying Jue to follow him.

However, two or three breaths of kung fu Chen Xuan caught up with him, and the masked attacker turned around and was struck by a sword aura. Chen Xuan stretched out his hand to the sword aura with his body transformed by the heart of the gods and demons. Grabbing it, Chen Xuan's Jian Qi was crushed into his hands abruptly.

  The masked man was horrified when he saw this, and did not dare to escape again. He turned around and raised Jian Xu in his hand to point to Chen Xuan, and waited in full battle.

  I’m not afraid of it. I just carry a pretty image, but I will subdue the masked person in a few strokes.

   Reached out and took off the mask of the masked man, she turned out to be a beautiful woman. Chen Xuan's expression was cold: "Who are you? Why are you attacking me?"

  The woman did sneer again and again: "Since I fell into the hands of your thief, I want to kill as much as you want, grandma, I will all greet you!"

  Chen Xuan was very puzzled and felt that there might be some misunderstandings, so he explained: "Did the girl misunderstand something? I have never met you. Why do you say that I am a thief, and where did I offend you?"

  The woman disdainfully said: "You wicked thief, you have the courage to do but you have no courage to admit that you robbed my coins and pretended that nothing happened. It is really shameless. You are still a big man."

  Chen Xuan only felt a little embarrassed on his face, but he did not expect that someone would come to him after robbing someone else’s wallet.

  The woman went on to say: "This girl is most uncomfortable with the kind of people who do evil, so I drew my sword to help when I see an injustice, but since it falls into the hands of you wicked, it is natural to kill or slash it at your own discretion."

   Chen Xuan only felt dumbfounded, and helplessly let go of the woman and said: "You go, I won't investigate this matter."

   "What! You don't want to pursue it yet, you wicked man, I'm fighting with you!" He said that he was going to jump forward with his teeth and claws.

  Chen Xuan flashed past her pounce and said helplessly: "When have you ever seen a good person holding a large amount of crystal coins at the gate of the casino to block people? I am also going to do it for the sky."

  The woman forcibly explained: "You, you, you, how do you know that it is a casino?"

Chen Xuan waved his hand helplessly: "You should go back and practice your skills for a few more years before you come out to be a chivalrous and righteous man. If you see that you are only in the true original state, you dare to come out and be a chivalrous and righteous man. Fortunately, you met me, or you will meet a bad guy. With your appearance, there must be no shortcomings." After that, he picked up the sword she fell on the ground and handed it to her, "Hurry up and take it back, lest family members worry about it."

  The young girl took the sword in anger: "I will definitely become a famous hero in the world. By then, all of you who look down on me will be surprised!"

  Chen Xuan looked helplessly at the girl’s back and shouted: "The human heart is sinister, don't be so naive."

The girl did not answer, but muttered in a low voice from a place Chen Xuan could not see: "I didn't expect this person to be very kind, but it's no wonder that this girl wrongly blamed you, who let you **** someone from someone? It's not right! Humph!"

  If Chen Xuan heard these words, it might be dumbfounding.

  Furthermore, it was dawn after Chen Xuan's tossing. Anyway, there was nothing left in the inn, so Chen Xuan simply discerned the direction and continued on his way.

  The town is said to be a small town, but it is not small, and it has all the entertainment facilities, but the two of them have very fast feet. Although they have not been chasing for a long time, they have also left the town. It is much easier for Chen Xuan to hurry up.

Chen Xuan hurried to the road and thought, "This little girl doesn't know which family of the ladies sneaked out. Although it is in the True Origin Realm, the speed is extremely fast. The martial arts and martial arts that must be cultivated must be extraordinary, and I am thankful for myself. Feiying, the **** and demon, must be powerful enough, otherwise he really won't be able to catch up with her."

   Chen Xuan thought about this, but he heard the sound of fighting in front of him. He wanted to avoid it, but he didn't expect that those people had already seen him.

"Big bad guys come and help me, they bully the less, I can't beat them." A soft drink came, and Chen Xuan couldn't help but sighed when he saw that it was the girl from last night. This is the few who besieged the girl. But the big guy came over in two groups, "Boy, dare to ruin our good deeds, don't take your life!"

  Chen Xuan was very helpless, and he couldn’t leave if he wanted to.

These people besieged the girl but only tied with them. How could they be Chen Xuan’s opponent? They were only worried about the girl’s presence and feared that they didn’t dare to kill them. They just wounded them and said: "This Let you go for a while, don’t you get out of here."

The big guys seemed to want to say something cruel, but they were stopped by the look of the leader. The big guy clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Lord, for not killing. I will decide to change my past and be a new man in the future. , Don’t do this murderous business anymore."

  Chen Xuan didn’t have time to say something in the future, but the girl waved her hand and replied, “It’s fine if I can reform and rehabilitate. I’ll forgive you this time. Let’s go.”

  Several big guys hurriedly left in a solemn way. When we walked away, one of them asked: "Boss, why should we put our posture so low? I think that kid's strength is just that." The boss slapped the questioning brother with a backhand on the face. "You know what a fart! Didn't you see Lao Tzu that I can't even take one of his tricks, grandma's, I will highlight the tricks for Lao Tzu in the future, maybe I won't have such good luck next time."

  Several brothers repeatedly said yes. "Go, let's change another place to continue the robbery." The boss gave an order. Just as he felt that he was wise and martial, a younger brother asked behind: "Boss, didn't we just say to be a new man, then..." the younger brother said. Before finishing talking, the boss slapped again, "Grandma's, you have to do it if you say it, then if you say fart, you have to really fart!"

  The younger brothers didn't dare to speak, but they all felt that the boss's logic was a little wrong. As for what was wrong, they didn't know and didn't dare to say, so they could only follow the boss to change places and continue the robbing camp.

  Not to mention these dumb robbers, let's talk about Chen Xuan's side, facing this innocent girl, he really didn't know what to say.

"Hey, I didn’t expect you to be such a great villain. Where are you planning to go? I’m going to the Heavenly Spirit Sect to apprentice, learn great exercises, and then become a generation of knights. Do you want to be with me? Don’t worry about me. It’s going to hold you back. Don’t look at me like this. I run very fast, but I want better martial arts to go to the Heavenly Spirit Sect to apprentice, so that I won’t be given by the bad guys just now. Bullying."

  (End of this chapter)

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