Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1446: Chen Xuan is back

   Chapter 1446 Chen Xuan is back

   Before Chen Xuan had time to speak, the young girl was like Barabara talking a lot.

   "What's your name, I'm He Xueer, I..."

  Chen Xuan hurriedly stopped, and if he let him go on like this, it was pretty good, but he didn't see that He Xueer was still talking. However, this lively appearance made Chen Xuan think of his sister Chen Xueer, and Chen Xuan could not help but feel sad when he thought of Chen Xueer. Wait for Xueer, I will definitely save you!

   "Why don't you speak, big bad guy, you haven't told me your name yet." He Xueer asked with a pouting mouth when she saw Chen Xuan ignore her.

  Chen Xuan reacted and replied: "I also went to the Heavenly Spirit Sect. You can follow me, but you have to talk less, understand?"

   "Why, why do you want me to talk less, don't you like listening to people?"

"To shut up!"

  "Why are you so fierce? Did I do anything to make you angry? If yes, tell Xueer, Xueer can change it, but you have to protect me, do you know?"

   "Just shut up."

   "Why are you fierce to me? Tell me what I did wrong." He Xueer said tears were about to stay. Chen Xuan only felt a headache. "Why didn't you see you so weak before?" "That is because people want to protect themselves. They must pretend to be fierce." He Xue'er lowered her head.

   "It's okay, don't be too stubborn and I won't attack you, otherwise I will leave you here and ignore you." After saying that, he ignored her.

  He Xueer is happy now, "I know you won’t be angry, let’s go, let’s go to the Heavenly Spirit Sect."

Chen Xuan secretly said that it was strange that He Xueer had only met her once, so why did she give herself a familiar feeling? To say that coincidence is too coincidental, Chen Xuan decided to keep her by her side and take a good look at her. Is there any conspiracy?

  In this way, under the bombardment of He Xueer's words, Chen Xuan finally returned to the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

   Outside the Qingchen Sect on the Sky Spirit Sect.

  A man in purple is yelling presumptuously: "What? Is there really no one in this Qingchen Sect, dare someone come out to fight with me!"

This person was Ba Tianyu who was clamoring around when Chen Xuanzhu killed Li Wanjiang. Unexpectedly, after he was frightened by Chen Xuan and ran away, now that Chen Xuan is dead, he also wants to step on his foot. The Qingchen Sect.

This is not to say how strong this Ba Tianyu is. Although he is now an elder of the Inner Sect, he is only the strength of the born-out realm. The reason why he dared to ignoring Ye Qing’s protection to come and pick things this time is that Because there was someone behind him. And now that Ye Qing has a mission on her, she can't come back for a while while performing missions outside.

  Ba Tianyu also understands that he is just a little **** to play forward for the people behind the scenes. If there is any accident, he will definitely be abandoned, but I am not afraid.

  Now that Chen Xuan is dead, and he Ba Tianyu is another Inner Sect elder, who would dare to kill him, so he became unscrupulous.

At this time, Han Yu came to the door and sternly shouted to Ba Tianyu: "Are you here to pick things? Our Qingchen Sect does not welcome unfriendly people. If you dare to be presumptuous, be careful that I'm not polite to you. ."

  This Ba Tianyu was not angry, after all, Ye Qing had let go of the conversation that day, and this Qingchen Sect was protected by him. Even if his Ba Tianyu is used as a gunman, he is not stupid.

Ba Tianyu said politely: "Senior Brother Han, don’t want to be angry. I’m not seeing no one coming out and shouting a few words outside the door. I want people to receive it. IMHO, your Qingchen Sect is not only deteriorating in popularity. The courtesy is gone."

  Ba Tianyu has a respectful attitude, but there is a lot of mockery in his words.

  Han Yu coldly snorted: "If you have a fart, let it go. If you dare to talk nonsense, be careful that I cut off your tongue."

After several years of growth, Ba Tianyu has also cultivated extremely well. Naturally, he will not turn his face over these words. He still politely said: "Look, Brother Han, now the Qingchen Sect is declining, and you Qingchen on such a large territory. The sect can't be used up, so why don't you give me the property to the west of the Qingchen Sect and let me run it, and I will also give you some appropriate compensation, okay."

  Han Yu turned his head and left, "There is no discussion about this, you can go away."

  Ba Tianyu's face changed: "In this case, Han Yu, don't regret it." Ba Tianyu turned his face faster than a book, but Han Yu didn't even look at him.

  Ba Tianyu flicked his sleeves, “Toast and not eat or drink fine wine, I want to see who is better.”

  Not long, this Ba Tianyu broke into the Qingchen Sect with a group of people.

   Han Yu looked at the leader Ba Tianyu and shouted: "Are you here to die!"

But Ba Tianyu smiled: "Brother, what you said is wrong. Since you are unwilling to give up the property, then we can only come hard. It is better for us to compete in the martial arts field for two games. If we win If we do, we will accept the property. If we lose, we will never harass you, how about it?"

   Seeing that the discussion failed, Ba Tianyu directly led the people to plan to **** the Qingchen Sect's property.

  Han Yu's Chu Liufei sneered: "Why do you say that you are better than us? Are you not good at your brain?"

Ba Tianyu said in a strange voice with yang and yin: "Hey, I didn’t expect this Qingchen sect to be such a soft egg nowadays, even if he loses his bones? Don’t dare to compare, we don’t blame you, everyone. Is that right?" The group of people that Ba Tianyu brought over burst into laughter.

   Han Yu said angrily, "Come on, Bibi, I want you to know that even now, Qingchen Sect is not something you can insult!"

  The people of the Qingchen Sect next to him persuaded: "Deacon Han, no, they are a radical method, and they must not agree to it. They are so confident, and there must be a conspiracy against you."

Han Yu looked at Ba Tianyu and others who were still ridiculing over there, but took a deep breath and said: "You don't need to persuade anymore. Even if there is a conspiracy, I have to go. I want others to know that we The Qingchen Sect is not something they can afford!" After a pause, he said immediately: "If anything goes wrong with me, you should be careful about everything. Don't go out easily to avoid being framed by the culprits."

   Looking at the Green Dust Sect, which had thousands of people, now there are only dozens of people left in this area. Han Yu's heart is sad, and it is indeed a tree falling down. However, there are still these loving and righteous brothers, and our Qingchen Sect will certainly stand tall!

  Han Yu said decisively: "Come on, let me see what you guys have, dare to come to our Qingchen Sect to go wild!"

  Everyone came to the martial arts field, and Ba Tianyu said strangely: “Brother Han, this fist is eyeless, if you are seriously injured, you can’t get revenge afterwards.”

  This Ba Tianyu had far-reaching thoughts. He was afraid that Han Yu would be killed in the course of the fight. Although Ye Qing did not dare to kill himself because of this, he must have trouble afterwards. Said this to let Ye Qing have no excuses to retaliate against herself afterwards.

  Han Yu naturally doesn’t care about this with him: “That’s natural. Win or lose depends on strength. Retaliation afterwards is a villain’s behavior!”

  This is a metaphor for Ba Tianyu to take advantage of the fire, and he is a villain. Ba Tianyu could hear it, but he didn't answer, he just sneered in his heart, waiting for you to look good on the martial arts arena.

  Ba Tianyu still has a bit of strength as a true disciple, I saw him leaping into Wutai and exuberantly said: "Come on, Han Yu, let me see what you can do."

  I saw Han Yu also jumped onto the martial arts stage, waiting in a virtual array.

   Raising his hand, a flash of lightning struck him, and Ba Tianyu actually understood the way of thunder and lightning. Han Yu summoned an ice shield to block it, which was actually the way to activate his comprehension.

  Ba Tianyu no longer kept his hand when he saw this, and he fully urged the way of thunder and lightning that he had understood. In a moment, the entire stage of the martial arts stage was full of purple electric lights.

Han Yu was struggling to support, but because of his busy handling of Qingchen Sect's affairs in recent years and neglect of cultivation and comprehension, his path of ice has not improved much, only in Ba Tianyu's thunderstorms. Support hard.

   Soon after the two of them stalemate, Ba Tianyu felt that it was almost done, and a purple thunder and lightning spewed out with virtual rings in his hands, forming the image of a purple dragon halfway through, rushing towards Han Yu.

  Han Yu quickly dodged, but he was overtaken by lightning, dodge left and right or was caught up, reluctantly had to cover the power of the ice all over his body, helplessly resist.

  Only hearing a boom, Han Yu vomited blood and was hit off the martial arts stage.

  Ba Tianyu smiled wildly: "Well, who else is not convinced, dare to fight with me!"

  Everyone in the Green Dust Sect only felt that they were about to split, and they were about to speak, but they heard a shout not far away

   "I'm not convinced!"

  In the distance, two figures, a man and a woman, came slowly, and it was Chen Xuan and He Xueer. It's just that because Chen Xuan is still in a state of disguise, no one can recognize that this person is Chen Xuan.

  Ba Tianyu sneered: "Who are you? There is no place for you to talk."

   Chen Xuan asked back: "I am also a member of the Qingchen Sect, why is there no place for me to talk."

  Ba Tianyu said with disdain: "Even if you are a member of the Qingchen Sect, the gambling agreement has been established, and even if his Sect Master Chen Xuan is dead and resurrected, what can I do?"

Chen Xuan sneered and lifted the pretense: "I really let you say it, I will be resurrected, but you are right, I can't take you, the property west of Qingchen Sect belongs to you, but you Wait, soon you will spit it out to me obediently."

  It turned out that Chen Xuan had already returned to the Sky Spirit Sect, but was hiding in the dark, watching the development of the situation. The reason why he did this was to see what Qingchen Sect had developed in the three years he was absent. The result was not beyond his expectations. It was indeed sinister. Seeing that the Blue Dust Sect could not bring them benefits, they all slipped away one by one, but fortunately, there are still a group of people with love and righteousness staying in the Blue Dust Sect. In the future, I will not treat these brothers who are in trouble together.

  Everyone looked shocked, unbelievable, Chen Xuan returned! The faces of Ba Tianyu's group were very ugly, while those of the Qingchen Sect were full of ecstasy, even a little unbelievable. But this is the fact, but they don't believe it.

  (End of this chapter)

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