Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1448: Rectify the Qingchen Sect

   Chapter 1448 Rectify the Blue Dust Sect

Just as Chen Xuan was planning his next move, all kinds of people outside the Qingchen Sect who had been disrespectful and disrespectful to the Qingchen Sect came to apologize, and those who had snatched the Qingchen Sect's property all had respectful hands. I gave my previous industry both hands, and I also brought a large amount of compensation.

Chen Xuan didn't understand it at first, but when those elders who couldn't beat the power and even some elders came to send gifts and congratulate him for escaping from the dead, Chen Xuan understood. This must be Mo Jingtian behind. I'm working hard.

Chen Xuan couldn’t help but felt a little moved. It seemed that he had to bring a great gift to the Sect Master. Although Mo Jingtian called himself a master uncle, he was still his Sect Master after all, and he still had to go to see him for the basic etiquette. Yes, not to mention that he is so caring about his gang, so he can't lose his manners.

The inheritance that Chen Xuan obtained in the cave was not only about cultivation, but also many ancient pill prescriptions he had never heard of. Among them was a pill called Huangling Pill, which was able to Promoting the realm's understanding of Tao and law can also stabilize the realm so as to achieve the effect of strengthening the foundation and cultivating vitality. Under the human emperor realm, it can greatly enhance the user's strength.

  Chen Xuan planned to make a furnace of Emperor Spirit Pill this time and bring it to Mo Jingtian. Since what he was going to refine this time was a pot of seven-level medicinal herbs, Chen Xuan was not sure that he could do it all at once, so he planned to find a few more medicinal materials, one of which is relatively rare and it is precisely the lack of medicinal materials that grow in Chen Xuan intends to find the Emperor's Blood Grass in the Abyss of Undead.

   "What's more, there is still a brother waiting for him there." Looking at the direction of the abyss of the undead, Chen Xuan muttered to himself.

Last time Chen Xuan came to the Abyss of the Undead, it took five days to hurry. Although Chen Xuan did not deliberately accelerate this time, he deliberately exercised his use of the law of space along the way, and the speed was actually much faster than last time. .

  Along the way, Chen Xuan's understanding of the laws of space has deepened a lot. Chen Xuan can't help feeling that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

  Chen Xuan discovered that the law of space is truly magical. He can now use the characteristics of the law of space to move instantaneously in a small area, which can be described as fascinating. However, this unpredictable way of moving was really expensive because Chen Xuan didn't have a deep understanding of the laws of space.

  The increase in Chen Xuan's strength by the law of space is more in the means of attack. Although Chen Xuan has not yet reached the point where it can tear space, he has been able to distort a region of space through the analysis of the law.

This distorted space can have two changes according to Chen Xuan's mind. The first is the folding and distortion of the space, which can instantly crush the roommates in a space into powder, which is very cruel, and the second is the simple distortion, which can make people. get lost.

  The second method is actually an advanced application of the law of space, and it is an understanding that can only be understood without words.

The first two kinds of consumption are not small. Although the third application is more advanced, it consumes less energy than the first two. Even with the support of the gods and demons, it is difficult for Chen Xuan to support the pure use of space laws for a long time. The fight goes on.

  Because the use of the law consumes not only the physical strength, but also the human spirit, which is simply the spiritual power. The heart of the gods and demons has a strong recovery ability, but it can't support the long-term consumption.

   Chen Xuan estimated that if he only uses the law of space, he can only hold on to a high-intensity battle for less than an hour with his current strength. Chen Xuan couldn't help sighing, as expected, his strength was too weak.

However, if this matter is heard by those strong in the Human Sovereign Realm, I don’t know how many people will be scared to death. After all, the Human Sovereign Realm has just stepped into the realm of comprehension of the law. Even the battle between them is often used martial arts competition. The comprehension and understanding of the law are put to the end, and used as a trick at the bottom of the box. There is no such thing as always using the law as a means of attack.

However, the laws of ordinary people's understanding of the imperial realm are related to the martial arts they often use, so they can use their understanding of the laws to enhance the power of martial arts when using ordinary means to fight the enemy. Therefore, the understanding of the laws will inevitably improve all aspects of strength. Is huge.

In addition, Chen Xuan can also use the law of space to carry out long-distance space transfers, but there are indeed many restrictions on this method. Chen Xuan needs to be aware of every detail of the place where he is about to transfer, otherwise accidents will easily occur. If you accidentally move to the wall, you will be seriously injured if you don't die, or it must be within Chen Xuan's sight.

  However, Chen Xuan has now created a realm, and his facial features are extremely sensitive. Therefore, during the daytime, he uses this method to travel thousands of miles every day. The only drawback is that the figure flashes and disappears like a ghost, and it is easy to scare others in the daytime...

  Outside of the Abyss of the Undead.

   Chen Xuan looked at the crowd coming and going with emotion. He hadn't been here for so long, but he didn't expect that there are more and more people in the Abyss of Undead now, and he also experienced many things during this period.

  However, Chen Xuan is also a tough-minded person, but after a little emotion, he accepted his heart and started to ask if anyone knew where Tian Xu was at this time.

  Yes, Chen Xuan came here not only to find the Emperor's Blood Grass, but also to find Tianxu, who had lost all his meridians three years ago in order to help him delay the Scarlet Flame Nether Lion.

  But after inquiring about it, there was not the slightest gain. After all, it has been so long, not to mention that finding an unfamiliar casual repairer is like finding a needle in a haystack.

  Just as Chen Xuan was frustrated, he suddenly heard someone yelling "Chen Xuan? Brother Chen Xuan? Is that you?"

  Chen Xuan looked back and found that it was Kong Ze who was in trouble with Tian Xu that day.

Chen Xuan was overjoyed. "Brother Kong Ze, why are you here, Tian Xu and Xiao Ting, do you know where they are now? When I was farewell, I had some accidents and failed to arrive on time. I'm really sorry to help Big Brother Tianxu restore the meridians until now," Chen Xuan explained before Kong Ze asked.

Kong Ze laughed and said, "Don't worry, Tian Xu is married to Xiao Ting now. Although he still can't practice but with Xiao Ting, they can live comfortably now. I took a task. The commission that came to the Abyss of the Undead to find medicinal materials came here. As you know, we casual cultivators can only rely on completing commissions in exchange for cultivation resources."

   "Then I don't know if Brother Kong is free now, can you take me to Brother Tianxu, so that I can fulfill the agreement three years ago." Chen Xuan smiled.

Kong Ze is not in a hurry, "It's okay. Now they are living well. Let's go to my residence first. After a long time no see, I have to have a good drink with you. When I complete the commission, I will take it. You go to Tianxu, and then you can finish it in no rush." ​​As Kong Ze said, he dragged Chen Xuan forward.

  Chen Xuan didn't break free, and let Kongze take him away cheerfully.

Kong Ze pulled Chen Xuan and arrived at the camp where he was temporarily stationed. There were three men and two women gathered by the fire in the camp. These five people are the same as the current Kong Ze. They are the strength of the ninth level of the True Element Realm. , It is neat, and it is rare that Kong Ze can find so many people of the same strength to gather together.

Kong Ze smiled and said to the group of people: "Come here, let me introduce you to everyone. This is a brother I knew a long time ago. Not only is his love and righteous, his strength is very strong. Let him follow us on this mission. Together, it must be stable, and the big guys don't have to worry about it."

One of the gentlemen wrinkled his brows and asked, "Kong Ze, what do you mean, a guy from the fifth floor of the True Element Realm, he said he is strong, he is obviously a drag oil bottle. You are really going back more and more alive, are you blind if you are not strong enough?"

Chen Xuan did not stop the operation of Hengtian Jue and kept his breath away, so now outsiders seem to be only the strength of the True Element Realm. Originally, Chen Xuan didn’t want to take care of this kind of dog-seeing people, but he finally An insult to Kong Ze is unbearable.

Chen Xuan is not a saint. This person first looked down on him and insulted his brother. How could this be tolerated. Chen Xuan asked, "So you are very strong? But I seem to be only at the 9th level of the True Element Realm. The strength of it."

  The man squinted at Chen Xuan, and said with disdain: "There is no place for you to speak, so let's get out of here."

Kong Ze furiously said: "Yang Chen, what do you mean, don't think that you are an employer and you can do whatever you want. My brother can't be insulted. The big deal is that I will stop doing it. I will take two shots. I will pay you for double breach of contract. gold."

  People have been persuaded by the side

   "Yang Chen, don't go too far. Kong Ze has said that he is strong, and there must be nothing wrong with him."

   "Yes, yes, I believe that Brother Kong Ze is not the kind of person who will bring us into danger."

Yang Chen snorted coldly, and his tone gradually softened: "I am also considering everyone. The place we are going to this time is very dangerous. Even if he is very strong, he is only at the fifth level of the True Element Realm. What role can he play? We will need to be distracted to protect him at that time." Obviously he didn't dare to provoke the anger of the crowd.

Chen Xuan laughed and said, "Don't bother your old man, I am actually in the ninth level of the reborn state." He showed the aura of the reborn state. This is also a good habit of keeping a hand at all times, even in a group of strengths. Around people who are much lower than him, this is also to prevent accidents. However, he still showed more strength within the tolerable range to deter some villains and avoid a lot of trouble.

  Yang Chen's expression changed drastically. He didn't dare to say more, and went back to his position in a desperate manner.

Kong Ze patted Chen Xuan on the shoulder and laughed and said, "I didn't see you wrong, Brother Chen Xuan, you are indeed a genius disciple of the Heavenly Spirit Sect. In just a few years, you have been born out of the womb, how do you look like us? Fen's casual cultivation, after so long, still stuck in the True Origin Realm without breaking through. "It's a little lonely when I say that.

  (End of this chapter)

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