Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1449: Undead Secret Realm

   Chapter 1449 Undead Secret Realm

   Chen Xuan secretly said that it was a coincidence, so he took out a pill and handed it to Kong Ze.

Seeing Kong Ze’s puzzled eyes, ** explained: "This is the pill that I got from the sect. It can help you break through from the true original state to the reborn state. I think you are also on the verge of breaking through. An opportunity, so I think this pill may be able to help you."

   Kong Ze asked excitedly: "Is this the legendary Po Yuan Dan?"

Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Kong Ze to know the name of this pill. It was one of the ancient pill prescriptions he had obtained. At that time, he made it easily in order to familiarize himself with the properties of the medicine. Of course, he still had a lot of them in the martial arts palace. This time he came out in a hurry, but in the future, he would have to hand over to the deacon in charge of the pills in Qingchen Sect.

   Chen Xuan asked in surprise: "It is the Po Yuan Dan that is good, but how did you recognize it?"

  It was Kong Ze’s turn to be surprised now, "Didn't you get this Po Yuan Dan from the Undead Secret Realm?"

  Chen Xuan is very interested. He hasn't heard of any undead secret realm. Could it be that what treasure was born? So he asked Kong Ze: "I've been practicing in retreat, I haven't heard of external affairs for a long time, and I hope my eldest brother can explain something to me."

  "This undead secret realm was discovered by accident not long ago. Although it hasn't been long since, everyone who has passed on it is known." A woman next to her heard Po Yuan Danhou deliberately came to explain.

It turned out that a month ago, at an auction in the East of the Undead called Anling City, there were five pill named Poyuan Pill. It is said to be a lost ancient pill, which can help people break through the true yuan 100%. Realm, it is reasonable to say that the medicine that can help people break through the real yuan realm is not particularly precious.

But later thought that the alchemist actually discovered that this pill can not only help people break through the true essence realm, but also stabilize the realm of reincarnation, make it easier for people to break through every level, greatly shorten the training time, and what is more abnormal is that, It can also increase the success rate of breaking through to the realm of good fortune, which is really amazing.

  Naturally, no one would believe this incredible news, but it is said that it was the news released by a top elder in Lingyan Pavilion, so the credibility is very high.

At this time, someone released the news that this pill was obtained in an undead secret realm found in the abyss of the undead. It is said that there are many broken yuan pill and many other ancient pill that have been lost, and there are even many spirit soldiers. , But no one has heard of where this undead secret realm is.

  So recently, many people have gathered in the abyss of the undead, all of them are looking for the undead secret realm.

After finishing speaking, the woman smiled at Chen Xuan and said, "I am Xiaomei, and I am glad to meet you as a master." This Xiaomei is neither humble nor overbearing, so Chen Xuan has a good impression of Dasheng, so she also smiled and replied: "My name is Chen Xuan and I am also very happy. Know you."

  Na Xiaomei said with a smile: "We were commissioned by Yang Chen this time to go with him to find the undead secret realm."

   Then Xiaomei whispered again: "This Yang Chen is also strange. He obviously has a high level of strength, but he has to hire someone to accompany him. However, we were originally going to find the Undead Secret Realm, and we happened to take advantage of it together."

Chen Xuan frowned and realized that things were not simple. This undead Secret Realm looked normal, but in fact it revealed strangeness everywhere. The most important thing was that he knew that the Po Yuan Dan he refined was not so magical at all. Efficacy, it seems that the so-called elders of Lingxiao Pavilion also have a big problem.

   So Chen Xuan persuaded: "Brother Kong, I think this is not easy. You'd better not go. This Po Yuan Dan is not so magical at all, maybe there is a big conspiracy in it."

  "This..." Kong Ze hesitated.

Since the words of Chen Xuan and others did not avoid others, Yang Chen also heard these conversations and saw Kong Ze hesitate. His face changed drastically, and he coldly hummed to Kong Ze: "If you want to violate the agreed commission But if you think about it, your credibility will be gone by then."

Hearing Yang Chen say this, although Kong Ze felt very uncomfortable, considering that he would have to accept a commission to eat in this circle, if someone knew that he gave up the commission for no reason, it would be difficult to receive it in the future. Commissioned.

   Kong Ze shook his head and rejected Chen Xuan’s proposal, saying, “There should be no problem, not to mention that so many people have entered the Undead Secret Realm with us.”

Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and didn't say much, but he stared at Yang Chen without saying a word. He could see that Yang Chen had a big problem, and his panic when he heard Kong Ze quitting did not escape Chen. Xuan's eyes.

  However, Chen Xuan is not afraid, so let me enter this so-called Undead Secret Realm with you to see what secrets are hidden in this Undead Secret Realm.

  Early the next morning, Chen Xuan and the others set out to find the undead secret realm deep in the abyss of the undead. However, only news came out of this Undead Secret Realm, but no one knew where it was. A group of people spent three full days in the Undead Abyss without seeing any shadow of the so-called Undead Secret Realm.

   Helplessly, Kong Ze suggested: "We have been looking for it for so long, and we haven't even seen the shadow of the undead Secret Realm. Why don't we let it go, let's see how it is."

  This sentence seems to be said to everyone, but in fact it is said to Yang Chen alone, after all, he is the employer. If they came to find the undead secret realm by themselves, it would be fine, but now that they have accepted someone else's entrustment, the employer does not say to give up, and other people are not easy to say this.

   Kong Ze’s remarks were meant for Yang Chen, and wanted to test Yang Chen’s reaction.

Yang Chen looked at the people silently, his eyes staying on Chen Xuan’s face for a particularly long time, and finally he slowly said: “Let’s do this, everyone will go back to the house separately, but because no undead was found this time Secret Realm, I don’t ask you to refund the entire deposit, half of it will do. What do you think.”

  Everyone is a person who knows right from wrong. Although they have not received the predetermined remuneration, they also have a lot of income, which is not a particularly loss.

  So a few people parted ways after handling the deposit, and Chen Xuan followed Kong Ze to Anling City where Tian Xu and Xiao Mei lived.

It's also a coincidence that Xu lived in Anling City where the news came before. Chen Xuan secretly said that it was strange that so many coincidences had all rushed together, but he didn't think much about it, and followed Kong Ze in a hurry. Slowly head to Anling City.

  Since he was on the road with Kong Ze, Chen Xuan naturally could no longer use the means of space transfer, and could only use the normal speed to travel to Anling City.

  No accident happened along the way, and he arrived in Anling City within a few days.

Because it is on the main route to the Abyss of the Undead, and is the closest city to the Abyss of the Undead, the Anling City is very prosperous, but the boundary of the Anling City is outside the scope of the management of the Heavenly Spirit Sect. .

Kong Ze is very familiar with the guards of the Anling City. After a little bit of work, he enters the city safely. It is well said that the king is easy to see the little ghosts. For these low-strength casual cultivators, dealing with these guards is natural. Be smart.

  However, these guards also know the way, and will not be too embarrassed by these low-strength monks. After all, they will be able to meet each other in the future, and they will not dare to provoke them. This Anling City has formed a strange balance of forces in this strange atmosphere.

After entering the city, Kong Ze took Chen Xuan around to a small courtyard with beautiful surroundings. Chen Xuan sighed secretly. It seems that Tian Xu has been doing well in the past few years, living in such a good environment, and accompanied by beautiful women. Although the cultivation base has been lost, the days are still happy and happy.

   Kong Ze pulled Chen Xuan into the door and shouted: "Tianxu, Tianxu, come out quickly, you see who is here.

A female voice came from the room: "Brother Tianxu is not at home, he is out, what can you do with him?" The woman walked out of the house and saw Kong Ze and Chen Xuan froze for a while, surprised Asked: "Are you...? Brother Chen Xuan, ah, I said you won't miss your appointment, you really came, come sit in the house."

  Chen Xuan looked at Xiao Ting, not seeing him for so long, Xiao Ting became more virtuous, more generous, and couldn't help but feel happy for Tian Xu. It was a blessing to marry such a daughter-in-law.

  Here, Xiao Ting is busy having tea. Chen Xuan observes the decorations in the room and can’t help but exclaims, “Your little house looks very comfortable.”

  Xiao Ting replied with a smile: "Thanks to Brother Kong Ze, if he hadn't used his savings to help us at the beginning, maybe we are still wandering."

   Kong Ze waved his hand, "Xiaoting, what you said is wrong, you are all your own brothers, regardless of these."

   was talking, but Tian Xu came back from outside.

  After a lot of greetings, Chen Xuan decided to treat Tianxu's meridians immediately, because he could see that Tianxu's body was very weak now because of the long-term damage to the meridians.

   So the two came to the yard. Chen Xuan put his hands against Tian Xu's dantian and front chest respectively, transported the gods and devil's birth decision, and controlled his vitality to slowly repair the broken meridians in Tian Xu's body.

  Chen Xuan discovered that due to the long-term damage of the meridians and the lack of vitality, Tian Xu’s injury would regress a lot even if he was cured, but because he was old, it would not be easy to repair it again.

  After the luck was over, Chen Xuan said apologetically, “I’m sorry for being too late. Now Tianxu, your meridians are shrinking and your cultivation base is greatly reduced. I’m really sorry.”

Tianxu didn’t take it seriously: "What you said was wrong. If you didn’t save our lives that day, I should thank you so much that I am today. Now you have come here to repair my meridians. I'm so grateful."

"Well, I have nothing to thank you for. I have accumulated some pills and medicinal materials over the years, which are of no use to me now. Brother Chen Xuan, please take them." Tian Xu is grateful. Said.

  (End of this chapter)

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