Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1461: Brothers get together

   Chapter 1461 Brothers Gather

  Chen Xuan came to see this scene and couldn't help feeling a bit amused. He quietly embraced Sun Tingting from behind. With Chen Xuan's ability to hide his breath now, Sun Tingting naturally did not notice Chen Xuan's arrival.

  It wasn't until Chen Xuan took her body that Sun Tingting was shocked. Just about to resist, she realized that it was Chen Xuan, but after a symbolic struggle twice, she snorted and stopped speaking.

  Chen Xuan smiled bitterly: "You are so smart, you must see what's going on." Chen Xuan decided to preemptively, so that even if Sun Tingting went angry, she wouldn't blame herself too much.

  Although I have a clear conscience, I still have to prevent someone from making troubles unreasonably.

Sun Tingting snorted again: "I don't care, you made me angry anyway." Chen Xuan smiled bitterly: "He is just the girl I accidentally rescued from the robbers. Later, it became more sticky to me. Just now it was just His mischief is nothing but real."

  Sun Tingting turned around to look at Chen Xuan and said seriously: “I’m not angry about this, I’m just too worried about losing you.”

  Sun Tingting's mood sank: "I don't want to have another situation like this and don't know when I can meet again. You need a woman to take care of you for a long time. I am not strong enough to be by your side."

   Then, Sun Tingting's tone became firm: "But, you must always think of me, remember that I have been waiting for you in the original place and waiting for you to come back."

  Chen Xuan was so touched, he just hugged Sun Tingting hard, as if to rub her whole person into his arms.

  A few days later, Kong Jing found Chen Xuan who was feeding Sun Tingting medicine at the martial arts field.

"Donor Jiang, the Cold Region has already begun to send troops in the past few days. Presumably, all the major forces in the Southern Region are preparing for the upcoming war. We also hope that the Donor Jiang will go down the mountain as soon as possible and make preparations." Said.

   Chen Xuan was shocked when he heard the words. He didn't expect the war to come so soon. Thinking about it, it was indeed time to go down the mountain, so he ordered Sun Tingting to clean up and prepare to return to the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

  Chen Xuan used He Xueer's "De-Tian Jue" because he did not replenish his vitality for a long time, so it was time to calculate the time.

Therefore, Chen Xuan said to Kong Ji: "The real name of the girl who came with me that day was He Xue'er. I think she behaved quite like an ancient martial artist. After I removed her disguise, I looked at Master Kong Ji. See if she is someone you know."

   Empty and quietly smiled and said: "Don’t you forget that I have a Dharma Eye? Although these disguise are clever, they can’t hide me. I knew who it was as soon as I met him that day."

  Chen Xuan replied: "But I forgot about the master's ability. This time I will take the first step and keep this girl with you. I hope you will send her back to the sect when you have time."

   Kongji replied: "This is natural, and the war is about to start. Now the secular world is indeed not safe, so it is good to send it back to the sect."

  Chen Xuan nodded and said: "Thanks to the master here." Although Chen Xuan's conversation with Kong Ji in the meeting room was very unpleasant, but at present, Kong Ji is full of kindness.

  Since the emptiness is still polite, Chen Xuan doesn’t greet him with a bad face, and is still the same as usual. As for what they think in their hearts, only their own hearts know.

  Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting quietly went down the mountain. When they left this time, Chen Xuan was naturally not using the remote teleportation array last time.

  The teleportation array used by the two Chen Xuan this time is a teleportation array that leads directly to the Kunwu Secret Realm, which is not far from the Sky Spirit Sect, so the two quickly returned to the sect.

Chen Xuan also had his own plan when he returned to the sect. This invasion was a major event for the entire southern region. The Heavenly Spirit Sect must also be involved in it, so naturally these disciples would not be able to escape. Returning this time The Heavenly Spirit Sect just happened to be able to participate in this war openly as a disciple of the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

On the way back to the evil of the sect, Chen Xuan found that the atmosphere in each town had obviously become dignified, and the inspections of entering and leaving the city were also much more stringent. All major roads can come and go to see the transportation and transportation of various materials. The armies of the three kingdoms.

  There are also disciples of the three major sects that you don't usually see. At this moment, they are quite common on the road, coming and going, it is spectacular.

However, the ensuing fights are also very common. Although the kingdom sects who usually don’t deal with each other are very restrained at this moment, there are still some young and energetic people who fight with each other because of small things, but these are quickly affected. The respective elder officers stopped it.

  Chen Xuan was very worried about this situation. I am afraid that before the army of the cold region arrives, the major forces of the southern region will start fighting.

  It is not Chen Xuan's alarmist talk. For example, the Tianfeng Empire and the Leiyin Empire, which are usually hostile to each other, will not fight at this important moment, but naturally they will inevitably make things difficult when the opponent's army mobilizes through its own territory.

  In this way, Chen Xuan returned to the Heavenly Spirit Sect in a state of worry all the way.

  What Chen Xuan did not expect was that when Chen Xuan returned to the Qingchen Sect, he was surprised to find that his elder brother, second brother, and third brother had already returned.

The three of Chu Liufei were also very surprised when they saw Chen Xuan's return. Chu Liufei patted Chen Xuan's shoulder and said excitedly: "I knew it, I knew that your boy is very lucky and will not die outside easily. Hahaha."

  Dongfang Qun lightly beat Chu Liufei: "What are you talking about, Chen Xuan has already returned, so don't say these unlucky words anymore."

  Chu Liufei happily touched the back of his head: "Yes, right, right, look at my mouth, it's good to be back, and it's good to be back."

  Yin Tianxing smiled and said: "Fourth brother is still capable. Only a few days after he came back, the Qingchen Sect has recovered to its former prosperous state, and he really deserves to be our legendary third brother."

  Chu Liufei said triumphantly: "That's it, don't look at whose third brother it is." Dongfang Qun laughed and cursed: "You have to be shameless, you rascal."

   Chen Xuan looked at the squabbles and was very moved. This is brotherhood.

  Although they always worry about your safety in their hearts, they never express it. Chen Xuan couldn't help smiling and said, "I'm back. Brother Lao bothered me."

  A tear flashed in the eyes of Chu Liufei's three people. The four of them hugged each other. Chu Liufei said, "Brother, it's good to be back. It's good to be back."

  Chen Xuan nodded heavily: "Yeah!"

This is because Chu Liufei cleared up his mind and asked: "Fourth brother, I haven't asked you how you escaped from the dead. When Ye Qing said that you were dead, almost everyone believed it, but we firmly believe that you will. I came back, and now it seems that I was right."

Chen Xuan explained his experience to a few older brothers with a smile. Several people couldn’t help but sigh: “Sure enough, I know you are the person who can create miracles the most. None of us has broken through the realm of creation, but you The imperial realm of the insider is not far away, and as expected, people are more popular than others."

   "Yeah, I didn't expect that although you are the youngest of the four of us, you are the strongest. It's really annoying."

   Although several people said so, they were just making fun of Chen Xuan. In fact, they were more happy than anyone to see Chen Xuan's improvement in strength.

That night, Chu Liufei took Chen Xuan and several people into a drunk, even drunk a lot of Han Yu who usually doesn't drink alcohol. Several people are very strong, but they are invariably used to resist the drunkenness. But let the alcohol numb his nerves.

  Chen Xuan knew that this was the heart that several elder brothers had always mentioned for themselves. This time, they let it go. This is a way for them to vent their emotions. Chen Xuan was quite moved in his heart and accompanied a few people to make mischief.

  As for Sun Tingting, she returned to her own gang and said that she would give Chen Xuan a surprise. Seeing Sun Tingting's mysteriousness, Chen Xuan was unwilling to destroy this beautiful warmth, so naturally he wouldn't ask much.

  The next day, Chu Liufei took a few people to the Tianlingzong hall early.

   Chen Xuan saw almost all the disciples of the Tianlingzong gathered together and couldn't help asking: "Brother, what's the situation, why are all the disciples gathered together today."

Chu Liufei explained: "You just came back, the third brother, you may not know that the cold region is about to invade, and the mainland war is about to start. This time is a major event for our entire southern region. All sect countries cannot escape. , Including us disciples, also want to participate in the war. This is what the Sovereign notified two days ago. This time it is a pre-war mobilization meeting."

   "Wait a few days, the Sovereign will also arrange for the elders, true disciples, and various principals of the sect to hold a combat plan planning meeting together to arrange combat missions for these people. We will all participate in that time."

  Chen Xuan knew about the events of the war, but the mobilization before the war made Chen Xuan a little bit expectant, not knowing what the suzerain would say.

Not long after, Mo Jingtian walked out of the hall in the eyes of the public. He glanced at the disciples and said majesticly: "This war will have a unique contribution system, and the disciples who complete the task can get very expensive I hope everyone will work harder."

   Chen Xuan looked bewildered, this is the legendary pre-war mobilization?

  Chu Liufei saw Chen Xuan’s question and laughed loudly: “Does the fourth brother think this pre-war mobilization is quite a trifling matter? I don’t know what the lord is talking about?”

  Chen Xuan nodded, and Chu Liufei explained badly: "This is because this is not a pre-war mobilization meeting. This is just a press conference for the suzerain to announce a new set of special contributions during the war."

  Chen Xuan questioned: "Then why did you tell me..." Chen Xuan suddenly realized that this is Chu Liufei's tricky character has happened again, Chen Xuan looked helpless, this elder brother, really boring.

  Chen Xuan stopped paying attention to these boring people, and went to the announcement board to carefully check this special contribution system.

  Chen Xuan looked at this so-called special contribution system, and found that the above rewards were not attractive to him, so he stopped paying attention.

  (End of this chapter)

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