Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1462: National war

  Chapter 1462 The war of nations

  Chen Xuan was not very interested in the battle plan a few days later. He found Han Yu and wanted to replace him in the meeting. However, Han Yu said, “It’s okay. You don’t need to care about it.”

   Chen Xuan asked: "Why is this?"

Han Yu explained: "The protagonist of this war is not our three sects and the Gedek Sanxiu sect, but the three empires. Although the top strength of the three empires is not as good as the three sects, the three empires have organized armies. Although the three sects are large in number, many of these disciples are disciples of the wealthy families of the three empires. "

When the war is about to start, these wealthy children will naturally go back to fight with their families. In this way, the number of players in the three major sects will naturally decrease. This time the suzerain only told us to explain some of the things we need to pay attention to when fighting. Don't care too much. "

Chen Xuan suddenly realized, but he asked incomprehensibly: "How did you learn about these things." Han Yu smiled slightly: "If you haven't been in the sect for a long time, naturally you won't know it. These are basically public news. "

  Chen Xuan was helpless. He was running around, so naturally he would not know these things that were basically common sense.

Chen Xuan thought for a moment. Now is not the best time to find the two people and two beasts. If he goes there, he will be detained and left behind. At this point of view, you must not take this risk. You should wait until the right time. Plan again.

When Chen Xuan was thinking about the next action plan, he found that Sun Tingting was slowly walking from the front door with a large group of people. Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Tingting, why are you here? You brought so many people. , Is it possible to defect with me?"

  Sun Tingting smiled and said: “How come Brother Chen is so smart, yes, I brought all the members of Tingting to teach you, and this is my surprise for you.”

  Chen Xuan did not expect that he had made an unintentional teasing, but he actually said it. At this moment, he couldn't help but open his mouth, staring at a group of Tingting disciples dumbfounded.

  Chen Xuan smiled and said: "This is nothing to me, it's just that the male disciples of the Qingchen Sect and Chu Liufei are happy to break them."

The leader of Sun Tingting is a woman. There are naturally many women taught by Tingting, and some come to Sun Tingting and many female disciples to join Tingting, but these men are naturally rejected. Later, Sun Tingting simply refused to recruit. There are male disciples, which leads to an unusually small number of male disciples taught by Tingting.

  Sun Tingting said unhappily: "Why, don't you like this surprise?" Chen Xuan quickly laughed: "If you like it, how can you dislike it? As long as you give it, I like it."

  Sun Tingting looked shy and cursed: "I hate it." So she ran to hand over affairs with Han Yu and Chen Xuan's three elder brothers.

  Obviously, Sun Tingting also knew that Chen Xuan was not often in the Qingchen Sect, so naturally she would not control affairs. Chen Xuan rubbed his nose and smiled bitterly. He was really worthy of the name as the famous suzerain.

I heard that Tingting Sect is going to merge into the Qingchen Sect. The disciples of the Qingchen Sect are full of joy. As the saying goes, it’s a good idea to get a month near the water tower. Tingting taught so many female disciples to join the Qingchen Sect. There is a little chance to get one or two to marry home as a wife.

  "Tsk tusk, our Sect Master is really amazing. It seems that I was right when I chose to join the Qingchen Sect."

   "Pull you down, could you come if it wasn't for me to pull you in? But what you said is correct. Joining the Qingchen Sect is indeed the wisest decision in my life."

  Similar discussions can be seen in various places in the Qingchen Sect. The more daring disciples ran directly to the women of Tingting Sect to show their diligence. Everyone from the Qingchen Sect naturally followed suit.

  In an instant, many female disciples taught by Tingting were surrounded by a dense layer of people.

The female disciple taught by Tingting doesn't say that she has a peerless appearance, but after so long of cultivation, her appearance will not be much worse. No wonder the disciples of these Qingchen Sect are so excited.

  Tingting’s female disciples are also very excited, but naturally these things will not show on their faces, all of them are extremely cold, turning a blind eye to the instructions of the Qingchen Sect’s disciples.

  Chen Xuan was a little bit funny, and sighed: "It's nice to be young." After a moment of stunned, he realized that he was not very old, and he laughed out loud.

  Sun Tingting came over, saw Chen Xuan's appearance, and smiled: "What are you doing in such a silly way." Chen Xuan touched his head and smiled silly.

The incorporation of a gang is not just as simple as talking about it. The accommodation of personnel, the distribution of future benefits, the distribution of resources, etc., must be solved one by one, but Sun Tingting is all involved. Handled them to Han Yu and Chu Liufei.

  Chu Liufei had a good relationship with Chun Shui next to Sun Tingting. Of course, he was working harder at this moment. It was just suffering from Dongfang Qun. Yin Tianxing and Han Yu were busy with each other.

Although the Tingting Sect was merged into the Qingchen Sect this time, it will take some time to run in. Therefore, the positions of the original Tingting Sect’s directors have been retained. At present, Tingting Sect is only in name. Incorporated into the Blue Dust Sect.

  In fact, many of the things that Tingting teaches are still handled by them, and many things need to be dealt with slowly, and they can’t be anxious.

  Chen Xuan held Sun Tingting’s shoulders and slowly said, “The war is about to come. It’s okay to use this to distract these people.”

  Sun Tingting suddenly said sadly: “I don’t know how many of these people still won’t come back.”

Chen Xuan stroked her hair lightly: "Don’t be sad, war is inevitable. As Master Kong Silence said, life and death have days. What we can do is to help them improve their strength and improve their survival rate on the battlefield. After all, we cannot protect them all the time."

  Sun Tingting said softly: "If it is possible, I really don't want them to participate in this war."

  Chen Xuan comforted: "People always grow up through tempering. Jade can't become a weapon." Sun Tingting replied softly, "I understand, but it's a bit sad."

  Chen Xuan was also quite helpless. This is also something that can't be helped. The mainland is not peaceful, and under the scene of singing and dancing is a horrible whirlpool of dark tides. Chilling horrors are happening on this continent all the time.

   Chen Xuan was helpless, and now it is difficult for even himself to save himself, let alone save others.

  Looking at Sun Tingting's desire to speak, Chen Xuan had to secretly helpless, really powerless, Chen Xuan once again felt his own weakness, and he desperately wanted to improve his strength.

A few days later, Mo Jingtian announced that all his disciples could move freely. The disciples of the Sky Spirit Sect set off in twos and threes. Some were searching for fighters with friends, while others were following people from the three empires to return to the family to fight for them. .

Naturally, there are people who want to avoid fighting, but these people are finally attracted by the generous rewards for participating in the war, or they are pulled and half pushed half by friends around in twos and threes. It is unknown whether these people will come back or not. Will people regret the act of dragging their friends to participate in the war?

  As for Mo Jingtian, he gathered a group of elders. He didn't know what mission was given to them. The gods disappeared mysteriously, but Mo Jingtian himself stayed in the Tianling Sect, just in case.

  With Chen Xuan's strength, he should have become one of the elders of the Heavenly Spirit Sect, but I don't know why, Mo Jingtian didn't mention this matter, and Chen Xuan himself would naturally not ask.

This special action of the elders Mo Jingtian also invited Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan refused, for no other reason, but Chen Xuan still wanted to seek revenge for the eyes of the gods and demons owned by Rushuang, so naturally he would not execute them. Rao Shizi's secret mission.

  Mo Jingtian didn't say much, but he instructed Chen Xuan to be careful, and gave Chen Xuan a bottle of medicine, instructing him to pay attention to safety. Chen Xuan was moved in his heart, and secretly said that the suzerain was really not good at treating himself.

  After the disciples set off in twos and threes, Chen Xuan also ordered the Qingchen Sect to set off together.

Although the Qingchen Sect also has many disciples from the three major empires, many disciples still decided to follow the Qingchen Sect's directors, and Chen Xuan did not refuse them.

However, Chen Xuan decided that he would not act with them in this war, including his eldest brother and Han Yu Sun Tingting. These people need to protect the disciples of the Qingchen Sect, and what they are going to do is very dangerous, so naturally they will not. Let these people follow their own adventures.

Sun Tingting was puzzled and asked sadly: "Dust, are you leaving me alone again?" Chen Xuan gently stroked her back and said, "Fool, what I have to do this time is very difficult. Danger, how can I be willing to let you accompany me on the adventure."

  Chen Xuan then said: "What's more, I am leaving now, and it will take a few days before I leave, so don't be too sad."

  Sun Tingting whimpered with tears, but she couldn't help Chen Xuan, so she had to stay obediently with the people of Qingchen Sect.

  It’s not that Chen Xuan was worried about Sun Tingting’s strength, but he was really afraid that Sun Tingting would have any accidents with him, and that it would be much easier to move by himself, without any worries, and after thinking twice, Chen Xuan decided to keep Sun Tingting behind.

   Coming to the forefront of the defense line composed of the three empires, the disciples of the Qingchen Sect camped outside the city and rested.

  Chen Xuan decided to first go to the mission management office to see if there is anything more suitable for the current Qingchen sect disciple’s mission.

This was the request of Chu Liufei. Because Chen Xuan was quite strong, they hoped that Chen Xuan could lead some disciples to familiarize themselves with the battlefield situation before the war went into fierce heat. If Chu Liufei led the team alone, it would be unavoidable. There were casualties, and a few people led the team together, and time was too late for all the disciples to exercise.

   And Chen Xuan's strength and other aspects are just suitable for leading the team alone, so Chen Xuan was forced to take on some leading tasks.

  (End of this chapter)

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