Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1463: Task mechanism

   Chapter 1463 Mission Mechanism

  As for the mission management office, it is a department composed of the three major empires and the three major factions, because relying on the three major empires alone naturally cannot take care of all aspects of intelligence on the battlefield.

  So there is a task management office composed of major forces that specializes in publishing battlefield tasks. Naturally, there will be corresponding rewards for completing tasks.

  However, these rewards are not clear physical objects, but some completion value issued to the person who completed the task after verification by the person who issued the task.

  These completion points can be rewarded in different forces after the war is over. The three empires can be exchanged for military honors, and the martial arts can be exchanged for corresponding sect contribution points. Those casual repairs can also use these completion values ​​to exchange for different items in different places.

  During the war, these completion points can also be exchanged in various cities and towns for healing medicines and some common weapons that are more in demand during the war.

  Chen Xuan searched for a long time in the task release column in the lobby of the task management office to find a more suitable task for Chen Xuan to lead the team.

This is a mission to annihilate an outpost established by an enemy that was discovered three days ago. This outpost is not small in scale, but it is also considered to be medium. However, since the major forces have not yet exerted their power, there are not enough casual repairs. Strength went to unplug this outpost, so this task was put on hold.

  Chen Xuan was confident that he was strong enough, and the team members that he could bring were almost in line with the needs. After all, those reconnaissance missions did not require too many people, and they might not be able to meet the enemy, so Chen Xuan took this mission.

  When entering the camp, everyone has received a simple and unpretentious jade card to record their completed value. At this moment, Chen Xuan signed the task at the staff under the jade screen that marked the task.

This is a rule set to prevent someone from receiving the task repeatedly. After signing, the task will disappear from the big jade screen, so that it will not cause several teams to repeatedly receive the same task and cause misunderstandings. Embarrassing situation.

  Chen Xuan needs to go back and pick some disciples to pick up the task here. Only in this way can you receive the completion value after completing the task, otherwise you will not receive the completion value.

  He didn’t know, the task management office had been talking about it after he left.

   "Who took this task? Is it the people of the three empires?"

   "No, it seems that some disciple of the Celestial Spirit Sect took this task."

   "No way, how can Tian Lingzong have such a fool, are you sure this is a person, not a group of people?"

   "I saw it, it's just one person. He also said that he would let more than 20 people pick up this task."

   "No way, such a small number of people are going to die..."

   "Don't think about it, maybe they are all very powerful."

   "High? Where can it go so high, can all the staff be reborn?"


  After Chen Xuan went back, he chose 29 disciples, and he himself made up a total of 30 people. The strength of these disciples is not low, and they are basically in a state of reincarnation, because Chen Xuan realized that the task was not simple after reading the introduction of this task.

   Chen Xuan gave them his jade card and asked them to take the task with his jade card as evidence, and then he began to think about how to complete the task.

The description of the mission is that three days ago, there were about twenty people in this outpost, and their strength was between the fifth and eighth floors of the reborn realm. There were no people from the good fortune realm, but three days have passed. It is impossible to guarantee that there will be no accidents. .

Chen Xuan was a little frightened when he saw this information. There were more than a dozen powerful men born out of the realm in just one outpost. If the troops in the Cold Region were of this kind of strength, I'm afraid this time the three major empires and the three major sects. It's dangerous.

You must know that even most of the disciples of the Heavenly Spirit Sect are in the real-element state to the reborn state, and the armies of the three empires generally only have the strength of the force-gathering state, and the real-element state can be regarded as a small powerhouse. .

   And this outpost has more than a dozen powerful men born out of the realm. If the army in the cold region is of this kind of strength, then these lines of defense may be broken in battle.

  Chen Xuan felt worried, but this was a misunderstanding by Chen Xuan. Although the strength of the army in the Cold Region was higher than that of the major forces in the Southern Region, it was only a gap of one or two levels in the same realm.

  Moreover, the major forces in the Southern Region have much more people who can participate in the battle than in the Cold Region, so they are evenly matched.

  These are already clear information, you can buy it at the mission management office for a little bit of spirit jade.

This is also the reason why this task was hung there for a few days and no one received it, because the strength shown in the intelligence is too high. Not many people dare to take on such a task, for fear of accidentally folding it here. After all, the war is still there. Without the beginning, no one hopes to die before leaving the school.

In fact, even if Chen Xuan does not accept this task, at most it will be taken away by people from the three major empires in half a day, because it is indeed too abnormal for so many masters to gather together. It is impossible to guarantee that there will be no conspiracy. The sky didn't come to receive it and it was just mobilizing manpower.

  It's a pity that Chen Xuan focused all of his attention on the task, ignoring these things. If he asked for a little bit, he would not take the task.

However, Chen Xuan did not hesitate too much. Although three days have passed, the outpost does not know how many more manpower has been added, but with the strength of Chen Xuan's team, Chen Xuan can definitely handle it. Chen Xuan can drag at least ten people out of the world. Opponent.

  Others, with their strength, even if they are not opponents, they can support Chen Xuan to rescue them after they have resolved them.

  So Chen Xuan just set off with a little preparation, but even for this kind of task, he didn't perform it with Sun Tingting. This is not because of fear of danger, but it is really a waste of two good fortune realms to lead the same team, so this time only Chen Xuan led the team.

  Finding the reserved spot for investigation, Chen Xuan couldn't help feeling sigh, and it was also because of the fact that the investigation team at this outpost had a strong ability to detect, otherwise such a hidden place would not be easy.

  The place where this outpost was established is very remote. This is a depression in a very inconspicuous hill. Ordinary people build outposts. The observation station is not a place where concealment and vision coexist. Why would you choose here? It's useless except for being quite concealed.

  Chen Xuan asked one of his disciples to investigate, while he led other disciples to hide in hiding. This was also a good opportunity to exercise their anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

With a stick of incense, the disciple came back and said to Chen Xuan with a relaxed expression: "Sect Master, don’t worry, I just found out that there is no expert in this outpost, only a dozen have just arrived in the True Origin Realm. Soldiers, but..."

  The disciple hesitated for a moment, and Chen Xuan immediately asked: "But what? What else do you find?" Chen Xuan keenly discovered the impropriety.

The disciple replied hesitantly, "I'm not particularly sure, but when I just touched it, it seemed that more than a dozen masters of the reborn realm had just left, but I was far away, and they left. It’s extremely fast, so I’m not particularly sure."

  Chen Xuan touched his chin. The strength of the guards here is basically only one line higher than the elite strength of the armies of the major empires, but Chen Xuan is not happy. He keenly feels that there must be some conspiracy.

  In order to prevent those who left the birthplace from firing a carbine, Chen Xuan decided to wait a while before launching an attack.

  An hour later.

   Chen Xuan felt that the time was almost up, so he ordered the members of the team to prepare for battle.

  Everyone touched a place suitable for launching an attack, prepared their weapons, and carried the exercises.

   With an order, everyone attacked the camp like a hungry tiger.

  The guards at that outpost are only the strength of the True Origin Realm, which is no better than the lowest level of the Heavenly Spirit Sect disciples who are born out of the first level.

  In an instant, all the guards in this camp were cleared. Although some disciples were accidentally injured by these guards' desperate resistance, they were all minor injuries, which was not a major problem.

  Chen Xuan ordered the disciples to clean the battlefield, and he himself inspected the outpost carefully. The suspicious signs at the outpost indicated that the outpost was not simple.

Chen Xuan carefully inspected this outpost, but found nothing wrong. Chen Xuan's brows wrinkled tightly. He always felt that there was something wrong with this outpost, but he couldn't remember anything. .

A disciple next to    smiled and said, "This outpost is really interesting, and we planted grass in the camp."

   Chen Xuan's inspiration flashed, and he grabbed the disciple and asked, "What did you say? Say it again!"

  This disciple was taken aback, and tremblingly asked: "Sect Master, what's the matter?"

   Chen Xuan said anxiously: "It's okay, you repeat what you just said?"

  The disciple said again tremblingly, and Chen Xuan quickly asked: "How do you know that grass is planted in it?"

The disciple explained: "Because my family used to manipulate the crops, I was more sensitive to this aspect, so I could tell at a glance that the weeds in this camp were planted, and there are generally no camps that do not clean up the weeds. "

  Chen Xuan suddenly realized that something must be buried under this camp, and he quickly ordered these disciples to dig out these places that seemed to be planted with weeds.

  These disciples don't know why, but they still dig obediently. In particular, the disciple who explained to Chen Xuan thought he was punished for digging a hole because he had said something wrong, and his mood was rather down.

  Not long after digging, some disciple discovered something, and Chen Xuan quickly helped the disciple get out the dug out. After taking it out, Chen Xuan discovered that this was a section wrapped in pieces of animal skins. These sections did not know what they were made of. They looked very extraordinary. Chen Xuan felt a trace of the power of the law of space on it.

  (End of this chapter)

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