Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1469: Fighter King

   Chapter 1469

  But high-level ice spirits are very rare, so even the armors formed by the most powerful are mixed with a bit of lower-quality ice spirits.

And the two brothers accidentally obtained a peculiar ice spirit in a hunting process. After refining, they can not only slowly transform the ice spirit in their bodies, but also assimilate these low-quality ice spirits into the same ice spirits as themselves. Moreover, the armor formed is hard and can absorb vitality to repair itself. So the strength of the two has grown rapidly.

  However, there is consumption between these transformations, so the two brothers occupy a lot of resources in the clan.

  The two brothers are powerful people who have spent a huge amount of resources in the clan and are naturally extremely powerful.

  The three of them have done hundreds of tricks, but they have no results.

   Immediately afterwards, the three of them rushed out of the battle circle one after another, and at the same time began to gather their strength. The three of them unexpectedly used their real ability at the same time.

The Shuang Han Shuang Leng two people used the law of ice to strengthen their armor weapons. In a short time, the two armor weapons attached a dark blue light, and even their bodies grew a lot, and then The two attacked Chen Xuan together. On the way, the two were faintly united, and the offensive was extraordinary.

This trick was created by the two brothers at a critical moment of life and death. That time when the two brothers were hunting a small ice antelope that is equivalent to a special product of the cold region, they mistakenly broke into the form of being recuperating. The cave of the world of beasts, that is the beast of the two people of the good fortune realm that can withstand the form of transformation, even if this beast seems to have suffered extremely severe injuries, it can't even maintain its human form. But at the critical moment of life and death, the two of them made this move together.

  At that moment, the two brothers actually broke through the realm of creation, realized the law, and transformed their own way of ice into the law of ice, and therefore beheaded the beast of the transforming realm. After countless practice, the two slowly figured out this combination attack.

  This trick used to be used before, it's not bad. This time, they are also very confident in their attacks.

  At the same time, Chen Xuan will use the classic ice and fire double lotus. The reason why Chen Xuan chose this trick is his consideration. The attack method of the ice and fire double lotus is to induce the balance between the ice and fire double lotus, thereby breaking this balance, causing violent explosions and fluctuations in the law, thus harming the target. .

And these two brothers are obviously the masters of the law of ice, and the attack used by this trick must also contain this strong law of ice. Don’t provoke them at all. The attacks of these two will naturally break the balance. Add more strength, and the power will definitely be much higher.

  What's more, Chen Xuan combined the sword aura of the spirit sword technique with the attack of the spatial law that he just learned in this move. Chen Xuan is also very confident. What if you are two strong men in the imperial realm?

  In the state of being extremely confident on both sides, the moves collided.

  For a moment, Chen Xuan felt that time seemed to stand still, and everything around him was silent.

   But there was only a moment that was insignificant, and Chen Xuan thought it was his own illusion.

Then, there was an explosion, an extremely violent explosion, centered on the three-person moves, and violent law fluctuations occurred around the three of them, and the nearer birthplace was directly bleeding from the seven orifices in this violent law fluctuation. dead.

   Chen Xuan's instinctive feeling is not good. In the rapid change, he instinctively uses the law of communication space and wants to use teleportation to escape here.

  As a result, a sudden change occurred, and an extremely dark black hole formed in the middle of the attack, which randomly generated a powerful repulsive force that bounced everything around it.

Although the two brothers of Shuang Leng Shuang Han had powerful armor protection, they were still severely injured by this violent law fluctuation, explosion and repulsion. They bounced and fell to the ground, unconscious.

   Chen Xuan, who was supposed to be safe, was disturbed by the violent fluctuations in the law, and turned out to be straight into the black hole.

  This violent explosion actually shook the surrounding people with slightly lower strength to death, and also exploded a huge hole where the three of them were fighting.

Only the man who was far away did not receive any influence. He did not know what to do when he saw this scene. After waiting for a while, he hurriedly took Chen Xuan after he was sure that Chen Xuan would not appear again. The two brothers who were seriously injured and unconscious and the remaining soldiers used the teleportation array to leave.

  As for the teleportation array, the old man stayed behind a soldier, and after a few people teleported away, the teleportation array was destroyed before escaping by himself. Obviously this person is considered an abandoned child.

  However, this soldier has no complaints. The people in the cold region are really terrifying.

In the distance, Sun Tingting and others, who had been away for a long time, even faintly felt the aftermath of the explosion and the fluctuations. Sun Tingting glanced at Chen Xuan's direction worriedly, a feeling of anxiety flashed in her heart, and then urged everyone to go back quickly. , And quickly call for reinforcements.

  At the place where the three of Chen Xuan met, the black hole slowly healed under the repairing effect of the law of heaven and earth until it disappeared. Only a aftermath of the fluctuation of the law is left.

  As soon as Chen Xuan teleported into the black hole, he knew that the big thing was not good, so he didn't feel the fluctuating sense of the correct place of the teleportation this time.

   felt an aura of tyranny and chaos. Before Chen Xuan could react, his body fell cold and he immediately lost consciousness.

Shortly after.

  Sun Tingting took the reinforcements and looked at the dead body and Chen Xuan who was missing. She was desperate in her heart: "Could it be that this time, is he really dead?"

After investigating the scene, Di Yuan said confidently: "Don't worry, siblings, Chen Xuan is okay." Sun Tingting asked like crazy, "What did you say! How did you know! This is true!" Is it!"

Di Yuan smiled bitterly and soothed the almost crazy Sun Tingting. After Sun Tingting calmed down a little bit, he said: "There are traces of these two battles on this scene. From the traces, it should be the celebrity you mentioned that the old man in the imperial realm came back later. Two imperial realm powerhouses were called."

  "Look at the center of the explosion. There are two places where the explosion has been clearly resisted. The traces in these places are much shallower than other places. This shows that this is where they stood when the explosion happened."

Di Yuan pointed to the place where the two brothers Shuang Leng Shuang Han fell down and said, "Look, here are the traces of the two people falling down. This shows that the old man called two more helping hands. Through the fluctuation of the rules on the scene, I can I'm sure that these are at least two powerhouses in the mid-level imperial realm."

When Sun Tingting heard the words, she softened and said in despair, "Then Chen Xuan must be dead." Suddenly thinking of something, Sun Tingting raised her sword and pointed at Di Yuan and said, "It's all you. If it weren't for you, Chen would definitely not In such a dangerous situation! Today, I want you to pay for his life!" Obviously, Sun Tingting was almost crazy.

  Di Yuan calmly said, "If you still want to know the whereabouts of Chen Xuan, just listen to me."

  Sun Tingting looked straight at Di Yuan, and for a while, put away his Kendo: "I'll wait for you to finish. If you lie to me, you know what you will end up with!"

Di Yuan smiled, and then said: "Judging from the traces of these two celebrities in the imperial realm, the two must have been seriously injured or even killed at the time. It should be someone who took them away after the explosion. It was the work of the old man in the imperial realm, and the damaged teleportation array found in the camp can also prove this."

Sun Tingting looked at Di Yuan coldly and said: "Say the point!" Di Yuan said helplessly: "Don't worry, the next point is the point." After a pause, Di Yuan continued: "Only Chen Xuan resisted the traces of the explosion. But there is no trace of him leaving or falling to the ground, so I infer that Chen Xuan must have used some means to escape. After all, enemies in the reborn realm that are very close have all left corpses. Even if Chen Xuan died, it is impossible to leave the corpse. ."

Speaking of this, Di Yuan smiled and said: "It just so happens, I know that Brother Chen Xuan has such a life-saving item, that is the Thousand Miles Talisman. And through the way of space I have realized, I can also faintly feel the space in the space. The fluctuation of the law further confirmed my conjecture. I think that at the time, Brother Chen Xuan must have felt that he could not force the explosion, so he should have used the Thousand Miles Talisman to escape. It must be because of this reason that he failed to come back in time. After all, Thousands of miles are teleported to thousands of miles away."

  Sun Tingting heard Di Yuan’s analysis and also remembered that Chen Xuan had a life-saving item of Thousand Miles Talisman, and the hanging heart finally fell. Randomly realized that his behavior was really inappropriate, and randomly apologized: "I'm sorry, Brother Di, I was rude just now."

  Di Yuan waved his hand and said that it was okay: “It’s okay. It’s really to blame for my failure to prepare for intelligence, which caused Brother Chen Xuan to be in danger. When he comes back, I will personally apologize to him!”.

   Although most of Di Yuan’s reasoning is correct, the result is far from it. He only considered Chen Xuan's Thousand Miles Talisman, but he did not expect Chen Xuan himself to have the law of space, let alone that this kind of thing would happen when the law was chaotic.

   However, I guessed by mistake that Chen Xuan had escaped here, otherwise, I can't point out what kind of madness Sun Tingting would go into.

  Two flowers bloom, one for each.

After Sun Tingting and others cleaned the battlefield, they left here. The results of this battle were huge, not only killing 23 of the cold realm's reborn realm and two good fortune realms, but also severely wounding three strong men of the imperial realm. More importantly, it broke the enemy's plan to ambush.

  If it were not Chen Xuan, but someone else, the consequences would be disastrous. Because once troops are dispatched and there is no response for a long time, more and more powerful people will definitely be sent to investigate and respond.

  (End of this chapter)

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