Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1470: Turbulence

  Chapter 1470 Time and space turbulence

  But what kind of investigators can escape under the hands of the three emperors, in the end, I am afraid that they will only stop sending people to investigate when the number of people who have lost contact reaches a critical point. By then, Di Yuan's losses in terms of military strength might be unimaginable.

Di Yuan said to Sun Tingting on the way back: "This time Chen Xuan made a great contribution. Not only did he see through the enemy's plan, but he also severely damaged the enemy and greatly weakened the enemy's strength. Coupled with the credit of the previous investigation, I went back to me. But I have to write down a lot of completion value for you."

Sun Tingting coldly snorted, "This is Xuan's contribution. How can we do something like this." Although after explanation, Sun Tingting has confirmed that Chen Xuan is likely to be fine, but it is also due to Di Yuan's mission. If Chen Xuan used the life-saving props, it would naturally not give him a good face.

  Although this is very different from the facts, this is their closest guess to the facts before they know the truth.

Di Yuan didn’t feel embarrassed either, and he explained with a smile: “You misunderstood me, my younger sister. This is something Chen Xuan told me. He said that the things that can be exchanged for completion value are no longer useful, so he specifically asked me to complete it. It's worth it to you."

  Sun Tingting was quite unhappy at first, but when Di Yuan called out "younger and younger sister", her mood instantly became better, and she had to sigh with emotion about the woman's inexplicable thoughts. But even so, she still didn't give Di Yuan a good face. Only his tone became a little softer, he gave a faint "um" and stopped talking, his attitude was still very cold. It's just that compared to before, it's no longer the bad language.

  Di Yuan didn't mind, he understood that this was just a mess because Sun Tingting cared.

  Two flowers bloom, one on each table. It was said that Chen Xuan felt a chill in his body the moment he was sucked into the black hole, and immediately lost consciousness. In a trance, Chen Xuan seemed to see the incomparably majestic scene that opened up heaven and earth at the beginning of the evolution of heaven and earth.

  When Chen Xuan regained consciousness again, Chen Xuan found himself lying in a dilapidated hut, feeling helpless. Reluctantly supporting his body and sat up, Chen Xuan clutched his aching head, carefully recalling the previous events. Muttered: "What's wrong with me."

  Qingqi’s weak voice came from Chen Xuan’s brain: “Your kid is really fateful. If I just woke up, I’m afraid you are dead and there is no scum.”

Chen Xuan held his head and rested for a long time before slowly asking, "What the **** happened, how could I be in this place." Qiongqi seemed to be very tired, and it took a while before he replied: "How do I know? What did you come up with again, it may be due to the disintegration of the space caused by the extreme chaos of the law, and you happened to use the space law at this time, so you entered the turbulent flow of time and space in a disorderly manner."

   "Time and space turbulence? What is that? The black crack that I accidentally entered?" Chen Xuan asked suspiciously. After a while of rest, he felt that he had slowly recovered a little strength. Qiongqi replied angrily: "You said, that kind of place is the most dangerous place in the world. There is no one. I can only say that your boy has a great life and is strengthened by the heart of gods and demons. You and Wandao will make every effort to protect you and you will survive!"

"Otherwise, in that kind of place, even the realm protector's Heavenly Sovereign Realm powerhouse would not dare to say that he could come out of that kind of place intact!" After a long pause, the Qiong Wizard continued, saying so much. He has a lot of strength.

Chen Xuan smiled and didn't know what to say. After a long while, he said "Thank you." Qin Qi said viciously: "Your kid will be like this next time, even if we die, we won't help you anymore. We will never be able to help you with your resurrection. Not to mention, I still wipe your **** all day long. This is all right. The soul power that I finally accumulated has been exhausted. Fortunately, I don’t fall asleep again like the guy Wandao, but you don’t think I will help you again in the future. What's wrong, I'm out of strength."

  Qongqi’s words revealed a sense of exhaustion that could not be concealed, and Chen Xuan had nothing to say, so he had to thank again.

Looking around, Chen Xuan found that this was a dilapidated wooden house. He was a little confused. He didn't know where he was. He wanted to stand up but found that it was harder for him than climbing to the sky. He had no choice but to sit down cross-legged. Intend to exercise power to adjust interest rate.

   But as soon as he looked inside, he found that his meridians were broken and his cultivation was lost. In this case, let alone exercise training, even daily walking activities were difficult. Chen Xuan was shocked and felt a burst of despair at random. Could it be that he just became a useless person like this!

Qiongqi's lazy voice came again: "Are you worried, don't you still have the heart of gods and demons? It won't take long for the meridians to recover. What if you lose your cultivation? That's it, not to mention that you have reached the peak of the good fortune realm before, and there is no bottleneck period along the way for you to practice again. As long as you accumulate slowly, you will soon be able to recover." Chen Xuan slowly calmed down when he heard this. Come on, yeah, even if you have lost your cultivation skills, you can do it again, just what you're afraid of. Qiongqi said again: "Okay, take your time by yourself. I have felt something in the turbulent flow of time and space. I have to go back and understand what I have gained."

Qiongqi Sui Sui said: "Your kid is really lucky. You rushed into the turbulent flow of time and space with the strength of the good fortune realm. Not only did you not die, but because of a blessing in disguise, your body was transformed. The big resistance is no longer afraid of these things, and even brought me some insights."

"I don't know what's going on with your kid. I felt something in the turbulent flow at that time. It is very likely that when you cultivate to the peak of the good fortune realm, you will naturally break through to the human emperor realm, tusk tusk..." Chen Xuan ignored Qiongqi's broken thoughts. He had already clearly realized these things when he was comprehending his own body, so naturally, Qiongqi didn't need to say more.

Moreover, Chen Xuan found that his broken meridians were being slowly recovered by the special vitality flowing from the heart of the gods and demons at a slow but firm speed, and he immediately settled down, slowly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. To speed up this speed. Chen Xuan could feel that the heaven and earth aura in this place was not strong, but it was extremely suitable for the seriously injured self.

After slowly absorbing the spiritual energy into the heart of the gods and demons, and then slowly urging the special vitality flowing out of it to nourish the main veins in his body, Chen Xuan finally barely recovered a bit of action. The strength is no longer the same as before, and he doesn't even have the strength to stand.

  Chen Xuan just planned to go out to check the situation. Since it seems that there are people living here, and the people who live here rescued themselves, Chen Xuan is not afraid of encountering any danger. Sitting on the bed and taking a breath, Chen Xuancai slowly opened the door and walked out.

  Outside the door, there was a world of birds and flowers. He blocked the dazzling sunlight in the morning with his hands. After his eyes adjusted to the light from the outside world, Chen Xuancai slowly began to observe the external environment. It looks like this is a house built on a mountainside, and there are still some wood piles around the house. There is also a big water tank at the door.

   Before Chen Xuan moved again, a clear, bright but anxious voice came over: "Oh, you, you have suffered such a serious injury, so why don't you go back to heal your injury and do something."

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and vaguely saw a beautiful figure running from the place where the sun rose. For a while, he was a little dazzled by this figure. Settling down, Chen Xuangang wanted to say something, the figure had already rushed in front of Chen Xuan. The girl hurriedly helped Chen Xuan into the house, but she didn't expect that the girl would get rid of Chen Xuan's wounds, and Chen Xuan couldn't help but snorted.

"Ling'er, come slowly, you child, why is it still like this, you have nothing to do, don't you see that you have been involved in other people's wounds." At this time, an old man with white beard and hair slowly came from here Ling'er He came to the place where he had just run, and said sternly.

   Linger stuck out her tongue, let go of her hand, and cautiously asked: "Oh, oh, sorry, are you okay? Didn't it hurt you?" She looked like she had done something wrong. Chen Xuan smiled and said: "It won't be a hindrance. Thanks to your care, I have recovered a lot."

When Ling'er heard this, his eyes narrowed into two crooked crescents, and he said happily: "That's good, thank you for your compliment." Chen Xuan nodded, but resisted the pain, The old man bowed and said, "Thank you for the elder's life-saving grace!"

Looking at Chen Xuan's behavior, the old man couldn't help but a flash of light in his eyes, and said in secret, "This is also a man of tough mind. It is really rare to insist on saluting and thank you after such a serious injury." He couldn't help sighing. Said: "Not bad! Not bad!"

  Chen Xuan was a little uncomfortable with the bright eyes of the old man, but he couldn't ask anything more, embarrassingly endured the pain but didn't dare to withdraw his manners. The old man seemed to understand something at this time, and he quickly helped Chen Xuan up and said, "You have not healed from a serious injury. It's better to go back and rest soon." Chen Xuan did not pretend, and slowly withdrew his etiquette, but said: " This injury is no problem now, I can move freely, but I don't need to go back to rest."

The old man scolded in a stern tone: "Naughty, your meridians are completely broken, how can it be simply restored? You can't be a fool!" Chen Xuan was a little strange in the old man's tone, but he still smiled. Said: "Maybe the elders don't know, my practice method is different from ordinary people, so I can repair my meridians slowly, so this will not be a problem."

  (End of this chapter)

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