Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1480: The risk of devouring soul fragments

  Chapter 1480 The risk of devouring soul fragments

   Chen Xuan continued to perceive, but found no soul fragments, not even a trace of soul energy. Chen Xuan was very surprised. It was reasonable to say that creatures should have souls. It is impossible for a creature to die without soul fragments, and soul energy is 60%, unless it is not a creature at all.

  Chen Xuan's heart was stunned. Could someone voyeur? Chen Xuan inspected it carefully, but found that he was worrying too much. The spider's soul energy was too weak, and his soul fragments did not fall to the ground along with the corpse.

   Instead, it adhered to the spider web quietly and did not fall off. In addition, this group of soul fragments was too weak and almost invisible, and Chen Xuan didn't notice it. Chen Xuan slowly smiled, secretly saying that he was too worried, and slowly used his vitality to drag the soul fragments into his martial arts temple.

  Looking at this almost imperceptible soul fragment, Chen Xuan felt that there should be nothing left if it was smashed so large, so he simply swallowed it for refining without breaking it, lest it had no effect at all.

  As soon as the soul fragment entered the body, Chen Xuan felt a noticeable difference. Although the soul fragment was small, it gave Chen Xuan a touch of fulfillment.

  The energy after refining slowly repaired Chen Xuan's soul. Chen Xuan only felt refreshed, as if someone who had been walking in the desert for three days and three nights without drinking a sip of water suddenly encountered a big mouthful of sweet spring water.

  This will also die because the damage to Chen Xuan's soul's origin is too serious. The first time it is absorbed, this soul fragment will naturally give Chen Xuan a different feeling.

   is just a trace of soul energy. Chen Xuan quickly finished refining. Just when Chen Xuan was about to stop running the secret skills, Chen Xuan clearly felt something was wrong.

   Chen Xuan felt a tyrannical aura flowing in his body, making him feel like he wanted to swallow everything. Since Chen Xuan felt that such a small piece of soul fragment, he didn't need to care at all, so he didn't even use the Heart Clearing Curse together.

  The disadvantage of directly sucking soul fragments into the body was immediately revealed. Chen Xuanming didn't feel a hint of hunger and thirst, but now he wanted to take a bite when he saw everything, and wanted to fill his empty stomach.

   Forced to endure this emotion, Chen Xuan slowly recited the Qingxin Mantra, trying to fight the bathing thought with the power of the Qingxin Mantra to clear the heart and calm the air.

After a long while, Chen Xuan finally stabilized slowly, and Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, almost nothing happened. Fortunately, this spider should have not eaten much for a few days before he was alive, so he was so hungry. Fortunately, it hadn't eaten anything, otherwise Chen Xuan might face a more irresistible desire for destruction. It's not as simple as hunger.

  At the same time, the reason why Chen Xuan could react like this was because Chen Xuan underestimated the danger of devouring soul fragments. He was too arrogant to think that it was nothing more than the soul fragment of a small spider, and what else could it make waves.

As everyone knows, this kind of direct integration of soul fragments into your own soul is the most stupid approach. This means that you have accepted the strongest feeling before this creature is dying, because the emotions at the moment of death are the clearest, moreover. Besides, Chen Xuan directly incorporated this soul fragment into his body.

In fact, Chen Xuan overlooked one point when reading the secret technique, that is, the reason for absorbing the soul energy into the martial arts palace is that the martial arts palace is an external manifestation of the human soul, and it has a certain degree of purification when combined with one's own vitality The effect of soul fragments and emotions contained in soul energy, and because it is closely related to the individual's soul, this is also the reason why it is difficult for the martial arts temple to break the cultivation base.

  Although the martial arts temple is closely connected with the soul, the essence is still different. Therefore, Chen Xuan has the ability to repair the martial arts temple, but he is helpless with his soul.

Also, this is the first time that Chen Xuan has absorbed soul energy. Although the emotion contained in it is very small, it is very strong. In addition, Chen Xuan has never experienced the strongest emotions of another creature before, so this soul fragment is right Chen Xuan's influence would be so great.

   But fortunately, no matter how strong this emotion is, this is a small spider who has almost no self-thinking. The emotions he can express are limited to this. Therefore, Chen Xuan was able to resist these emotions so easily.

   But even so, these emotions still have a little impact on Chen Xuan. Although they are extremely rare, they are enough to change Chen Xuan's living habits, even if only a little bit inconspicuous.

In this accident, Chen Xuan also discovered that his martial arts temple can not only store things, but also store these soul energy and soul fragments. Not only will these soul energy and soul fragments not dissipate over time, but also will not affect them. To Chen Xuan's mind.

Most importantly, Chen Xuan discovered that if it is paired with a Heart-Clearing Mantra, this martial arts temple has the effect of strengthening the removal of soul energy and emotions in soul fragments. In this way, even if Chen Xuan does nothing, as long as he can always With the pure heart spell running, these soul energy and soul fragments will also be slowly purified in his martial arts palace.

  It turns out that his own martial arts temple can not only extract medicines during alchemy, but also purify soul energy and soul fragments. Chen Xuan was surprised.

  This also means that Chen Xuan can free up more time to do other things, and only needs to increase the speed of transporting soul energy and soul fragments to his martial arts palace.

Chen Xuan's collection of soul energy and soul fragments is not as simple as collecting items. He needs to slowly wrap the soul energy with his own divine mind, and then send it into his martial arts palace, otherwise it is easy to let him "get away" The soul energy falls down.

   These two intangible and intangible existences collide together to produce a sense of collision like an entity, which Chen Xuan thinks is very strange.

  In such a few days of slow cultivation, it was finally the day of departure agreed with Kong Ji. After Chen Xuan had everything packed up, he waited for Master Kong Ji to come out in front of the gate of Famen Temple.

After a long time, emptiness emerged from nowhere, and smiled at Chen Xuan: "Donor Chen, you have gone to the wrong place. This time we are going to take a more secret teleportation formation, not to walk over. , And you don’t want to take those teleportation arrays that are very far away from the intended destination."

  Chen Xuan only felt embarrassed for a while, and he took it for granted that he was gathering at the gate, and he didn't even ask the emptiness carefully. This was a big oolong.

Chen Xuan had to forcibly conceal his embarrassment, and said with no change in his face: "That's it, I will take it for granted at that time. Master Lao Kongji has come to inform me, so let's set off now, and ask Master to lead the way. ."

   Kongji smiled slightly, did not puncture, just said "Amitabha Buddha." He turned around and walked towards the Piandian with Chen Xuan.

When    came to the side hall, Kong Ji brought Chen Xuan to a teleportation array engraved with complicated patterns around it. Chen Xuan always had a strange feeling when looking at the teleportation array, as if he would be swallowed again.

Kong Ji smiled slightly and said, "Don’t worry, Don’t worry, this won’t let you fall into the last state." Chen Xuan was slightly taken aback, suddenly remembered something, and asked: “Please ask Master Kong Ji about something. answer."

Kong Ji nodded, stretched out his hand, and said, “But it’s okay to say it.” Chen Xuan stared at Kong Ji and said solemnly, “I don’t know how Master Kong Ji knew that I was in that state. What kind of state does it mean?"

   Kongji nodded slightly, and said: "Donor Chen is really thoughtful, but Donor Chen has forgotten that I have a Dharma Eye? The magic of Dharma Eye is far beyond your imagination."

  Chen Xuan shook his head unchecked, the abnormalities of these ancient sects are beyond his imagination, it seems that anyone who comes out casually can see through the secrets he owns. This feeling of being seen through by others made Chen Xuan very uncomfortable.

   However, Chen Xuan has no other way. Although these people have no malice towards him, if someone who is not particularly upright wants to take action, I am afraid that he may get into trouble.

In fact, this is Chen Xuan’s illusion. It’s just that so far, most of the people he has picked up are people at the top of the Southern Frost Territory. The old man is even more able to speak in the Three Realms, and he can see through Chen Xuan. The secret is not surprising.

As for emptiness, the Dharma Eye he possesses is actually not much worse than Chen Xuan’s heart of Gods and Demons. This is also due to the incompleteness of Chen Xuan’s Heart of Gods and Demons. He only looks at the Heart of Gods and Demons and the Dharma Eye. The level is comparable.

  However, the Dharma Eye does not play a big role in the improvement of strength. His more role is reflected in some higher-level information. And Chen Xuan's Heart of Gods and Demons also recorded the Divine and Demonic Pregnancy Judgment, which in itself was a prop for rapid improvement of strength. So the two look a lot different, but in fact they are on par.

  This misunderstanding also increased Chen Xuan’s sense of crisis and vigilance, but it was not a good thing.

  While speaking, all preparations for the teleportation formation have been completed, and Kong Ji put out his hand to the front and said: "Chen Donor, love." Chen Xuan, who was feeling uncomfortable, did not be polite with Kong Ji, and walked directly towards the teleportation formation without hesitation.

After Chen Xuan stood still, Kong Jing said to Chen Xuan: "I beg you to hold my sleeves. As your strength is greatly reduced now, this teleportation formation is very special. Just in case, I will protect us with vitality. Two people, take protective measures, what do you think?"

Chen Xuan is naturally very willing to protect his completeness, but Chen Xuan is not the kind of person who surrenders all his wealth and life to others. This is not a distrust of emptiness, but a matter of personal habit, so he also intends to do it. A little protection, although I don't know what's special about this teleportation array, as long as I protect it carefully, nothing will happen if I think about it.

  (End of this chapter)

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