Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1481: Will count

   Chapter 1481

  Chen Xuan nodded, stretched out his hand to hold the empty sleeve, and at the same time secretly protected his vitality, but still protected with both hands. Although Chen Xuan's strength is low on the surface, the quality of his vitality is stronger than that of some people in the imperial realm. Even if this empty bodyguard vitality is compared with Chen Xuan's thin layer of bodyguard vitality. Slightly inferior.

  The quality of Chen Xuan's vitality is very high, coupled with the perception of emptiness is also very keen, naturally can perceive Chen Xuan's small movements, but emptiness did not say much, just a slight nod.

Kong Jing said to the old man next to him: "Master Yuankong, you can start." Master Yuankong nodded, facing the teleportation array with both hands to urge the vitality, but for a moment, the entire teleportation array was filled with an orange color. Light.

  About five breaths, a circular black hole with orange light emitting around the edge slowly appeared in the center of the teleportation array, and the yellow light on the edge of the black hole flashed and dazzled.

  When the light stabilized, Kong Ji said to Chen Xuan, “Now you can set off. Donor Chen, you must follow me closely, and don’t leave the scope of my spiritual energy to protect you.”

  Chen Xuan nodded to express his complete understanding, and Kong Ji wanted Chen Xuan to signal, and stretched out his hand to embrace Chen Xuan's shoulder.

Chen Xuan stretched out his hand and asked, "Master Kongji, what are you doing?" Kongji smiled and said, entering this portal requires the use of flying techniques. Although the poor monk has not reached the human emperor state, it is due to the special technique. , I also practiced some secret skills, so there is a way to take people to fly, but I am afraid that accidents may happen if one hand is pulled, so I want to wrap your shoulders so that I can hold them more firmly. "

  Chen Xuan shuddered, and this act of emptiness always gave him a feeling of emptiness with Longyang's broken sleeves. Coupled with the previous sacrifice of empty and silent treatment of himself without asking for return, Chen Xuan only felt terrified when thinking carefully.

He shook his head and said that these unreliable thoughts were thrown out of his head, but he refused to empty silence: "There is a master of empty silence, I have bothered, although I have not reached the human emperor state, but there is a fast forward law and a light work method. , These can allow me to fly, but you don’t need to take me with you. I just have to hold your sleeve and follow you closely."

   Kongji nodded, and said: "I am abrupt, but Donor Chen, in it, you must not try to touch the law of space. This is extremely dangerous. Remember to remember."

Chen Xuan was a little puzzled, and asked, "Should not the teleportation array be the method of instantaneous transfer? Does this teleportation array still need us to fly to the destination." Kong Ji said indifferently: "This is just because the place we are going to compare It's special, so this special teleportation array is needed. As for what it looks like, Donor Chen will follow me in to know, but we must remember what I just said, don't put the two of us in danger."

Chen Xuan nodded: "Master Kongji, please rest assured, Chen Xuan has his own measure." Kongji nodded and signaled Chen Xuan to follow. Chen Xuan took Kongji's sleeves, and the two flew into the orange light. Round black hole.

After    entered, Chen Xuan discovered that the outside of the black hole looked pure black, without bottom, like an endless abyss. But when Chen Xuan went in, he found out that there were many starry things inside. Looking up and down, Chen Xuan found that there was a faint, impossibly pale yellow light curtain about one foot away from the empty two. Protect yourself around the two.

   Looking along the light curtain, Chen Xuan found that the light curtain was actually like a pipe, connecting the place where the two of them flew into, and going forward without seeing the end.

  Looking around, Chen Xuan looked more and more and felt that the dots and dots around him that exuded different light were real stars in the sky.

  Chen Xuan was about to watch these stars carefully, but was drunk by emptiness. Don’t be distracted by the donor, follow me quickly, don’t waste time here, you have enough time to watch these things slowly on the way. "Chen Xuan felt a little doubtful in his heart, but he didn't hesitate, and flew forward following the emptiness.

After a quarter of an hour, Chen Xuan understood what the words of Kong Jing meant. He and Kong Jing flew for a full quarter of an hour. Chen Xuan discovered that the surrounding stars seemed to have not changed at all, as if he was flying in place. Generally, when I look back, I can't see the portal when I come. Apart from that, everything else is unchanged. "

  Chen Xuan was secretly shocked, even if the feelings and what he saw when he fell into the void, this strange sight was not as powerful as the sight he saw at this moment.

  Too late to ask Kong Ji, Chen Xuan began to observe these seemingly motionless stars, only to tell him that it was very useful to him. Chen Xuan believed in his intuition very much, so he did not hesitate to study it now.

  Because he didn't know how long he could stay here, Chen Xuan didn't dare to waste time, and began to seize the time to observe the stars.

  It was another quarter of an hour. After Chen Xuanfei was a little tired, he realized that these stars are not static. They are moving slowly at a very slow speed, and their movements have their own trajectories.

  Chen Xuan felt as if he had realized something, but when he savored it, it seemed that he hadn’t realized anything. He felt a little strange at the moment.

After perceiving the vitality in his body for a while, Chen Xuan found that because of his dual purpose, he was observing the stars while flying, neglecting control, and consumed a lot. As a result, the original vitality in his body was almost exhausted at this moment. , Chen Xuan did not feel the aura of heaven and earth in it, so he couldn't add it.

  Thinking for a moment, Chen Xuan asked Kong Ji: “Master Kong Ji, I don’t know how long we have to go. I have not recovered my strength. I can’t bear it if I consume it like this.”

Kong Ji didn’t look back, she was still on her way, and she did answer: “Don’t be anxious, don’t worry, we’ll be there for a cup of tea. You only need to hold on for a while to reach your destination, and even if you’re exhausted , Isn’t there still a poor monk? The poor monk can take you on the road."

Imagining the scene of being hugged by the emptiness and hurrying, Chen Xuan only felt a chill, and reluctantly smiled and said, "Master of emptiness, don’t bother, I still support it. However, the master of emptiness seems to have been here many times. , I don’t know how much you know about this? Can you answer me a few."

   Kong Ji said with a faint smile: "Actually, the poor monk is not very clear. The only thing I am sure is that the sights around us are the stars in the sky."

Chen Xuan felt unbelievable: "You mean, we are now among the stars in the sky?" Kong Ji shook his head and said, "I don't know, I just know that those are indeed stars, because I found many of us in it. The stars that can be seen on the mainland, and the trajectories of these stars, are indeed the same as the stars that can be seen on the southern region."

  “So the poor monk can conclude that what I didn’t see were the stars in the sky, but I just don’t know how we saw these sights.”

  Chen Xuan didn't know what expression to make now, he had never thought that what was hidden under the vast sky was such a scene.

At this moment, the inner feelings became clearer, and when Chen Xuan vaguely grasped something, the emptiness was the big man's voice: "Chen donor, hold on, we are going out!" Chen Xuan looked forward. , But found that a light blue light door appeared in front of him.

  Chen Xuan was a little puzzled, how could the color of this portal be different from before. But still calmed down, followed the emptiness closely, and steadily came out of the portal.

After    landed, Kong Ji was obviously relieved. Chen Xuan was a little strange, and asked, "Master Kongji, this teleportation channel is so dangerous? Why are you always nervous?"

Kong Ji nodded: "We were extremely lucky this time. We didn't encounter any turbulence. Once this turbulence appears, I need to do my best to maintain the orange protective film in the transmission channel, because This light film not only protects us, but also guides us. If we encounter turbulence, I am afraid it will take a lot of work for the two of us to figure it out today."

  Chen Xuan observed the surrounding environment and nodded thoughtfully.

  I saw that they came to a huge hall, all around the hall was made up of stones of unknown material, all in one, as if natural.

  Chen Xuan stomped the slate under his feet, and was surprised to find that the texture of the slate was very hard, even if he used a lot of strength, it would be difficult to shake it.

Chen Xuan turned his head and asked, "I don't know what the mission of Master Kongji is coming this time?" Kong Ji hesitated for a moment, and then said: "This time I came here to be a master of sniping the cold domain. The secret realm here has been since ancient times. Liu Huan came down. There are no treasures here, but there are some hidden rooms, and different rooms have different cultivation resources."

"It's mostly aura, demon aura, etc. This seems to be an important breakthrough for the demon sect's Qiu Rushuang, especially the energy in it, so I came here at this critical juncture. This is also a cold region. The reason why the strong are attracted."

  Chen Xuan sneered and said: "If this matter is true, then there must be a traitor in the ancient sects in the southern region, or how did these people in the cold region learn about such a confidential matter."

   After a pause, Chen Xuan said uncertainly: "But this may also be smoke bombs released by the magic door, attracting the masters of the cold domain to come, so that they can be swept away."

Kong Ji smiled bitterly: "Chen's donor's guess is true. This time it is true that traitors have appeared in the ancient schools of our southern region, but it is also because we discovered these traitors that we decided to use the plan and simply come to catch the turtle. It's a good idea to remove the threat of these cold regions in one fell swoop."

  (End of this chapter)

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