Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1483: Inquire

   Chapter 1483

  These rooms are free to Jingchu, but most of the teleportation formations can only accommodate one person to teleport away. If others want to leave, they can only wait until the next room that is transformed into a teleportation formation. "

"There is also a certain pattern of light emitted by these light curtains. The flashing of the light curtain means that the energy in this room is being replaced at this moment. The faster it flashes, the closer the energy replacement in this room is to the end. What you usually see is that sky blue represents spiritual energy, black represents magic energy, orange represents vitality, and so on, and so on."

  "As for the other details, Chen Donor, you can explore it slowly, and the poor monk will retire first." After that, without waiting for Chen Xuan's response, he hurriedly left.

  Chen Xuan was very helpless, he still had a lot of problems here, but seeing that the emptiness that had been calm and calm became so anxious at this moment, it seemed that there was something very important.

"But it's okay. At least some of the most important information is directly annoying me, and it won't be difficult to move in this secret." Chen Xuan said to himself, and walked in a random direction, anyway. Now he doesn't know anything, it doesn't matter where he goes, as long as Qiu Rushuang stays in this secret realm, he must have a chance to find him.

  Of course, it’s also possible that Wujing found the location of Qiu Rushuang, and it was only due to some reasons that she could not tell herself, but that’s okay. Now I’m secretly enemy Ming, no matter how we calculate it, the conditions are in my favor. During the walk, Chen Xuan's height, body shape and facial features have all changed, and he has become an eight-foot tall man with a stubble face. No one knows IU. How could he contact the previous Chen Xuan? together.

   Touched the fine beard on his chin, Chen Xuan nodded in satisfaction. This Hengtian Jue was really easy to use, and he was more confident than this time.

Not long after walking forward, Chen Xuan encountered a solid wall. Looking up, there was endless darkness above it, as if there was no end to it. Chen Xuan wanted to see now, but due to the lack of vitality in his body, Chen Xuan had to press Take the thoughts in your heart and find a place to restore your strength first.

I don’t know what’s going on in this place. There is no trace of aura, which makes Chen Xuan feel very uncomfortable. Fighting in this place depends entirely on his own abilities and cannot rely on external forces. This is for Chen Xuan now. It is undoubtedly very fatal.

  So Chen Xuan now urgently needs to find a place to recover his strength, so Chen Xuan walked forward along this wall.

Not long after, Chen Xuan saw a light curtain emitting orange light. At this moment, the light curtain was flashing, indicating that this room was in the period of changing spiritual energy. Chen Xuan remembered that Wu Jing told him before he left. After the energy in a room is completely replaced, the light curtain in this room will completely change color.

The orange light now just shows that this is vitality, and I don’t know what the so-called vitality comes from, but I will cultivate for a while. When the energy in this room is about to be transformed, I will come out. Okay, let's resume for now.

   After making up his mind, Chen Xuan walked in. When he entered, Chen Xuan found that it was like a fish in water, and the breath here was very suitable for cultivation.

Chen Xuan didn’t hesitate anymore. He meditated and started to practice. He sucked these vitality qi into his body. Chen Xuan felt refreshed. These vitality qi was inhaled into his body as if he had cultivated himself. He didn’t want to rest the spiritual qi and needed to refine it. And these grievances seem to have a special nourishing effect.

Chen Xuan deliberately chose a place with strong vitality to start practicing. However, after practicing for a while, Chen Xuan felt that something was wrong. The vitality that could be absorbed into the body became less and less. At the same time, he felt that there was a special kind of vitality in it. The energy of is slowly flowing in this room.

Chen Xuan suddenly felt something was wrong. This should be a sign that the energy in the room was about to be replaced. Chen Xuan opened his eyes abruptly and found that the orange light curtain flashed faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, the orange light curtain was already Disappear.

   Chen Xuan's secret way is not good, but because he chose a place with strong vitality when he came in, it is too late to rush out, so he can only stay in this room honestly.

  I just don’t know what these black auras are, they don’t look like kind auras. Chen Xuan tried to slowly touch the aura that was filling the room with his divine mind, intending to see what it was.

After    Divine Mind came into contact with this energy, Chen Xuan slowly breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that this was the breath of death. Although this energy is no different from poison to others, it is also a spiritual medicine for Chen Xuan.

  At the moment, calm down and start practicing.

  Chen Xuan discovered that although the death aura in it was not very strong, its purity was indeed much higher than the purity of the death aura absorbed by the death beasts killed in the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

  I was overjoyed at the moment, and began to practice frantically. Chen Xuan absorbed the death air in it, and his strength was slowly improving.

Although Chen Xuan's strength has fallen drastically now, his meridians have been completely repaired. Now he only needs to accumulate vitality through cultivation and he will be able to make a logical breakthrough. He will soon be able to recover his strength. It is a pity that he has come here now and the absorption of vitality has been affected. Very limited, can only slowly absorb some special auras to restore strength one-sidedly.

  Anyway, he has no way to go out now. It is better to sink his heart and wait for the door here to open, so that he can go out and make plans later.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long in this room this time. Chen Xuan felt that he had only cultivated for about an hour, and the breath of death here had begun to dissipate slowly, and at the same time, this expensive room was gradually filled with Kind of breath that Chen Xuan had never seen before.

Chen Xuan saw that the light gate here was able to go out, so he stood up and planned to take this opportunity to go out. However, this light gate could last for a long time, so Chen Xuan did not rush out, but slowly adjusted and practiced too much. The feeling of discomfort caused by violent.

As soon as Chen Xuan walked out of this light curtain, he saw two people dressed as demon gates guarding at the door. The two of them were surprised when they saw someone coming out of this light curtain, and said frivolously:'Yeah, you can, you can actually. It’s safe to come out in the breath of death, and stay in it for a long time. "

The two did not expect Chen Xuan to be able to cultivate in Rimi, because the spirit of death is rare, not to mention people who have understood the way of death, so neither of them thought about the direction that Chen Xuan could cultivate in it. .

Then the two of them said impatiently: "You feel hurry, hurry up, this place has been contracted by our Heavenly Demon Sect, please leave quickly, don't get in the way anymore. The young master of our Heavenly Demon Sect is here to practice cultivation, don't you? Get in the way here."

Chen's face was stunned, and then he smiled and said, "Yes, yes, the young master is my idol, how can I die, the new generation idol star of our magic door. And in order to be favored by the young master, the two must also be young people. Talent."

The two were originally very impatient, but upon hearing Chen Xuan's words, they instantly felt that although the brawny man looked dumb and stupid, but he was pleasing to the eye a lot. He laughed and said: "That's natural, I The two brothers don't talk about the top players in the top and bottom rankings, but they are also small and famous. You are the kid who knows the goods."

Chen Xuan hit the railroad while it was hot: "Two eldest brothers, you see, the breath inside only makes me feel a breath of death, but I can't recognize what kind of gas is inside. I just want to ask, that Sect Master Qiu even even Can these gases be absorbed for refining?"

  The two hesitated, and said, "This is a secret, and the two brothers can't tell you."

Chen Xuan pretended to be cruel, and actually took out two high-grade spirit jade from the martial arts temple, secretly stuffed it in the hands of the person who was talking, and said, "Please do. Big brother fulfills my little wish. This is all my savings. I only hope that by then I can tell others that I was a person who had practiced with Sect Master Qiu Rushuang."

  The person took Lingyu, but he looked at Chen Xuan suspiciously, and said suspiciously: "The boy will just say it will be good soon, why do you still have to ask so clearly?"

Chen Xuan hurriedly laughed and said, “I’m not trying to say something to increase the authenticity, otherwise, it’s hard to be trusted to provoke me. Please also ask the two elder brothers to help me with this small favor, and let me know a little bit about the enemy. Don’t worry, I will never say anything about the Young Master.”

Chen Xuan struck while the iron was hot and said: "I am not like two young talents who can be in contact with Sect Master Qiu Daxiao all the time. I just want to know more about Sect Master Qiu Daxiao, even if I can see him in this life. Once I died without regret."

Seeing that the two were still very hesitant, Chen Xuan was busy and stuffed another two pieces of middle-grade spirit jade over and said, "This is all my savings. I only ask that my big brother can help. I will definitely thank you in the future. "

When the two saw these two pieces of middle-grade spirit jade, they couldn’t put it on anymore, and readily agreed: "I can tell you, but we are not looking at the face of spirit jade. I think you treat us less. The lord is very admired, so I told you with a soft heart."

  The two men were only willing to let go until now, and they still pretended to be upright and righteous. This was an irony to them who were the magic door. In fact, it's no wonder that they see money open. The disciples of the ancient sect are relatively poor, not to mention that the sect still exploits and squeezes these low-level disciples.

Generally, disciples in the secular world reach the level of two brothers, not to mention that they are wealthy, but apart from some special circumstances, they are not short of money. Then they will see a few pieces of high-grade spiritual jade like these ancient disciples. I can't hold it anymore.

  (End of this chapter)

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