Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1484: Looking for aura

   Chapter 1484 Looking for Reiki

  Chen Xuan’s intentions are also very meaningful. He wants to get information about Qiu Rushuang from these two disciples. Even if there is only one generation, he also has a little confidence in his next plan to deal with Qiu Rushuang. Even if you only know what kind of aura Qiu Rushuang is absorbing, you can infer some of the attributes of his practice, and you can get a little bit more opportunity when you do it.

   Although the two brothers don't look like high-level personnel, since these people can be brought here, there must be something real.

  Actually, there are many loopholes in Chen Xuan's words. As long as you think about it, you can find many improprieties. If these two people have a little brain thinking, the information will not be easily revealed.

  Being able to enter this place, there is a drumming person again. I don’t know how long he stayed in an unknown aura room. Such people with unknown strength are especially simple people?

  It's just that the two of them were confused when they saw two pieces of high-grade spirit jade. I can't even think about so many things.

  Anyway, the two of them only need to reveal a little information to fool this seemingly foolish fool. After making up their minds, the two said, "If you have any questions, please ask quickly. We look at your innocence and will definitely not hide you."

  Chen Xuan quickly bowed his hands and said: "I want to ask the two eldest brothers, will the young master Qiu Rushuang really come here?"

Chen Xuan only felt a little puzzled. If this Qiu Rushuang really came here, how could he only send two people of this strength to explore the way. Although these two disciples seem to be strong, they are in the cold domain. Under the invasion, these two can only be regarded as cannon fodder.

Sure enough, there was a trace of embarrassment on the faces of the two of them. The two of them had only followed the name of Qiu Rushuang, Fox and Huwei. How could such a thing happen?

   However, if these two people had a little brain, they would not reveal this kind of information about Qiu Rushuang's movements at this dangerous juncture.

Chen Xuan, who saw this, naturally wanted to take preemptive actions, and immediately said unhappy: "How can you two lie to me? Isn't this a fraud? You have to return my spirit jade to me, or wait until I see Qiu Rushuang. Sect Master Qiu Daxiao must sue you fiercely and let him fix you fiercely."

When the two of them heard that the two pieces of high-grade spirit jade were to be taken back, they panicked. In addition, he said to tell Qiu Rushuang that Qiu Rushuang usually accumulates power among these disciples. At this time, they are even more panicked. IQ is already Reversely break through the sky.

Suddenly he panicked and said: "How can I lie to you, I didn't say that Young Master Qiu will definitely not pull up, but it is possible to come." Chen Xuan pretended to be suspicious and asked: "Really? Then you Tell me what is going on."

The person in the front said without hesitation: "Our research has found that the changes of these light curtains are sometimes regular. Generally speaking, these black light curtains are beneficial to us people who cultivate, so We were sent to look for these similar rooms, and when the light curtain changed, we personally went inside to find out whether the spiritual energy inside is really useful for our young master's cultivation."

  Chen Xuan pressed forward step by step, and then sternly asked, "Do you know what kind of aura in it is useful for Qiu Rushuang?" With the body of Chen Xuan Gaoda, it was also facing the two of them.

The two hurriedly said: "The two of us are low-powered, and we can't recognize what kind of aura is useful to our enemy young master. We have some lords who can detect aura with us. We just need to go in, put the spirit orb in it, and observe. Whether the spirit orb emits a blue-black light, if it is, we can get a reward as long as we report it."

Chen Xuan then let go of the two and said in a very comforting tone: "Well, you two are good, and the back room is about to reach its thinnest moment of spiritual energy. Go in and see if you can. Fortunately to find the aura that our enemy young master needs, good luck to both of you."

  The two rushed in. You should know that some auras are very dangerous to the strength of the two, even if it is extremely thin, so the two must choose this time to enter.

After entering, the two people slowly reacted to something wrong, always feeling that something was wrong, but then they were attracted by the blue light radiating from the spirit orb in their hands. They didn't expect them to be so lucky that they found it. The aura that Qiu Rushuang needs.

  I didn’t even care about doubts at the moment, and immediately ran out to inform the elders in the sect. The suspicion just now was also dissipated by the upcoming reward and the two high-grade spirit jade earned.

  After all, the distribution of materials in the sect is also limited. If you want more, you need to pay the spirit jade. Although it is a lot more resistant than the outer world, it is also a great burden for the two who have no source of income.

What's more, you need to spend spiritual jade to read classics, cultivate and so on. Although the sect will give you spiritual jade every month, these are only enough for cultivation and daily expenses. As for the further efforts, It will cost Lingyu.

  As for cultivating where you live, it’s not impossible, but people who are accustomed to the rich training resources in the practice site can not tolerate the thin aura concentration where they live.

  Moreover, the spiritual jade spent on the cultivation site is not too much. With these, the strength of the two can enter a period of rapid growth. The two are naturally very happy.

  In fact, this is a means of saving resources for the ancient sects, leaving more resources to those more talented disciples, natural selection of things, survival of the fittest, this is the law of survival of the magic door.

After all, the spirit jade does not seem to be much, and the daily expenses are not much, but the sum of it is a very terrifying amount. The spirit jade distributed by these sects is finally in such a circulation. The real consumption is not much.

  Some people jokingly call it, it is used for disciples, and it is also used for disciples.

After all, people with different talents can get different effects when they practice for the same time, and the higher the strength, the greater the discount for the spiritual jade needed for cultivation. I think those who are strong in the good fortune realm basically don’t need it anymore. It takes more spirit jade to buy cultivation time.

  This vampire-like survival method is almost universally applied to the ancient sects of Kota, but the system customized by decent people who claim to be righteous people will naturally not be as blatant as the magic door.

The two disciples immediately came out, put down a small cloth bag that they were carrying, and spread it out, and then I was energized inside. The cloth bag was shining with light blue light, and after a while, an old man dressed as an elder From this blue light, a fuzzy figure appeared, and the two brothers showed the spirit orb in their hands to the old man.

  The old man nodded, and then the light blue light disappeared. The two brothers were busy taking out a larger cloth bag and spreading it on the ground, pressing the previous smaller cloth bag on top of this, and placing a few pieces of spiritual jade in some places.

But for a moment, a group of people teleported over from it one after another. The Celestial Demon Gate has already mastered the technology of the portable portal, and they seem to be better than the cold domain in mastering the portable portal technology than the cold domain. Many, they actually only need two small cloth bags to achieve the effect that a dozen slates in the cold region can achieve.

  The headed old man threw a piece of high-grade spirit jade to the two people casually, and said: "Well done, even if I reward you with this piece of high-grade spirit jade, I will give you other rewards when I return to the sect."

The two brothers are naturally thankful, and they are always ready to go to the next place to continue their cannon fodder mission. Although they don’t know if they missed something, or accidentally leaked some important information, they only knew this time. They earned three pieces of high-grade spirit jade and two pieces of middle-grade spirit jade, and they were also appreciated by the elders, and they will surely soar into the sky after returning this time.

  At least they think so in their hearts.

  In just a moment, about fifteen people have already walked out of this portable teleportation formation. Among them, surrounded by a group of people in the middle, is the Young Sect Master of the Celestial Demon Sect, who wants to capture Chen Xuan’s enmity Rushuang.

The old man headed in first went in to investigate, and then came out and said: "Yes, this room is the breath of death, and I was very surprised that the breath of death in this room was twice in a row. Presumably next time, the spirit of death inside will be very strong. It shouldn’t be too late. Young Master, please hurry in and practice. Just leave it to us to guard the outside.”

  Qiu Rushuang nodded, bowed slightly, and said, “Rushuang thanked all the elders here first. When Rushuang’s divine power is achieved, he will not forget the hard work of the elders.”

  The old man waved his hand and said, "These are all things we should do. The enemy young master does not need to be like this. You should hurry in and go in for cultivation. Don't delay your cultivation opportunity."

  Qiu Rushuang nodded, no longer inking, turned around and went in, just as Qiu Rushuang entered without moving, he flickered twice quickly after pressing the light curtain, and completely stabilized.

The headed elder instructed everyone to hide their bodies as soon as possible. Only the two sons were left, and the guards were upright in front of the door. Everyone showed their magical powers, but within a moment of effort, they could no longer be seen in the huge passage. The old man and the guardian two people in front of the door were accidental.

  The old man stroked his beard with satisfaction, and secretly said: "It seems that the disciple he trained is still strong, and he is still not old."

This old man arranged these people to hide in various places. It is quite meaningful, so if an enemy really finds here, it will only find a blank room without anyone guarding it. If they really plan to wait here, Those who greet them must hit their heads.

  (End of this chapter)

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