Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1487: cannon fodder

   Chapter 1487 Cannon fodder

  The two people were brought to use as cannon fodder, otherwise, how could the Celestial Demon Sect send its elite disciples to help Qiu Rushuang find the spiritual room?

Leaving aside whether these elite disciples are willing or not, it is certainly not a single person who comes to find the Reiki Room. This requires a large number of people. If many elite disciples are sent out, once they are touched or ambushed by people in the cold region, I'm afraid that even a marquee like the Sky Demon Gate can't afford such a loss.

  So this cup must be sent out by some unimportant disciples, who are used as chess pieces that can be discarded at any time. Even the reward is the lowest and least valuable.

  Otherwise, you should also give these disciples some props that can defend themselves against the various auras that can corrode the human body. At least two people still need one.

   But when these two people entered, Chen Xuan also saw that they had wrapped their bodies with vitality before entering. If there are such treasures, why would they not use them.

   Chen Xuan saw these two people and remembered that he and his sister who were in the Jiang family back then were also regarded as pawns that could be discarded at any time. If they could not bring benefits to them, they would just discard them. This memory gave Chen Xuan a sense of identification with the two of them.

  But his plan cannot be disrupted. If he really let go of these two, ordinary people Chen Xuan would not be sure, but those old monsters would definitely notice something wrong.

If you really are from the Cold Region, why didn’t you take care of the two when you can easily escape, so as not to reveal your whereabouts? It is easy to think about it and guess that this might be someone deliberately trying to plant the cold to the Cold Region. .

  Some things will become clearer once they have an idea. In this way, a caring person can easily guess that this is a third-party force in addition to the cold domain and the ancient sect.

  In this way, the possibility of Chen Xuan's exposure greatly increased. Although it is not ruled out that there are people from other ancient sects who want to take advantage of this time to **** the eyes of the eyes of the gods and demons, but Chen Xuan must not bet on other people's ideas.

  But Chen Xuan didn't want to kill the two, what should I do. After thinking for a while, Chen Xuan was about to let them go. It just happened that Ye Chen had this opportunity to completely cover up his whereabouts and confuse the situation here.

  After all, judging from the reaction of these two people, at least for now, the cold domain and the ancient sect have not really fought, otherwise it is impossible for these two people to have no sense of defense against themselves.

Therefore, once Chen Xuan exposes the fact that these two people are fighting with the cold domain, those people in the Demon Gate will definitely become nervous, although in this way, the difficulty of capturing the eyes of the gods and demons will be temporary. The increase.

But at the same time, this will also disturb the situation inside. Previously, there was a state of confrontation between these people and put them into a state of fighting. At that time, I will take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, which will promote the fighting with you into a white-hot period, and I will definitely be convenient for my actions. a lot of.

  Although this may cause Qiu Rushuang to withdraw early, as long as he seizes the opportunity, there is no problem thinking about it. Moreover, this can also greatly save time. Chen Xuan can also free up his hands to solve other things. In this way, Chen Xuan will be closer to his goal of rescuing his sister.

  However, this one had to be released with a lot of technical content, just enough to make them feel that they could defeat it with their strength, but they couldn't catch Chen Xuan, and it couldn't be said that Chen Xuan would have to make himself suffer.

Acting naturally has to perform a full set, the outbreak of desperation, and the severely injured vomiting blood, these are also essential, but these two people also have to suffer a little bit of injury, just when Chen Xuan gave them a few pieces of high-grade spirit jade. Right.

  Li Chen looked at Chen Xuan, gathered his vitality in his hands, and said: "Don't struggle, let us give you a happy one, so as not to suffer any more flesh and blood."

Chen Xuan said slowly: "How do you know that we can't beat the two of you, the ants are still alive, let alone a person, it's not good for you to let me get rid of the neck and kill it like this, let's just fight it, let me Take a look at how good you are from the ancient sect in the Southern Region."

After all, Chen Xuan inspired the law of ice in this secret realm. According to the experience of fighting the two people in the imperial realm that day, according to the armors of the two humans in the imperial realm, he imitated some armors that not only protected the key parts, In Heze City, because Chen Xuan saw that the armors of those in the cold realm who were not strong enough in the imperial realm that day did not protect the whole body, I think it should be because of insufficient strength, so although Chen Xuan's armor style is based on those two imperial realms. The armor shape of the strong, and the protected parts are based on the soldiers in the cold region.

  In this way, with Chen Xuan's tall and mighty body, it also feels like a hunter in the cold domain.

However, because Chen Xuan is just an imitation, and there is no ice spirit transformation like the people in the cold domain, and Chen Xuan hesitated to greatly reduce the strength, and the vitality reserves of the north body are very insufficient, so the vitality used to transform the ice armor is naturally not much, so defense The power is naturally incomparable with the armors of the two strong men in the imperial realm of the day.

Moreover, Chen Xuan was transformed by using the law, so as long as it is a person from the cold region, I must be able to feel what is wrong with just one hand, but neither of them must have fought a real person from the cold region. Naturally, Chen Xuan would not be afraid of them seeing it.

As for the weapon, Chen Xuan did not imitate it. For one thing, he didn't know how to use an axe, so he didn't use weapons at all, just in case any flaws were spotted. Secondly, Chen Xuan felt that he could use his fists to better control it. At that time, it is not easy to be noticed if you keep your hands.

As soon as Li Chen saw Chen Xuan's magical armor, he said sharply to Wang Chao, "How about it, Wang Chao, now you believe me, such an obvious way of fighting, besides the people of the cold region, there is no other way? People will fight this way!"

  Wang Chao smiled bitterly: "I didn't say that I didn't believe you, if that's the case, don't blame me, brother, go!" Wang Chao turned his head and said to Chen Xuan in the next half of the sentence.

  Since Chen Xuan decided not to kill them, of course he said to do it. Although he is ready to fight, he will not take action.

  Wang Chao and his party sprinted towards Chen Xuan. Of course, Chen Xuan's abilities would certainly not hurt Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan only deliberately avoided their attack.

  Fake a battle in order to complicate the situation here and make future plans more convenient.

  After arguing for dozens of rounds, Chen Xuan felt that he had made enough preparations, and saw him spinning on the spot, then turned into a smoke and slipped away.

   "Huh, can you run if you can't beat it?" Wang Chao reluctantly put away his weapon.

  Several people with a bewildered look, it is obvious that they have not been able to figure out the situation.

   Throwing away these people and making the necessary preparations, Chen Xuan finally set out to find trouble with Qiu Rushuang.

  However, the facts did not go as smoothly as he imagined. When he came to Qiu Rushuang’s cave, he found that it was empty inside.

  Does Qiu Rushuang already know his whereabouts? Wasn't my previous preparations in vain?

   Helpless, Chen Xuan could only leave in disappointment.

  Walking to the entrance of the cave, I saw a lot of people, is it because Qiu Rushuang is there? Chen Xuan was going to have a look. He also speeded up his pace and walked towards there, but when he got there, because he was too small, there was no way to see what the inside was, and he could only listen to the people inside.

   "A beast core with a big fist, how high-level orc must be killed to get it!"

   "Kill, you are kidding, this is at least the beast core equivalent to the seventh level of the human beings."

  "How did you know. What level of orcish is the big fingered beast core we usually see?"

   "It's equivalent to the first level of the cultivator. After all, only the orcs that start to practice can produce beast cores, and ordinary beasts don't have it."

   turns out to be an advanced beast core. Beast cores are very precious to human cultivators. They can be used to refine alchemy, form formations, and even some exercises have methods to directly refine beast cores. The higher the level of the beast core, the more energy it contains, and of course the greater its value. If the fist-sized beast core is completely refined by humans, it can even promote the sixth-fold cultivator directly to the seventh-fold. Of course, the prerequisite is that one's own attributes are compatible with the attributes of the beast core, and there is a way to refine the beast core in one's own practice.

   While the techniques for refining beast cores are mostly found in the methods above level B, there are very few of the C techniques with this content, and the D-level techniques belong to the garbage level, and it is impossible to refining beast cores.

  The place where this beast core appeared is actually a bit wrong. If it appears in a slightly larger town, it may cause a sensation, and many people who know the goods will want it into the bag. However, it is not unreasonable for this beast core to appear here. After all, it is very close to the orcs, and it is the natural first trading place, and people in urgent need of money will sell it nearby.

  "How much does it cost to sell?" People are very concerned about the price.

  "Hundred thousand spiritual crystals." A very puffy voice rushed out of the human wall from the inner wall and passed into Chen Xuan's ears, causing Chen Xuan's ears to buzz.

  "Master!" Everyone was shocked, and the word they wanted to say got stuck in their throat--"You don't grab it", instead of just a cough.

  "Can it be cheaper?" Someone really intends to buy it. But this price is too high to be worth the risk. Maybe this person bought this beast core and could sell it for more than a hundred thousand spiritual crystals in a larger place, but the risk on the way was too great. If the price is lowered to seven to eighty thousand, or even fifty thousand, then this risk is equal to profit.

  Chen Xuan is not interested in these things, but is very interested in joining the fun. Watching the crowded talks, this is the real life!

  (End of this chapter)

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