Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1488: Thief

   Chapter 1488

   also came here, but she was a girl and it was inconvenient to squeeze too close, but she was far away, and she kept motioning Chen Xuan to come back to her.

Chen Xuan watched for a while, and his interest gradually disappeared. When he turned and left, he suddenly realized that a fifteen or sixteen-year-old man next to him was acting incorrectly. He always squeezed inward desperately, but when others made a little gap, he turned his body again. Retracted, and then he chose another place where the crowd was particularly thick and restarted the action just now.

   "Thief!" This was Chen Xuan's first reflection. It's the same everywhere, thieves appear in places with a lot of people, and robbers appear in places with few people.

I saw the thief put his hand into the pocket of a somewhat fat middle-aged man, and in a blink of an eye he scoured a handful of spirit crystals out, waiting to take another shot, and found that the middle-aged man pressed his pocket, turned and exited. crowd.

   "Thief, don't go!" Chen Xuan shouted.

  The thief turned his head and looked at Chen Xuan, then ran away, sprinting out of the hole quickly. The people on the periphery looked at me, I looked at you, and they all touched their pockets, but no one wanted to chase them out and catch the thief.

  At this time, the overweight middle-aged man looked anxious, "My spirit crystal." At this time, he was going to chase, but it was obviously a waste of effort to chase the young man with his fat body. It is impossible for him to be a hidden master, if it is, it is impossible for his spirit crystal to reach the thief's hands.

  Many people have expressions of fortune on their faces.

  Chen Xuan walked to Sun Tingting, and Sun Tingting said softly: "You are in trouble."

   "What's wrong. What's the trouble?"

   "The man was called Wang Feifei just now, and he was a famous poppi rogue who made a living by stealing. You provoke him and have some trouble."

   "A rascal, what is there to be afraid of." After all, Chen Xuan has never lived in the world, and is completely ignorant of such things.

   "As your senior, he certainly can't deal with you openly, but secretly, maybe."

   "Does he know who I am?"

   "You only arrived yesterday, he shouldn't know. It seems that you are in trouble today. Let's go!" Sun Tingting suddenly thought that Wang Feifei couldn't let go of the hatred, so maybe she would wait somewhere outside for Chen Xuan to go out.

   "With you, does he dare to come casually?"

   "He is not afraid of my dad, he is only afraid of Uncle Long," Sun Tingting said. Of course, Uncle Long was talking about Mu Chenglong. As the chief guard, he had a natural deterrent against thieves. So although Wang Feifei had never intersected with Mu Chenglong, this did not prevent him from being afraid of the director.

   "It's fine if he has someone who is afraid, let's go." Chen Xuan said.

  Out of the Gopher City, through the alley, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting returned to the town. They didn't want to cause trouble, they all speeded up and walked back.

  After a short walk, a person came out from the corner of the street. This person was Wang Feifei.

   "Where is the kid, dare to spoil the good deeds of the little master." Before Chen Xuan answered, he punched Chen Xuan in the face.

  Chen Xuan was small and had little strength. He was too late to avoid him. He was hit in his nostril all at once, and his whole person fell to the ground because of the blow. Obviously this Wang Feifei had practiced, at least the cultivation base of the mortal triple realm.

  Chen Xuan only felt that he had golden flowers in his eyes, his breathing was not smooth, and his throat was sweet.

  There were a lot of people around, and Chen Xuan didn't want to cause trouble, so he didn't fight back.

  Wang Feifei was about to kick again, but Sun Tingting shouted: "Stop! Wang Feifei, are you going to die? Do you know who he is?"

  Wang Feifei stopped abruptly and asked, "Who is he?"

   "He just doesn't care about you, otherwise you will regret it."

   "Regret?" Wang Feifei asked disdainfully.

   "I advise you to leave now."

  "Do you want me to leave? He provoke me first." Wang Feifei looked at Chen Xuan who was lying on the ground, his face hesitated.

  Now that people are fighting, even if they apologize, they will inevitably have to accept punishment. You can’t be so stupid as to wait for the punishment. I’m afraid of being alone. I will leave here later, wherever Wang Feifei can’t survive.

   "Little guy, take care of my business, I will teach you a lesson." After saying that, Wang Feifei flew away.

  Chen Xuan could not speak, but felt extremely painful on the bridge of his nose, and the blood from his nostrils dripped down the corners of his mouth. Sun Tingting also felt that something was wrong, and reached out to pull Chen Xuan up.

  Chen Xuan waved his hand. He really couldn't move now. When he moved, a heart-piercing pain was transmitted to his brain. Sun Tingting took out a handkerchief to cover Chen Xuan's nose, the scene was calm and embarrassing.

  At this time, a drop of blood stuck to the book in his arms through Chen Xuan's clothes, and ripples appeared on the surfaces of the two books at the same time. After the ripples, the two books gradually faded until they disappeared. At the same time, Chen Xuan felt that there was something in his mind, but because it was too painful, he didn't pay attention, thinking it was a hallucination caused by pain.

  After a quarter of an hour, Chen Xuan no longer had blood flowing out of his nostrils, and the pain was much smaller, so he slowly stood up. Sun Tingting supported him and walked slowly towards the store.

  At the door, the guards were shocked to see Chen Xuan's injury.

   "Why is that like this today? You see you are still injured." Sun Tingting said with a bit of reproach.

"But there are still some gains today, and I got two interesting books. Huh! Books, books?" Chen Xuan subconsciously reached into his arms, but suddenly realized that the book hidden in his arms did not know when it was gone. .

   "Well, how can I have detailed records of these two books in my mind." Chen Xuan suddenly found that the contents of the two books were basically in his mind. "It's weird, did the two books run into my head?"

As long as Chen Xuan thinks about it for a moment, he can now retell the contents of those two books. What a miraculous thing, Chen Xuan knows that he may meet an expert, and only an expert can miss a memory. Entering into the minds of others for no reason, Chen Xuan knew that at least no one in the Xiaomu tribe could do this.

   "The old man is a master, so the book he gave him must be very magical." Chen Xuan immediately opened his memory, and couldn't wait to find out what magical places were.

  With the emergence of memory content, Chen Xuan finally knows what these two books are. The book "The Book of Ten Thousand Beasts" records four kinds of beasts, which are wild beasts, spirit beasts, fairy beasts, and sacred beasts. The appearance, habits, and living environment of each beast were introduced very clearly, as if a vivid picture had been engraved in Chen Xuan's mind. From the gentle and lovely little sheep to the fierce and mighty tiger, from the ordinary wild beasts and wolves to the infinitely powerful beasts, the blue dragon and the chaos, all the famous beasts are included in the scope of this book.

The other "Twenty-Eight Beast Refining Technique" selects 28 of the four types of beasts. As long as you get a drop of their blood for sacrifice, and then exercise according to the above body refining method, you can break through the void. Achieve the true god.

  Chen Xuan pursed his mouth, and suddenly realized that he really found a treasure. It's just that although the "Twenty-Eight Beast Refining Technique" is infinite in power, the blood of these various beasts is not so easy to get. The beast is better to say, which one of those fairy beasts and sacred beasts is not so proud, would they agree to give themselves a drop of blood? You don't need to use your brain to know that it's impossible.

  Chen Xuan thought, if you can get blood, you should practice, if you can’t get blood, you will read a boring book.

First of all, there are seven kinds of beasts: bull, greedy wolf, goshawk, clouded leopard, gibbon, crocodile, and bear. If you want to find a way to collect their blood, these seven kinds of beasts are available in this five-element continent. impossible. Let's talk about it later in the rest.

  Actually, fairy beasts and sacred beasts cannot be found on this continent, and they must be found in other worlds. Those places are the fairy realm and the **** realm.

  Chen Xuan even thought of visiting Gopher City in a few days to see if there is any animal blood being sold. If not, can you write a sign to collect it, maybe someone will bring you the blood you want.

  Chen Xuan fell asleep recalling the abilities of those sacred beasts.

  The next day Chen Xuan's injury was basically healed, and there was no pain. Even Ye Qing felt strange that there was such a big piece of congestion on the bridge of her nose yesterday, and it disappeared in only one night.

  Ye Qing ordered Wang Feifei to be arrested, but he did not catch it. He ordered to arrest again today. After all, this was the first thing he did here.

Feeling the extraordinaryness of the old man, Chen Xuan wanted to visit Gopher City again today to see if he could meet the old man again, but Ye Qing forbid him to go out because he thought that this time he hadn't considered it well. Chen Xuan should be allowed to go out alone and should be protected by a guard. And because Wang Feifei wanted to catch Wang Feifei, there were no extra guards in the past few days, so Chen Xuan could only be wronged and not let him go out.

  Chen Xuan was very upset, but he couldn't resist the persistence of the senior, so the next few days were all depressed. Occasionally, Sun Tingting would come over and talk to him, and there would be no disharmony between them when they first met.

  Seven days later, Wang Feifei was finally caught. It turned out that he actually ran to Mufeng Town next door. These old youtiao guards at the Muzu store learned that he was in Mufeng Town through a businessman, and finally arrested him after asking Ye Qing for instructions.

  Wang Feifei, who was shivering with fright, was thrown to the ground, and Chen Xuan was called to watch the punishment.

  Ye Qing didn’t actually look at Wang Feifei at all. He saw Chen Xuan coming, and just said indifferently: “Stoile the dog, and hurt people maliciously, interrupt your leg and throw it out!”

  Wang Feifei finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and finally there was no worry about his life.

   "No, this punishment is too heavy." Wang Feifei did not beg for mercy, but Chen Xuan pleaded for him.

   "Oh, is it too heavy? How do you think he should be punished?" Ye Qing looked at Chen Xuan meaningfully. He decided to hand over the punishment to Chen Xuan. In fact, Ye Qing did not feel that she was punished too severely.

  (End of this chapter)

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