Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1491: getting Started

   Chapter 1491 Getting Started

   "Okay! Come out." Before Chen Xuan understood where he was standing, he heard the excited voice of the horse gate master coming from a distance. He opened his eyes wide and realized that he was indeed standing at the exit of the phantom array, with a smile on his face.

"Little guy, congratulations on passing the entry test of this school. You can now choose to join our Shenxinmen. This school recruits very few disciples every year, but all of them are talented and intelligent. As long as you put your information Report to the sect. After the sect is verified to be correct, you can enter the gate." The master of the horse gate proudly introduced to Chen Xuan what to do next.

"I'm sorry, Master Ma, I need to go home to discuss with my parents." Chen Xuan replied to Master Ma, which made the Master Ma stunned for a while, but after another thought, he felt normal. After all, Chen Xuan just knew about himself. The attributes of the five elements, and his parents still don’t know the situation! In this case, it should be discussed.

  But Chen Xuan's situation is too special. The Master Ma is very worried that Chen Xuan will never return once he goes, because who knows how Chen Xuan's parents think about it? If it is a person of average aptitude, of course the Mamen Master believes that that person will definitely join them. But Chen Xuan’s single wooden attribute is rare in the history of the school. If he is let go, he can. He became a sinner of God's heart.

Master Ma thought for a moment, and said to Chen Xuan: "Little guy, I will let Master Du accompany you back! If you join our Sect Master, Master Du will be your nominal master, and you will get in touch first." In the eyes of the Mamen Master, letting the Dumen Master accompany Chen Xuan home can be described as killing two birds with one stone. One can let Chen Xuan know the people he met in the sect at an early date, and second, he can shirk his own responsibility, because if the master Du went to let Chen Xuan go, it would not be his responsibility.

  "Xiaotu, you go and invite Master Dumen." Master Mamen turned around and said to Xiaotu again.

   "Yes, Uncle." Xiao Tu turned around and left.

  When Xiaotu found the master of Dumen, he introduced Chen Xuan's basic situation. The master of Dumen gave green light in his eyes and left with a "swish". Lord Dumen himself is a person of the nine-story wood attribute, which is why he cultivated to the seventh level of the good fortune realm when he was only forty-two years old. He deeply knew the commendability of a single attribute. Hearing that Chen Xuan turned out to be a single wooden attribute, his eyes would of course glow green.

"Junior Brother Du, you are finally here, and you are about to have a super talented apprentice. But you have to accompany him back home to meet his parents and see what kind of parents gave birth to such a arrogant talent. "The Mamen Master saw Dumen Master flying over and said directly.

   Chen Xuan saw this person flying over. His body was well-proportioned and slender, and he was not very old, but he had long hair and whiskers on the temples, which fluttered in the wind, which looked like a fairytale bone. And this person stared at Chen Xuan eagerly as soon as he arrived. Although Chen Xuan didn't know much about this God Heart Sect, he could roughly infer from the words of Mamen Master that this Du Sect Master was mostly just a deputy master, and the attributes of the Five Elements were mainly wood.

   "Well, very good. What is your name?" Nadu Sect Master asked Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan."

   "Oh, the last name is Chen, is it still a single attribute, isn't it?" Suddenly, Master Du stopped asking. He roughly guessed something, but it was difficult to tell whether it was right or not. He probably guessed that Chen Xuan was a direct descendant of the Mu clan, but now that the Mu clan was destroyed, he had to live out.

   "No wonder." Dumen took for granted the identity of Chen Xuan's direct lineage. Although the Mu Clan was destroyed, the deep-rooted influence still exists.

"Let's go, I'll go see your parents too. I also admire the people of the Wooden Clan very much." He said that, of course, is good. A person with nine-story wood attributes, of course, the most regrettable thing in the past was that he was not born. If you are born in the Mu clan, you will definitely achieve higher achievements. At least it will be uniquely endowed in practice.

   "Mu Clan? Actually I..." Chen Xuan wanted to say that he was not a Mu Clan, but it was wrong to think that Xiao Mu Clan should also belong to the Mu Clan! But if you say that you are from the Mu tribe, I'm afraid I can't convince myself. Regardless of it, others will naturally know what is going on in the future.

Ye Qing brought Zeng Xin’er, Chen Xuan and Liu Chun’s family to the Stone Tail City in just one month, but of course the two of them could not sit and eat in the mountains when they arrived in the new place, so Ye Qing and Liu Chun partnered to rent a store. To jointly run the business operated in Muyu Town, after all, these are all things that are familiar to you.

The facade of    is currently in the renovation stage, and the two families are very busy, but of course there is nothing Chen Xuan has to do. The only thing he has to do is to figure out his five-element attributes.

  Sun Tingting was so busy that she was sweating profusely. After all, women are really the life of the family. If you can't lift the counter, you can wipe the counter, and if you can't carry the goods, you can use the broom. In short, she has no time to idle.

   Suddenly, Ye Qing felt a strong thought. He knew that a powerful existence was approaching him. He suddenly raised his head and saw Chen Xuan and the fairy-like person next to him. And the man was looking at him intently.

   "Chen Xuan, who is this?" Ye Qing hurriedly greeted her, secretly guarding her heart, but her face showed respect.

  "The young man Jun Zisong, the deputy head of Shenxinmen." This Dumen master introduced himself in front of Chen Xuan.

   Ye Qing was shocked, and the deputy master of the dignified Shenxinmen came personally. I don’t know what's going on? He came with Chen Xuan and must be related to Chen Xuan. Thinking of this, Ye Qing quickly arched her hands and said respectfully: "Master Du Men will come here personally and let Mi She Peng Yi be shining, please come to the inner hall. Xin'er, go make tea."

  So as soon as they waited, they entered the inner hall, the guest and the host sat down, and tea was also served. Du Zisong opened the door and said straightforwardly: "Boss Mu must be very surprised why I came, so let me just say it straight. First of all, congratulations to Boss Mu for giving birth to a peerless talent. You may not know that this child turned out to be a single wood attribute with five elements. This is a rare thing among hundreds of millions of people."

   Ye Qing heard this, and an expression of excitement appeared on her face. really? Chen Xuan turned out to be a single wood attribute, which made him so happy. You must know that it is rare for the entire Mu tribe to find a genius with a single wood attribute for hundreds of years, and as long as it is a single wood attribute, it will definitely be the most important cultivation in the wood tribe.

  But then Ye Qing showed a frustrated expression again, because he suddenly remembered that the Mu Clan had been destroyed, and Chen Xuankong's talents had nothing to do with the Mu Clan.

"Therefore, Benmen attaches great importance to the future of this child. We know that you must have a relationship with the Mu clan. If in the past, Benmen would not have dared to covet this child's belonging." Du Zixon paused, and then said: " As for the current situation of the Mu Clan, it is unknown. If this child can join the school, the school will definitely do everything in its power to nurture it."

   Ye Qing also vaguely knew the origin of Juniper before. After listening to what he said just now, he naturally understood why Juniper came from. After thinking about it, he asked: "Shenxinmen is the most famous sect in the local area. Inuzi went to the Shenxinmen for an introductory test. Although the main purpose is to know his own attributes of the five elements, he can't help but say that he intends to join. It’s from the Guizong sect. It’s just that Inouzi’s current five element attribute is a single wood attribute, but I don’t know what level of exercises Guis would let him practice?

Ye Qing’s problem is of course the most practical one. If Shenxinmen only has the most **** wood attribute technique for Chen Xuan to practice, it is indeed not as good as Ye Qing’s own teaching Chen Xuan, because Ye Qing’s own wood attribute technique is Xiaomu. The clan’s top "Withered Wood Jue".

"Haha, is this a problem? Of course, the wood attribute exercises of this school and the Mu people are not the same. But this school has one advantage, that is, the focus of this school is not the five-element exercise method, but the mind method. ."

  "Heart, what does this mean? Does Master Du mean that Shenxinmen does not practice the Five Elements Technique?" Ye Qing asked in surprise.

"Of course not. This school also cultivates the Five Elements method, but it does not focus on it. The main focus of this School is the mental method of spiritual power. Therefore, we will not interfere with the disciple's cultivation of his own Five Elements method at all, but The improvement of the disciple’s mental power is used to measure the pros and cons. Of course, the facts have proved that people who practice the five elements fast, most of them will also be very good at cultivating the mind. The two seem to promote each other."

  In fact, you can basically remove the word "seems" in Jun Zisong's words. Spiritual power and the five-element exercises originally promote each other, and the more you cultivate to a higher stage, the more obvious this promotion will be.

   "Oh, it turned out to be like this. That means that if Chen Xuan enters the gate of God's Heart, he can still major in the exercises I gave him."

"Yes. This door only evaluates his mental power to what extent. For example, if my spiritual power reaches eight levels, he can become the deputy head of the **** heart door. If he can reach the nine levels, he can be the head of the door. . Reaching the tenth level is the Supreme Elder."

   "Is Yazhong the deputy sect master? Then the Shenxin Sect does not know how many deputy sect masters?" Ye Qing asked. I heard that the **** heart gate is very powerful. If the eightfold mental power is the deputy master, then there should be many deputy masters.

"Wrong." Du Zisong stroked his beard and said with a smile: "The school will always retain only five deputy masters. These five are the disciples of each of the five elements who have reached the eighth level of mental strength recently. Their duty is to replace the master. Recruit disciples and manage things in the door, and the former deputy master will automatically become the elder, focusing on impacting the ninth spiritual power. Therefore, the deputy master of this school is just a duty."

  "This system is good, no wonder Guimen will become the most famous sect in the local area." Ye Qing boasted.

   "Hehe, the masters in this discipline are really good as teachers, and they really motivate the less advanced disciples very well." Du Zisong said proudly.

   "I don't know which attribute of the practice is the master of Du Sect?" Ye Qing asked, he wanted to find out if Chen Xuan entered the gate of God's heart, who was his master?

  (End of this chapter)

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