Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1492: master

  Chapter 1492 Master

   "Don’t hide from Boss Chen, if Chen Xuan joins us, the master will be our own person."

   "Okay, Chen Xuan, if you are willing to fall into the heart of the gods, come over and shout ‘Master’", Ye Qing is not critical of the heart of the gods. Teach your own children is a very dangerous behavior, it is easy to make children spoiled and narrow-minded. If the Mu clan was still there, he would send Chen Xuan to the Mu clan for training, but now that the Mu clan is no longer there, he thought of sending him to a better sect.

Chen Xuan is actually a little scared of entering the sect. Although he has been in this world for fifteen years, he has always lived by his parents, and naturally developed a thought of dependence. Of course he is afraid of the unknown world. Extenuable. But Chen Xuan is also a smart person. He knows that after all, he has to be on his own. Facing the new environment is inevitable.

   "Let's enter. New life might be more exciting? But if Sun Tingting can also enter the gate of God's heart with herself." Chen Xuan thought.

   "I have a good friend. If she can enter the door of God's heart, I will enter." Chen Xuan boldly stated his conditions.

   "Hey, little guy, you can really take advantage of the fire." Du Zisong laughed. "How about the attributes of your friend's five elements?"

  In Du Zisong's heart, as long as Chen Xuanken enters the sect, he can make a certain sacrifice, which naturally includes recruiting another person who is not very up to the standard. But if that person is too bad, Juniper will definitely bargain.

   "She has the seven-layer water attribute." Chen Xuan said.

"The seven-layer water attribute has reached the basic qualifications for entry, so you can ask her to do the entry test tomorrow. What is her name?" Du Zisong obviously wanted to have a meeting with the Prophet of the Horse Gate, so that Chen Xuan could recommend it. People passed the blunder.

   "She's Sun Tingting. Master Du must remember it." Chen Xuan emphasized. Sun Tingting has been in contact with him for more than a year. From the store of the Xiaomu clan to the escape, this little girl is really good to him. Taking care of him is like taking care of his younger brother. He often makes him dumbfounded and moved. Now in a new environment, Chen Xuan would not hesitate if he could help Sun Tingting.

   "Chen Xuan, don't be unreasonable, don't make the Du Sect master embarrassed." Ye Qing stopped. He also acted, and of course he also hoped to send Liu Chun's girl into the sect.

"It's okay. Let me see that girl, oh, she's so good-looking, she's very spiritual. Maybe, I also found a proud student for Master Li by the way?" Sun Tingting was in the store. Help, the Master Du is here, and of course everyone is around outside the inner hall. Just when she grabbed her head and looked inside, Juniper asked to see her. She retracted her head again, but Juniper saw him. He deliberately joked.

  In fact, in his heart, he did not expect Sun Tingting to pass the phantom array test, but as long as the horse sect master is willing to let go, Li Mianyuan’s deputy head of the water system can only accept her as an apprentice. Even if Sun Tingting's qualifications are poor, there is no loss to everyone, only Sun Tingting herself. It is also very scary to fail to keep up at the gate of God's heart.

  But Chen Xuan is different, with ten layers of wood attributes. Moreover, he passed the phantom array test. This is simply a gift sent by God to the Shenxinmen deliberately, and Shenxinmen will hold him in his hands no matter what.

"Boss Chen, I shouldn’t have asked about the Mu tribe’s situation, but if it’s convenient for you, can you tell me something or two? My man is a ninth-layer wood cultivator and has always admired the Mu tribe. It’s extremely regrettable for our people to dissipate."

"It’s really embarrassing for the Lord Dumen to want to know the situation of the Mu tribe. I am surnamed Mu, but unfortunately I am not a direct descendant of the Mu tribe. I came to the branch of the Mu tribe, the so-called Xiaomu tribe, and I never had the opportunity to enter the Mu tribe again. Headquarters. Lin'er has a single wood attribute, and of course he wants to enter the Mu clan’s headquarters. Unfortunately, now that the Mu clan has been destroyed by the Orcs, he has lost this level of hope. Given the specific circumstances of the Mu clan, I’m afraid there is only the wood for fleeing. The clan will know that I, like Lord Dumen, are just hearsay."

"Oh, that's the case. I thought you were fugitives from the direct line of the Mu clan. It seems that I was thinking about it wrong. This is better. Chen Xuan has little to do with the Mu clan headquarters, that is, the Mu clan can be revived in the future. It doesn't have much to do with Chen Xuan, so our Shenxinmen will better train him." Jun Zisong said happily. Just now, he was afraid that the mention of the Mu clan would make Ye Qing sad, but now that he discovered that Ye Qing had nothing to do with the Mu clan headquarters at all, so naturally he had no scruples.

   chatted for a while, Du Zisong got up to leave, and before leaving, he confessed: "Chen Xuan, you must ask your friend to test at this door tomorrow! I am still waiting for you to call the master?"

   "It must be," Chen Xuan replied quickly.

  Du Zisong is gone, Ye Qing kept sending him a few miles before returning. At this time, Sun Tingting's family had already entered the inner hall, and they naturally came to understand Sun Tingting's entry test tomorrow.

  Sun Tingting looked at Chen Xuan, and she was amazed. She heard outside the hall that Chen Xuan turned out to be a single wood attribute, which was nothing like her own seven-layer water attribute.

   "Sun Tingting, you heard it too. Go to the Shenxinmen to test tomorrow. After all, Shenxinmen is the largest sect in the local area. If you can join, you will have a bright future." Chen Xuan said.

  "Thank you, Chen Xuan." Sun Tingting is actually thinking about joining the Shenxinmen these few days, but she is hesitant because she knows that Shenxinmen recruits too few disciples every year, and most of them will be eliminated if she signs up. But now Chen Xuan used herself as a bargaining chip to keep her in mind, which naturally moved her.

   "Don't thank me, you go to the test tomorrow, and most of it will pass. I mean, even if there is no reason for me, you will pass. Now you are just lack of confidence."

  Liu Chun was also very happy. He felt that he had chosen the right direction to escape with Ye Qing. Now it is very possible for my baby daughter to join a good sect, and her achievements will be much better than her in the future. "Yes, Ping'er, you just lack confidence. This problem should be corrected in the future."

"By the way, Sun Tingting, you go to the test tomorrow, especially when you are in the phantom array test, you must think of ways to always keep yourself awake." Chen Xuan thought of his situation in the phantom array, and had to ventilate Sun Tingting in advance so that She joined the gate of God's Heart without any dispute.

   "Really? Then tell me some of the situations you encountered in the illusion." Sun Tingting is very concerned about tomorrow's test, so she wants to take precautions.

  So Chen Xuan patiently told Sun Tingting about the situations he encountered. The two families were inexplicably surprised at this, and at the same time they were full of expectations for Shenxinmen.

  Back to Chen Xuan's own residence, Ye Qing and Zeng Xin'er came round again. They were very happy that their son turned out to be a single wood attribute, which really made them feel both surprised and proud. Ye Qing solemnly took out a pale yellow book, handed it to Chen Xuan, and said, "This is the rubbing of the top wood technique of the Xiaomu clan, "Withered Wood Art", and it is also a technique I have practiced. Fa, in the entire Mu Clan’s exercises, is also of the highest level. Starting today, you can practice it. If the Mu Clan’s headquarters is not destroyed, you will have a chance to get a better exercise, or even the one. In the legendary Grade A high-grade exercise method, one of the cultivation conditions of that exercise method is a single wood attribute, hey, what a pity!"

  Chen Xuan solemnly accepted Ye Qing's "Withered Wood Jue", and his heart was full of excitement. Not easy! It has been five years, and the practice that I have expected since the first time I participated in the Five Elements Test can finally begin. Stakes, they have all reached the high level of mortal realm. I don't know where he is now, will he also come to the middle of the mainland?

  Actually, Chen Xuan had asked Ye Qing a long time about the situation of Muzhu's family, but Ye Qing has not been able to get any news from them now.

  When the hustle and bustle of the day finally ended, Chen Xuan carefully opened the "Withered Wood Art", which is a practice technique to guide the luck of wood practitioners. The opening chapter tells the origin of the name of this exercise. This technique has a great demand for the spiritual energy of the wood around the cultivator, so large that it can peel off the vitality of the tree and instantly make the tree decay, hence the name "Dead Wood Art". This also shows that the cultivation feature of this exercise method is to use a large amount of wood attribute spiritual energy to impact the human body meridians, thereby prompting the cultivator to advance.

  Next, I introduced the applicable object of this book, which is the highest realm that this book can reach. "Withered Wood Art" allows the wood cultivator to practice until the end of the good fortune realm. Like other exercises, this book divides the mortal realm and the good fortune realm into nine realms. The nine realms of the mortal realm are fixed qi, movement qi, luck, gathering qi, lifting qi, invigorating qi, raising qi, distributing qi, Qi. The nine levels of good fortune realm are respectively condensing qi, condensing qi, pill qi, breaking qi, entraining qi, impervious qi, vigor, qi, and extinguishing qi. Each of the three realms is a stage, so these two realms can be summarized into three stages: low, intermediate, and high.

  The first step in the practice of exercises, that is, the introduction, all exercises require "sense of energy", of course, "Withered Wood Jue" is no exception. Chen Xuan looked at these two words with a smile on his face. He only learned to walk when he heard these two words, and now he was finally about to start, which made his heart pounding.

  According to the explanation on the exercise method, calmed down, and slowly relaxed his mind, Chen Xuan began his martial arts career.

Feeling qi is the first step for all cultivators, but some people can feel successful within a day, while some people may not be able to succeed in a month. Some people say this is a problem of talent, and more People don't agree with this view, because practice has proved that there is no relationship between the speed of cultivation and the speed of feeling qi in the future.

  (End of this chapter)

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