Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1493: Colorful Reiki

   Chapter 1493

  Chen Xuan was desperately angry, but because he always couldn't completely calm down his heart, most of the night passed, he still didn't notice the existence of even a little aura between heaven and earth. On the contrary, he looked forward to the life of God's heart from time to time. Until the latter half of the night, Chen Xuan dozed off and fell asleep unconsciously.

  This night, he had many dreams, including having fun with Chen Zhuang, being at a loss in an unfamiliar environment, and seeing the colorful pictures of various gases between the heaven and the earth. When he woke up the next day, his head hurt a little. But when he tried to recall the dream he had had, he suddenly became suspicious. Is the color picture aura? Have you realized aura in your dream?

  He began to meditate, relaxed his mind, closed his eyes, and recalled the color pictures he had seen in his dream. Ten minutes later, the color picture finally appeared in Chen Xuan's mind, but the color picture was unpredictable, and the colors were colorful but messy. This is similar to and different from the aura described in "Ku Chen Jue". The similarity is that they are all linear and ethereal. The difference is that what Chen Xuan feels is colorful, but what is described in the book does not seem to have any color; what Chen Xuan feels is a drawing of silk threads, and what the book says is a line. silk.

  These made Chen Xuan hesitate and annoyed. Could it be that he made a mistake. In desperation, Chen Xuan had to stop meditating. He stood up and walked out of the bedroom. He wanted to find his father immediately and asked if his current perception was wrong.

  When I found Chen Chengfeng in the lobby, Chen Chengfeng had already started today's work. When he heard Chen Xuan's description, Chen Chengfeng was shocked, "You can feel the silk line drawing, and it is still colorful? Are you lying to me?"

  Chen Xuan curled his lips, looking very aggrieved. Chen Chengfeng went on to say: "Chen Xuan, do you know? I can feel a dozen or so auras at the same time now, and that aura is only green, I can't feel any other colors. If you can do that when you get started, I'm afraid it is really a genius for cultivation."

   "Really?" Chen Xuan was very happy. It turned out that he didn't feel wrong, but it was a bit shocking. I am a monster, so it should be a bit shocking! Chen Xuan said to himself.

"But there is also a problem. If you can feel so many auras at the same time, then the next qi will be different from others. It will be very difficult. You have to be prepared." Chen Chengfeng splashed Chen Xuan again. cold water.

  Those auras are wafting, it takes a lot of effort to stay a bit, if you want to stay all of them, it will take even more energy. And if Chen Xuan only stayed for a while and allowed others to move freely, it seemed that it could not be said to be a calming state in the complete sense, because the definition of a calming state was to hold down all the auras he had sensed.

   only staying for a trace can only be called the half-step fixed air state, and I don’t know if I can advance to the second stage air state. And no one is willing to give up so many auras that they have realized and only master some of them. Obviously, if you can control so many auras at the same time, it will definitely speed up your cultivation.

  When Chen Xuan was worried here, in a place not too far away, there were a group of ten-year-old children who were collectively comprehending the spirit, and standing next to him was a tall and mighty man. The man looked at the group of children right now and sighed slightly in his heart: "It has been two days, but there are still more than half of the children who have not been able to perceive the aura, and none of the children who have realized the aura have even realized two auras. Chen Clan, is there really no hope?"

  He looked at the "Colorful Picture" in his hand again. "Thousands of years, is there really anyone in the world who can feel the colorful aura?"

  This man is Chen Yu, the patriarch of the Chen clan, and he is now the third infancy powerhouse in Semi-Wonderland. However, compared with the Fire-Eyed Scorpio, he was no match for fifty moves. He could only abandon the Chen Clan and lead the remnants to flee away from others. Otherwise, he would only make sacrifices.

He is also a cultivator with a single Chen attribute. It is a pity that he could only perceive a few when he perceives spiritual energy, and the color is only green. Therefore, he did not have the opportunity to practice the first-class exercise "Colorful Diagram". This is of course his regret . According to historical records, there was someone who could practice Wucai Tu thousands of years ago. That person was named Chen Sen, who also had a single Chen attribute. This also makes the Chen tribe form a tradition. The condition for being able to practice Wucai Tu is a person with a single Chen attribute and able to perceive colorful spiritual energy.

   But now that the Chen clan is not in danger, Chen Yu has relaxed the conditions again. As long as the disciples of the Chen clan can feel the colorful spirit, all the disciples of the Chen clan can practice "Colorful Picture". Even so, it is the same as when there is no relaxation of the conditions, because there is no person who can realize the colorful spirit.

  This "Colorful Picture" is also very strange, ordinary people can't practice at all, because its first reconfirmation of Qi requires several auras to be held at the same time. The use of the colorful aura in the back is only used by those who have the sense of the colorful aura. In the past few thousand years, even though there are so many people with high talents in the Chen family, there are still zero people who are suitable for cultivation.

"You all go back to your residence, if anyone can feel the colorful spiritual energy in the future, you can report it. The Chen Clan's exercises are in the hands of the three elders, you can choose from him!" Chen Yu was very surprised. Said.

  So the new geniuses of the Chen clan are gone.

  Let’s talk about Chen Xuan. Although he was warned that his future cultivation might be troublesome, he didn’t worry too much before trying it, so he was still very happy to start a new day of life.

  Today’s task is to accompany Sun Tingting to the Shenxinmen for the introductory test. If Sun Tingting can pass the test, he should prepare to enter the Shenxinmen and officially become a member of the Shenxinmen. But if there is an accident in Sun Tingting's test, there will be another game. But in the end, he will still join this sect, because this is the only way he can practice his own exercises and enter the sect. Other sects will most likely not allow him to practice non-sect exercises privately. of. Especially when you first started, most of them were provided by the cultivating sect. Only in this way can the purity of the sect be guaranteed.

  Sun Tingting wore a brand-new floral jacket today, and her red face was full of expectant smiles. She and Chen Xuan came to the test site very early, but at this time the team was already long in line. Chen Xuan had to stand in the distance and wait, while Sun Tingting began to line up.

  It didn't take long for Du Zisong to appear at the entrance of the test. He came out to observe whether Chen Xuan had come. His gaze crossed the line of people, and finally found Chen Xuan's figure in the far corner. He smiled and walked over calmly.

   "Where is your good friend?" Du Zisong asked with a smile.

   "There." Chen Xuan pointed his finger at the location of Sun Tingting. Du Zisong glanced over and saw Sun Tingting, nodding lightly.

   "Are you waiting here? Or go in?" Du Zisong asked.

  Chen Xuan thought for a while, shook his head again, and said, “Let’s wait here! Everyone knows that there is no need to do it.”

   "Then I will go." Jun Zisong went away again, he probably went to inform the master of the horse gate.

  After a long time, Chen Xuan watched Sun Tingting enter the test field.

  Half an hour later, Chen Xuan finally saw Sun Tingting coming out of the test field. He knew that Sun Tingting had participated in the test of the magic array. But how can Sun Tingting's test time be so short, is it really just a cutscene?

  Seeing Sun Tingting's joy, Chen Xuan did not speak, but looked at Sun Tingting happily.

   "Don't you have anything to ask?" Sun Tingting looked at Chen Xuan with her lips, she was angry that Chen Xuan did not ask if she passed.

   "Oh, why did you come out so soon?" Chen Xuan asked with a smile.

   "Huh! Don't you ask if you have had it?"

   "But will you be so happy?" Chen Xuan asked back.

At this time, Du Zisong came over, took out two tokens, handed them to Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, and said: "Very well, I thought I was going to favor favoritism, but unexpectedly the little girl is also a wizard, if it weren't for you It is a single attribute, maybe she is more suitable for us than you?"

   "Really? Sun Tingting, is your mood test so powerful?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "Hehe, do you know that the magic array you passed yesterday, how long did this little girl pass?"

   "Half an hour is really short." Chen Xuan replied.

"Haha, half an hour, do you think that way? I want to tell you that she only took five minutes, and she passed the low-level phantom array test of the mortal realm in the remaining twenty minutes. I was originally I just want her to perform the simplest test like you, but she got out of the phantom in only five minutes, and we have to do it according to the standard."

"Really? Even the low-level test of the mortal realm only took more than 20 minutes, which is too powerful. It seems that I have not entered the sect this time, but I have done a great job for the sect." Chen Xuan jokingly Said.

   "I don't see, you little guy is proud of it." Du Zisong laughed. "Go back and prepare. Report to the Zongmen within five days. After the time, Shenxinmen will go to Boss Chen to arrest people. Haha!" Du Zisong smiled heartily. This was indeed an unexpected joy. Originally, Chen Xuan was already a huge surprise, but now there is another Sun Tingting with a natural and strong mood. This is rare in the history of Shenxinmen, or simply not there.

The five-day preparation period made Chen Chengfeng and Liu Chun more busy, but no matter how important business is, they still have time to spend time with their children. After all, after these five days, the time to meet with their children will be much less. , Maybe, it's rare to see each other once throughout the year.

   And the mothers of Zeng Xiner and Sun Tingting had tears and noses, as if their daughter was about to get married.

  (End of this chapter)

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