Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1494: Apprenticeship

  Chapter 1494 Apprenticeship Ceremony

  Excited and sad again. Qian told Wan to ask Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting to listen to the master's words, which made Sun Tingting's tears soar.

  On the morning of the fifth day, the two families sent them outside the gate of Shenxin and watched them enter the gate.

  Shenxinmen, as the most famous sect in the local area, is indeed justified. The area of ​​the Zongmen is very vast. It almost encompasses the entire West City of Shiwei City. The gate was not far from the gate of Xicheng City, and when he entered the gate, what appeared in Chen Xuan’s eyes was a spacious avenue with rows of evergreen trees planted on both sides of the avenue. Outside the trees was an artificial lake. The lake was rippling with blue waves and fish. Children swim.

  At the end of the avenue is the square of Shenxinmen. There is a huge statue in the center of the square. You don’t need to ask Chen Xuan to know that this must be a famous figure in the history of Shenxinmen.

  Under the leadership of the disciple of Shenxinmen, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting came to the square. The disciple who led them was only fourteen or five years old, and it seemed that they had only entered the gate in recent years. However, as a disciple of the God Heart Sect, he is undoubtedly a young talent, so he has an elegant manner and a posture of ecstasy.

  But when passing the statue in the square, the disciple still paid attention to the statue religiously, and then he continued to lead Chen Xuan and the others.

  On the same way, the disciple had asked Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting’s names long ago, and Chen Xuan also knew that the brother’s name was Zhu Chunbin, who was a water system cultivator. Although only four years after he started, he has now reached the sixth peak of the Mortal Realm, and his spiritual power has reached the fourth. Chen Xuan didn't know the situation of spiritual power cultivation, but thinking that Du Zisong had only reached the eighth level, he knew that Zhu Chunbin's spiritual power cultivation was indeed excellent.

  Finally, Zhu Chunbin led Chen Xuan and the others to the Zongmen service hall. This is a comprehensive building with a huge living room at the front and separate rooms at the back. It is the place where Zongmen affairs are usually handled. And today should be the time for the new disciples to report, so all the major deputy masters gathered in the office hall.

  In that huge living room, there were five deputy masters, three men and two women. Chen Xuan knew two of them. Of course, it was the horse master and Juniper. As for the two female deputy masters, one is tall, but a little older, and even has passed the age limit of a young woman, the other is not tall or short, but has sharp eyes like a steel knife, but not too old, look. It's probably less than 30 to go up.

  Chen Xuan met the steel knife's eyes, and quickly retracted his gaze, but he couldn't help but feel terrified. "Such a young deputy sect leader, such a sharp vision, is really unique. This person must be easy to mess with, remember!" Chen Xuan warned himself.

  The last one is a short fat man with a plain appearance. The age can be forty, fifty, or sixty, which is not clear at all.

"This is Chen Xuan, and I will be my apprentice from now on. This is Sun Tingting, a good friend of Chen Xuan, and he belongs to the disciple of Master Li according to regulations." Du Zisong said, he especially emphasized that Sun Tingting is Chen Xuan's good friend. My friend, I am very embarrassed to make fun of Chen Xuan. The Master Ma and the Master Li smiled slightly, but the steel knife eyes and the fat man were still stern.

"This is the Fire Element Master Ma Men Master, this is the Water Element Master Li Men Master, that is, Sun Tingting, your master. This is the Earth Element Master Tu Men Master, and this is the Jin Family Master Sect Master. Lord." Du Zisong introduced his own people to Chen Xuan and the others. Only then did Chen Xuan know that the older female deputy sect master was Sun Tingting's master, and the younger one was originally the gold deputy sect master. No wonder the eyes are like steel knives. They are originally gold!

  "In the future, if you have anything, you can directly contact the five of us, because the entire sect affairs will be handled directly by the five of us."

  "Next is the teacher recognition ceremony, Chen Xuan, come here to recognize the teacher," Du Zisong said seriously. "Sun Tingting, go and recognize Master Li as a teacher!"

   "Knock three heads and call the master, even if you have completed the ceremony."

   Chen Xuan knocked Du Zisong three heads as instructed, and then called for the master. Sun Tingting did as well, but Master Li took out a piece of jade pendant and handed it to Sun Tingting, saying, "This is a piece of heart-warming jade, and I will give it to you as a teacher. After all, you may be the last apprentice as a teacher." This Sect Master Li is now the pinnacle of the eighth level of spiritual power, and it is estimated that it will not be long before she can break through to the ninth level. Then she will become an elder, but she loses the qualification to continue accepting disciples.

  Du Zisong saw the Li Sect master giving the gift, he couldn't help but flushed, and said in a slanderous manner: "I have been rushed to prepare for the teacher, and I will definitely make up the gift for you in the future."

   "Thank you, Master." Chen Xuan said loudly. This made Juniper's face even redder.

"This brat, come on, I'll lead you to where you live now, don't go to the wrong place in the future." So Juniper walked in front, Chen Xuan followed behind, through a bush of flowers, and then walked down a small path. , Just in front of a small house, this house is not far from the office hall, and there are no other buildings around the house. Chen Xuan felt very strange. Did he live here alone? No companions?

"That's right. You have to pay attention. Although you and Sun Tingting are good friends, you are not allowed to walk into each other's dormitory before the cultivator level. If you violate the rules, the door rules will be dealt with seriously. This is just for your mind. , Let you go further in martial arts principles to make the rules." Du Zisong said seriously.

   "Usually outside, can you speak?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "Hey, you stupid boy, watch the door rules by yourself." With a snap, a thick book was thrown out by Jun Zisson.

   "So thick!" Chen Xuan was shocked. I quickly opened it and found that, fortunately, not only the rules of the gate, but also some knowledge about the history of the sect were recorded.

  After Du Zisong left, Chen Xuan began to live in the heart of God. The first thing he had to do was to get through the thick book left by Juniper. Because this book is very important, starting from the history of Shenxinmen, to the basic situation of reality, to how the disciples survive and develop in the sect, and finally the various rules and regulations of the sect. It can be said that this is Chen Xuan's life in the Shenxinmen. General outline. It does have a very formal name, called "Getting Started".

  Open the manual. First of all, it is the first category, which is about the history of God's Heart Gate. Shenxinmen is the sect founded by the first patriarch Ren Zhuifeng a thousand years ago. The statue of the man on the square was made by Ren Zhuifeng. The reason why Ren Zhuifeng founded Shenxinmen was because he obtained an inheritance in a secret adventure, and established a sect based on the spiritual power cultivation method he was required to obtain. However, Ren Zhuifeng was originally a man of unrestrained nature and had little interest in founding sects. Under this situation, he thought of a way to get the best of both worlds. First of all, he selected the first batch of disciples strictly based on his prestige, and spent twenty years teaching these disciples to the level of strong mainlanders. Then the rules were laid down, that is, the latest breakthroughs to the eighth level of spiritual power, each of the five elements disciples became the deputy masters, a total of five, and fully dominated various affairs within the sect.

  If a new disciple reaches the eighth level, the original deputy master will automatically become a sect elder. And if the current deputy sect master breaks through to the ninth level, this deputy sect master will become a senior elder, and the position of deputy sect master will be assumed by the elder who has been promoted to the eighth level at the latest.

  All disciples, as long as they can break through to the tenth level of spiritual power, they can become Supreme Elders. These supreme elders have generally reached the level of a semi-paradise, and they are already the top existence on this continent.

  Eight hundred years ago, Ren Zhuifeng went to the immortal realm, and the remaining position of the master of the door became a symbolic existence, which was generally produced among the powerhouses above the level of nine. Of course, it was voted by all disciples of eightfold and above, the selected people are basically those who have made special contributions to the Shenxinmen, or have great influence in the surroundings, because the monarch only represents the image of the Shenxinmen, Choosing this kind of person is the most appropriate.

Therefore, fundamentally speaking, the affairs of the God Heart Sect are mainly handled by the five deputy masters. Being the deputy master is actually a kind of duty, only after you break through, or after the disciples of the same five elements break through to the eighth level. Only then can they be automatically relieved of their duties and concentrate on practicing. As the saying goes, if there are disadvantages, there will be advantages. Although the deputy master has to deal with various complicated affairs, he can obtain a lot of resources, because this involves the reward and punishment system of the sect. Being the deputy master is to complete the task of the sect. As long as the task is completed, the reward of the sect is very generous. In addition to resources, the position of deputy head is also very effective in training people's various abilities, so it goes without saying.

  The second category on the book is about tasks, rewards and punishments. The types of missions of Shenxinmen can be described as strange. As long as they are not for evil or self-interest, they can be released as missions, ranging from maintaining the survival of human beings and sectarian safety to removing weeds in the garden and cleaning the square. release. The issuer of the task is the owner of the God Heart Gate. Whoever posts the task will provide the reward. As the biggest publisher of the mission, of course, the five deputy sect masters, because most of the time they release quests on behalf of the sect.

  There is no restriction on publishing tasks, only you need to provide equal rewards. However, there are tasks to accept. For example, in the second year of entry, you can no longer accept the task of cleaning, and you cannot accept the task of helping the kitchen slaughter animals if you reach the third level of mental power. The main reason is that the disciples of the Shenxin Sect only need to complete twelve tasks each year, even if they have completed the basic tasks, they will be able to obtain the most basic resources distributed by the sect. In order to ensure that low-level repairers can have sufficient tasks, it is of course necessary to not allow high-level repairers to seize their tasks.

  But you can't accept the tasks you publish yourself, otherwise the role of the task will be invalid.

  (End of this chapter)

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