Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1495: God's Heart Gate

  Chapter 1495 God's Heart Gate

  As for the punishment for not being able to complete the task, it can range from disqualification from discipleship to reduction of resources. After continuous modification in practice, the mission system of the Shenxinmen can be described as very developed, and it serves the purpose of maintaining the development of the school and promoting the progress of the disciples.

  The sect contribution value is related to the task. This is also a very important system. After completing the task, the disciples of each level will have different sect contribution values. With these contribution values, you can buy various techniques and exercises of the sect technique library and the exercise library. However, Chen Xuan didn't need any exercises and techniques at all, so he just scanned this item briefly.

  The third piece is about door rules. Advocating respect for teachers, safeguarding the interests of the sect, punishing others, benefiting oneself, and endangering society, of course, are some things. Chen Xuan did not pay too much attention to these principles. On the contrary, what interested him was the rule proposed by Du Zisong It's really there. Not only are disciples in the mortal realm not allowed to enter each other's dormitory, but also those of the opposite **** in the cultivator realm cannot enter the mortal realm's dorm. This mortal dormitory has become a forbidden zone for the opposite sex. There is another ultimate punishment that is also very interesting. It is not execution, but abolition of the cultivation base, and then swallows the forgetting pill, forgets the cultivation mentality, and finally expelled from the sect.

  The fourth piece is about daily life. The content of the story is varied, with a total of hundreds of items. Some are like storytelling, and some are just a sentence. There was a map of the whole continent that Chen Xuan had watched for a long time. There is also a specific time for three meals a day, and the cost standards have been discussed a lot. Chen Xuan discovered that the basic resources issued by the sect were exactly equivalent to the cost of living. It seems that only completing the basic tasks can only solve the problem of food and clothing. If you want to get extra resources, you have to complete additional tasks.

  The place to stay is also very special. The lodging area of ​​the God Heart Gate is called the Ten Heavens, and each Heaven corresponds to the practitioners of the corresponding spiritual power. The place where Chen Xuan now lives is called Xiaotian Waitian, which is not within the scope of the tenth heaven. Only after he reaches the first level of spiritual power can he move into the first level. There is also a real heaven outside the tenth heaven, which is a very mysterious place, and lives in the sect powerhouse who has the hope of entering the immortal world. They have already cultivated to the eleventh level of mental power, but unfortunately because they don't have the twelfth level of mental power, they can only have a chance to obtain a higher level of mental power after entering the fairy world. Ren Zhuifeng's mentality in the Five Elements Continent is only eleven. This is consistent with the actual situation. It is impossible to cultivate to the twelfth level of spiritual power in the Five Elements Continent, because as soon as the cultivation of this heavy spiritual power breaks through, the practitioner will surpass the semi-paradise and reach the original fairyland. The highest realm is only half-xian and triple, and it is impossible to enter the original fairyland.

   After carefully flipping through the book in his hand, a smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face. This sect is still very suitable for him. It is easy and free. You only need to complete the basic tasks, and the difficulty of completing the basic tasks is not high.

  Chen Xuan observed the sky and found that it was noon now and it was time for lunch. He went to the book and found the location of the canteen. In fact, Chen Xuan is not hungry at all, but somehow he will go to the cafeteria from now on, and now I have time to familiarize myself with the situation.

  The cafeteria is actually in the middle of the Tenth Heaven, and there is a road to reach it directly, but the low-level cultivators cannot enter the high-level area except walking on the road. Chen Xuan could only look far away from the road. He found that the higher the multiplicity, the larger the house built, and the house in Wuzhongtian was bigger than his home in the Xiao Chen clan. Think about the tenth heaven, isn't that living like a palace?

   But this idea is wrong. By the sixth day, the house will not continue to grow bigger, but the facilities inside the house will become different. Chen Xuan only figured out this matter later, and still secretly complained that this habitual thinking is really harmful.

  Shenxinmen's canteen is actually not big, because there are not many disciples in the Shenxinmen, and in addition to completing tasks, many disciples are often not in the sect, and fewer people come to the canteen to eat.

  "A new junior is here again. This is the fifth one to come. It seems that the sect has really recruited a large number of disciples this year." A young man in his twenties sitting at the door for dinner and his companions said.

"Of course. There have been many people in Central China this year, even the famous sects in the east have moved. It would be too bad if I didn't take advantage of this opportunity to develop." The person next to him has to be older and his speech is not too slow. .

  There are still some people discussing, Chen Xuan doesn’t need to pay attention to them, just standing at the door and saying: “Hello, my name is Chen Xuan, I hope you will take care of them in the future.”

   "Oh, this little one is different from the others!" everyone laughed. Indeed, if Chen Xuan had not been in this world for fifteen years, he would not have said such words. However, Chen Xuan looked ten years old now, which of course surprised those adults. When other children saw them, they were all afraid to look directly at them, let alone take the initiative to say hello.

   "Chen Xuan, is it from the Chen clan?" Someone soon discovered that Chen Xuan's surname was Chen, and the Chen clan was destroyed. This Chen Xuan is likely to belong to the Chen clan.

   "This, it's not easy to answer, I'm from the Xiao Chen family, not a direct line." Chen Xuan said decisively.

   "Little Chen Clan, can it be regarded as Chen Clan!" Everyone was stunned.

   "If you can enter the gate of our gods, you should also be able to enter the Chen Clan's headquarters." Some people who know the inside story quickly thought. But the Chen clan was destroyed after all, and it seemed that Shenxinmen had picked up a cheap disciple this time.

   "The disciple who has just joined the school, come here, this is today's lunch, it is free, and the free will be cancelled after the sect distributes resources. Cherish it!" a chef shouted.

  Chen Xuan came to the chef, took the food he handed over, looked at it, swallowed his saliva, and thought: "Not bad! Four dishes, one soup and rice, this is a well-off life."

  The chef’s craftsmanship also looks good, the color and fragrance are delicious, the taste is not known yet, and it is probably not bad.

   "You need to order meals for meals, but this is a future thing. Free meals are provided until the resources are distributed." The chef explained.

  "Is the chef also a disciple?" Chen Xuan was curious and wanted to ask.

The chef seemed to know that Chen Xuan wanted to ask this question, and said: "My name is Wang Huihuang, a five-fold disciple, and I have some research on cooking techniques. It happened that the chef of the Zongmen was also a task, so I took it. The ten-day chef is considered to be a one-month task. I intend to finish all of this year's."

   is a five-fold disciple! It seems that we must get close to each other, food is the mother of all things! This aspect cannot be taken lightly.

   "Here's another one. It's still a younger sister, this is the sixth one, right?" the guy at the door called.

  Chen Xuan quickly turned his face and saw Sun Tingting standing at the entrance of the cafeteria looking inward with a cramped face. When she saw Chen Xuan, she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and stepped into the cafeteria.

  Chen Xuan did not say anything, but just smiled at her. But Chef Wang shouted, "Little Junior Sister, come here."

  After some explanation, Chef Wang repeated what he had just said to Chen Xuan. Sun Tingting brought the food and came to Chen Xuan silently.

   "Is an acquaintance? Interesting!" everyone laughed. After all, so many years have passed, and there has never been a situation where the disciples recruited by Shenxinmen in the same year were familiar with each other.

  Chen Xuan asked softly: "How is it, are you used to it?"

  Sun Tingting nodded without answering. Chen Xuan knew that this was a public place, and Sun Tingting kept her reserved, and stopped questioning, and directly ate the food in her hand.

  When Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting walked out of the canteen and left the bounds of the ten heavens, Sun Tingting began to chat with Chen Xuan.

  "Chen Xuan, I read the introductory manual before coming to the cafeteria. The main job of this disciple of the Shenxin Sect is to complete the task of the sect, and then he can get the resources of the sect. Should we take a task?"

"I also read that book and found that the tasks of entering the sect for the first time are very common. You know, my attributes of the five elements have only been tested in the past few days. I have not had time to practice the exercises. I want to use this time to reach mortals first. The environment is one heavy."

   "Yes, I was negligent. I have been cultivating for a year, and you haven't started yet. It seems that it is better for us to take on our own tasks."

Chen Xuan is really helpless. In the past few days, due to the matter of entering God’s heart, the time for cultivation has been taken up. The colorful pictures he felt angry and felt were extremely complicated. He didn’t know how he could truly reach the calming state. There is no way to reach the first level of the mortal realm, that is really a big joke.

  So without solving the problem of equanimity, Chen Xuan has no interest in doing anything now. "Sun Tingting, how many auras can you feel when you are angry?" he asked.


   "Oh, hey, mine is more troublesome, I feel a lot of things, but how can I hold my breath now?" Chen Xuan asked again.

  Sun Tingting looked at Chen Xuan, thought about it for a while, shook her head, and said, "Now you have a master too, don’t you? You can ask your master!"

   "That's all. Then let's meet again!"

  Chen Xuan returned to his dormitory, and in a short while, Jun Zisong came.

  "Master." Chen Xuan called out quickly.

"Well, my teacher has brought you the first mental power cultivation method. You can cooperate with your other cultivation. According to my own experience, the first five mental power cultivation methods of our God Heart Sect are in harmony with the mortal state. Correspondingly, there are nine levels of mortal realms, which roughly correspond to two realms. You should pay attention when assisting in cultivation. Only when the state of mind and the cultivation base are equal can you double the result with half the effort."

  Chen Xuan took a piece of paper that Du Zisong handed over. He looked at what was written on it and found that this was Du Zisong’s own copy of the mind. The ink was not too dry, so he quickly said, "Thank you, Master."

  (End of this chapter)

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