Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1496: Confuse

   Chapter 1496

   "After you reach the first level, you can ask me for the second level. Practice hard and don't waste your talent."

  "Master, I have a cultivation problem to solve. Can you give me some suggestions?"

"Oh, there is such a thing. You encountered a problem when you just started practicing. What is the problem?" Although Du Zisong looked surprised on his face, he was actually thinking in his heart that everything is difficult at the beginning, and some problems are normal. .

   "That's it, Master, when I was feeling a breath, I suddenly felt a lot of aura, which made it very difficult for me to hold my qi." Chen Xuan said while looking at Du Zisong.

   "Many, how many are there?" Du Zisong asked in surprise.

  "They are wandering everywhere, I don't know how to count them, but there are at least twenty, maybe more."

   "What, so much, more than I can feel as a teacher now, you are really a monster!" Jun Zisong called.

  "Master, what color do you feel?" Chen Xuan asked again.

   "Green." Juniper replied.

   "There are five colors that I feel, black, white, yellow, green, and red, and each has many stripes."

   "The five-color ones are colorful pictures!" Jun Zisong shouted sharply.

   "Yes, it is a colorful picture." Chen Xuan felt that using a colorful picture to describe the aura he felt could not be more appropriate.

"Genius! What a genius." Du Zisong said with emotion: "Chen Xuan, although he is not a member of the Chen clan as a teacher, he usually cares about the Chen clan's exercises because of his high attributes. The Chen clan has a legend, saying This is the top-notch exercise method of the Chen family. The name of this exercise method is "Colorful Aura". It is said that only people who have a sense of colorful spiritual energy can practice it, and no one of the Chen family has been able to appreciate colorful spiritual energy for thousands of years. "

"There is such a technique, but the Chen clan is no longer there. Who knows where this "Colorful Picture" has gone? Maybe it was destroyed by the orc." Chen Xuan said, "The problem I want to solve now is, Is it to fix only one or two auras, or to fix all the auras?"

   "I think there must be a method in "Colorful Picture", but it is impossible to get it now, so we can only find a method by ourselves." Jun said.

After thinking silently for a long time, Du Zisong said again: "It will definitely be difficult for you to fix all of them, so it is a necessary process to fix one or two first. What you have to do now is to fix one first, if it is not very difficult. Then try to fix the second one. And I think, among the five color auras, only the green one should be the aura of Chen attributes, so you should fix the green one first."

"You can also try some other methods by yourself. Remember a principle, that is, only what suits you is the best method. I will come to see you often, if you have any questions, please tell me and let us come together. To find ways to."

   "Thank you, Master." Chen Xuandao.

   sent Du Zisong away, Chen Xuan took out the mental method that recorded the first tier of spiritual cultivation, and memorized all the contents on it.

  This is the beginning of spiritual power training. It talks about some basic knowledge of spiritual power training, as well as the first level of cultivation methods and the realm that should be achieved.

  Spiritual power training is not a popular practice method in the Five Elements Continent. No one can say whether it is universally popular in other continents or in the immortal world, but there is no doubt that spiritual power training is very important, so this method survives. This method of unknown name actually has 20 levels. Breaking through the fifth level means breaking through the mortal realm and reaching the cultivator realm. Breaking through the tenth level means breaking through the cultivator realm and reaching the fairy realm. Breaking through the fifteenth level is a breakthrough. The fairyland reaches the god-man state, and the final twentieth level is called the Eternal Heart.

  The first level is of course the most basic level. The name is Activated. The ultimate goal is to move the mind at will. The practice method is to use the brain, jump thinking, and increase the brain's ability to react.

  Spiritual power training is actually very general, especially if you are a beginner, you don’t know what to do, but as long as you enter the door, you will have a very specific method of cultivation.

  Chen Xuan is actually still not sure about the cultivation, so facing this is the method of the exercise and the method of the mind, and he is at a loss. After half a day of thinking, he finally decided to practice the exercises to the second level before starting to cultivate the mental power.

  After setting the goal, Chen Xuan began to practice his own Qi.

difficult! It's hard. Chen Xuan's entry is really too difficult. The spiritual energy in the multicolored map that I felt was floating, and as long as Chen Xuan loosened his mind for a while, he would mix up with other spiritual energy and would never be found again. After countless failures, Chen Xuan was exhausted.

  Du Zisong also often came to teach Chen Xuan, but sometimes it had the opposite effect. Chen Xuan was at a critical moment of calming down. When Du Zisong came, he had to give up his efforts. Chen Xuan raised this question. It wouldn't be hard to disturb Jun Jun when he comes back. He will leave when there is no sound in the room. Chen Xuan is still wondering why the Juniper won't come?

According to Du Zisong's introduction, a single aura should generally reach the fixed aura in about a month, and now it has been more than half a month since Chen Xuan started, but he has not been able to hold a single aura, plus five days at home, one month away. Time is not far away. This made Chen Xuan very frustrated. How could this seemingly talented figure become a cultivator stupid?

Chen Xuan entered on the 22nd of the first lunar month. On the first day of February, he received the resources distributed by the sect. Three pieces of Chen Lingjing. This is the resource that Chen attribute cultivators should get for one month before reaching the first level of spiritual power cultivation. , Of course, after this resource arrived, Chen Xuan had to complete the sect mission before it could be issued. One task per month, Chen Xuan had no choice but to pick up a task of sweeping the road, insisting on it for four months, it is considered to complete the task of the whole year.

The road to be swept is the road from the gate of the heart of God to the square. It takes about two hours a day to complete the task. There is not much garbage on the road, but there are a lot of leaves, and the garbage has to be transported to the back mountain to dump, so it consumes some time. Of course, the workload will increase a lot when the trees are replaced with leaves. Heavy rain can save the day’s work. Unfortunately, the workload will increase sharply the next day. Chen Xuan even hates the heavy rain. Once after the rain, he was busy all day before cleaning the road, but at night There was another layer of fallen leaves.

  But in any case, the time at night belongs to Chen Xuan himself, so his cultivation did not stop. Nearly a month after I started, Chen Xuan was finally able to hold an aura. This is a thick green aura, which is very conspicuous in the colorful picture. After a month of continuous tracking, Chen Xuan finally calmed the aura. . When it stood still in Chen Xuan's feeling, other auras jumped up and down around it, as if to take it away.

  Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally settled on one spiritual energy. Next, he continued to set the second one and apply the first one to the second-strength qi training.

  Just a few days ago, Sun Tingting quietly told Chen Xuan that she had reached the first stage of spiritual power training and had moved to a place where she lived. This forced Chen Xuan to work hard, otherwise the gap would get bigger and bigger. However, Chen Xuan also knew that Sun Tingting began to cultivate spiritual power from the beginning, and her Qi refining level far exceeded the limit of spiritual power, and being able to reach the first level in January was not a particularly good breakthrough.

  After another full month of hard work, Chen Xuan finally settled on the second green aura, and the first aura can basically proceed according to the laws of nature, and at the same time, the cultivation of spiritual power has reached the critical moment of breaking through to the first level.

  In the past two months, Chen Xuan has been practicing, sleeping, eating, and tasks in a four-in-one manner. He lived a very fulfilling life. Of course, this has a lot to do with the stable environment provided by Shenxinmen. During the meal, the senior brothers and sisters often discussed the current situation, which allowed Chen Xuan to fully understand the current human situation. He knew that now outside the gate of God's Heart, the entire Stone Tail City was panicked.

  Fire-Eyed Scorpio is an absolute powerhouse on this continent, wherever he occupies, all humans will be extinct. The Terran also has many powerhouses in the half-immortal triple realm, but a few of them are still not the opponents of this Fire-Eyed Scorpio, and they can only be able to escape. One of them was seriously injured and his cultivation base dropped sharply.

  And Orc refers to hitting wherever possible, and steadily advancing, as long as the human race loses a place, there is no possibility of reclaiming it. The Xiao Chen clan fell short after Chen Xuan and the others escaped, and now the Orc Clan's territory is closely connected to the central part.

  And what about the human race? Due to the shortage of Chen Lingjing, it is basically three other Lingjing that can be exchanged for one Chen Lingjing, and this situation is getting worse. The Human League thought of many ways, but the forest resources are really insufficient. Most of the dense forests grow in the east of the continent, and now they are all occupied by the orcs.

  About one-fifth of the cultivators are majoring in Chen attributes. This absolute number is too large, and the impact of this is unbearable.

Because the area of ​​the entire continent is too large, the orcs' reproduction speed is not enough to occupy all the continents in a short period of time, but as long as the Fire-Eyed Scorpio rules the orcs for one day, the orcs will intensify their expansion for one day, and one day they will rule the entire Five Elements Continent . Unless someone can defeat Fireeye Scorpio, this momentum is unstoppable. Is there such a person? Judging from the current situation, it has not been found that any human being has such a possibility of success.

As a cultivator of Chen attributes, Chen Xuan is of course very concerned about Chen Lingjing's situation, but since Chen Chengfeng is one of the heads of the Xiao Chen clan after all, of course he has accumulated quite a lot of Chen Lingjing, which makes Chen Xuan feel a little calmer. . If you don't have a high level, your Chen Lingjing should be enough. Moreover, Shenxinmen also promised his own resources, under this pair of insurance, Chen Xuan has no worries for the time being.

  (End of this chapter)

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