Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1499: move

   Chapter 1499

  "Being a teacher...for you..."

  "Master, I don't want it, you keep it." Chen Xuan felt a little sad when he thought of Du Zisong's loss of cultivation, and his voice was a little choked.

  "Don't...don't be sad...look at your teacher...just..." Du Zisong's words were vague, but Chen Xuan probably understood when he saw the teacher standing at the door.

  Du Zisong looks much younger than his wife, not because he was born later than his wife, but because he reached the cultivator state very early and his life span was extended, and his wife is still in a mortal state. In this way, his wife is obviously older than him.

   And now that his cultivation is completely lost, he can just grow old with his wife. At this time, Juniper probably meant that.

  Chen Xuan held the sword in his hand silently, as if he felt the wailing of the sword.

  Du Zisong's speech consumes too much energy, which is not conducive to recovery. Chen Xuan saw his strenuous appearance, and finally decided to wait until his condition was better in the future to see him.

  "Master, take a good rest, I will visit you often." Chen Xuan said.

  Du Zisong closed his eyes, indicating that he understood, and Chen Xuan had to exit the room with the sword in his hand.

   After chatting with her Madam again, Chen Xuan got up to say goodbye, and left the Eighth Heaven with the sword.

  Next, despite the panic of the people in Stonetail City, the gate of the gods became clear. It seemed that everyone realized that the crisis was approaching, so they hurryed to practice.

   Another month has passed, and Chen Xuan moved a lot of tongues. Only in this month was he worthy of visiting Juniper three times, and these three times were still the tokens approved by the master. As a result, the relationship between Chen Xuan and Zhang Sect Master has also improved a lot. When Zhang Sect Master saw Chen Xuanlai, she would spread out her face like a skate and smile.

  Chen Xuan's cultivation base has also improved by leaps and bounds. The aura he can hold has risen to 30, and only four or five auras that can be counted in the colorful picture are swimming. It is estimated that in another five or six days, he will be able to freeze all the auras, and at that time, he will be officially called a person of the first stage of refining qi.

Another thing that touched Chen Xuan was that the new deputy head of the Chen family finally began to perform his duties a few days ago. This person was called Huang Yanshu, the former deputy head of the Chen family, and Du Zisong’s injury forced him again. Became the deputy sect master. This sect master is a bit more serious than Zhang sect master, he seems to be a completely unsmiling person. The age does not seem to be too old, not more than fifty years old.

  Fortunately, the deputy sect master is just a code name for the duties, and usually does not have the responsibility of overseeing the disciples under the sect. The method used by the Shenxin Sect to oversee the disciples is the task system. Chen Xuan didn't need to spend too much time with this Huang Sect Master, but if he wanted to obtain the third-centered Mind Method after his mental power breakthrough, in principle, it should be tested by the Sect Master, and then he would teach the Mind Method. Last time, the dual mentality was taught to Chen Xuan by Zhang Sect Master, mainly because Du Zisong authorized it to Zhang Sect Master.

No one asked Chen Xuan to recognize his teacher again, which gave Chen Xuan a sigh of relief. In his heart, the master at the gate of God’s heart is just Juniper. Teacher. If Chen Xuan was asked to recognize his teacher again, he felt that this would be a blasphemy against Jun Zisong.

  On this night, the breakthrough in expectation finally arrived. Chen Xuan reached the second level of spiritual power, which made Chen Xuan once again experience the feeling of increasing spiritual power that made people feel like a fairy.

  "Moving tomorrow, haha!" Chen Xuan smiled.

   It took Chen Xuan less than five months to reach the second level of mental power and the third level of Qi refining from a zero basis. This result should be said to be very good. Of course, this result cannot be the fastest in God's Heart. But considering that he has to deal with more than 30 spiritual problems, his achievement is actually unprecedented.

On the second day, Chen Xuan was indeed a great success. In the praise of everyone, Chen Xuan not only moved into the Second Heaven, but also obtained the third-centered method of spiritual power training. The most important thing is that Huang Clan master has granted permission. He went to visit the master

  When he came to the place where Du Zisong lived again, Chen Xuan saw him moving his shoulders outside the house all the way back, and he was already able to walk out by himself. It seems that the body is still recovering well, but the complexion does not seem to be very good.

   Seeing Chen Xuan coming, Du Zisong smiled.

   "Master, congratulations, you are about to get back to health." Chen Xuan said against his will.

   "Hey! It should be impossible to die."

  So the master and disciple talked broadly.

  Du Zisong was really taken aback when he heard Chen Xuan's analysis of the state of the world. He did not expect that his apprentice not only had the talent, but also had such a high insight at his young age.

  "Master, do you really think I'm only ten years old?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "Is there any mistake after the bone age is measured?" Jun asked strangely.

  "Master, I ask you, why do you look younger than your wife?"

  "Does this still need to be explained? Because I was promoted to the cultivator state very early, is this the same for you?" Jun Zisong was even more strange.

  "Master, have you ever heard of someone who grows slower than others at birth. I am this kind of person."

   "Well, you turned out to be such a monster!" Du Zisong exclaimed, "How old are you?"

   "Fifteen and a half years old." Chen Xuan didn't mean to hide it at all.

   "No wonder. I said how can a ten-year-old kid analyze the situation in the world so thoroughly?" Du Zisong said.

  "I really don’t want myself to be like this. Others can practice at ten, but I have to wait until fifteen to measure the attributes of the five elements. It’s too late to start."

"You really don’t know the blessing in the blessing. No one else would think of having such a good advantage. Take my two children as an example. One is barely talented. After joining the gate of God’s Heart, the other has mediocre aptitude. I can’t pass the test of God’s Heart Gate, so I can only join other sects. If they have the talents like yours, I will feel at ease when I die.” It seems that Du Zisong’s two sons are the most worried now. .

  Du Zisong’s two sons, the eldest is Du Lifeng, now they are five disciples of Shenxinmen Chen's spiritual power, they are already twenty-five years old. Some time ago, he just broke through to the cultivator realm by refining qi. The younger son, Du Liyun, was sent to the Golden Sword Sect because he had only six levels of Chen attributes and did not meet the entry standards of the Shenxinmen. He was 21 years old and was still wandering at the sixth level of Qi refining when he returned home some time ago. It really took less than five months for Chen Xuan to reach the third level of Qi refining, while Du Liyun took eleven years to reach the sixth level of Qi refining.

  Du Zisong has never mentioned these things before, but today, due to Chen Xuan’s confession, Du Zisong has revealed a lot of privacy.

When Chen Xuan was about to leave, Du Zisong groaned: "Chen Xuan. Let's mentor and apprentice. Maybe we won't have the chance to meet again after this meeting. Thank you for your persistence for more than a month."

   "Why? Is someone trying to drive you away?" Chen Xuan said angrily.

   "Of course not, it's because I feel that my life in Eighth Heaven is too restrictive and I hope to change the environment."

  "Where are you going?" Chen Xuan asked worriedly.

"Not yet decided."

Chen Xuan thought for a while and said, "I have a good idea. If you really want freedom, you can go to my father's shop to help. You should know that my father is planning to move out of Stone Tail City recently. The store will always be opened in the safest place."

  Hearing this, Jun's eyes lighted up, but then they dimmed again. "I don't think it is appropriate. This may drag your father down."

   "Nothing, I have said, my father will only run to the safest place, how can you drag him down, you will only be his powerful helper. I will write to my father immediately."

  "Let me think again..."

   "Don't think about it, I promise you and your father will become good friends."

   "Well, if your father agrees, I can first consider following him to make a fortune."

   "Good! Good."

  Farewell Du Zisong and returned to Erzhongtian's new home. Chen Xuan took out a pen and paper to write a letter to his father, introducing his ideas. He was sure that his father would arrange for Juniper properly.

  The fact that Du Zisong wants to leave the sect caused some fluctuations in the Shenxinmen. The elders met to discuss his request. The final decision was to ask Du Zisong to swallow the forgetting pill when he left and accept the wealth of one hundred thousand spirit crystals. Of course, this is to ensure that the mental method of God's Heart Gate is not leaked, and Jun Zisong has become a useless person. It is the same whether there is any mental method, but it is sad when he swallows the forgetting pill. But Jun Zisong did not hesitate much, and chose to swallow the forgetting pill.

  In a blink of an eye, another few months have passed. It has been more than half a year since Chen Xuan came to Shenxinmen, but on this day, when he received ten Chen Lingjing from the resource distribution office, he was told that he had to complete a new task.

With Chen Xuan’s current cultivation base in the dual realm, the task to be completed is relatively simple. Chen Xuan only stayed at the task release for a short while and found a very interesting task: to help the kitchen in the kitchen, ten days count. Complete the one-month mission. The mission of Shenxinmen can be completed for one year in a row, but Chen Xuan decided to complete the mission of nine months in three months first. This is mainly because three months later, it is almost the New Year.

  Accepted the task, and Chen Xuan came to the cafeteria the next day. Chef Wang has already completed all the tasks for this year. He left the kitchen three months ago. Now Chef Cui is taking over, who is also the fifth repairer. It seems that the task of the chef is still a sought-after job.

   Chef Cui saw Chen Xuan who came to him to report, and laughed loudly, "You are also in the kitchen to have a meal."

  Chen Xuan shook his head straight, it seemed that being slow was really annoying, and he looked down on no matter where he went. "Please order from the chef, I must complete the task." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

   "Okay! There is a very important task today, killing pigs." Chef Cui said with a smile.

  (End of this chapter)

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