Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1500: Slaughter

   Chapter 1500 Killing Pigs

   "Kill the pig." Chen Xuan was in a daze. When I was in the Xiaochen clan the year before, I saw a pig killer. All the children in the village were surrounded there. It was so lively. Two years have passed in a blink of an eye. Where are the children?

   "How to kill?" Chen Xuan asked. He had only seen others killing pigs from a distance, and now it was his turn to come personally, which made him touch his head.

   "I'll imprison it, you cut it." These words made Chen Xuan's heart tremble. He grew up so big, but he hadn't even pinched a butterfly to death, and he had never thought that he was going to kill him in a blink of an eye.

  "Are you afraid?" Chef Cui deliberately asked after seeing Chen Xuan's hesitation.

   "I...well, I'll come." Now that he has reached this point, he can't shrink back, otherwise the task will be trivial, and the problem of being laughed at by the disciples of the gods will be big in the future.

"Remember, stabbing the knife through the pig’s neck and cutting off the blood vessel, otherwise the pig will get up and run away as soon as I loose it." Chef Cui warned, "As for how did you know that the blood vessel was cut? It means that when the knife is taken out, blood is ejected. If there is no ejected blood, you probably just cut off the trachea."

  Actually, what Chen Xuan was worried about was not the vascular and tracheal problems. He just had never killed a life. He was very nervous when he killed him and needed to overcome this tension.

   Chef Cui and Chen Xuan prepared pig-killing knives and various tools, and went to the pigsty at the back of the kitchen. There were a dozen fat pigs kept in captivity, all of which were purchased from outside. These pigs are dark and have two long fangs, and they know that they are wild boars caught on the mountain.

  The wild boar is also a member of the orcs, but it is only the lowest of the orcs, even the orcs themselves also feed on them. The reason is their speed of reproduction, a nest of more than a dozen is like fun. And a litter in more than three months, it is not natural for it not to become a natural food. Chef Cui is also a person who refines Qi Jiuzhong, so it is natural to imprison a wild boar that has no cultivation skills.

He took a breath, then rushed into the pigpen, grabbed the neck of one of the strongest wild boars, abruptly lifted it out, and then dragged it to a rectangular stone table. .

  At first, the wild boar was still yelling, a fierce light appeared in his eyes, and his four feet slammed on the ground violently. But when Chef Cui pulled it onto the stone table, it showed a desperate look again, and began to sneer and kick it rough.

   "Hurry up, bring the bucket that is receiving the blood, and cut the knife." Chef Cui shouted.

  Chen Xuan lifted the bucket, but the hand holding the knife trembled.

   "Coward, what's the matter?" Chef Cui shouted, confining the wild boar for a long time, which made him feel strenuous, and he was naturally angry when he saw Chen Xuan still lingering.

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes and stabbed the wild boar in the neck.

   "Coward, open your eyes and see where you stabbed." Chef Cui lowered his tone in anger.

  Chen Xuan opened his eyes, and the knife got stuck between the wild boar's fangs and ears, which was a thousand miles away from his neck.

   "What should I do? Let it go. Don't let others look down on it." Chen Xuan drew out the knife and pointed the wild boar's neck to insert it fiercely. The wild boar roared like a heartbreak.

  Chen Xuan only felt that his knife had encountered a big obstacle in the wild boar's neck. Maybe it had hit a blood vessel or trachea? Whatever. As soon as he pushed hard and broke through the obstacle, the call of the wild boar stopped abruptly.

   Slowly withdrew the knife, blood spewed out, some of which splashed on Chen Xuan's face.

  Chen Xuan's face was pale, and the pig-killing knife in his hand trembled slightly, as if he couldn't catch his breath.

Seeing that the blood of the pig was almost bleeding, Chef Cui let go of the wild boar, and then looked at Chen Xuan's uncomfortable look, and snorted deliberately, as if to say: "Look at you like a bear. Killing a pig is scared. Looks like." But in fact, Chef Cui praised in his heart: "This little baby is not bad. He can kill pigs with a knife at such a young age. What am I doing when he is his age? Oh! Probably in his mother's arms. Be acting like a baby, after that I cried and was sent to the gate of God's heart."

  After a short rest, Chen Xuan's discomfort in his heart eased a lot, and he was yelled by Chef Cui to boil water and twist pig hair. As for the opening of his belly, another cook did it. These chefs, Chef Cui, called him Xiaoche. He was thirteen or fourteen years old, and he was also a spiritual cultivation base of the second stage, but he had reached the fourth stage of Qi refining, and he entered the heart of God two years earlier than Chen Xuan.

There are four people in this canteen, including Chen Xuan. In addition to Chef Cui and Xiaoche, there is also a woman named Zhuang Xiaojiao who is just a helper. She is also a dual-strength spiritual power, but she has reached five levels of Qi-refining cultivation. Seriously, it has been four years since she joined Shenxinmen.

  The four people were busy for a while, and finally finished processing the slaughtered pigs, and then began to prepare food. Fortunately, there are not many people who usually stay in the sect, only about a hundred, and four people can basically be busy with a little preparation.

   But compared to cleaning the road, Chen Xuan spent the whole day in the cafeteria, and the time he could spend on cultivation was only at night. And this is just a simple task of helping the kitchen. If the task is more complicated, it may take more time, and some may even be life-threatening. From this point, it can be seen that the mission system of Shenxinmen is actually very cruel, not as relaxed and comfortable as Chen Xuan had previously thought.

   Busy all day, coupled with the first killing in the morning, made Chen Xuan feel exhausted physically and mentally, and took a hurried bath and then rested. Chen Xuan did not practice this evening.

  He got up before dawn the next day, first did the practice exercises, and then hurried to the cafeteria. As if trying to embarrass Chen Xuan deliberately, Chef Cui gave him all the tasks of killing chickens and fish in the cafeteria. Chen Xuan couldn't refuse, so he could only take up a knife to pluck up the courage to kill.

  At noon, the disciples of Shenxinmen came to eat. Chen Xuan saw Sun Tingting, who hadn't seen him for more than ten days. This little girl was really amazing. Even though Qi refining was only the fourth level, she just cultivated her mental power to the third level. The reason for not seeing her for more than ten days is because she is hitting the triple realm. And this year's tasks have been completed in the first stage, just to take care of the medicine garden for four months.

  Moving into the Triple Heaven, Sun Tingting was obviously very excited. She told Chen Xuan that she wanted to go home. Chen Xuan encouraged him to hurry up and greet the master by the way.

   "Chen Xuan, why don't you go home by yourself?" Sun Tingting asked.

   "If I don't take the task of helping the kitchen in the cafeteria, I will definitely go home."

   "When will the cooking end?"

   "Three months! By the way, you must go home quickly, or maybe you won't be able to go home."

   "What do you mean?" Sun Tingting asked, staring, Chen Xuan's words were ambiguous, and there was some curse.

   "Oh, that's it. Last time I went home, my father revealed some of his thoughts to me."

"what idea?"

"Regarding the current situation. My father thought that the Orcs would capture the southern or northern part of the mainland, and turn the central part into a stalemate battlefield, so he decided to move the store to the northwest or southwest junction when the war broke out. This would maximize Located in the most crowded and safest place."

   "Isn't there a fight yet?"

   "Hey, as long as the war starts, my father will leave, but when the war starts, you can ask the Fire-Eyed Scorpio." Chen Xuan joked.

  Sun Tingting gave him a blank look, and said, "Good, I'll ask for leave in the afternoon."

  "Remember to bring my greetings." Chen Xuan was very anxious. He was impulsive when he took the task and forgot to ask for leave and go home. I wonder if he can wait until the task is completed before starting the war. That way, you can meet your parents and master once.

  Three days later, when Chen Xuan met Sun Tingting again, Sun Tingting had already returned from home. She secretly told Chen Xuan that Zeng Xin'er missed him very much and asked him to stop at the gate so that she could take a look.

  Chen Xuan smiled bitterly. You can't let others know about this. If you know, you might laugh at him!

  Sun Tingting told him again that Chen Chengfeng was ready to leave Central China at any time. And Chen Xuan's master Du Zisong is now in good condition, has bid farewell to frustration, and is responsible for the sales of goods in the store.

  Chen Xuan was very pleased to hear this. But there are still some regrets, that is, there is no time to go home.

  The next day, he took time to reach the gate, Zeng Xin'er stood in the distance with red eyes. Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan actually saw Chen Chengfeng's shadow, even though he was far away, Chen Xuan still caught him. Chen Xuan was moved to tears.

  But Chen Xuan could not make a sound. He just stood silently at the door and stood for about ten minutes. Under the curious watching of the two guards, he resolutely left.

   "I saw my parents. Even if the war breaks out tomorrow, I don't have any special regrets." Chen Xuan thought.

  Ten days later, Chen Xuan finally got the news that the war broke out, and the war started in the north. Of course there are many people who can predict that war will start in the south or north. It is precisely because of this that humans have concentrated their forces to consolidate the south, because the south has a more suitable climate and richer resources than the north. If the human race can only Choosing between the two is definitely the best choice. Although the orcs are now menacing, the number of available troops determines that he can only choose weak links to attack.

  Chen Xuan took out the introductory manual, opened the mainland map in the book, and found a conspicuous city in the center of the southwest, Wanbi City. In Chen Xuan's mind, there was already a crowd of people and busy traffic.

  The next day, Chen Xuan received a letter from his father, telling him to protect himself. Finally, he pointed out that the destination they were going to reach this time was the city of Wanbi. If Chen Xuan wants him someday, he only needs to leave a message at the gate.

  Chen Xuan suppressed his excitement and continued to experiment. There is also a red spirit that has not been tested. If it is not clear, it will definitely not work.

  (End of this chapter)

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