Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1504: space

  Chapter 1504 Space

  Two hours, if Chen Xuan kept making wood spirit crystals, he could probably produce fifteen or six. Of course, it is impossible for Chen Xuan not to rest in the middle, so when the two hours were over, there were only twelve crystal clear wood spirit crystals in the porcelain vase in his hand. The value of these twelve top-quality wood spirit crystals is roughly equivalent to six hundred ordinary spirit crystals.

  At dinner, the old man’s letter came. Afraid of any misunderstanding, Chen Xuan reported what the old man said today to Elder Luo. Elder Luo knew that the old man’s cultivation level was no more than eight levels in the mortal realm during the day, so he didn’t take it to heart. He just told Chen Xuan to stay alone in the future. Don't trust others.

  However, Elder Luo was very surprised that Chen Xuan still had the best wood spirit crystal in his hands. He thought that Chen Xuan was really a prodigal son, but this kid was talented and had a good family background. He was a true goddess! Think about my own hardships for a hundred years. I can barely mix with an elder when I get old. This person is different from a person!

   "There is such a thing! Can the best wood spirit crystal still be used to refine life tonic pill?" When Chen Xuan looked at the old man's letter in his hand, he couldn't help but cried out.

   "What's the matter? What life-replenishing pill?" Someone asked, but they were more staring at Chen Xuan.

"That's the case. The old man needs the best wood spirit crystal to refine life supplement pills to save his granddaughter. He said that his granddaughter is lack of wood at origin and has been relying on the wood spirit crystal to continue her life. But the older he needs the wood spirit crystal. The more, now it has reached the level that the family cannot afford."

   "The original source lacks wood, that is, there is less vitality. If there is no wood spirit crystal to maintain, I will not live to be three years old." The female elder seemed to have heard of this strange disease, and said rushingly.

"Yes, the old man said that his granddaughter relied on Mu Lingjing for life at a very young age. Later, after seeking medical advice from various sources, he finally got a kind of pill, which is the life-buying pills. But the refining life-buying pills except for some precious medicinal materials. In addition, at least eight top-quality wood spirit crystals are needed as medicine, and it seems that this top-quality wood spirit crystal is still the most important."

"The best wood spirit crystal generally only appears in large sects. It is difficult for an average cultivator to get one after a lifetime. It is not how valuable it is, but no one wants to take it out for exchange. I used it myself. This thing is said to be very effective for hitting the bottleneck.” Another elder said, and he looked at Chen Xuan after speaking, as if he was talking, but we actually have a fool here, because if we want to show kindness, we will treat our parents well. What was easy to save for him was easily given to others.

   Chen Xuan heard this and secretly said: "Oh, it seems that this top-quality wood spirit crystal can't be displayed often in the future. Is it interesting to be a human being?"

"Hey!" Chen Xuanqian said: "I don't know that this top-quality wood spirit crystal is so useful. I will keep it carefully in the future, but this time, forget it, I have promised someone else. Besides, I will save someone. Fate, victory in building a seventh-level Buddha, this time the best wood spirit crystal is changed. Fortunately, I still have some..."

  Everyone couldn't make a sound at all.

  Elder Luo said: "What does he want to trade with you?"

   "Let me see, oh, a ring." Chen Xuan suddenly said nothing, because he saw the explanation in the letter, "Don't let others know."

  It turns out that this ring also has a storage function. And the storage capacity of this ring is not just tasteless like that hairpin. The space for preaching in the letter is quite big.

  The value of such a thing is outrageous.

  The old man asked Chen Xuanneng to gather a dozen of the best wood spirit crystals for him and gave the ring to Chen Xuan. Because the Wood Lingjing given by Chen Xuan was only 70% of the usual size, the old man could only make up his mind to let Chen Xuan take out the Wood Lingjing. Otherwise, if eight are not enough, where can he get it?

  Seeing that he was silent, they asked again: "What ring can be used to exchange for the best wood spirit crystal?"

   "It's ancestral, it's memorable!" Chen Xuan lied halfway. In fact, it is not a lie, this ring is indeed from the old man's ancestors, but Chen Xuan's answer did not answer the point. Does Chen Xuan dare to answer the main points? If this ring really had a storage space for one side, it would become a greedy object for many people. With his current cultivation base, there would be no way to preserve it, and it might even have a small life.

  Everyone obviously didn't believe it, but it was difficult to continue asking him, so they had to change the subject: "Aren't you afraid that the old man lied to you?"

   "I don't think that old man is like a bad person, he shouldn't lie to me. Besides, I have promised him that I still have to prepare my own things before I don't know if it is a scam."

   "How many top-quality wood spirit crystals do you still have now?" Na Cheng Qingfeng asked an extra question.

  "Not many, more than ten." Chen Xuan was vague.

All the twelve were given to the old man. Chen Xuan didn’t care about these wood spirit crystals at all. If he still had hundreds or thousands of the best wood spirit crystals in his hand, the old man would exchange them with a space ring. Of course they will exchange without hesitation. It doesn't matter if the old man lied to him, because he just got the experience of being deceived.

  Chen Xuan collected the old man’s letter, and waited for an opportunity to destroy it.

  "Brother, is the old man still outside?" Chen Xuan asked the person in charge of the store.

   "It should be there!"

   "I'll go out and have a look." Chen Xuan looked at Elder Luo.

  Elder Luo nodded, it was time for the exchange, and it was useless to say more. Regardless of whether Chen Xuan was fooled this time, he had always experienced it once. Isn’t the martial art to let the elders bring these little guys this time to bring them to experience? Do you really expect them to only look at the box the whole time?

  Seeing Chen Xuan coming out of the door, the old man was very happy. He actually took a huge risk this time. If Chen Xuan told his elders about his storage ring, and didn't plan to exchange it with the best wood spirit crystal, it would be extremely dangerous based on the old man's current skills. But now that he is eager to save people, he can't control that much. In fact, the main reason is that he doesn't think Chen Xuan is like a traitor, and most of them will not move the crooked idea of ​​stealing treasures out of thin air.

"Twelve top-quality wood spirit crystals. Although a bit less. I really only have so many in my hand. I can leave my sect address, and if the elderly really needs it, you can continue to contact me." Chen Xuan is very Push your heart to your stomach.

   "Okay," the old man said. The twelve top-quality wood spirit crystals were exchanged for his family treasures, and he was very reluctant to give up. But fortunately, adding these twelve, he already has sixteen top-quality wood spirit crystals in his hand. Because in addition to the two that he exchanged with Baochai in the morning, he himself has collected two in the past few years. This is also the reason why he would know that the best wood spirit crystal given by Chen Xuan is a little smaller, and seems to be of higher quality.

  Chen Xuan exchanged with the old man, inputting his spiritual power into the ring, and a space around one side appeared in Chen Xuan's thoughts. Chen Xuan received the ring and hid it in his personal pocket. The old man was very cautious and satisfied when he saw Chen Xuan, and secretly said that he really didn't misunderstand the wrong person.

"This is the address of my sect. If you really need it, you can find me. After all, I know the value of this ring is more than twelve top wood spirit crystals. I promise that as long as you find me again, I will find a way to deliver it separately. Five hundred top-quality wood spirit crystals." Chen Xuan’s number of five hundred top-quality wood spirit crystals was casually stated. He initially set the number of 1,000, but then temporarily felt that it was a little scary, so he changed it to five. hundred.

The old man was overjoyed, "Okay! I believe you, if you still send Mu Lingjing or wait for Xian'er to heal the disease, I will go to you." This could not help but make him unhappy. Now their family is already poor because of his granddaughter's illness. After selling the ancestral ring, it is conceivable that you are already in extreme poverty. If after this is over, you can regain 500 top-grade wood spirit crystals, which is equivalent to more than 20,000 ordinary spirit crystals. It will give this family a new life!

   "I wish your granddaughter a speedy recovery. The elderly remember to find me." Chen Xuan smiled. He secretly decided that he must help the old man, because he could take out his beloved ring to save his granddaughter and it was worth helping him, because the old man's behavior reminded him of his parents. Even if they exchanged their lives for Chen Xuan's life, they would not frown.

  Farewell to the old man, Chen Xuan returned to the inner hall, and everyone asked: "Is it done?"

   "It's done, but I didn't want the ring. I just asked him to send the letter to my parents." Chen Xuan really lied. If I said I accepted the ring, and everyone gathered around to see what ring it was, most of the secrets of the ring could not be kept. Now that I changed a condition, I can show my child's mentality again without having to take out the ring. Chen Xuanzhen applauded his eagerness. You know he hadn't thought of the reason for prevarication when he entered the door.

   "That's a pity. You kid is really too ridiculous. In order to send a letter to your parents, you actually spent a dozen of the best wood spirit crystals from your parents."

   "And you still don't seem to be able to guarantee that the old man will actually send you a letter?" The elder said in amazement.

  I believe in old people. "Chen Xuan said firmly.

   Shaking his head, shaking his head. All the people in the room just shook their heads, "Little boy, little boy. When you grow up, you will know that things are difficult."

  Sun Tingting looked at Chen Xuan suspiciously, this little devil head is not of this character. There must be ghosts, there must be ghosts!

  "Are you really confiscating the ring?" Sun Tingting asked Chen Xuan quietly.

   "Uh, uh." Chen Xuan hummed vaguely.

   "Don't tell me." Sun Tingting pretended to be angry. But when he saw Chen Xuan shaking his head, he didn't say anything.

  Eight hours later, everyone had already practiced for two hours in turn, obviously looking more energetic than when they first arrived here. Elder Luo gave an order, and the team set off again. It is now time for the New Year, and it seems that everyone has some feelings of homecoming.

  (End of this chapter)

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