Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1505: Ghost

  Chapter 1505 Ghosts

  Ten days later, these people were already very close to the gate of God's Heart, and there were quite heavy expressions on everyone's faces. The spirit crystals guarded by the five disciples have been filled with a whole carriage. In addition to leaving these disciples on the carriage, the elders have also purchased horses to ride. They guarded the carriage tightly along the way, one of them was exploring the way in the distance, and the other four were one in a corner.

  The carriage is too crowded now, and the seat when it came has been moved long ago. Chen Xuan and his five disciples can only sit on the box. After such a bump, Chen Xuan feels uncomfortable. He can only stand up and walk on the box. The other four did not have his luck. As soon as the four stood up, their heads would touch the hood, and they could only bend over. It might as well lie on the box.

  Chen Xuan laughed loudly, "It seems that being small also has small benefits!" The four people sneered.

  On the eleventh day of the return journey, the heavens were not beautiful and it rained unexpectedly. Chen Xuan and the others are walking under a mountain called Demon Wind Ridge.

  This magic wind ridge is the only place to pass from Thousand Fantasy City to Baisha City. The mountains to the south of Mofengling are stacked, and the plains to the north are thousands of miles away.

  In about an hour or two, Chen Xuan and the others could walk out of the mountains and reach the plains, but at this time it started to rain and the mountain road became slippery. Elder Luo had to order the camp.

You have to wait for the rain to stop before you can move forward, but camping in the wild is very unfavorable. It’s fine during the day and the surroundings are clearly visible. If it’s night, the whole mountain is dark, and if there are masters coming to sneak attack, the five elders of the God Heart Gate may be afraid. There is no confidence to prevent it.

  Except for Elder Luo, who has the 9th level of mental strength, the other four are only the eighth level. In terms of refining qi, those four people are like the sixth peak of the Cultivator Realm. This heavy realm is a very embarrassing realm. Although it can already fly with a weapon, its energy is insufficient, that is, it only has the ability to escape, but the ability to kill the enemy is not strong.

  Of course, they are only speaking relative to the seventh level of Cultivator Realm. For the triple and quadruple cultivator realm, of course it is impossible to be their one-in-one enemy.

  And Elder Luo is the seventh level of cultivation. Because of his strong mental power, he can even fight against ordinary practitioners eightfold. That's why he is the soul of this team.

  Elder Luo looked at the sky and cursed: "This god, we are stuck on the hillside, so we can't go up and down to play with us?"

   But complaining belongs to complaining, and what should be done is still to be done. After all, these elders were all experienced people, and someone immediately dug a hole on the hillside, and then moved all the spirit crystals into the hole. If it comes to night, defending a hole is much easier than defending a carriage. Anyway, this wicked man would not be able to drive the carriage in case of a sneak attack. On the carriage, it was enemies from all sides, but in the cave, it was a man who was in charge of the gate, and he would not open it.

  The hole in this place is quite large. In addition to putting down the collected spirit crystals, it can barely fit two people in. But it's okay who wants to hide in a hole in the ground? Everyone chose to rest in the tent outside.

  The rain stopped for a while, the road was always wet, but the sky was getting dark. It seems that I can't leave tonight.

  Devil Wind Ridge is the only way between the two cities. Even if it rains, many people pass by here. From Chen Xuan and the others here until it gets dark, at least a few hundred people have passed. Some of them are in twos and threes, and some are alone. The most of them is a caravan with about 20 people, but these businessmen are ordinary people, and even the guards are just mortal practitioners. These caravans seem to carry very light cargo, otherwise they would not be able to pass through this magic wind ridge in the rain.

  When these people met Chen Xuan, they all bowed their heads without speaking, and walked forward quickly. Because the five elders on Chen Xuan's side are not ordinary people at first glance, and those who have been away for many years don't want to get into trouble casually.

  At dusk, the people passing by Mofengling are basically cut off, and occasionally one or two of them are proficient in martial arts. Elder Luo arranged a defensive task, and the guardian of the barren mountain began.

  The days of the first month are the coldest days of the year, but here is the central part of the mainland, even a bit southerly, plus one month of sunny days, so there will be no snow. But it rained, and at night, the temperature became even lower.

  Chen Xuan and the others are pure rookies, and they have no experience of sleeping in the wild at all. The five elders did not demand them too much, and did not arrange any defensive tasks for them.

  Everyone was refreshed in the first half of the night, but in the second half of the night, inexplicable drowsiness enveloped everyone's mind. This is a natural response to too much concentration. Why did these ten people get nervous when they heard the wind in the middle of the night? Excessive tension and sleepiness followed.

  Chen Xuan yawned and said to others: "I went into the cave to practice cultivation. This is really too sleepy." Indeed, the best way for people when they are sleepy is to practice exercises. But cultivation must have an absolutely quiet environment. Chen Xuan said that he wanted to cultivate, which meant that he wanted to enter the cave alone, and other people should not go in and disturb him.

The spirit crystals of the five attributes are all kept by a dedicated person, and the quantity was counted when they were put in. Chen Xuan was able to open the two boxes containing the wood spirit crystals in his own custody, but there was no way to open other boxes. Therefore, no one said that Chen Xuan would not be allowed to go in alone.

In fact, there were a total of seventeen boxes in this cave. The spirit crystals of the three attributes of the golden fire earth contained four each. Sun Tingting's water attribute spirit crystals only contained two and a half boxes, and Chen Xuan's wood attribute spirit crystals were even more. It's only a little more than one box.

  Chen Xuan entered the cave, sat cross-legged on the box he kept, and began to mobilize aura to practice. Now there is no need to make wood spirit crystals, so Chen Xuan will not mobilize those white auras with water attributes. He just connects the green auras end to end, slowly sends them into the meridians, and then goes through the meridians to make a big week.

  Because it was a restorative practice, Chen Xuan did not even control two auras into the body at the same time.

  Such a week, people are warm.

  No one came in to disturb, Chen Xuan began the second week of cultivation.

  Chen Xuanzheng was immersed in the comfortable feeling of cultivation, and seemed to hear a loud noise outside. He quickly broke away to avoid accidents.

   "Not good! Run!" Chen Xuan heard the yelling of Elder Luo.

   "Chen Xuan, come out soon." This is Sun Tingting's voice.

   With a loud "bang", Chen Xuan felt that the whole hole was shaking. Fortunately, the loud noise was far away from the big hole, and in the end it just dropped a lot of sand and gravel, but the big hole did not collapse.

   "Attacked", this was Chen Xuan's first reflection, and from the sound just now, he also felt that it was not an ordinary expert launching an attack. This attacker was at least as good as Elder Luo, or even worse. Because after hearing the "boom", Chen Xuan obviously heard Elder Luo "ah", but the one who launched the attack was silent.

   "Everyone is leaving." When Chen Xuan was thinking about not going out, he heard the order from Elder Luo. This means that he has given up guarding the spirit crystal and is about to run away. It can be seen that the coming person's skill is indeed too much higher than him, maybe he has been seriously injured by this time.

  "What to do, rush out?" Chen Xuan asked himself. He grabbed his head and looked outside, only to see a little blue light in the dark night.

  "It is the light from the eyes of beasts, and the eyes of greedy wolves." The record of "The Book of Ten Thousand Beasts" is deeply rooted in Chen Xuan's nerves. When you see the blue light, you know that it is the light from the eyes of greedy wolf.

   A voice came from a distance, "Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan..." And the voice spread farther and farther, and finally disappeared. It seems that everyone else is gone, leaving only himself.

"I can’t get out. I am now in the mortal triple realm. If there is only one greedy wolf, I might be able to easily win. But the situation at this time is surrounded by a pack of wolves, and there are also one or several super masters. Among them, I went out for a hundred deaths without a lifetime." Chen Xuan immediately covered his head, "What should I do?"

   "Box." Chen Xuan saw the box. This was the only place to hide in the cave. There happened to be a box containing only a half of the wood spirit crystal, and he could hide it in it. But if you don't want to be discovered, unless these orcs don't want spirit crystals, or don't open the boxes containing them.

  But this idea is really ridiculous. The orc powerhouses also need to practice. They are actually very similar to the human race. They also have various attributes of the five elements. They can use the aura in the spirit crystal to strengthen their own talents.

  Maybe these orcs came specifically for these spirit crystals, how can they be counted not to have spirit crystals. As for not opening it, it seems that the probability is lower than not. Who gets the spoils without first seeing how many? .

   "If the orcs can't find themselves, unless they are invisible when they check the box," Chen Xuan began to think fiercely when he hid in the box containing the small half box of wooden spirit crystals.

   "It would be great if it could be invisible. What a shit, if it can be invisible, should I hide it in a box?" Chen Xuan was secretly annoyed.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan felt that something was being pulled open at the entrance of the cave, and then heard the sound of a box being pried open.

   "No, I'm going to be discovered." Chen Xuan was really anxious.

  As the so-called surging wisdom, Chen Xuan suddenly thought of the storage ring he obtained ten days ago. "The storage ring contains a cubic space. If you can hide in, there should be no problem in hiding."

   quickly took out the ring from his close-fitting pocket, and hid the ring in the pile of wood spirit crystals. Chen Xuan urged his spiritual energy to enter the ring.

  When a greedy wolf unscrewed the box in which Chen Xuan was hiding, only half of the wooden spirit crystal remained in the box. Of course, there was also a crystal ring hidden in the wooden spirit crystal.

  As soon as Chen Xuan entered the ring space, he felt that he could not breathe. It turns out that there is no air in this space at all, which means that it is impossible for living things to exist for a long time in the space.

  (End of this chapter)

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