Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1506: No air

  Chapter 1506 There is no air

  But he didn't dare to go out immediately. Fortunately, he was now a mortal cultivator, and he could hold on for three to five minutes without breathing at all.

  He entered the ring space, ignorant of the situation in the box. He was now very afraid that when he couldn't hold his breath and went out, there would still be orcs staring at the box he was hiding in.

  But he couldn't help going out. He tried his best to hold his breath and let himself stay as long as possible. This was the only thing Chen Xuan could do at this time.

  Five minutes later, he finally couldn't hold it anymore, and he left the ring space as soon as his mind turned. "Die and die! It's better to be blessed by God." He muttered in his heart.

  It was pitch black all around, and Chen Xuan quickly raised his head and looked up. No blue light of wolf eyes was found on it. He reached out and touched the box board above his head again, only to find that the box had been closed.

  At the same time, I heard a few whimpers of wolves in my ears. It seemed that there was something high-ranking wolf clan talking about. Of course, Chen Xuan didn't understand animal language, and he didn't know what the wolves were talking about.

  After a while, Chen Xuan felt that the box he was in was slightly tilted, as if it had been lifted.

   "Will the wolf tribe transfer these spirit crystals away?" Chen Xuan asked. It's safe for now, but it won't be easy to say in the future. He didn't know where these greedy wolves would take the spirit crystal with him.

   "You must find an opportunity to escape." Chen Xuan immediately understood that the time limit for his escape was very short. Before the spirit crystal is brought to the wolf clan's lair, or before he is starved to death.

When they reach their nest, the wood spirit crystals in the box they are in will definitely be re-counted, and this time the count is likely to be carried out one by one. Even if they are hidden in the ring, the ring will be counted. The wolf tribe cleared it out.

  And if the wolf clan returned to the lair for a long time this time, Chen Xuan would be starved to death in the box again.

  The turbulence made Chen Xuan very uncomfortable. It seems that these greedy wolves did not use a carriage to pull the spirit crystals, but chose the way of a wolf carrying a box of spirit crystals. The box I was in was supposed to be the lightest, but it might have become the heaviest because I was hiding inside.

At the same time, Chen Xuan was also calculating the time. It should be less than two hours before dawn. He doesn't know when it will dawn in the box, because it is impossible for the box containing the spirit crystals to have even a tiny bit. Child's crevice.

  Too bad, it would be nice if there was a seam in the box, so that he could observe the activities of the wolf clan at any time, and then he might find a chance to break out of the box.

The box was dark, and Chen Xuan touched the wall of the box with his hand. This is made of a very special kind of wood. This kind of wood is called windproof wood. The boxes made in this continent are usually used for storing spirit crystals. it. The name Shelter is because of its fine texture and natural healing ability between the boards, so the box is completely airtight after being made. Thinking that this box was completely enclosed, Chen Xuan suddenly found it difficult to breathe.

  It turned out that he had only thought of being starved to death before, but ignored that the air in the box might be breathed out by himself. Over time, the air in the box has become extremely thin. In fact, what Chen Xuan can use for breathing is of course oxygen, but of course the Five Elements Continent is not very clear about this knowledge. Now it is difficult to breathe, and it gives people the feeling that there is not enough air.

  Fortunately, the space of this box is still relatively large, and there is still a little air inside, so for the time being, Chen Xuan has not suffocated due to lack of air.

  It is imperative to punch through the box, but Chen Xuan is very annoyed by what to use to punch through.

  Crush it by hand? That is looking for death. It would be fine if you carried the sword given by the master on your body, and you only need to poke the wooden board with the tip of the sword, and then you can poke a small hole.

  Why didn’t you bring it when you went out?

  Suddenly Chen Xuan thought that he had two other things that he could use, that is, the ring and the porcelain vase containing the spirit crystals.

  The ring is crystal clear. It is made of an unknown stone. Of course, the stone will be very hard. But this ring is a rare thing, and even more so, he still counts on the ring to escape for his life. If he is damaged because it is used to pierce the box, he will be ruined when he encounters the orc opening the box in the future.

   Without hesitation, Chen Xuan decided on the plan to pierce the board with a porcelain bottle.

  There are two porcelain vases on Chen Xuan's body, which are used to hold the best wood spirit crystal and ordinary wood spirit crystal. Now these two porcelain vases are empty. He held them one by one and bumped them lightly, but the two porcelain bottles did not appear to be broken in the slightest.

How to do? It is too difficult to dig out the box board with a good porcelain bottle, because the mouth and bottom of the porcelain bottle are not sharp. Only by breaking it can it be possible to obtain sharp-edged fragments. If you hit it hard, of course you can easily break the porcelain bottle, but the impact will definitely make a sound. This box is carried by a greedy wolf. If there is a clear noise in the box, then the greedy wolf must immediately know that there is something in the box. If you put it down for a check, behave, you will probably be finished.

  I couldn’t hit it, only squeeze. This was Chen Xuan’s choice. Just do as he says, Chen Xuan desperately clenched the two bottles and squeezed with the greatest strength.

  Push hard, hard, hard again. Just as Chen Xuan was desperate, there was a crisp sound, and a porcelain vase was broken into two halves. Chen Xuan was overjoyed, now it's time to choose which part of the box to start.

   Make a hole in the position of his eye, Chen Xuan decided.

  Short time, Chen Xuan picked up the fragments and started to work. He pressed the fragments tightly and poked at the wooden board, but at the same time, he couldn't be too fast, as he would make a sound when the speed was too fast.

  Fortunately, as long as the fragments do not leave the board when they are jabbing, there will be no sound, but the speed of doing so is very slow.

Ten minutes later, Chen Xuan felt that a deep hole had been dug out of the wooden plank in front of him, and it was not far from digging through, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. However, he also stopped his work, and now it has become very dangerous to poke desperately with fragments, if a big hole is accidentally punched, it will be exposed.

  The speed became slower. Chen Xuan gently pierced the deep hole with the sharp corner of the fragment. When the fragment left the hole, a stream of fresh air rushed into the box.


  It was still dark outside, and no light came in from the hole, which proved that it was still night.

  Wolves can see things at night, so they often move at night, but generally choose to hibernate during the day. Therefore, Chen Xuan estimated that these wolves would choose a hidden place to hide until dawn. At that time, it is time to find a chance to escape.

  As for now, when the situation is still unknown, no action can be taken at all.

  In the box, he thought about a lot of questions, but it was his parents who thought about it the most. If he could not escape this time, what should the parents do? They must be extremely sad, even the heart of death, especially the mother, will it... No, I must escape alive, no matter what it is for, I must escape. This is Chen Xuan's final determination. Calm, be calm, Chen Xuan warned himself.

  Time passed very slowly, but after all, there was still a hint of light in the small hole in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, and after a while, the light became stronger and stronger, and a new day finally came.

  Through the small hole, Chen Xuan finally saw his situation clearly.

  Undoubtedly, he was packed in a box and was run by a greedy wolf. In a trance, he saw that he was now in a woods, and the wolves might have transported the looted boxes to the sparsely populated jungle. But Chen Xuan couldn't see exactly how many greedy wolves were in the pack. But at least there should be more than seventeen. This can be determined not only from the number of boxes, but also from the sound of the wolves.

  The most important thing is how many high-level orcs have participated in the pack transport. Maybe it is all of them participating in this attack, but maybe not all, but there should be at least one high-level orcs.

  Now Chen Xuan’s perspective can only observe one side of the situation, and the other three directions have not been clarified, so none of his inferences have been confirmed.

   was carried for a while, and finally heard the strange roar of the wolf. Chen Xuan immediately felt that he had stopped exercising. It seems that the wolves are looking for a place to rest. The sound of a dog panting came from all directions, and these greedy wolves who had consigned the spirit crystals were already very tired.

  Followed by the sound of the box being put down. Chen Xuan was watching the activities of the wolves nervously. If any wolf came to check the inside of the box again, he would have to repeat the same trick. Fortunately, after waiting for a long time, no one opened the box, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

  The location of the box where Chen Xuan was located was not good, and a few blades of grass actually blocked his sight. Only when the wind blew, he saw some shadows of greedy wolves.

  There should be a small river not far away. Those half-tired greedy wolves are rushing to drink water, while a tall greedy wolf with a blue-and-grey coat turns around the box a few times.

   "High-level greedy wolf!" Chen Xuan cried secretly. This high-ranking Greedy Wolf didn't know if it was the one who fisted with Elder Luo yesterday. If so, you are in danger. But intuition told Chen Xuan that this greedy wolf shouldn't be the master. Such a master shouldn't be with the team engaged in transportation.

   Chen Xuan feels right, this is indeed not the highest hand in the sneak attack last night.

  Fortunately, it seems that the greedy wolf that transports the spirit crystals has only the seventeen heads and the one around it. Because apart from these, Chen Xuan didn't notice any other wolf-greedy movements. It seems that this is just a team dedicated to transporting spirit crystals.

  That’s good. Without more greedy wolves following, his chances of escape should be much greater.

  Chen Xuan should take the initiative when figuring out what should happen.

  (End of this chapter)

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