Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1512: Adventure

   Chapter 1512 Adventure

   "There are three levels of mental power, and Qi refining is suspected to be three levels, which is interesting." The elders secretly said in their hearts. There is no doubt about the triple mental power, but Chen Xuan can only control seven auras into the body at the same time. It is doubtful whether it can fully meet the requirements of the mortal triple luck state, and now Chen Xuan is at the same time attacking the first. Four levels of realm, so it gives people the feeling that his cultivation level is very disordered. Of course the elders knew it by checking, but this situation was unnatural, which made them feel strange.

   "Are you Chen Xuan? What happened to you this time, please tell me what happened!" said the elder sitting at the top of a long round table. Of course he is the moderator of this meeting.

   "Yes, elders." Chen Xuan replied respectfully. So Chen Xuan talked about his adventure this time, and the elders were alarmed.

  However, Chen Xuan did not dare to say that the reason why he was able to avoid the detection of the orcs was because he temporarily hid in the ring space. The reason he gave was that the orcs had not opened the box he was in at all. Although it is unbelievable, the fact that Chen Xuan is still alive lies here, and they cannot help but believe it. In principle, as long as the orcs open the box, there will never be a reason for the juniors of the triple realm to escape.

  When talking about Yang Yunshan's family, Chen Xuan did not mean to praise Yang Yunshan for his cleverness and erudition, and finally he did not forget to ask if it was possible to accept Yang Yunshan into the sect.

  Of course, the elders didn’t care about Yang Yunshan’s wisdom and knowledge, and directly pressed this request to the five deputy masters and let them decide for themselves. Chen Xuan couldn't help being disappointed.

   "It seems that Chen Xuan's situation does not conflict with our investigation. On the contrary, it seems that the results of the investigation have been confirmed in many ways!" The elder of the investigation team finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  If the situation Chen Xuan talked about was too different from their investigation, everyone would think that he, the head of the investigation team, was negligent. Fortunately, Chen Xuan only talked about some details and did not conflict with the overall investigation.

   "Yes, it seems that this time I was encountered by a high-ranking orc wolf by chance." said the elder Taishang who presided over the meeting.

"It's very likely. The greedy wolf attacked this time is at most equivalent to the nine-layered cultivator. Otherwise, Elder Luo would be more fierce. It's just that we need to go deeper for the high-level greedy wolf to appear in the rear of the middle. Analysis." Another young elder said. Too young elders are all strong men who cultivate the tenth and eleventh levels of mental power. Of course, it is normal to say that this wolf-greedy cultivation base is low, but it is another matter for Elder Luo.

"It comes to our rear for nothing more than two purposes. One is to disrupt and the other is to recruit. Now it seems that the possibility of recruiting is greater. If it is to disrupt, they will make things worse this time. It is impossible to just grab some spirit crystals and stop." An elder of the investigation team said.

"Well, it makes sense. By the way, Master Ma, you take Chen Xuan away. The daily affairs of the sect still have to be taken care of." The elder Taishang who presided over the meeting seemed to suddenly find that there is still a low-level monk here. It's a listener. How could the content of this elders' meeting make him listen to it? So he told Mamen Master to take Chen Xuan out.

  After Chen Xuan was taken out by the Ma Sect master, the elders' meeting was held. This has nothing to do with Chen Xuan. He already understood what he should listen to. It turned out that this time he was in a fleeting disadvantage. The high-ranking greedy wolf who happened to be summoned in the middle of the army learned that his group was escorting the spirit crystals, so the greedy wolf unexpectedly saw money and raided them.

   Fortunately, the newly recruited team was not strong in combat effectiveness, so seeing Elder Luo and the others escape, it did not order a chase. If they encounter wolf fighting troops like the eastern part, Elder Luo and the others will not be so intact.

  The orcs are recruiting troops, that is, they want to continue to expand the results. It seems that after they have assembled the orcs on the entire continent, they will definitely start a battle with the humans in the middle. At that time, the Stone Tail City where Shenxin Gate is located will become a battlefield.

  How long is this time? One year, two years, or ten years or eight years? There are still some primitive forests behind the entire human race. There are a large number of orcs living in it. It is not a simple matter for the Fire-Eyed Scorpio to gather them all. It would be a good way to train on the spot, but it is a pity that the human race is strong. Will the person agree? A little bit of wind will be heard, and there will be an encirclement and suppression by the human race. It seems that most of these orcs will be brought back to the base camp unknowingly.

  I thought about a lot of these questions, but in the end Chen Xuan smiled bitterly. It seems that this is not the question he should think about. Triple Realm! Little kid! This is what he should think about!

  Chen Xuan returned to his dormitory in Sanchong Tian, ​​but the dormitory was empty. It turned out that Zongmen had already dropped his household registration. The things left by Chen Xuan in the dormitory have also been taken back and stored by the sect.

  But these are all trivial things. Soon after Chen Xuan returned to the dormitory, some disciples brought all the things they took back, and also brought him new clothes. The clothing mound can be destroyed, but the pieces of clothing put inside are not easy to take out.

   "Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan, are you really back?" Chen Xuan suddenly heard Sun Tingting's voice outside the dormitory. Chen Xuan happened to be going to report her safety, so it seemed that there was no need to go.

   "It's me, I'm back." Chen Xuan quickly walked out of the dormitory to answer.

   "It's really you, great. I thought..." The little girl was so excited that she shed tears.

  "Don't cry, don't cry, little sister, am I not alright?"

   "Huh! Who is crying, I don't want to be my brother." She burst into laughter again.

   "You weren't injured that time, right?" Chen Xuan asked Sun Tingting.

"No. I saw the black orcs surrounding us, and I thought I was so finished? Fortunately, those orcs were not the enemies of the elders. It was just that the elder Luo and the leader were right. The palm was seriously injured immediately, and he ordered us to run away immediately, and we had no chance to take you out from the inside. By the way, how did you escape?" Sun Tingting answered and asked the question that he wanted to ask a long time ago.

  No way, Chen Xuan had to explain again how to escape.

   "You said the Orcs took you back to the east without opening the box for inspection?" Sun Tingting tilted her head and asked Chen Xuan, it seems that the girl didn't believe it.

   "Yes. Is there anything to doubt about this?" Chen Xuan asked back.

   "Hey, it's unreasonable, there is a ghost! Is that thing really even human..." Sun Tingting stopped.

  "Smart, but please keep it secret, don't hurt me! Remember!" Chen Xuan saw that Sun Tingting thought about the ring, so he had to admit and warn.

  Sun Tingting nodded, as if she wanted to continue to ask something, but finally held back.

  Chen Xuan knew that she wanted to ask about the best wood spirit crystal. Regarding this matter, Chen Xuan would never reveal the least bit of information. Sun Tingting didn't believe it and had no choice but to let her guess randomly. Fortunately, Sun Tingting also knows that it is better not to understand all the secrets of others. Sometimes it is really rare to be confused!

  "You little rich man, you must be lucky if you survive a catastrophe, and you must treat yourself!" She didn't know the secret, but she knew the facts, and she actually started a blackmail business.

  "Why please? Fortunately, I still have a few spirit crystals in my hand." Chen Xuan smiled and deliberately took out an ordinary wood spirit crystal from his pocket.

  "You did not order a meal tonight. You should not be able to eat dinner. Do you plan to open a small stove?"

  It turns out that in the cafeteria, as long as you pay a certain amount of spirit crystal, you can ask the chef to open a small stove for you. Because this is not clearly stipulated in the door regulations, it becomes the extra income of the chef in the canteen. This is also part of the reason why the chef mission is so popular.

   "Go, why not. I still have to order tomorrow's meal? I won't have to eat tomorrow if I don't go."

  When Chen Xuan arrived at the cafeteria, all the disciples who were eating inside gathered around and asked each and every sentence.

Chen Xuan said, "Uncles and uncles, senior brothers and sisters, oh! There are also juniors and sisters," Chen Xuan suddenly saw that there were a few small new faces on the periphery, so he added juniors and sisters, "Everyone I want to hear about my experience for more than a month, but I haven't eaten yet, so let me eat first! Also, to celebrate my successful escape, I invite you all for dinner tonight."

   "By the way, who is the chef now?" Chen Xuan was surrounded before he even went inside. I still don't know who the chef is?

   "It's still Xiao Wang, plus Wang Huihuang."

   "Are there two chefs?"

   "Yes, there are too many people in the sect right now, how can one be so busy."

   "Hehe, they are all acquaintances, easy to say. I will order food first, and then I will tell you a story when I come back."

  After finishing everything, Chen Xuan began his third appearance today, and decided that this was the last time, otherwise, it would really be overwhelming.

   However, after omitting Yang Yunshan’s story, his own story is not complicated, and it only takes half an hour to tell the details without missing.

  After the story was told, the small stove was also added. Chen Xuan looked at the food in front of him and said to Sun Tingting, "I'll treat, come and eat!"

   "If you are not full, you can come and add some."

  Sun Tingting also added fuel and jealousy on the sidelines, “Don’t be polite, you can’t afford to eat him. It is said that his rich father gave him a lot of spirit crystals.”

  "Don't listen to her. Not much, not much, just enough." Chen Xuan also deliberately said.

  It seems that from now on, Chen Xuan has become a standard rich second generation in the sect.

  On the way back, Sun Tingting asked Yang Yunshan, and Chen Xuan promised to take her to meet this new eldest brother if he had the opportunity.

  The next day, Chen Xuan went to the deputy doormaster on duty again. He wanted to ask if he hoped to get Yang Yunshan into the door of God's heart. The master Tumen on duty hesitated and said: "The assessment of the sect ended half a month ago. If you continue to assess the disciples, you must restart the phantom array. The cost of building a phantom array for one person is too great. And it's not too serious.

  (End of this chapter)

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