Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1513: Give up

   Chapter 1513 Give Up

  Your friend is eighteen years old. Although the attributes of the five elements have reached the standard, he has not started to practice until now. It seems that the realm that he can reach in the end will be very limited. You better give up! "

   "No, I will never give up any friend. As long as he can participate in the test, I can pay all the expenses."

"You're kidding! This is the entire God's Heart Sect. How can it be used to make a fool of yourself? So, let him practice for one year first, and then wait until next year to test, so that you can know whether his cultivation talent is wasteful. But then he must accept the low-level martial artist's phantom array test. If he fails, he will definitely not enter the gate of God's heart. I don't say the reason for this, you should also know."

  "Good too!" Chen Xuan did not insist. Sect Master Tu made a lot of sense. If Yang Yunshan hadn't made great progress in his cultivation for a year, he would prove that his cultivation talent was abolished. Chen Xuan could only find another way to get him to start with formations or medical skills, or just let him abandon it. Wu Yingshang.

  As for the mental power not up to the standard during the test, such cultivators will most likely encounter danger when they are distracted, and it is better to stay away from the gate of the gods.

   figured out this truth, Chen Xuan immediately wrote a letter to Yang Yunshan, narrating the current situation inside, and instructed him to wait patiently, Chen Xuan immediately came to think of a solution for the problem of cultivation method.

Yang Yunshan’s five element attribute is water and eight trees, which is much better than Sun Tingting’s seven-layer water attribute. Sun Tingting used to practice the C-level water attribute exercise "Chunshui Jue". Now I don’t know if it has been changed. Chen Xuan has not asked her, presumably It should be changed. But when I heard that the name of "Chun Shui Jue" was a female practice technique, Chen Xuan was disdainful of allowing Yang Yunshan to practice such a practice.

  As for the selection of the five-element wood system exercise method, Chen Xuan decided to use his own practice "Withered Wood Art". This B-level superior exercise method is powerful and suitable for men to practice. As for whether it violated the interests of the Xiao Chen family, or even the interests of the Chen family, Chen Xuan didn't think about it. Anyway, the Chen family has been destroyed. Whoever cultivates this technique is not cultivation!

  How to obtain a good water attribute technique is really a difficult problem for Chen Xuan. The Shenxin Sect has a better water attribute technique, but Chen Xuan has no authority to obtain it. Even if he obtains it, he cannot teach it to people outside the gate. This is strictly prohibited in the gate regulations.

  The exercises that usually appear on the market and those that can be purchased are generally the most common. Only in large auctions can some high-level exercises appear. So Chen Xuan never thought of going to a store selling exercises outside to buy it.

  But a large-scale auction is held once a year. Who knows when the next time will be? Yang Yunshan didn't have so much time to wait.

How to do? It's really frustrated that I can't buy suitable exercises even if I have money!

  Three days later, when Huang Sect Master arrived to exchange the best wood spirit crystals with Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan was given a simple and easy way to obtain the exercises.

  Huang Yanshu served as the deputy master of the wood system twice. The reason is that he has been in the eighth level of spiritual power cultivation for the past five years. If he can break through to the ninth level, he will not need to assume the role of deputy master again. But where is the ninth layer so easy to break through?

  His Qi refining cultivation base has always been synchronized with the spiritual strength cultivation base. According to experience, if he wants to reach the ninth level of spiritual power, he must first cultivate the Qi refining to reach the seventh level of Qi state of the practitioner. But between the sixth and seventh levels, it is the intermediate and high-level stepping stage of the practitioner, and it is even more difficult to break through.

  Huang Yanshu tried many times, but failed in the final stage due to the lack of aura provided by heaven and earth. To solve this problem, one of the methods is to use a large number of the best wood spirit crystals to provide a simulated breakthrough place with sufficient aura.

  Huang Yanshu has been secretly acquiring the best wood spirit crystal, but the acquisition speed has not been very satisfactory. Under the circumstances of the Chen Clan's destruction, the top-grade wood spirit crystals are already among the rarest things that are extremely difficult to find. He never thought that one of his low-level disciples would be able to easily produce a large number of top-quality wood spirit crystals. When an elder who performed the task at the same time as Chen Xuan told him that Chen Xuan had used more than a dozen top-quality wood When Lingjing bought the ring, he couldn't help being surprised, but also heartbroken, and immediately came to Chen Xuan's residence.

This Huang Sect Master explained his intentions, Chen Xuan pretended to be very embarrassed, and said: "Huang Sect Master, originally these top-quality wood spirit crystals were prepared for me by my father. But the sect master eagerly wants, I can also cut love."

Huang Sect Master finally showed a smile on his solemn face, and said, "Oh! Good! Chen Xuan, I know that the best wood spirit crystal is very difficult to obtain now. As long as you can provide me with fifty, I will not only give You have the right consideration and promised to do what you can do for you."

   "Fifty?" Chen Xuan pretended to hesitate for a while, and finally said: "Okay! Only fifty. It's easy to say about the price, but I have a problem now."

   "Oh, what is the problem, speak out and listen." Huangmen said.

"I met a friend some time ago, and he needs a better water system technique, but now I have a low realm and lack of abilities. Where can I find such a technique? I just buy it with money, but I don’t know where to go. Go buy it!"

   "Then what grade of exercises do you plan to give your friend?" Huang Clan Master asked.

  "At least it should be Grade B middle grade. Of course, better is the best."

"The second-grade intermediate grade is already close to the advanced technique. If this kind of technique comes to the auction, at least one or two hundred thousand spiritual crystals can be sold. If it is a little more advanced, it will cost millions of spiritual crystals. You really..." The Huang Clan master couldn't help being surprised.

   "Oh, do you want that much? I thought..." Chen Xuan deliberately said, "However, if you can get the exercises, you should not lose money. Even if you sell it, you can get back the principal!"

"Where is it as simple as you think, the exercises that appear in this auction are all notarized by authority, which can guarantee that the winner will not conflict with others because of the acquisition of the exercises. You buy the exercises and then take action. , The winner cannot be guaranteed, why would you pay a high price for your exercises?"

   "Oh, it turned out to be like this!" Chen Xuan suddenly realized. However, he is just doing it. Will he do some exercises without having to do anything? Isn't it as fast as to make the best wood spirit crystal directly?

  "If you want to obtain a high-level water system technique, I can also suggest a method for you." Huang Clan said again.

"what way?"

  "Post a mission on the Zongmen mission list!"

   "Oh! Why didn't I think of this method?" Chen Xuan suddenly understood that he really ignored the best method.

  It turns out that the sect task list is not just for the sect to release tasks for disciples to complete, but also for one disciple to release tasks for other disciples to complete. The disciples who only need to post the task hand in the reward provided to the task in advance.

  Chen Xuan has only passively completed the sect's missions for the past year, and has long forgotten all the functions of the mission list. After Huang Clan master reminded him, he immediately thought that this was a good way.

  But Huang Sect Master doesn’t think this method is so good. He said: “Of course it’s okay for you to post the task, but can you give out the rewards for others to complete the task in a short time?”

   "This..." Chen Xuan hesitated. There are too many spirit crystals for a good exercise. Although he can get it, it is too conspicuous.

  Huang Sect Master saw Chen Xuan hesitating, thinking that he could not come up with a reward in one go, and sighed slightly and said: "It is not impossible to solve it. As long as I come forward, I believe that Zongmen can allow some credit."

"You come! Well, this is a good method, but..." Originally, this method was able to cover people's eyes, but Chen Xuan suddenly realized that this was only temporarily possible. He could not guarantee that the Huang Sect master would not tell his own affairs afterwards. Speak out.

  You must find someone you can trust to post the task, so that you can ensure that your secret is not suspected.

The Yellow Sect Master silently calculated for a while, and finally seemed to have made up his mind, and said: "If only the second-level middle-grade exercises are required, I will do it for you, as long as you have extra spiritual crystals to pay me. Just come back."

His one-month worship is six hundred wood spirit crystals, which is 2,700 ordinary spirit crystals. As long as more than three years, he will be able to accumulate 100,000 spirit crystals. This is also the guarantee that he can get B for Chen Xuan's release. The reason for the middle grade exercise method.

   "No, no, let's do it, I'll find a way to raise funds. The task is released by you, but you must ensure that you don't reveal any secrets." Chen Xuan finally decided to rely on Huang Sect Master to release the task. Not to mention that he could not find a reliable person to post the mission. Even if he found it, the master Huang actually knew that the mission was sent by him. In the end, the secret had to be kept by the master Huang.

"Oh! So you have so many spirit crystals! I thought... Yes, this secret should be kept. After all, your cultivation level is not high now. If someone has bad intentions, it will be troublesome." Marvel, can Chen Xuan really take out one hundred thousand spiritual crystals in one go?

Chen Xuan opened the bedside box, took out fifty top-quality wood spirit crystals, and handed them to the master Huang, and said: "Of course I can't give this spirit crystal to you now. I still need to write to my father to let him Hurry up and bring it to me. It will take about a month. However, I still have these fifty spirit crystals. Since you have promised to help, treat it as a gift for you!"

Chen Xuan does not have so many spirit crystals in his hands now, and now he can produce the best wood spirit crystals at a rate of fifteen per hour. If he spends six hours a day for manufacturing, he can create 80 crystals, which can be converted into ordinary spirits. The number of crystals is three thousand six hundred.

  (End of this chapter)

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