Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1514: Improve

   Chapter 1514 Improvement

  "Who knows? Maybe I just hope that water system cultivators have more choices!" To reach one hundred thousand spirit crystals, it takes at least 27 days to complete. So this month is considered good for Chen Xuan.

  The master Huang Clan took the top-quality wood spirit crystal that Chen Xuan handed over, looked at it carefully, and said in surprise: "This spirit crystal is of high quality, but the quantity seems to be less. It seems to have been refined."

Chen Xuan did not comment, but just smiled and said: "It was like this when my father gave it to me. I don't know if it has been purified, but after I used it, I think the effective content is higher than that of ordinary top-grade wood spirit crystals." Chen Xuan's words are completely true. I'm talking about it. Where does he need to use wood spirit crystals, he just made some.

  The Master Huang nodded and agreed with Chen Xuan’s statement, but in his heart he firmly believed that this was definitely the product of the purification of ordinary top-grade wood spirit crystals.

After Huang Sect Master left, Chen Xuan fell into contemplation. He has the ability to make the best wood spirit crystals, but in terms of absolute large quantities, he still can't cope with it. This time it is only necessary to purchase one hundred thousand spirit crystals. Spend one month of rest time, if you want to buy more expensive things in the future, will you have to work hard all year long?

  This dilemma must be solved. Either make a little while practicing every day, or increase the production speed, or do both at the same time, and use these spirit crystals to create wealth. Only in this way can it be possible to get what you want when you need it.

  This mainly involves two big problems that are not easy to solve, one is the improvement of the method of manufacturing the spirit crystal, and the other is how to use the spirit crystal to create wealth.

   Regarding the first question, Chen Xuan carefully sorted out the process of making spiritual crystals by himself, and found that there is a way to improve, but this method must be based on the improvement of his own skill. If fourteen auras can enter the body at the same time, that one cycle will produce a top-grade wood aura, and at the same time seven yellow auras will become seven white auras. In the second cycle, fourteen white qi will enter the body at the same time, producing two superb wood spirit crystals. In this way, three can be produced in two cycles. The number of manufactured in one day can reach one hundred and twenty.

  If the aura that can enter the body at the same time is increased, he can even circulate the other four-color auras except green, and create four each time, so that the speed can be doubled.

  At the same time, if the meridians are widened, the speed of the aura will increase, and you will do more than fifteen cycles at an hour, which can also increase the manufacturing speed.

  The second problem is to use existing wealth to create more wealth. Today is a turbulent era. Almost all cultivators have a basic consensus, which is to strive to improve their cultivation. So the best way to create wealth that Chen Xuan thought of was to provide cultivation resources for cultivators. And the best wood spirit crystal he made himself is the best resource of this continent. Based on this, it is possible to open a relatively high-end store.

  The only question is who will take care of this store. The parents had already arrived at the rear, and Chen Xuan didn't want them to take any risks, so he excluded his parents as soon as the idea came about. Yang Yunshan is fine for the time being, but he is basically a mortal and needs someone to protect him in order to take on the important responsibility of the store manager.

  Of course, even Chen Xuan himself has to be protected to open a store. Especially in this windy and rainy season, doing it well will put him in danger.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan could only smile wryly, or his skill was too low. If he could reach the cultivator state, he would basically not need to consider these issues.

  If the conditions are not enough, then you can only wait for the opportunity. Chen Xuan decided to prepare his wealth first, and then wait for the strength to become stronger before coming to make money.

  In the following month, Chen Xuan spent the day in the cultivation of spiritual power and Qi refining, and in the evening he made wood spirit crystals. Fortunately, the process of making wood spirit crystals is completely different from cultivation, and there is no need to deliberately spend energy, which is equivalent to resting and meditating. In this way, for Chen Xuan, only one or two hours of cultivation time at night was missing, and the loss was not great.

  This month, Chen Xuan's meridians have continued to widen. Yesterday, he was finally able to put ten auras into the body at the same time, and at the same time, he was able to manipulate 14 auras with his mind. This means that he can already increase the speed of wood spirit crystal manufacturing.

In the past, if he wanted to make two wood spirit crystals at the same time, then one of them could only reach 60% of the normal. Although such a wood spirit crystal and 70% were separated by only 10%, it gave people a visual effect. It's very different, it looks like it's only half the size of an ordinary wood spirit crystal. The creation of such a wood spirit crystal is of little significance, and its value will be greatly reduced, so Chen Xuan has no plans to create such a crystal.

And to create a complete top-quality wood spirit crystal like ordinary wood spirit crystals, Chen Xuan found it too troublesome. This requires two operations of aura to do it, because there are only seven auras of each type in his colorful map. Only ten white qi can produce the superb wood spirit crystal that looks perfect.

  In addition, the quality of the best wood spirit crystals manufactured by Chen Xuan is higher than that of the ordinary best wood spirit crystals. If the full version of the best wood spirit crystals is made, it will be even more eye-catching. He would rather others believe that his wood spirit crystal was only obtained through purification.

  Chen Xuan opened the box in front of the bed, which contained 2,222 top-quality wood spirit crystals manufactured this month, which is estimated to be worth one hundred thousand spirit crystals. The more than two thousand wood spirit crystals occupy a small space, which can only cover the bottom of the box. It is no wonder that this box of Chen Xuan is said to be able to hold fifty thousand spirit crystals.

  Chen Xuan installed these spirit crystals into the ring space, and then walked towards the door of Shenxin. This was a scene he and Yang Yunshan had colluded with.

People must know that the best wood spirit crystal in their hands came in from the outside, so Yang Yunshan could only use his father’s reputation to send something to him, and at this time, Yang Yunshan happened to send him something from the guard at the gate of Shenxin. A small wooden box came.

  It hasn't been long before Chen Xuan brought the wooden box back, and the master Huang came. It seems that the master Huang is still paying attention to Chen Xuan's situation these days. Fortunately, Chen Xuan had expected that otherwise he would be dressed.

   "Chen Xuan, I happened to be on duty today. I saw you come in with the box. The spirit crystals should have been transported, right?" Huang Clan master asked when he entered the door.

  The Yellow Sect Master has been adjusting his interest rate this month, and he is ready to hit the seventh stage of the Cultivator Realm when the time comes. Although there were fifty top-quality wood spirit crystals from Chen Xuan last time, he felt that the number was not enough. He regretted that he had not opened his mouth, but because the fifty top-quality wood spirit crystals were Chen Xuan. He was too embarrassed to speak to Chen Xuan again. Taking the advantage of coming to work for Chen Xuan today, he wanted to see if some of the spirit crystals provided by Chen Xuan were top grade wood spirit crystals.

   Judging from the box that Chen Xuanti returned, it is very likely that there are top-quality wood spirit crystals. One hundred thousand spirit crystals must be packed in two large boxes. But Chen Xuan only brought back a small box, which was amazing if it could hold ten thousand spirit crystals. The Master Huang was delighted, so when he saw Chen Xuan came back, he followed.

  "Huang Clan Master, you came just right. I just got what my father sent over, and I am going to look for you."

"Oh! It's just this small box of things, can it be worth a hundred thousand spirit crystals?" Huang Clan Master asked, he suddenly thought that Chen Xuan's father would not send other valuable things, and use this thing. Reach the reserve of one hundred thousand spirit crystals.

   "Please look at the Master of the Yellow Door!" Chen Xuan opened the box, and a small half box of crystal clear wood spirit crystals came into the eyes of the Master Huang.

   "The best wood spirit crystal! All are the best wood spirit crystals. It's really great!" Huang Clan master couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

"I haven't had time to count the number of spirit crystals in it, but the letter I wrote to my father said about one hundred thousand spirit crystals. It is estimated that the value of these top-quality wood spirit crystals should be just right." Chen Xuan said, since I want to conceal it. Since the secret, Chen Xuan found that he no longer needed to think through his brain when he lied.

   "Well, let me count it." Huang Clan Master was very happy, even though these spirit crystals were not his own, he was also happy to serve as the counter.

In a short while, the master of the Yellow Clan completed the count, "There are a total of 2,222, and the total value is just one hundred thousand spiritual crystals. Considering the quality and cherishment of this top-quality wooden spiritual crystal, Zongmen should be very happy. . Good! I have taken this wood spirit crystal away, I will go to the quest to post a quest, let the people of the whole sect find the water system technique of the second grade middle grade."

  After this incident is over, Chen Xuan only needs to wait. He believes that with the reward of one hundred thousand spirit crystals, this second-grade middle-grade water system technique should not be difficult to find. As for what the Yellow Sect Master did with those top-quality wood spirit crystals, Chen Xuan is not interested in knowing. If the Yellow Sect master secretly replaces all the top-quality wood spirit crystals with ordinary spirit crystals, then it will be enough to make Chen Xuan’s secret temporary. Be conservative.

On the second day, news came about offering a reward for Grade B middle-grade exercises. It turned out to be Sun Tingting’s visit. She was surprised and said: “Zongmen actually released a task to collect water-based grade B middle-grade exercises, and the reward amount reached ten. Wan Lingjing. If all you need is Grade C exercises, the "Chun Shui Jue" I originally practiced can be taken out."

   "Hehe, you want to be beautiful, but the technique is jointly owned by the Xiao Chen clan and your family. How can you think of selling it?" Chen Xuan teased.

   "Hey! Yeah. But the C-level exercises really can't sell for a lot of money. I was so happy before. Thinking about it now, I feel that I have never seen the world at that time."

   "Have you changed your exercises now?"

"Well, let’s not say that the exercises I’m learning right now happen to be Grade B middle-grade. Zongmen already has this level of exercises, but they still have to collect other, and they still provide realistic spirit crystals. What is this? What do you mean?"

  (End of this chapter)

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