Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1515: Change learning exercises

  Chapter 1515 Changing Learning Techniques

   "By the way, Chen Xuan, I seem to have encountered difficulties in my current practice. Could it be that there is something wrong with the second-grade middle-grade technique that I have cultivated?"

  "You are now at the fourth level of Qi refining and cultivation, which is already very good, especially your mental power. You have reached the triple peak. Is this speed still unsatisfactory?"

"You have to know that I have reached this state three months ago, but I have stayed in place for the past three months, especially my mental power, and I can't feel the slightest improvement. And now I have very few opportunities to ask the master. Up."

   "What's wrong, how about your master?"

  "Didn’t my master grow old a long time ago?"

   "Oh, I forgot." Chen Xuan suddenly said that when Sun Tingting entered the teacher, Li Sect master said that she would break through soon, thinking about it, it would be long ago. It's just that Chen Xuan rarely goes to the office, and he doesn't even know that he has changed to a new deputy head of the water system.

   "Also, I'm going to complete the task again. Our task was not completed last time! Fortunately, the sect did not punish us, but only when we did not accept the task."

  It turned out that the mission of the middle road was not completed in the last **** and guard mission. The elders actually accepted the punishment and suspended the offering for five months. But those disciples in the triple realm were just guarding the task, so the sect did not hold them accountable, but they did not count them as completing the task. In this way, those disciples who need to complete tasks must complete new tasks, and Sun Tingting happens to belong to such a disciple.

  Chen Xuan’s situation is different. He can still ignore the task for three months. Even if he does not accept the task for half a year when the task expires, it is just a suspension of resources. Will he care about the resources sent to him by the sect?

  Of course, more than half a year will not work. The penalty is not as simple as stopping the issuance of resources. Then you have to think behind closed doors, fines, and expel. Such things have rarely happened in the history of Shenxinmen, because it is excusable to stop issuing resources because of the inability to complete the task, but it is incredible to be punished by other punishments.

   "Then what task do you plan to accomplish?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "I plan to take the task of an accompanying boy." Sun Tingting thought for a while, and finally said.

   "The accompanying boy, what do you mean?"

  "It means to go out with the elder Taishang and stay in the Human Race Alliance."

   "Oh, how is this task counted?"

   "One year is equal to three years." Sun Tingting said lightly.

  "When will you be back then?" Chen Xuan asked. Chen Xuan’s confidant friend at Shenxinmen was only Sun Tingting, but now she was leaving temporarily, of course he had to ask her about her return date.

"I do not know either."

  "Can't you fail to accept such a task?"

"Hey, Chen Xuan, you know. There are very few tasks suitable for female disciples of the Triple Realm. The guard mission last time is a rare opportunity. Unfortunately, in the end, the mission was not completed, and it was almost lost. This time I went to the Human Race Alliance, this task is actually very simple, if I were not a water system cultivator, I am afraid I would not be able to grab this task."

   "What's wrong, is there anything special about this water system?"

   "Is it water system? Cough cough!" Sun Tingting blushed, it's hard to talk about it, "You know, water girl..."

  "Grows whiter and tenderer." Chen Xuan said loudly.

   "Just because of you, it's not exactly like that." Sun Tingting stamped her foot and said.

   "Is there any other reason?" Chen Xuan tilted his head and smiled at Sun Tingting.

   "In fact, the main reason is that the master recommended me to take this task."

   "Master Li, no, Elder Li, why does she want you to take this task?" Chen Xuan asked Sun Tingting, staring.

   "The resident Taishang elder who went to the Human League this time is the master's master, that is, my ancestor, and her surname is Liu."

  "Is this elder Liu a male or female?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "Of course it is a woman, otherwise do you think you will ask the female disciple to be a boy?"

   "Hey, I originally got you into the door of God's heart to be my company, but unfortunately, I will be separated from now on. This big brother is very sad!" Chen Xuan said deliberately old-fashioned.

   Hearing what Chen Xuan said jokingly, Sun Tingting didn't even refute this time, but said softly: "I'm so sorry, I'll be back after completing the task." After finishing speaking, it made people feel a little sad.

"No, no, I'm joking. Don't be sad. Everyone should have their own life and should not be an accessory to others. As long as it is what you want to do, you should do it bravely." Chen Xuan saw that Sun Tingting hadn't refuted her words, and regretted that he had joked with her at this time.

   "Well, I remember, Brother Monster." Chen Xuan didn't want to make a joke, but Sun Tingting suddenly made a joke.

   "Meeting again, I'm afraid you will be unable to even shout out the four characters of Brother Monster." Chen Xuan thought to himself, but said in his mouth: "When are you leaving? I will prepare some gifts for you."

   "Forget the gift, didn't you give it to me last time?"

  "Do you mean that hairpin? Yes, I hope you will remember me when you see the hairpin."

   "Well, in seven days, I will follow my master to the Human Race Alliance. I will go back first." Sun Tingting floated away.

"Hey, this little girl is very stubborn!" In fact, with Chen Xuan's current ability to make the best wood spirit crystals, Sun Tingting can be taken care of properly, but Chen Xuan did not dare to do so. She knew Sun Tingting very well. With her personality, noble and independent, will she easily accept her alms? I can only go with her, and Chen Xuan knows very well that there will eventually be an awkward situation between himself and Sun Tingting, that is, the twenty-year-old young girl Sun Tingting faces a 13 or four-year-old kid Chen Xuan. . What will be their relationship at that time? This is simply unimaginable.

  Is the girl who suits you still not born yet? Chen Xuan couldn't help asking himself secretly. Twenty years later, she will look twenty years old, but the girl who has not yet been born is just twenty years old at that time. This requires that I have been in the mortal state for the past twenty years. If I reach the cultivator state very early, maybe I will still be seventeen or eighteen years old after twenty years.

   is really absurd, how could God make such a joke? Chen Xuan is anxious to improve his strength, but he is most afraid of improving his strength. If you want to improve your strength, you are likely to enter the Cultivator Realm. Once you enter the Cultivator Realm, Chen Xuan's growth dream becomes even more difficult to realize.

  No matter what, now I and Sun Tingting seem to be good friends, so Sun Tingting is going out this time, I should give her some gifts, at least I should give her more entanglement. For seven days, it seemed that he had to work overtime again to make wood spirit crystals.

  It’s really interesting. Since Chen Xuan was able to make the wood spirit crystals, not only did he not save a little bit, but he increasingly felt that he was still short of foreign debts. Just paid off the debt of 100,000 Lingjing, and now there is another entanglement for Sun Tingting. I am afraid that once this matter is over, there will be a time when money is urgently needed. The five-hundred best wood spirit crystal promised to the old man who gave him the ring is about to be about to remind him.

Seven days later, Chen Xuan went to see Sun Tingting off. Before leaving, Chen Xuan forced Sun Tingting into a beautiful box with a thousand top-quality wood spirit crystals inside, and told Sun Tingting not to open it now. He waited on the way and secretly. Look again when you are alone. The little girl blushed and gave Chen Xuan a pair of shoes, which really moved Chen Xuan for a long time. This shoe was hidden in the ring space by Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan decided not to wear it as a last resort. Chen Xuan didn’t wear these shoes since then. As for why, it’s actually very simple. Although Chen Xuan looks small, he didn’t really grow up. Many years later, when he wanted to wear these shoes, his pair of shoes The feet are no longer allowed.

As for why Chen Xuan was able to send out 1,000 of the best wood spirit crystals, it was mainly because the number of wood spirit crystals he made in one night has reached 120, plus the three days left over from the previous month. There are more than two hundred of them, which is exactly one thousand. Now Chen Xuan can be said to have nothing.

  But for the time being, no one has to ask for his best wood spirit crystal, so he decided to change the night’s manufacturing time to three hours, which is to adjust to the original training rhythm.

  Two days later, with a "pop" in the meridians, Chen Xuan easily broke through to the fourth stage. His breakthrough was so easy, mainly because he had already started to concentrate the air flow during his cultivation, and even circulated the air flow. This is actually the basic of the fourth stage and fifth stage of aura. Claim. Ordinary people have only one spiritual energy to use, they have to do it step by step, but Chen Xuan can only do it simultaneously.

After the breakthrough, Chen Xuan felt that his power had not only doubled, and his vision had become more acute.

After consolidating the realm several times, he launched a charge against the spiritual power, but the spiritual power training did not loosen the slightest with the improvement of the refining. The aura that Chen Xuan can control at the same time is still fourteen. The fifteenth article always avoids him, that is to say, his mind has not reached the level of controlling the fifteen spiritual auras at the same time. This is two control objects from the distraction perfection, and the eighth sixteen is the distraction. Consummation can try to hit the next level.

  Another month has passed. Chen Xuan was cultivating this day. The master Huang Clan came to his dormitory quietly and exclaimed happily: "Chen Xuan, there is good news, and the exercises you want have been found!"

  Chen Xuan opened the door and found that the master of Huangmen was standing outside the house, his spirit and spirit were very different from before.

   "Huang Sect Master, have you broken through to the seventh level of the Cultivator Realm?"

"Yes, thanks to you for giving me the best wood spirit crystal! I used to be unable to break through because of the lack of these best wood spirit energy. This time I was fully prepared and finally broke through!" Huang Sect Master couldn't tell. Excitement.

  (End of this chapter)

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