Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1516: Here comes the original

   Chapter 1516

   "Congratulations! Next, you should break through to the ninth level of spiritual power. At that time, you are a real elder-level figure." Chen Xuan said flatly.

   "Accept your auspicious words!" It seems that this Huang Clan master is indeed extremely happy. He has already lost all his own nature. Isn't his previous nature just serious?

This is actually incorrect. Huang Clan Master is actually not a serious person at all. It's just that he has been stuck in his original realm for many years and cannot break through. This has made him lose confidence in himself, and he has been forced to serve as a deputy. Lord, so no matter how lively people are, I’m afraid they won’t be able to laugh.

  This time the realm has improved, and his confidence has returned. No wonder he is so happy.

  "Are you saying that the exercises to find for the missions have been found?"

"Yes. It's just that the level of the exercise found this time is a bit high. It is of the B-level top grade, and it is already a high-level exercise. Of course, it can't be worth only one hundred thousand spirit crystals, so if you want to get this exercise, But it still needs some means."

   "Oh! Grade B top grade, that's great! How many spirit crystals do those who find this technique plan to shoot?"

   "Five hundred thousand, but he also asked to offset the one-year mission."

   "Five hundred thousand is good," Chen Xuan said without thinking, "but I can't do it to offset the one-year mission."

"Yes, this technique was found by an elder-level figure. Of course, the task they have to accomplish is not something that a disciple of your triple realm can complete. Only after the sect's deliberation can it be possible to dispense with the task of the elder, we These deputy sect masters are not qualified to control those elders."

   "Oh, didn't you publish the task that the elder wants to complete?"

  "It is our release, but we can't finish it but we don't manage it. Then we have our own Presbyterian organization to measure it."

   "So that's the case. What should I do if I want to obtain the exercises?" Chen Xuan asked.

  "This can only be resolved through consultation with the Presbyterian Church." Huang Clan Master said.

   "Consult with the Presbyterian Church, I'm afraid I..."

  "Don’t think too much, you only need to write down the purpose of the exercises you have obtained, and report the specific situation to the elders, and someone in the elders will take care of this matter."

   "If it's just like this, then it's very simple. I'll write down the reason for this, and hope that the elders can properly handle the problem of exercises."

   Just do it. Chen Xuan wrote about the reasons for finding Yang Yunshan's exercises this time, and focused on the talent of Yang Yunshan's Mizuyakiji and his determination to participate in the Shenxinmen introductory test in the coming year. Chen Xuan could only do this. As for what the elders would do, he was already powerless.

  Don’t say that the efficiency of Shenxinmen's work is really not overshadowed. Early the next morning, Huangmen Master came to announce the decision of the Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian Council gave Chen Xuan two choices. One is that these 100,000 spiritual crystals are a deposit, and you can purchase a second-grade water system technique in the sect, but the practitioner is only required to be Yang Yunshan alone and not to be spread to others. The sect can be regarded as Chen Xuan's completion of a year's mission. The second is that Chen Xuan must produce one hundred thousand more spirit crystals to obtain a copy of this second-level high-grade water system technique. Similarly, Yang Yunshan can only be allowed to practice alone, and there is no convenience for exempting the task.

  Chen Xuan did not hesitate to choose the second plan. He didn't even leave the opportunity of Huang Clan Master to persuade him. This made Huang Clan Master very emotional. This little Chen Xuan is really willing to give up to his friends!

  Chen Xuan asked the sect to provide exercises immediately, as for the other hundred thousand spirit crystals, he had to wait a month later. The Huang Clan master agreed to Chen Xuan's request.

  In fact, this time it was the sect who spent three hundred thousand spiritual crystals, plus an elder’s one-year mission to buy a Grade B high-grade water system exercise method, only to transfer a copy of the right to practice Yang Yunshan. The sect should have made a lot of money, after all, such a technique can reach a million spiritual crystals in the auction.

When the water system high-grade exercise method was brought to Chen Xuan, I saw three large characters "Water Covering Technique" written in ink that hadn't dried yet. Turning to the second page, it stated the level of the exercise method and the target audience. . Sure enough, it was a high-grade technique of Grade B, and it was the same as the "Withered Wood Art" practiced by Chen Xuan, and it was also suitable for the cultivator to reach the level of the cultivator.

  In order to put an end to Chen Xuan’s doubts, Huang Sect Master also brought the original copy, and asked Chen Xuan to check the original copy for any mistakes. After all, this was something he copied out in a hurry, and mistakes are also possible.

Chen Xuan carefully checked twice and found no errors or omissions. Then he accepted the exercises satisfactorily, and by the way asked for a leave of absence from the Master Huang. He wanted to go out to see Yang Yunshan, and then combined this "Water Covering Art" with The tactics were handed to him personally.

  The master Huang Clan gave him two days off, and asked him to remember that one month later, there were still 100,000 Lingjing accounts to be paid, and then a token was handed over to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan nodded and watched the Master Huang leave. He turned around and picked up the pen to write the technique of "Withered Wood Art". It took a while to complete. After checking it again, no errors were found. He threw it directly into the ring space, Go to the door.

  Actually, the place Chen Xuan rented for Yang Yunshan was near Shenxinmen, but due to Shenxinmen’s rules that low-level disciples were not allowed to go out casually, Chen Xuan had not come out to visit Yang Yunshan in person for more than two months.

  When Chen Xuan arrived at Yang Yunshan’s residence, he found that his door was guarded only by General Tie. Chen Xuan was shocked. Could it be that Yang Yunshan blamed himself for not seeing him for more than two months and had moved? He hurried to the landlord to ask, only to understand what was going on. It turned out that in the past month, Yang Yunshan had gone out early and returned late every day, and told the landlord that he had now found a pharmacy to work as a buddy.

  Yang Yunshan deliberately went to find something without telling himself. He was only secretly afraid of complaining. It seems that this big brother Yang is also a person with a very strong sense of independence!

  Yang Yunshan is leaving early and returning late, and now it’s not noon. Chen Xuan feels that the opportunity is rare and he should go shopping.

Although Shenxinmen is the most famous sect in Stonetail City, it is a pity that due to the small number of disciples and the inability to enter and leave the sect at will, this neighborhood is very cold compared to other places, except for those who live here. Apart from some people, there are not many idlers, and even the shops are lifeless. After turning around for a while, Chen Xuan didn't find anything special, so he had to find a restaurant to go in for lunch.

   "Hmm...Uncle, don't drive me away, I have to wait for my grandfather here." Before Chen Xuan entered the store, he heard a little girl cry from inside.

"Little girl, I have taken care of you for more than three days, but your dead grandfather has not returned. I am afraid that he deliberately threw you at me and ran away alone." A fat shopkeeper nearby said viciously. .

   "No, my grandfather loves me the most and will never leave me alone." The little girl said sadly.

"Your grandfather only handed over one Lingjing. I took care of you to eat, but took care of you for more than seven days. You made me very embarrassed! You are so young that you can't help you in the store! You! Let's go!" said the fat shopkeeper, narrowing his eyes again.

  "Um...I can't go, what should I do if grandpa can't find me when I am gone?"

  "Let's go, let's go, let's go! It's nothing to do with me." The fat shopkeeper was very impatient.

   "Hold on! What happened, little sister, what's the matter with you?" Chen Xuan didn't expect such a thing to happen the most. Now he has the ability to take care of these things, so naturally he must take care of it.

   "I, I lost my grandfather." The little girl said solemnly.

   "Punch!" These words made Chen Xuan not only funny, but even the fat shopkeeper laughed out, "Your grandfather lost you!"

   "I, I can't find Grandpa anyway." The little girl spoke very decisively.

Chen Xuan looked at the little girl in front of him, who was seven or eight years old. In fact, from the looks of it, Chen Xuan herself was not much older than her, but in fact, it gave people the impression that Chen Xuan was like an adult. The little girl in front of her was really a child.

  The little girl is very thin, she looks like her usual malnutrition, but her eyes are very bright.

  "Aren't you and your grandfather locals?" Chen Xuan continued to ask.

   "No, we are here from Iron Lion City."

   "Iron Lion City, the most fringe city in the middle, shouldn't you..." Chen Xuan was taken aback. The Iron Lion City was a city that made Chen Xuan's memory fresh, and where did Chen Xuan get his space ring. He also promised the old man who sold the ring five hundred best wood spirit crystals. Calculating the time, this old man should also come to the door. Isn't the girl in front of me brought by the old man?

   "Did you call that... by the way, Xian'er?" At the last moment, Chen Xuan seemed to hear the old man's granddaughter called Xian'er.

   "How did the big brother know my nickname?" the little girl asked in surprise with her round eyes open.

   "You are really Xian'er!" Chen Xuan shouted, it seems that the old man really found it. "Are you feeling better?"

"You also know that I have had a strange disease. Are you the one who took out the best wood spirit crystal?" The little girl finally understood that she might finally find the righteous master they were looking for this time. .

   "Yes, it's me. I didn't expect to meet you in this situation, what about your grandpa?" Chen Xuan continued to ask.

   "Big brother, please save my grandpa. He was chased and killed. We escaped here all the way."

   "What? You were hunted down, why?"

  The little girl looked at Chen Xuan, but did not answer his words. Chen Xuan saw that the little girl was clever. It seemed that the reason was probably not simple, so he immediately stopped questioning.

   "Little sister, you shouldn't have lunch yet?" Chen Xuan asked again.

  The little girl still said nothing, but the fat shopkeeper said, "Huh! I had lunch two days ago."

  Chen Xuan was shocked. The little girl hadn’t eaten for more than two days. “The shopkeeper, prepare a richer lunch! I want to have lunch with this little sister.”

  (End of this chapter)

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