Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1518: Fox Fairy Goes Down to the World

   Chapter 1518

   "Brother Xuan, okay, just call Brother Xuan." Xian'er said with a smile.

  Looking at this little Xian'er, Chen Xuan suddenly thought about ten years later. At that time, Xian'er was seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was about the same, he looked a little over seventeen. Hey, it turned out to be the same age!

   "Xian'er, what is your grandfather's last name?" Chen Xuan still doesn't know the old man's last name.

   "Our last name is Hu." Xian'er replied.

   "Hu Xian'er, this name reminds me of'Fox Fairy', shouldn't you be a real fox fairy going down the earth!" Chen Xuan deliberately teased.

   "Who said I am Hu Xian'er, my full name is Hu Zixian, and my nickname is Xian'er." Xian'er argued.

   "The same, Hu Zixian is you, Xian'er is you, and Hu Xian'er is also you. Anyway, I will call you Hu Xian'er from now on." Chen Xuan could not help but took Xian'er's full name.

  Xian'er was silent. In fact, this was really not controversial. Some people in the family called her Hu Xian'er.

   "Apart from your grandfather, who else is in the family?" Chen Xuan asked again.

Xian'er's eyes reddened, "I don't know, when my grandfather and I escaped, they couldn't care about the others. Are they still alive?" Xian'er seemed to be asking herself and Chen Xuan.

   "What! You were chased out in the family, not on the road." Chen Xuan was shocked.

Xian'er was silent, but Chen Xuan already understood it.

  This Hu's family is really in trouble. Originally, a Hu Xian'er needed a lot of wood spirit crystals to continue his life, which was already very uncomfortable for the Hu family.

   "Who is embarrassing your Hu family? Xian'er, do you know something?" Chen Xuan asked tentatively, but basically had no intention of asking the result.

   "It must be the Zhao family." I didn't expect Xian'er to point out the suspect in his heart decisively. In this way, the disagreement between Hu and Zhao's family should be obvious.

   "Let's go! Eat first before talking." It turned out that when Yang Yunshan saw Chen Xuan and Xian'er chatting, he turned around to let the shopkeeper prepare the food. After everything was done, he came to invite Chen Xuan and Xian'er to eat.

   "Okay! Let's talk about dinner." Chen Xuan also replied.

  The meal prepared by Yang Yunshan and the meal prepared by Chen Xuan are of course not the same, but they are also very hearty. Of course, in normal times, with Yang Yunshan's cautious character, it is absolutely impossible to prepare so many delicious things. Chen Xuan was rich and wealthy, and he didn't care about how many spirit crystals he spent. He basically only chose the expensive ones instead of the right ones.

  At the dinner table, Xian'er briefly talked about the grievances between Hu and Zhao's family. It turned out that because the two were located in the western suburbs of Tieshi City, conflicts often occurred during the mining of the veins.

The western suburbs where the two families are located are the main mineral vein excavation sites of Iron Lion City. The mineral veins are mainly spars, which are also divided into five attributes. They can also be used for the cultivation of practitioners, but the effect is very different from that of spirit crystals. , So the exchange ratio of the currency system of this continent is: 1 Supreme Spirit Crystal = 10 Ordinary Spirit Crystal = 100 High Grade Crystal Stone = 1000 Middle Grade Crystal Stone = 10000 Low Grade Crystal Stone.

  Although the unit value of spar is low, fortunately, the quantity that can be mined is huge. Hu and Zhao's family is not a big family, and the mineral veins they can control are also limited, but the two are evenly matched, so fights will occur during the competition. As the years accumulate, the hatred is of course getting bigger and bigger, and finally it breaks out uncontrollably.

   But according to the logic, these two are evenly matched, how could it happen that the Hu family was chased and killed? Chen Xuan asked Xian'er, but Xian'er couldn't explain this question clearly.

It is guessed that there is no way to know the specific reason. Only when the old man Hu escaped and came here, Chen Xuan could get the real reason. If old man Hu did not escape the catastrophe this time, I am afraid Chen Xuan would never know the reason. Up.

  It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, this has nothing to do with the current Chen Xuan. He has no reason to avenge the Hu family, just take care of Xian'er.

  After dinner, Chen Xuan and Yang Yunshan also stayed in Juxianlai. They each had a first-class guest room. Since Yang Yunshan had just obtained the exercises, he had already begun to work hard. After Chen Xuan and Xian'er spoke a few words, they returned to their guest rooms. He now needs to create a large number of top-quality wood spirit crystals to meet the current requirements. The sect's one hundred thousand spirit crystals must be paid back, and some spirit crystals must be prepared for Xianer, and Yang Yunshan must also provide some.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan is now at full power and can already produce a large number of spirit crystals in one go. He is also very confident in his heart. It only needs to be restored to the six-hour manufacturing time, and everything can be resolved within a month.

  Six hours, one hundred and fifty top-quality wood spirit crystals. This is Chen Xuan's current manufacturing speed. The reason for the increase of 30 is that after he reaches the fourth level of the mortal realm, the aura's operation speed has accelerated.

  In the early morning, Chen Xuan counted the results of last night and nodded in satisfaction. Today, he wanted to go to a place farther away, and for the farthest place, of course he chose the store that his parents originally ran. Although Chen Xuan hadn't stayed there for a few days, there should still be some parental breath there after all. Going there to see it just can alleviate the suffering of homesickness!

  Yang Yunshan became a cultivator madman in a moment. Yesterday he felt angry all night. Although he did not succeed, he went to the pharmacy very early today. He came back and started again without rest. Chen Xuan couldn't talk about inviting him to accompany him, so he had to give up.

Xian'er is determined to stay in Juxianlai. It is impossible to tell her to go for a walk. After all, she is too young to follow Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan will consider rejecting her.

  Chen Xuan was walking around the street alone, and at noon, he finally arrived at the store where he had stayed for a few days. The shop is still operating various cultivation resources, and even the name is not changed, but the inner boss is no longer Chen Chengfeng.

  Chen Xuan stayed in the store for a while, and his heart was full of sadness. He resolutely left here, staying here can only add to the sadness, why bother?

  As soon as Chen Xuan arrived at another street, he heard the sound of horses hoofs from the east, and there was a galloping horse on the street. Pedestrians on the road raised their heads and gave way, for fear of being hurt by the horses.

Two strong men came on horseback. One of them was holding a big sword while the other was holding a long spear. When he reached the street, he grabbed a pedestrian who was watching and asked: "Have you seen a fine? Thin old man, injured?"

  The pedestrian was just an ordinary person. No matter how he could withstand such a grip, his hands trembled with fright and couldn't answer anything. The brawny man with a spear threw him on the ground and cursed: "Trash!" Suddenly he found that Chen Xuan looked on the side with a natural look, looked carefully, and said, "No wonder! Four realms, yes, a teenager. The child is already in the fourth stage, really a genius! Here, that child, I ask you, have you ever seen an injured old man?"

   "No." Chen Xuan replied very simply. He clearly felt that the two people in front of him were high-level cultivators of the mortal realm. As for what level they were, because Chen Xuan had only four realms, he still couldn't feel it. But there is nothing wrong with the mortal realm. The oppression of the disciples of the various realms of the God Heart Sect is different, and Chen Xuan often comes into contact with them, and already has some perception abilities.

  The brawny man with a gun did not continue to question Chen Xuan, and asked a few more courageous people, but did not ask the result, so the two discussed.

   "Brother, didn't the old guy abscond and come back?" The strong man with a gun said to the strong man with a knife.

   "It's hard to tell. Maybe he came back secretly. After all, the little girl should have been thrown here. As long as you find the girl, the old guy can only throw himself into the net."

   "Did you remember that the old guy threw that girl here? Make no mistake, we are tracking them all over the world. If we can't complete the task, we will definitely be laughed at by those guys when we go back."

"It should be, starting from here, when we find the old guy again, there is no little girl beside him. Seeing the old guy running away, I just want us to chase him away. The little girl must be in this city. ."

   "Here! That kid, have you ever seen a seven or eight-year-old girl? It's like recovering from a serious illness." The brawny man with a gun turned his head and asked Chen Xuan again.

   "No." Chen Xuan still answered very simply.

  "Are you fooling me? You didn't even think about it." The strong man said viciously.

"You've made it very clear. It's a little girl who has just recovered from a serious illness. I have only seen a little girl with a red face, and a little girl in ragged clothes wandering on the street, but I have never seen a sick little girl. You don't need to consider anything at all, right?" Chen Xuan retorted.

   "You..." The brawny man with a gun didn't expect Chen Xuan to refute him in this way, and became a little bit irritated.

   "Second brother, stop anger and stop anger! When you go out, don't make trouble." The brawny man with a knife stopped him.

  The brawny man with a gun glared at Chen Xuan, but after all he did not continue to entangle Chen Xuan. He then asked a few more people, but didn't get any information either.

  The two had to get to Ma Yang and walk away. This direction happened to be the direction of the gate of the heart of God.

  When the two mentioned the old man, Chen Xuan suspected that they were looking for the old man Hu. And when they said that they were looking for a little girl, Chen Xuan had already affirmed that these two were the ones who chased Xian'er and them.

  It seems that Old Man Hu was just injured, and he did not fall away! I wonder if he has come to find Xian'er? Those two were also looking for Xian'er, and they should have hid her in front of them.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan quickened his pace and headed directly to Juxian. He believes that even if the two have a fast horse, it is impossible to find Xian'er at once, sometimes the faster the speed, the farther away from the target. But if they wait for three or five days to search carefully, Xian'er will definitely not escape their search.

  (End of this chapter)

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