Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1519: In a hurry

   Chapter 1519

  When Chen Xuan rushed to Juxian, everything was still very peaceful. It seemed that the two of them were still searching all the way, but did not find here. Chen Xuan hurriedly wanted to walk into Xian'er's guest room, but found that her guest room was bolted up from the inside, and Yang Yunshan's voice came from the room: "Who is it?"

   "It's me, Chen Xuan." Chen Xuan replied. Could it be that Old Man Hu is back? Otherwise they would not be so cautious.

  The door opened all at once, and a **** breath came over her face. Chen Xuan glanced intently, and sure enough, there was a lean old man lying on the bed, not who the old man Hu was.

   "Father Hu, you really came back, are you hurt?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Old man Hu's nervous expression gradually eased, and a smile appeared on his face: "I really found you. I'll just die."

   "Don't be kidding, you won't die." Chen Xuan said.

   "The wound looks serious, but it is not fatal. Hu, father, don't think about it, take care of it." Yang Yunshan also said. He knows the old man’s injury best, because he just treated the old man’s wound.

   "It's not time to recover, we must leave immediately." Chen Xuan said.

   "Why?" Yang Yunshan asked.

  "The people who chased them have been found. It is too easy to be found in the hotel. We must move before they can find them."

   "What! Did they find it? I thought I had dumped them?" Old man Hu became worried again.

   "It's not a problem to go now, let's wait for the evening!" Yang Yunshan thought for a while and said.

"No, right now, Xian'er and the others have stayed in a hotel. This information cannot be hidden anyway. We must leave before they come. And instead of hiding it, it is better to induce them and make them think that Xian'er and Hu Dad left Stonetail City." Chen Xuan said.

   "What do you do then?"

   "I'll hire a carriage, we go out together, find a hidden place to put them down, and then you secretly return to the residence rented by Brother Yang, I will find a way to drive the carriage outside the city."

   "No, Brother Xuan would be very dangerous in this way." Xian'er cried.

  "Xian'er, where there is any danger, Brother Xuan is most afraid of danger. I will be back soon after you get off the car. Maybe I will go to Brother Yang's residence before you."

   "But the coachman will remember where we got off." Yang Yunshan said.

  "You get off the car secretly. Don't let the driver know that you got off the car. I will find a chance to let the driver go slowly. You get off when you get the chance."


  When the carriage was found, Yang Yunshan had already arranged everything in the hotel. The four of them got into the car together, and Chen Xuan sat at the front of the curtain, deliberately chatting with the coachman.

  Because Chen Xuan explained that the coachman was going to transport the wounded, the carriage walked very slowly. When it reached the rented place in Yang Yunshan, it had to make a small turn. Chen Xuan signaled the three of them to be ready.

   Seeing that there was no one on the left or right, Chen Xuan exclaimed: "Master, hurry up, the patient's wound is bleeding again."

  The speed of the carriage has dropped a lot, almost as if it was about to stop. The three got off the car lightly at the corner, but the coachman did not pay attention. Also, well, who would be so boring to make a car and sneak away?

  The carriage continued to move forward, heading for the outskirts, and Chen Xuan continued to chat with the coachman about the daily routine. After finally getting out of the city and walking for a while, Chen Xuan got out of the car, paid the fare, and ordered the driver to let him go back.

   "Where are the three?" the coachman asked in surprise.

   "I got off the car when I got out of the city. I have something to do here, so I let you come here." Chen Xuan said.

   "I didn't stop, how did they get off?" the driver asked.

  "They are not ordinary people. They are all cultivators. This speed is not difficult for them. If there is no injury, there is no need to find a carriage. Okay, go back!"

  The driver didn't ask any more, as long as the fare was paid, he didn't care about where those people went.

  Looking at the coachman heading towards the city, Chen Xuan also turned and returned to the city.

  Chen Xuan thought on the way back to the city, the situation today is indeed very dangerous. Those two strong men want to kill Xian'er and they can be said to be very easy, if Chen Xuan and Yang Yunshan insist on getting in, there is no chance of winning. Fortunately, now they will definitely lose their direction. As long as the grandfather and grandson do not go out, it will be difficult for the two big men to find them.

  If these two people retreat after knowing the difficulties, and they will leave in a few days, Xian'er and the others can shift their positions quietly, but if they stay in Stonetail City and do not leave, I am afraid it will be more troublesome.

   And the biggest risk now is that even Yang Yunshan is involved in this chase vortex. As long as the two find the boss of Juxianlai and ask, they will know that Xian'er is connected with Yang Yunshan and themselves. Chen Xuan can return to the sect, but Yang Yunshan has nowhere to stay. Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel annoyed. If he knew this, he shouldn't have Yang Yunshan involved.

  As the so-called wise man is concerned, there must be a mistake!

  When Chen Xuan arrived at Yang Yunshan’s residence, it was already nightfall, Xian'er was walking around the house anxiously, and she smiled happily when she saw Chen Xuan coming from a distance.

  Old man Hu was lying on the bed, his face was very pale, it should be a natural reaction after bleeding too much, but Yang Yunshan was making medicine, the faint smell of medicine has filled the whole room.

After a short greeting, Chen Xuan and Yang Yunshan sat down.

   "I don't think it is a long-term solution now!" Chen Xuan said.

  "It should be worry-free for the time being! As long as we don't go out, they should not be able to find us." Yang Yunshan said.

"How can you not go out? You have to go out to buy food and medicinal materials. This is already the biggest flaw. No, staying here like this is no different from waiting for death." The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there were too many flaws. If he were the two guys , Maybe you can find Xian'er them in a few days.

   "Of course the best way is to kill these two guys." Old man Hu said.

"How to kill? Brother Yang is only a mortal, and I am only a fourth-level realm. You are always seriously injured. And the other two are high-level cultivators at the mortal level. It is impossible for us to kill them at all. "Chen Xuan said.

  There was silence for a while.

   "If you are not injured, we have a chance." Yang Yunshan thought for a long time and said suddenly.

   "How do you say?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "We can rely on the formation, first trap them and weaken their combat power, and then defeat them one by one." Yang Yunshan replied.

   "What formation has this ability?" Chen Xuan asked in surprise.

   "Split the light, robbery and kill the formation." Yang Yunshan said plainly.

   "How does this formation work specifically, can you talk about it?" Chen Xuan asked again.

"As soon as a person enters the battle, he is enveloped by a light curtain, and it is impossible to distinguish the north, south, east and west. Wherever the person goes, the light curtain will chase. Under such circumstances, people will be suspicious of ghosts. If someone is sent to attack at this time, It will leave this person in a movement of never-ending days. When he is exhausted, his end will come."

   "Wouldn't the person who attacked be caught in the light curtain?"

   "No, because this light curtain is transformed from the spiritual power of the person who sneaked on, so the person who provided the spiritual power is the sneaker."

  "Can others not sneak attack?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "No." Yang Yunshan said arbitrarily, "but you can wait and see outside."

  "Go on, let me tell you what you need to pay attention to and the difficulties in this battle 1"

"Okay, let me talk about the layout of this formation in detail. First of all, the power of the Dividing Tribulation and Killing Formation is different according to the strength of the formation. Generally speaking, monks in the formation of the mortal state will not be affected. The influence of those lights. Secondly, the formation of this formation must be prepared in advance, and the formation of the eyes must be urged. Next, I have prepared the basic materials of this formation. After all, these materials are not expensive, but the formation needs A beast core of a second-level spirit beast. This beast core is worth about two thousand spirit crystals. I am not willing to buy it, but it is sold in the store outside. In the end, I have never arranged this formation because I just It is impossible for ordinary people to produce aura at all." Yang Yunshan explained all aspects of this formation clearly in one breath.

   "Very good! We can consider setting up such a formation. We can even test his power in advance." Chen Xuan was overjoyed, as if seeing the two big guys in the formation.

  "If you want to experiment, some of these materials must be repurchased, and two second-level spirit beast cores are required. Once the formation is activated, there will be a lot of loss, and most of the materials will become waste."

   "It seems that the formation is still a money-burning thing, and most people really can't afford it!" Chen Xuan laughed, "List the materials, I will buy it."

   "Now that Old Hu is seriously injured, can you guarantee that you can provide sufficient spiritual power?" Yang Yunshan still has a question, how much spiritual power can a cultivator of four levels provide? Mostly it will never be enough.

"Who will know if you don't try? If it doesn't work, let's think of another way. First of all, we just try, and not really kill the enemy." Chen Xuan said, but he thought in his heart, "It's not the spirit. Power? The power transformed from spiritual energy, our people are geniuses in this respect."

  Seeing Chen Xuan's full of confidence, Yang Yunshan had to pick up the pen and write the materials he needed, and a piece of paper was actually filled with it.

   Silent overnight, Chen Xuan still made his best wood spirit crystal, but Yang Yunshan suddenly became angry in the middle of the night. He actually called out excitedly, so scared that Chen Xuan thought the enemy was coming.

Chen Xuan went out very early the next day. He had to solve the trouble as soon as possible. According to the regulations, he only had two days of vacation. Today is the last day. If he cannot return to the sect at night, he will violate the door. According to the regulations, one month of resources will be deducted if one day exceeds the limit. After six days, it will not be as simple as deducting resources. Then you have to think behind closed doors and accept punishment.

  (End of this chapter)

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