Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1520: Full of confidence

   Chapter 1520 Full of Confidence

  Of course, if there is a valid reason for this overrun, it’s okay, but Chen Xuan can’t figure out whether the reason is justified if he exceeds the limit now.

Chen Xuan went to several stores selling cultivation resources and bought all these materials, and the quantity of the materials he bought was not so big, almost swept away the materials listed on the paper in the store, but some It seems too much and too ordinary that he only bought a part of it. As for the most important second-level spirit beast beast core, he bought as many as five. If he still has spirit crystals in his hand, he will definitely buy more beast cores.

   Xiaoer transported these materials onto the carriage, and Chen Xuanle leisurely returned to Yang Yunshan's residence.

  When I got off the bus, Yang Yunshan was really dumbfounded. Is this going to open a shop?

After categorizing, Yang Yunshan pulled out one of the materials and got busy very seriously. All he has to do is to draw runes on the material to input spiritual power.

  To do all this, he called Chen Xuan and asked him to input his spiritual power according to the illustration on the material. Chen Xuan curiously ran the exercises and slowly moved his spiritual power along the diagram. This work did not end until noon. This is mainly because Chen Xuan still has some inability to grasp the operation of spiritual power. Although he has sufficient spiritual power, it is useless that the spiritual power cannot be distributed to the materials.

  In the afternoon, Yang Yunshan began to make formations in the front yard. I saw that he matched various materials input with spiritual power and placed them in a fixed place, and opened an array in the middle of the courtyard to place the beast core.

In fact, the formation that Yang Yunshan sets up is a death formation, and someone must use spiritual power to revitalize it, while the general formation mage will set up a living formation, that is, lay the formation while revitalizing, just put special substances into the formation eye. , Is the array that has been able to perform its functions.

  The reason why Yang Yunshan can only set up a death formation is that he has no spiritual power himself.

  The most critical question now is whether Chen Xuan can revitalize this formation. If you can kill the enemy, you can do it. Thinking about it in Yang Yunshan, if Old Man Hu is healed, he can definitely revitalize the formation.

Everything was prepared, Chen Xuan came to the front of the formation, with his hands close to the formation, and circulated the "Withered Wood Art", and then ten auras entered the body at the same time, passed through the meridians, and after a few minutes, they flowed out of the hands and acted in the formation. .

Prompted by Chen Xuan's spiritual power,   's array eyes began to glow with gorgeous spots. But there should be a certain distance from the start.

  It doesn't matter, Chen Xuan repeated the action just now. When the second wave of spiritual power hit the eyes of the array, the gorgeous light spots exploded with a "pop", and the entire light-distributing tribulation and killing array began to operate. Chen Xuan only felt that his spiritual power was wandering in the battle, and he knew every inch of the battle.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh, the formation is really a wonderful thing! If you have a chance in the future, you must learn.

  Yang Yunshan and Xian'er entered the formation and felt it. Yang Yunshan, the arranger himself could not get out, and Chen Xuan led him out of the formation with a smile. Xian'er was okay, at least she was able to distinguish the front and back, and sometimes made some mistakes, but the mistakes didn't seem to be big.

  "This battle will be left here for the time being. If the two people come to the door, use it to deal with them." Chen Xuan said.

"Yes, but we should choose an open place to set up the array, so that the range covered by the array will be maximized. This array is the most perfect. And we are going to kill the two people this time. Yes, it's not suitable in this family's courtyard." Yang Yunshan said.

  Where should we go?

   was silent for a while, "outskirts of the city," the two shouted in unison.

  It seems that both of them have thought that the best location is outside the West City. The carriage left there, and that place will definitely become the focus of the search. If the array is placed there, there is no worry that the two will not come.

   "Go, we will set off right away." Chen Xuan said.

  "Do we still need to offer them as bait?" Yang Yunshan asked.

   "It shouldn't be necessary. If they find that place, it proves that they have figured out that the four of us are together. Finding Xian'er for them is the same as finding us."

  Yang Yunshan carefully selected the materials, and Chen Xuan threw it into the ring space because of the trouble of carrying it around. The two hurried to the western suburbs.

  There is a dense forest on the outskirts of the western suburbs, which is usually off the beaten track, so Chen Xuan decided to choose this place to set up the splitting and killing array.

  It was another half day of busy work. The Dividing Tribulation and Killing Array was finally set up. After Chen Xuan's invigoration, the entire array became more and more charming in the sparse sunlight. Chen Xuan calmed down and waited patiently. He believed that the two brawny men should come soon.

  The hotel is best to inquire about the news, and the carriage is the best tool to escape after being injured. There is no reason for these two to delay too much time.

Chen Xuan’s guess was correct. The brawny man with a knife and a gun really came to the western suburbs at dusk. They had already learned about Old Man Hu from the fat shopkeeper. When they heard that the kid who helped Old Man Hu turned out to be the biggest sect **** here The disciple of Xinmen was also taken aback.

But in the end, these two people dispelled their worries. What if this kid is a disciple of God's Heart Gate? It's a big deal not to touch him. If he must stop him, he can also escape immediately after killing, this stone tail city and the iron lion. The cities were too far apart, and they didn't believe that Shenxinmen would go to a distant place to seek revenge for a low-level disciple. Besides, if you don't disturb anyone when you kill, who would know that you killed yourself?

  I heard that the four of them went west in a carriage. The two strong men immediately found the coachman. After learning about the situation, the two of them were indeed a little confused.

  But in the end, the western suburbs must be verified, so they rushed here the first time. They didn't expect to find anything here, but to their surprise, they got into the dense forest and found two helpers who were suspected to be the fat shopkeepers from a long distance.

   Although they are puzzled in their hearts, they are secretly happy. As long as they grab the helper, Old Man Hu can easily get it wherever he is.

   "Yeah! It's you. It was you that we met when we first entered the city yesterday. Are you the kid who helped Old Man Hu?" shouted the brawny man with a gun. A long way away, the brawny man recognized that Chen Xuan was the bold child when he entered the city yesterday. Thinking that this child might be Old Man Hu's helper, an anger surged in my heart.

  Chen Xuan and Yang Yunshan were playing drums in their hearts. They discovered early on that the two strong men had already been found, but they thought that there would be a light robbery formation to deal with them, so they calmed down a little bit. But when these two strong men really arrived, the aura was indeed too big, and since neither Chen Xuan nor Yang Yunshan had really killed anyone, they naturally felt guilty when they encountered this situation.

  Neither Chen Xuan nor Yang Yunshan made a sound, but silently said in their hearts, "Go a few more steps, fast forward, yes! Go again."

  A man with a gun is much more anxious than a man with a knife, and in three steps and two steps he has entered the splitting and killing array.

   "What's going on, light curtain, what is this?" The brawny man was shrouded by the light curtain as soon as he stepped into the formation. He couldn't see anything, and he was shocked.

  The brawny man with a knife heard the sound of questioning from the brawny with a gun, and immediately stopped and asked, "Second brother, what's the matter?"

   "It's the formation, brother, be careful! I'm in the formation."

   "The two boys dare to count against your uncle, watching me catch you, so that you can't survive or die." The brawny man with a knife was also furious.

   "Failed, only one person entered the battle, what should I do?" Chen Xuan said secretly. Yang Yunshan also looked at Chen Xuan, not knowing what to do.

  This is the shortcoming of the death formation. You can’t move the position. If you set up a live formation, the man with a knife will not come in, and there are ways to circle him in.

   "We will solve one by the first team, and it will be fine if the other one can't help but come in." Yang Yunshan said softly.

   "Go!" Chen Xuan and Yang Yunshan walked into the formation. The current splitting robbery formation is under Chen Xuan's control, and he knows the situation inside. The strong man with a gun is controlling his spear to stabbing around, trying to find a breakthrough.

  Yang Yunshan entered the formation mainly to use the formation to protect himself, and he couldn't figure out the direction in this formation. But as long as he closely followed Chen Xuan, there shouldn't be any accidents.

  The two big guys roared loudly, cooperating with each other one mile and one outside, trying to get the gunman to get out of the killing line. But although the man with the knife pointed out the right direction, the man with the gun would deviate from the direction as he walked. Those light curtains completely changed his feelings.

  The big man with a knife was very anxious. He wanted to step into the big battle several times, but in the end he held it back. He was afraid that once he entered, he would lose his ability to be autonomous.

   And Chen Xuan saw the gunman in motion, and did not interfere. If he tried to calm down, Chen Xuan would take action without hesitation.

"Ah, two young masters, we have no grievances in the past, and we have no enmity in recent days. I think we all take a step back?" Seeing Chen Xuan and the others hid in the big battle, the man with a knife finally thought of using rhetoric. You lied to the two.

   "How to retreat?" Chen Xuan asked deliberately.

   "The two withdrew from the big formation, I immediately left, and I will never find any trouble with the two." The man with a knife pretended to be very determined and said.

"Hey! Lie to the child?" Chen Xuan was happy. "It seems that this guy really treats himself as a child." Chen Xuan pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Unfortunately, I can't do what you said. Here, I can't withdraw because of this big battle!"

"Holy shit!" The big man said in his heart, but did not show any dissatisfaction on his face, and continued: "No! Why can't your own formation be able to withdraw? Hey! You don't have to withdraw, as long as you take my second brother. Let it go, and we will leave immediately."

   "How can I let it go? I won't let it go!" Chen Xuan said.

  It is true that Chen Xuan said that he will not withdraw, but if he wants to release people, he can do it, but will he release people? Of course not. If the gunmen are released, the two will encircle the formation to death.

  (End of this chapter)

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