Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1521: Replenish Qi and Blood

  Chapter 1521 Supplementing Qi and Blood

  Chen Xuan and Yang Yunshan can only stay inside forever. With only one person left, this person always leaves to find food, so that Chen Xuan and the others have a chance to escape.

   "Huh! I think the two are deliberately trying to fight our brothers. You wait and see that I break this indiscriminate array, and you will be good-looking at that time."

  Chen Xuan closed his mouth. He didn't want to listen to the nonsense of the man with the knife. Now the only way to survive is to kill the man with the gun and let the man with the knife have scruples.

  At this time, the gunman finally calmed down, because he found that relying on brute force could not break through the shackles of the big array, so he might as well take a rest and then think of a solution.

   "I'm sitting here and spending time with you, what do you do with me?" The gunman landed on the ground and sat down.

   Before the words fell, a long sword pierced in from the light curtain and went straight to the heart of the gunman. The man's hairs suddenly opened, and he smashed into a roll, able to avoid the stabbing long sword, but the long sword still took a long mouth on his arm, and the blood immediately dyed his clothes red.

  The light curtain flashed by, and when the man wanted to pick up his spear, he found that the spear had disappeared.

  Outside the light curtain, Chen Xuan was holding a sword in his right hand and the spear in his left hand.

   "Bastard boy, you dare!" The man with the knife shouted outside.

  The answer to him was that the long sword once again penetrated the light curtain and pierced the throat of the man in the formation.

  The man was covered in blood, cold sweat, and his expression was highly nervous. He was almost stabbed by a sword just now. It's no wonder that in the Distributed Tribulation and Killing Array, you don't know where the sword will be pierced from, or who stabbed the sword. Of course it is very difficult to prevent it.

"I surrender, don't kill me. Big brother, save me, little brother can't hold on!" Five minutes later, the man in the formation has been hit with seven or eight swords all over his body. The only thing he can do now is to always pay attention to the point of the sword and not to stab him. The key point, as for the protection of arms and legs, has long been given up.

   "Yeah! I'm **** off, my second brother, hold on and see if I break this death formation." The man with the knife can only yell outside, and he can't think of any way to do it. And he secretly rejoiced in his heart, but fortunately he didn't step into this big formation.

   Another five minutes passed. Chen Xuan was already able to manipulate the light curtain to cooperate with the long sword he stabbed, and now he was about to complete the lore against the man in the middle.

  Actually, several times just now, Chen Xuan had the opportunity to stab the key of the big man, but because of hesitation in his heart and slowing down his movements, the big man escaped.

  But the matter has come to an end, the two sides have been endlessly dying, Chen Xuan finally made up his mind to kill the man in the formation.

  "Little ancestor, spare your life!" The man has completely lost his confidence now, and the only thing he can do is call for mercy. But Hengkong pierced with a sword, his throat was pierced, his face showed a frightened look, and then he fell to the ground with a thud, and died.

  Chen Xuan put away the long sword and gently wiped it on his clothes until the blood on it disappeared. This sword was given to him by the master Du Zisong. There was no space ring before, so he couldn't keep it by his side, but after coming back last time, he received it with the dagger that Yang Yunshan bought back.

   "You killed your second brother! You, I will take your skin off." The man with a knife howled.

  The big man roared fiercely. In fact, he was very scared in his heart, and he even had the idea of ​​running away. Both of them are cultivators of eight levels of mortal realm. I don't know how many storms and waves they have experienced. Unexpectedly, this time they chased and killed an old man of the same realm, causing the second brother to lose his life. What's even more annoying is that it was just a mortal four-fold little doll who killed him.

   And Chen Xuan and Yang Yunshan can only stay in the big formation now, their reliance is this big formation, without the big formation, the strength of the two is not worth mentioning.

  In terms of spiritual power alone, Chen Xuan's ability to manipulate this light-sharing tribulation and killing array has actually reached a very high level, and it can only be achieved by at least a cultivator of the seventh level of the mortal realm. But until now, Chen Xuan hasn't deliberately learned various techniques, which is commonly referred to as the method of fighting, so that when facing the enemy, he can only rely on his own ability. If Chen Xuan learns a set of swordsmanship, I am afraid that it will take less than ten minutes to kill the man in the formation just now, and it will be possible to solve the enemy in one or two strokes.

  It’s not that Chen Xuan doesn’t want to learn techniques, but generally speaking, learning techniques start from the fifth level of the mortal realm. At least, the Shenxinmen stipulates that the authority of disciples to obtain techniques is the fifth level of the mortal realm.

  Chen Xuan and Yang Yunshan stayed in the formation very apprehensively, and the man outside was even more apprehensive. He knew that the kid in front of him was the disciple of the largest sect in the local area. He was trapping this kid here now. If his senior brothers found him, he wouldn't be able to eat. "No, you can't be too exposed, even if you want to seek revenge, you can only do it in secret."

  When night fell, Chen Xuan realized that the man with the sword was missing in front of him.

  Chen Xuan and Yang Yunshan stayed in the formation until the dawn of the next morning did not try to get out of the formation. They wandered around the big formation a few times, and indeed did not find the big man, and then they rushed into the city in a panic.

  They did not dare to go directly to the place where Yang Yunshan lived. They were also afraid that they would happen to meet a man with a knife on the road, so they hid in hiding, until noon, the two of them touched back to their residence.

  Xian'er and Old Man Hu finally showed a smile when they saw the two come back. They were worried all night last night.

   "How's it going? Did you solve the two boys?" Old man Hu asked.

   "Cough! Bad luck, only solved one." Chen Xuan replied. Later, he talked about the experience again, and finally asked with a puzzled face: "Why did that man disappear out of thin air? He should be staring at us hardly!"

"Do you think he is very strong? It's just a mortal 8-fold cultivator. Your senior brothers can come here and you can choke him with one hand." After all, old man Hu is an experienced veteran, and he caught it all at once. The reason why the man disappeared.

   Chen Xuan suddenly realized, and then became worried again, "Now that the enemy is hiding in the dark, we should pay more attention."

   "It's okay! I won't move if the enemy doesn't move. As long as we are a little more careful, when my injury is better, we can control the large formation outside, and then we will have no worries when we protect ourselves." Old man Hu said.

   "Then when will your old injury be healed?"

   "At most half a month, as long as the blood is supplemented."

"Okay, you should pay more attention in the past half month. Don't reveal your whereabouts. When Father Hu is better, we will make the next action plan." Chen Xuan finally said, "I want to go back to the sect today, you must Be careful with yourself."

   Chen Xuan helped Old Man Hu this time, and Old Man Hu never mentioned the five hundred best wood spirit crystals he had promised. But Chen Xuan would not deny the account. When he left, he confessed to Old Man Hu, and a month and a half later, he would deliver these spirit crystals to Old Man Hu.

Old man Hu did not ask the reason for a month and a half, but in his heart he thought that the time should be just right. If the man with a sword for a month and a half is still missing, it proves that he has returned to Iron Lion City, then Old Man Hu and Xian'er must move. , At this time, those spirit crystals are very important coils.

   Chen Xuan didn't think so much. He had to pay off the 100,000 spirit crystals that he owed the sect this month. There was indeed no other way to make it for Old Man Hu.

  On the way back to the Zongmen, Chen Xuan was always careful, but in the end he was just careless. He didn't meet a few people on the road, let alone a man who looked like a powerful man.

  Chen Xuan returned to the sect with a delay of one day this time. According to the rules, he must accept the penalty of suspending the distribution of resources for one month. Twenty ordinary wood spirit crystals, this is the resource he deserves for a month as a triple mental power, Chen Xuan just smiled.

   Chen Xuan felt very incomplete about what he did this time out. One is not, and the other is that Yang Yunshan is in danger. These are all evil results that he did not calculate clearly beforehand.

  But at the same time, there are still some gains. This time he not only recognized the power of the formation, but also exercised his abilities.

  In all the questions, Chen Xuan thought about how to get rid of the big swordman. He even wondered if it was possible to release the task of killing the sword-wielding man on the Zongmen's task list. If this works, Chen Xuan believes that the big man will definitely not survive for three days.

  But after thinking about it, I feel that this is not appropriate. How could the sect mission list allow disciples to post such missions casually? Unless you can prove that the slain was a murderous person, or made a huge mistake that harmed the sect. Like Chen Xuan now, just because he wants to protect his friends, he must kill other people. Thinking about this behavior, he can't be listed on the task list to issue a killing order.

  Neither of these two works, then there is the last one that works, and that is to use personal feelings to ask someone to kill the man. In doing so, Zongmen should not interfere after knowing it. But this problem came again. Chen Xuan knew a lot of people, but none of them really touched each other!

  The master of the Huang Clan has been close to himself during this period. If he has some benefits, he may be able to move him. Unfortunately, this Huang Sect Master is concentrating on breaking through the ninth spiritual power.

  Day by day, the number of Chen Xuan's best wood spirit crystals is increasing.

  (End of this chapter)

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