Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1522: more and more

   Chapter 1522

  But it seems that his cultivation hasn't made much progress. I wonder if it's the reason for worrying about Yang Yunshan's situation. But there was no unexpected news from there. It was just that Old Man Hu was really alive in half a month, which made Chen Xuan a little relieved.

  It's just a man with a sword but there is no sign. This made Chen Xuan very annoyed. He didn't know whether this big man had lurked down, or he had already returned to Iron Lion City.

On this day, Chen Xuan came to the mission to see if he could receive a lighter mission, but unexpectedly found a mission to find someone. It turned out that it was a disciple of the fifth realm who wanted to find his long-lost brother. He gave five The high price of Wan Lingjing.

  As soon as he saw this task, Chen Xuan laughed. I laughed myself confused, and finally got rid of my troubles. Can a disciple of this five-level realm pay to find a younger brother, but can't he pay to find a big man?

  The big man disappeared in the west of the city. There are no more than two choices. Either hide somewhere or go back to Iron Lion City. This is much simpler than the task of finding his brother. In the past 20 days, Chen Xuan produced 3,000 top-quality wood spirit crystals, while the account of one hundred thousand spirit crystals only needed more than 2,000. In addition, there are still six days before the end of January, Chen Xuan can also make 900. , After repaying the account, a total of more than 1,600 wood spirit crystals, worth more than 70,000 spirit crystals. I believe that using this money to find someone should be enough.

  Half an hour later, a task of finding someone came out.

"Look for a brawny man with a knife in his forties, with eight levels of cultivation in the mortal realm. He just came to this city twenty days ago. Now he may be hiding somewhere in the west of the city, or he may have returned to the Zhao family in the western suburbs of Iron Lion City. In this city, the first person to find it will get ten thousand spiritual crystals, and the person who provides the most detailed information on that person every day will receive one thousand spiritual crystals; if you return to Iron Lion City, the first one to find it will receive fifty thousand spiritual crystals."

  Everyone is surrounding this strange mission. If the man is still in the city, he is simply sending money to the seeker. After all, this mission has not pointed out where the man is hiding. Of course, if the big man had already returned to the Iron Lion City, it would be a little bit more difficult, but it would only increase the round-trip time.

  When the mission was released, of course Chen Xuan brought out the best wood spirit crystal, which surprised the disciple at the mission office and called the master Zhang on duty.

  Sect Master Zhang saw the more than 1,000 emerald green spirit crystals and stared at Chen Xuan with strange eyes, "It's really a prodigal son, don't you know how to cherish the best wood spirit crystals your father gave you?"

   "I can't help it! Who told this big guy to provoke my best friend? The point is that he hides in the dark, which is too dangerous for my friend."

  "Do you need me to remove him for you?" Zhang Sect Master said with a smile.

   "This..." Chen Xuan was speechless. Among the five deputy sect masters, Chen Xuan was originally the most afraid of this sect master, but since the Du Zisong incident, this sect master has paid special attention to Chen Xuan, and now he is rushing to remove powerful enemies for him. Chen Xuan was a little moved.

   "A man with eight levels of talent in the mortal realm should be easily wiped out." Zhang Sect Master said lightly.

  "Thank you! After finding the clue of that guy, if my friend has no way to get rid of him, I will come to you."

   "Well, that's fine." The Master Zhang said nothing more.

  Out of the door of the mission, Chen Xuan smiled with satisfaction, “This time the big problem can be solved. It depends on you to hide, and I will find you by digging three feet in the ground.”

  Two days later, Chen Xuan got news that it was suspected that the brawny man was hiding in the room opposite the pharmacy.

  Drugstore, it turned out that this guy was making this idea. He thought that Old Man Hu’s injury must be treated, and someone would definitely come to the drugstore to buy medicine. In addition, the pharmacy is already in the densest place, so Yang Yunshan and the others will probably pass by here when they come out.

  Fortunately, Yang Yunshan is a doctor, and there are many medicinal materials stored in the medicine box, otherwise it would be really dangerous this time.

  Chen Xuan informed Yang Yunshan and Old Man Hu of Dahan’s situation in a letter, and claimed that someone could be found to kill him.

  Old man Hu wrote back and said that he has now tested the Distributed Tribulation and Killing Array, and he is very satisfied with this Array. He wants to use this Array to trap and kill the big knife-wielding man himself. Now that he knows his specific hiding place, it should be easy to do.

  Chen Xuan knew that the old man wanted to avenge himself.

Old man Hu is not inferior to the big man alone. If he had not known that Old man Hu was injured, the big man would have escaped. Now he has increasingly felt that this action is hopeless. He wants to hold on until the end of a month. , Can't find those four people again, go back to Iron Lion City.

  Three days later, good news came, and the man with the knife finally came down. Old man Hu pretended to be ill and went to the drugstore to buy medicine, and finally led the big man to a deserted compound, and killed him by using the pre-arranged tribulation and killing array.

  The news from the old man Hu hadn't arrived yet, the news from the mission office arrived in Chen Xuan's hands, which really made him sigh with emotion. At the same time, the mission was announced, and Chen Xuan only paid a mere 14,000 Lingjing.

  So, this time things finally have a happy ending. All dangers have been eliminated. The Zhao family in the Iron Lion City is so far apart, it shouldn't be found here again for a while.

  Because of a lot of ease in his heart, Chen Xuan has made great progress in his cultivation in the past two days. He found that as long as he worked hard, he could control fifteen auras at the same time, but he felt very rusty and needed some time to consolidate. And the aura that can enter the body at the same time has also increased by one, reaching as many as eleven, and the jerkyness of entering the Qi-gathering realm has been very well improved.

At the same time, the debt to repay the Zongmen has expired. Chen Xuan repeated the same trick and took back an exquisite small wooden box from the guard. Of course, there would be nothing superfluous in it, only two letters and some broken pieces were put in it. Stones. One of these two letters was written by Yang Yunshan, while the other was naturally written by Old Man Hu.

   Back to the dormitory, Chen Xuan installed more than 1,400 top-quality wood spirit crystals, which is considered to have collected all the debts that should be paid. There were still 800 spirit crystals that were not used up in the last mission, and Chen Xuan did not bring them out.

When    came to the mission, the disciples who received saw Chen Xuan coming, and they simply went directly to invite the Slaughter Master on duty. Because the last time Chen Xuan took out more than a thousand top-grade wood spirit crystals at once, it was too shocking to the world. You must know that under the circumstances of the destruction of the Chen clan, the top-grade wood spirit crystals are already a rare resource that is difficult to obtain, that is, the entire gate of the gods. , The storage of the best wood spirit crystals is not enough 10,000, this is the accumulation of the Zongmen for nearly a thousand years. However, Chen Xuan took out more than a thousand at once, which naturally attracted the attention of the upper echelons of the sect. Of course, if the Yellow Sect Master hadn't packaged more than two thousand top-quality wood spirit crystals last time, I'm afraid it would have already caused a lot of trouble.

  Although Tumen Master knew that Chen Xuan was a rich man, when he opened the box, his face still showed an unbelievable look, "It's still the best wood spirit crystal, how many best wood spirit crystals do you have?"

   "It's running out, maybe it's still enough for me!" Chen Xuan replied vaguely.

  "Is your father the patriarch of the Chen clan?"


The Master Tumen obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't ask any more. He counted the number, closed the account to Chen Xuan, and sent Chen Xuan back.

  The next day, outside Chen Xuan's dormitory became very lively. Wood elders and disciples came to visit him one after another, hoping to exchange them for the best wood spirit crystals at Chen Xuan's place.

  In the first few days, Chen Xuan did not hesitate, nodded easily and exchanged them. But as soon as this matter spread, more people came, and the number of open exchanges increased.

  The entire sect, especially the wood cultivators, is boiling.

   But after Chen Xuan's hands of the best wood spirit crystals were paid, there were only less than two thousand left. Seeing that the posture was not right, Chen Xuan had to come up with the strategy of "the elders are limited to one hundred, and the ordinary disciples are limited to fifty, until they are sold out".

  If you do this, the people who got it are of course happy, but more people can only be downcast, especially those elders who pretend to be high-minded and hesitate in their hearts are very depressed.

  But the number of two thousand is over, you just force Chen Xuan to take out the best wood spirit crystal, Chen Xuan is also powerless, everyone has to leave in a sigh. There were also disciples who didn't give up and quietly talked to Chen Xuan. Under the pressure of Chen Xuan, he could only open all the boxes and porcelain bottles in the dormitory, and let those people check to see if there were top-quality wood spirit crystals.

  After the incident, Chen Xuan wiped the sweat bead on his forehead, it was **** crazy. It seems that such a thing really can't be done in the future, and all the best wood spirit crystals to be manufactured in the future must be converted into ordinary spirit crystals through secret means before they can be used.

  Now all the spirit crystals in Chen Xuan's hand are ordinary spirit crystals, and the number is more than 70,000. Originally, there should be as many as 90,000 spirit crystals replaced by the three types of gold, earth, and fire, but the exchanger also has water spirit crystals and wood spirit crystals. The value of these spirit crystals is of course greater than the value of the three types of spirit crystals. In the end, the messy spirit crystals totaled more than 70,000. As for the number of more than 70,000, would Chen Xuan count it?

  Although the value of these spirit crystals is not as great as that of the best wood spirit crystals made by Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan still put more than 10,000 spirit crystals into the ring space.

  Because he deeply felt the madness brought by the best wood spirit crystals, he secretly made up his mind, and he will not use these best wood spirit crystals as a last resort in the future.

  As for how to transform the best wood spirit crystals into ordinary spirit crystals, Chen Xuan also formed some plans in his heart. Old man Hu is now fleeing, and it is at a time of helplessness. If he helps him open a shop in Stonetail City, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

  Chen Xuan's capital can be described as a steady stream. He provided funds to Old Man Hu. Old Man Hu only needs to change the form of the money and save it for Chen Xuan. However, Chen Xuan can not take any money from the profit in the store. This is simply a match made in heaven!

  And Yang Yunshan can also join the shop.

  (End of this chapter)

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