Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1531: Enter the body at the same time

   Chapter 1531

  The next day was also a busy day. The Shenxinmen introductory test continued, but Chen Xuan moved to the Fourth Heaven. And to the newly appointed Mu Department deputy sect, mainly the five mental methods of mental power.

  The new deputy master Yu Tao, Huang Yanshu pushed him to the position of the elder last time, but this time he was squeezed down by Huang Yanshu. Of course, this can’t be all blamed on others, it’s caused by his own delay in breaking through to the ninth level of mental strength. If he reaches the ninth level, I’m afraid that he still wants to be a deputy master, but he won’t be in his turn Up.

  The deputy master is an honor and a goal for low-level disciples, but it is a shame for high-level disciples. In addition to the shame, Yu Tao made up his mind to make a breakthrough as soon as possible. In fact, his situation is no different from Huang Yanshu, nothing more than the lack of improvement in mental power restricts the improvement of Qi refining state, and the lack of improvement in Qi refining state restricts the improvement of mental power. But he has his own differences. He also tried to use the best wood spirit crystal to break through the sixth level of the cultivator, but he did not succeed both times. The first time might be the lack of preparation for the best wood spirit crystal, but the second time when the preparation was sufficient, he encountered an accident. One of his married daughters was abused and treated at someone else’s house and ran back to her natal family crying. Yu Tao, who was on the move, was immediately relieved.

  Now he is preparing for the third impact, but it is a pity that the best wood spirit crystal that can create miracles is no longer on the market. Although the best wood spirit crystals are now available everywhere, the original kind of wood that everyone has used and praised is gone.

   In desperation, seeing Chen Xuan come this time, he immediately thought that the child had reached the fourth level of mental power in two years, and the qi refining reached the fifth level of the mortal realm. I am afraid that there must be those refined wood spirit crystals in his hands. Because in the beginning, the top-quality wood spirit crystals with good effects flowed from him.

  When Yu Tao explained her situation and wanted to exchange for the 70% of the great wood spirit crystal in Chen Xuan's hand, Chen Xuan refused him in one breath. Chen Xuan has decided not to make the best wood spirit crystals anymore, and the effect of the current best wood spirit crystals is not much worse. As long as you prepare more in quantity, Chen Xuan thinks that the effect should be the same. He doesn't need to do anything extra.

   But for Yu Tao, it was that the room leaked and rained, and even Chen Xuan hated her when she hated her luck.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know that he had secretly offended a superior officer. He was proud to sing in the new house!

  A few days later, there was a "Why did the refined wood spirit crystal disappear?" "The report was officially released. It was Yu Tao who made the report. He wanted to find out where Chen Xuan's 70% of the best wood spirit crystal came from, and even he wanted to find out what the purification method was?

  This report aroused repercussions among the Wood Element Elders, and even the other lines responded, because they wanted to know whether it was possible to purify other best spirit crystals by that method.

For this reason, the Presbyterian Church established an investigation team. The focus of the investigation team is Chen Xuan, and the team is divided into three groups. One is Zhibaoge, the other is Chen Xuan, and the other is Chen Chengfeng’s idea. But this one is temporarily Before they started, they would only set off if it was confirmed that Chen Xuan's best wood spirit crystal came from his father.

  It was the morning of the seventh day when Chen Xuan moved into the Fourth Heaven, and an elder came outside his dormitory.

  "Is this Chen Xuan's residence? I am Guan Yuzhou of the Presbyterian Church. I have something to ask you about the situation." This elder Guan bluntly stated the purpose of this trip.

   Chen Xuan was shocked, not knowing what happened, but his instinct told him that there would be no good things next. He immediately greeted him and said, "Hello Elder Guan! I wonder if you have any questions you would like to ask when you come here?"

"That's it. There used to be 70% of the best wood spirit crystals circulating on the market, but recently this kind of thing has disappeared. The key problem is that the 70% of the best wood spirit crystals have a very good effect after use. The elders thought it was a pity that it disappeared like this. We know that the spirit crystal of that model came out of you first, so..."

  Chen Xuan yelled in his heart, "Suffered", and at the same time, his head was fully energized, trying to find the reason for the prevarication.

   said it was given by Zhibaoge, no, the old man of Zhibaoge would definitely say that he gave it to him, because he didn't know the reason at all, and he didn't dare to deceive Shenxinmen.

  The parents gave it, but it’s not good. The Shenxinmen will continue to investigate, and the lie will come to nothing.

   Picked it up by yourself, that is to deceive a child.

How to do? How to do?

  The only way is for parents to help round the lie. This was the only correct way that Chen Xuan could think of at this time.

"Oh, do you mean that seven-story wood spirit crystal? My father left it to me, I have already consumed all of it, and I don't know if my father still has it?" Now that I have decided to ask my father for help, Then push **** him!

  "Is it really purified by your father?" Elder Guan asked with interest.

"I don't know if he refined it, but these top-quality wood spirit crystals are indeed reserved for me to improve my cultivation. You must not tell him that I have consumed all those spirit crystals." Chen Xuanzhuang said pitifully. .

"Hey! You kid is a idiot. But as long as your father still has that kind of wood spirit crystal in his hands, or he has a way to purify ordinary wood spirit crystals, he should not punish you. Moreover, for the entire human race In the most sense, your personal punishment is nothing at all. We decided to send someone to contact your father tomorrow to see if he could reveal some purification methods. By the way, the former deputy head of the wood department, Jun Zisong, should also agree with you. Is he together?"

"This... I really got into trouble this time. I want to go back with you and apologize to my father." Chen Xuan heard that Shenxinmen really wanted to send someone to investigate, and immediately thought that he had to go back personally. It is possible to hide things from the past.

   "Do you want to go back too? Well, you should get your father's understanding as soon as possible. Then you should prepare well today, and we will leave tomorrow morning." Elder Guan said.

   "Okay, thank Elder Guan." Chen Xuan said with a sad face.

After Elder Guan left, Chen Xuan anxiously looked like an ant on a hot pot, and now it is the best choice to pass the message to his father before the members of the Presbyterian Church arrive. But Chen Xuan couldn't think of any way to do this. Even though Wanbi City is close to 20,000 miles away from this place, it will not take a few days for high-level cultivators to arrive. Chen Xuan didn't know what method the Presbyterian Church would take to get to Wanbi City. If they were divided into two groups and got there quickly all the way, and the other way accompanied Chen Xuan slowly, then Chen Xuan would not be able to give his father any preparation.

  Even if they arrived with Chen Xuan, it was impossible for Chen Xuan to contact his father in advance.

   Can only rely on the father to deal with it on the spot?

However, Chen Xuan also thought of a bottom line in his heart, that is, no matter what his father said before he met him, he could overthrow him on the grounds that he did not see Chen Xuan, unless they refused to let him meet his father, just see After meeting, you can discuss a convincing reason.

   figured out this key point, Chen Xuan's face relaxed a little, and he started to excuse his father again.

  After a sleepless night, Chen Xuan was called to the gate of the Zongmen, and everyone who set off to Wanbi City was ready, and Chen Xuan was the only one left.

  This time, the sect selected three elders of the wood element of the tenth realm to join Chen Xuan to Wanbi City. It can be seen that the sect and these wood element elders attach great importance to that top-grade wood spirit crystal. Chen Xuan is not familiar with these three people. He has only met these super elders only occasionally when he has been in the sect for more than two years.

These elders have already cultivated to the peak of the cultivator state, but it is too difficult to break through to the semi-immortal state. Seeing that they are getting older and older, their life span is running out, and many have given up and continue to cultivate hard. . Because when the lifespan is about to end, you just break into the semi-paradise, and the lifespan that can be increased will not be too much. The lifespan of a half fairyland is only five hundred years. It is still possible to say that a person who is a half fairyland from birth can live for five hundred years. If he reaches the cultivator state at the age of twenty, and thirty to the half fairyland, that person is only Can live for four hundred years. (Twenty years before the Cultivator State, 20% of the lifespan of 100, the Cultivator State 10 years, 5% of the lifespan 200, and Semi-Wonderland 375 years, accounting for 75% of the lifespan 500)

   But even if it only doubles the remaining life, as long as it is not too complicated, everyone will try their best. Some time ago, there was a good opportunity, that is, the best wood spirit crystal provided by Chen Xuan was very effective in improving their realm.

  Just as they were overjoyed and were about to try to break through, the magical wood spirit crystal was gone. When they were depressed, a tracking report was sent to them. Of course, they had to figure out the matter.

In fact, to put it bluntly, they are all aimed at the purification method, because to break through the cultivator's nine-fold to the semi-fairyland, the number of top-quality spiritual crystals is too large, not like Huang Yanshu's breakthrough from the sixth to the seventh-fold, Huang Yanshu Only less than a hundred top-grade wood spirit crystals were used that time, and for these super elders to make breakthroughs, at least a few thousand top-grade wood spirit crystals might be needed.

  The three elders discussed it, and one of them invited a flying horse. They let Chen Xuan mount, and the three of them flew with swords behind them.

  Pegasus belongs to the first-class spirit beast. The first level of the cultivator level in the "Twenty-Eight Beast Refining Jue" obtained by Chen Xuan is to practice "Fei Ma Jue".

  Because this spirit beast is good at running and flying, it is a contract beast that many human experts are willing to look for. The Supreme Elder of Shenxinmen got a horse when he was young, but Manmen was envious at that time.

  However, this kind of spirit beast is slow to advance, and has little effect except for contemporary road tools. After decades, this Pegasus realm has only reached the second stage from the first level of the equivalent of the human cultivator realm.

  (End of this chapter)

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