Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1532: Flying Horse Spirit Beast

   Chapter 1532 Flying Horse Spirit Beast

  Chen Xuan had never been on a flying beast before. He was a little scared when he first sat on it, but after a while, he became familiar with it. This is mainly because Pegasus is also a horse, but it has a pair of wings longer than a horse. They also have a saddle on their backs. As long as Chen Xuan grabs the saddle, it is the flying horse that turns over in the air, and he will not easily fall off. Come down.

  As for the three elders behind, the flight of the sword is quite easy. The Nine-layer Aura Realm is known as "the wind and clouds move in one thought", but the simple flying of the sword is as casual as eating for them.

  Seeing them flying around him easily, Chen Xuan was really envious, I don’t know how long and how long will he get what he wants!

  Envy, Chen Xuan's heart is also more disturbed. They went to find his father to investigate the situation this time. In the end, the father wanted to deceive them, and if they found out that his father was deceiving them, it would be a big deal. My father had just broken through to the fourth level, and he was inferior to the ants in front of these old guys!

  A group of four people flew for a whole day before they settled down to rest. The landing place is not a town, but a flat land with green grass. According to Chen Xuan's own estimation, this place of footing is probably four or five thousand miles away from the gate of God's Heart. At this rate, it would take them at most three days to reach Endbi City.

  It seems that it is right that the letter was not sent to the parents. At this speed, I am afraid that the matter is processed and the elders return to the sect, the letter will not reach the parents.

  After resting, Chen Xuan learned the surnames of these three elders. The oldest seems to be Zhang, the younger is Wang, the Pegasus is his contract beast, and the youngest is Sun. As for their specific names, the three did not say, and Chen Xuan was not easy to ask.

  The three elders still care about Chen Xuan very much, and put him in the middle when they are resting. Elder Zhang even had a storage belt, and the food he took out from the inside was distributed to Chen Xuan first. Chen Xuan didn't dare to take food from his storage ring. If Elder Wang and Elder Sun knew that this little guy in front of them had a storage ring, they wouldn't know what they would be envious of.

  Is Elder Zhang’s storage belt room large? Chen Xuan had no way of knowing, but since the third day the pedestrian found a place to settle in a larger town, Elder Zhang put some food into his belt to see that there would not be much room for storage belt.

  In the evening of the fourth day, the four finally arrived at Wanbi City. If he weren't under investigation now, Chen Xuan would be extremely excited when he came to Wanbi City, but now he looks very worried. The three elders were not surprised at this. They all knew that this kid had spent all the best wood spirit crystals that his father had left him for promotion, and now he was going to accept his father's punishment.

  The city of Wanbi is very large, and it is impossible to find Chen Chengfeng at night. They can only wait until daytime to inquire slowly. In fact, according to the truth, Shenxinmen does not know where Chen Chengfeng is, but Jun Zisong followed Chen Chengfeng, and his whereabouts are always under the surveillance of Shenxinmen. Du Zisong left Stone Tail City to his destination. Tell the gate of God's heart. But Shenxinmen only knew that these two people were in Wanbi City. As for where they were, they didn't know exactly where they were.

  The three elders asked Chen Xuan if they knew Chen Chengfeng’s specific location. Of course, Chen Xuan answered nothing. In fact, Chen Xuan can guess the approximate location. Chen Chengfeng came to Wanbi City so early, it was impossible not to find a place with a lot of people to do business, the most likely place was the city center. If there is no city center, it must be in a place where the flow of people naturally gathers.

  However, Chen Xuan would not tell these speculations to these three elders. Chen Xuan wanted to find Chen Chengfeng by himself before the three elders found him.

  Chen Xuan’s wish is of course beautiful, but the reality is that the three elders did not give him this opportunity.

  Early the next morning, the three elders split into three ways, and Elder Zhang took Chen Xuan with him. But fortunately, the route taken by Elder Zhang is the middle, he might be the first to find Chen Chengfeng.

  Elder Zhang and Chen Xuan all the way towards the center of the city, as long as they encounter a shop selling cultivation resources, they must go in and inquire. Elder Zhang's aura is so great that people like the little two can't lie at all when answering questions.

  Sure enough, Elder Zhang inquired about some eyebrows. He heard from a junior that the treasurer in the center of the city seemed to be named Chen, so he took Chen Xuan directly towards the center of the city.

  Jubao Pavilion, is the store my father opened called Jubao Pavilion? This is only a word from the Zhibao Pavilion opened by Old Man Hu! Haven't seen you for two years, are your parents still the same?

  Not to mention that Jubao Pavilion is really a good big shop. His area is estimated to be three times that of Zhibao Pavilion. When Chen Xuan and Elder Zhang walked into the middle shop of Jubao Pavilion, they only saw a large number of people gathered inside, which was completely different from the situation in the shop they had just asked about.

In the shops you just entered, there will always be children to entertain you warmly, but this Jubao Pavilion and Chen Xuan came in but no one paid any attention. It’s not that Jubao Pavilion didn’t want to pay attention to it, but the business here is really good, Xiao Er too late to say hello. what!

  Chen Xuan glanced around in the store, but did not find anyone he knew well, neither the Xiaoer nor the person who collected the spirit crystals, Chen Xuan did not know them.

  Could it be the wrong place! According to logic, the person who collects the money is either Sun Chun or Juniper!

"Xiaoer, is your boss there?" Elder Zhang, as a strong person in the Nineth Layer of Cultivator, always asks questions directly. His mental strength is strong. As long as he puts his eyes on Xiaoer, Xiaoer wants to lie. Can't do it. But Xiao Er is just an ordinary person after all. If Elder Zhang faces Chen Xuan with his eyes, Chen Xuan can choose to avoid it. As long as he doesn't keep his eyes fixed, he won't be affected. These ordinary people have no ability to avoid the eyes of Elder Zhang.

   "Boss... the boss should go to buy the goods, I will have to wait a few days to come back!" Xiao Er said straightforwardly. In fact, the whereabouts of the boss should not be mentioned to others as a buddy.

   Chen Xuan couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard that his father was not there. It seemed that he had a chance to see his father before the three elders. But he was also worried that he had found the wrong store.

  "Is the Juniper here?" Elder Zhang saw that his deterrence was effective, and he didn't want to make any unnecessary rhetoric, so he directly proposed the person he wanted to meet.

  "Did you say that the third shopkeeper? The third shopkeeper delivered goods in the warehouse." Xiao Er even knew that the third shopkeeper's name was Jun Zisong.

   "That's right. You report to Du Zisong, and you say that the treasurer's son is back." Elder Zhang pointed to Chen Xuan.

  Under the guidance of Elder Zhang's fingers, Xiao Er's gaze finally retreated from the state of staring at Elder Zhang. He looked at Chen Xuan with a look of surprise on his face, "Really? Are you really the son of the treasurer? Is your surname Chen?"

  "Go and tell the third shopkeeper! He used to be my master, he knew it as soon as he came." Chen Xuan said slowly.

  "Okay, Master, please wait a moment, I'll call the third shopkeeper right away." After Xiao Er finished speaking, he ran towards the inner hall.

  Elder Zhang scanned the whole shop and nodded slightly. He was thinking that it is no wonder that Chen Xuan is so rich in normal times, and no wonder that Du Zisong would leave the gate of God's heart to follow Chen Chengfeng without hesitation. With such a big store and such a good business, Chen Chengfeng is really not a simple person!

   Chen Xuan was eager to see the master, of course, the person he wanted to see most was actually Zeng Xin'er. However, he must also obtain identity verification from the master in advance.

   "Chen Xuan, are you really here?" The familiar voice remembered from the inner hall, and then the figure of Juniper appeared.

  "Master!" Chen Xuan shouted.

   "Just come back, just come back, yeah! This... you are Elder Zhang, and the disciple Du Zisong pays respect to the elder."

   "Don't be polite! Haha, it seems that leaving the sect, you have a good time. Being your elder is really happy for you." Elder Zhang said.

   "Elder Zhang, Chen Xuan, come to the inner courtyard, you have worked hard this way! Let's go to the inner side to rest and rest, and then we will go back to the old." Du Zisong finished speaking and pulled Chen Xuan into the inner side.

"By the way, two other elders came together this time, but they are looking for you elsewhere. If they haven't found you in the afternoon, you can send someone to the Yingbin Building in the east of the city to pick them up! "Elder Zhang said to Juniper.

   "There are also elders, this...what happened to this? Why do you want the three elders to send Chen Xuan back?" Du Zisong asked. At this time he had realized that something must have happened, otherwise, it would be impossible to alarm the Supreme Elder like Zhang Elder to accompany Chen Xuan back, and there were three at one time, which is simply unimaginable. But he couldn't guess why.

   "Oh, trivial matter, when Chen Chengfeng comes back, we understand some circumstances, this matter will be over." Elder Zhang said lightly.

"Oh, well, Cheng Feng should be back in the last few days. Elder Zhang should take a rest first! Chen Xuan, follow me to see your mother, she misses you all the time." The elder couldn't ask anything, Du Zisong decided to ask Chen Xuan about the situation first, so he took advantage of the situation to take Chen Xuan away first.

  Chen Xuan nodded, said goodbye to Elder Zhang, turned around and followed Jun Zisong. Elder Zhang paused, but did not stop.

   "What's wrong, what happened?" After a long walk, Juniper said. He did not directly lead Chen Xuan to the place where Zeng Xiner lived.

   "Master, the big event is not good!" Chen Xuan suddenly looked around vigilantly and waved his hand gently.

   "What's wrong?" Jun Zisong lowered his voice.

  Chen Xuan then waved his hand and made another silent gesture. He squatted on the ground and wrote by hand: "My secret is in danger of being exposed." Soon he erased the words again.

  (End of this chapter)

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