Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1533: Goodbye son

   Chapter 1533 Goodbye Son

  Juniper was also cautious. He also squatted down and wrote, "What should I do?"

   "I want to see my father first." Chen Xuan erased after writing.

   "I'll find a way." When these words were erased, Du Zisong stood up, and Chen Xuan stood up too.

  Neither of them spoke any more, Du Zisong wanted to bring Chen Xuan to his mother this time.

  From beginning to end, Du Zisong did not ask Chen Xuan what secret was about to be revealed, and Chen Xuan did not intend to tell Du Zisong the secret. In Chen Xuan's mind, although Jun Zisong is trustworthy, he has lost all his martial arts and has become a mortal. It is difficult for a mortal to keep secrets in front of high-level cultivators.

  Du Zisong certainly knows his own situation. He is not the kind of person who likes to inquire about the gossip. He wants to help Chen Xuan and he only needs to follow Chen Xuan's words.

  Having not seen his mother for two years, Chen Xuan was full of excitement when he was about to see Zeng Xin's child.

   "Oh, my baby, you are finally back." Zeng Xiner was so happy that she was about to faint when she saw Chen Xuan.

  "Mother!" After a thousand words, Chen Xuan could only call out these two words in the end.

   "Let me see, I have grown taller. I haven't seen you for two years. My little baby has grown taller!"

  Juniper went quietly.

  "Quickly tell me what happened to you in the past two years." Zeng Xiner couldn't wait to hear Chen Xuan's brilliant story.

  Chen Xuan smiled bitterly, picked up a pen and paper from the table, and wrote "Don't talk, there are ears on the wall."

  Zeng Xiner asked: "Where?"

  Chen Xuan continued to write: “There are three Taishang elders who came with me. Their purpose is to find out my secrets.”

   Seeing Chen Xuan's mystery, Zeng Xin'er also widened her eyes, grabbed the pen and wrote, "What's the secret?"

   "Can't say." Chen Xuan continued.

  Zeng Xin'er was annoyed and cocked her mouth as if she was saying, don’t you even believe her mother?

  Chen Xuan went on to write: "Those elders have the ability to control ordinary people to tell secrets."

  Zeng Xin'er was shocked, and nodded immediately, saying that he would no longer ask Chen Xuan's secrets.

  "Only my father can hide the secret for me. I need to see my father first." Chen Xuan took out the fire book, lit the paper filled with words, let it burn, and then let out a breath, the ashes drifted away with the wind.

  Zeng Xin'er knew where Chen Chengfeng went to buy the goods, and she also knew Chen Chengfeng’s return date, but it was quite difficult for Chen Xuan and Chen Chengfeng to see it first. Obviously the three elders would not easily allow them to meet first.

  The mother and son have no longer the joy of meeting, and now they are all shrouded in worry. They all started to think about how to let Chen Xuan and Chen Chengfeng meet first.

  In the end, Chen Xuan thought of a method, but this method was not to meet Chen Chengfeng first, because Chen Xuan felt that he had entered a dead end in advance. Isn't it possible that he can't let his father speak according to his own words if he doesn't meet his father?

Chen Xuan picked up a pen and wrote on the paper: "I gave it all to him. Nothing. My father left it. There is no method. The less the impurities, the smaller." The other side wrote: "Remember, tell my father. ."

  Zeng Xin'er took this weird note, and finally nodded, and began to memorize the five sentences on the paper. The five sentences are short and confusing, but they are the main points for answering the questions of the elders. Chen Xuan believed that when Chen Chengfeng heard the questions of the elders, he would have a full understanding of the meaning of these five sentences.

And so far, Zeng Xiner still doesn’t know what Chen Xuan’s secret is. As long as the three elders don’t specifically ask Chen Xuan about writing the note, Chen Xuan’s secret will never be solved by Zeng Xin’er. .

  Now it is not necessary for Chen Xuan and Chen Chengfeng to meet first, as long as Zeng Xiner and Chen Chengfeng meet first. As for Zeng Xiner to meet her husband alone, these three elders shouldn't follow.

  If Chen Xuan proposes to greet Chen Chengfeng, most of the elders will be followers.

  After noon, Elder Wang and Elder Sun also found this treasure-gathering pavilion one after another. After all, this Jubao Pavilion has a very good business in Wanbi City, and its reputation is also very big. The entire Wanbi City heard that there are still quite a few people whose owner's surname is Chen, and it is no wonder that these two people can be found.

  As for why Chen Xuan was so cautious when talking with Du Zisong and Zeng Xin'er, just look at what Elder Zhang did when Chen Xuan left.

  As a powerhouse with ten levels of spiritual power cultivation, Elder Zhang’s ideas are as solid as mountains and thick as oceans. Cultivators in this realm have already laid the foundation of their mental strength, and if they take one step further, they can control others. People here are not ordinary people, but all people including the mortal realm and the cultivator realm.

  Such a strong person, coupled with being at the peak of the cultivator state, is definitely a good hand with ears and eyes. Within a mile, even the slightest voice can be clearly captured, and the eyes can reach within a few miles.

  After Chen Xuan left, Elder Zhang caught his ears all the conversations of Chen Xuan with a slight concentration. However, the frequency of writing sounds is different. When Elder Zhang pays attention to speaking, he filters other sounds. In addition, the sound of writing is too small after all, and it is difficult for Elder Zhang to catch it, so he heard Chen Xuan's words with just a few simple sentences.

  Elder Zhang’s behavior is of course understandable. He came to investigate this time, and it is his duty to make unannounced visits. Chen Xuan knew a little about the abilities of various realms. He guessed that Elder Zhang would definitely overhear his own conversation, so he was quite cautious.

  Be cautious about things related to your own secrets, but you don’t need to conceal other things deliberately. Chen Xuan talked and laughed with Zeng Xin'er, Jun Zisong, and Sun Chun for the next two days without any worries. The three elders stayed quietly in the inner courtyard, and only when Chen Xuan was about to go to the streets would they send a person to accompany him. Faced with this free bodyguard, Chen Xuan had no reason to refuse.

  Until the third morning, nothing happened in the Jubao Pavilion, and it was as calm as usual.

  Being with her son for two consecutive days, Zeng Xiner went to the streets alone early this morning. He didn't explain anything to anyone, but almost everyone knew that she must have gone to meet her husband.

  At noon, the convoy from Jubaoge’s shopping trip came back, and Chen Chengfeng and Zeng Xiner walked out of the carriage together. Chen Chengfeng's realm has improved, and he looks more powerful and majestic than it was two years ago.

  Chen Xuan greeted him and shouted "Father". Chen Chengfeng held down Chen Xuan's shoulder with his hand, and said with a slight effort, "Boy, are you in trouble?"

   "Hey! Do you remember what mother said! I didn't do it, and the trouble would be great." Chen Xuan said a pun.

   "I remember! If it were me, I would do what your mother said." Chen Chengfeng replied.

   "I did something wrong this time. If you punish me, I will accept it all." Chen Xuan continued.

   "Oh, I will meet the three elders first, and I will clean up you after the matter is handled." Chen Chengfeng said with a straight face.

   "Well then! I will lead you to the three elders. They have been here for a few days, and they are all waiting impatiently."

   Seeing the father and son walking one after another, the three elders smiled and nodded. They were satisfied that Chen Chengfeng could see themselves the first time.

"This is Elder Zhang, this is Elder Wang, and this is Elder Sun. The three elders of our God's Heart are all at the peak of the cultivator level." Chen Xuan introduced Chen Chengfeng to him. The three elders.

  "The three elders who came to our shop really made our shop flourish. Our people failed to welcome the three, and let the three wait for three days. It is really sinful. I hope the three will forgive me."

   "Boss Chen is polite, the three of me are very disturbed by coming here." Elder Zhang replied.

  "Where can I bother? The three are all distinguished guests who can't be invited!" Chen Chengfeng continued politely.

   "Boss Chen, the three of us have come here, and we have something to learn from you. It is not convenient for you to just come back..." Elder Wang said. The three of them are strong, and it doesn't make sense for them to speak politely. They still chose to go straight.

   "It's not in the way, it's not in the way, I'm about to listen to it."

"Chen Xuan, the disciple of God's Heart Sect, is your son. He is extremely talented. He reached the fifth level of mortal realm within two years of introductory education, and reached the fourth level of mental strength cultivation. A large number of the best wood spirit crystals are given to others." Elder Zhang said.

  "A lot of top-quality wood spirit crystals, oh! I gave him all this matter." Chen Chengfeng discovered what "all I gave him" means. "Chen Xuan, did you give them to others casually?" Chen Chengfeng asked Chen Xuan sternly.

  Chen Xuanmo was silent.

   "Boss Chen calmed down! Your family has a big business, this superb wood spirit crystal shouldn't be a big deal." Elder Zhang said, "What we are asking now is how did you get these superb wood spirit crystals?"

   "This..." Chen Chengfeng hesitated, is the origin of the best wood spirit crystal still entangled? Own dignified boss, do you have to find the way to get some top-quality wood spirit crystals? No, there must be a story in it. Then think about Chen Xuan's five sentences, "Leaves by my father". He had an idea, "Hey! These top wood spirit crystals are left by my father." of."

   "What is your father?" Elder Sun asked.

   "My father used to be the elder of the Chen clan, but his old man's luck was in bad luck. He gave birth to our brothers but lacked the attributes of wood to establish a foothold in the Chen clan. Speaking of my father, I am really ashamed!"

  It was Chen Xuan. This was the first time he heard about his grandfather. In his memory, Chen Chengfeng had never mentioned his father.

"Oh! No wonder, it is not surprising that an elder of the Chen clan has so many top-quality wood spirit crystals." Elder Zhang said, "we are not here to investigate the top-quality wood spirit crystals. We want to know, you How are those top-quality wood spirit crystals purified?"

  (End of this chapter)

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