Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1544: Improvise

   Chapter 1544

  When the blood on the shoulders of the elder Yuan was completely stopped, he finally recovered from the failure.

"Ah! I'm really ashamed. I apologize to Mimen here. I hope Master Mimen will ignore the villains and let our low-level disciples of Yuyuzong be spared, and I will deal with everyone at will." This elder Yuan is also a ruthless person, knowing he is. If this party is no longer a hero, he will be in danger of being completely destroyed if he angers God's heart, so he even considers the overall situation and decides to give in.

The current situation is indeed very unfavorable to Yuyuzong. If before the test, the Shenxinmen would still be photographed by the master of the seventh stage of the cultivator and would not dare to move, but now the elder not only can’t win, but also pays for the injury. , Isn’t the remaining disciple just fish in the eyes of the other party?

"It’s not that serious, Elder Yuan, didn’t the previous bet be very clear? Or that sentence, you will stay and play small animals like rabbits and pheasants for a few days, and we will treat you as well. Sending disciples to implement the policy of covering food and housing. If there are orcs fleeing from the forest, we can also attack together, and the orcs hunted by the nobles belong to ourselves. Isn't this a good thing for the best of both worlds?" Elder Gong said lightly. , But the elder Yuan felt uncomfortable.

  This is not a problem of having the best of both worlds. The most important thing is that Yu Yuzong has already lost his face before accepting the charity of Shenxinmen. They must be specifically responsible for beating small animals. This is simply an insult. If this matter spreads out in the future, how will disciples like them behave? Especially his elder, it is better to find a wall and hit him to death.

  However, the current situation is not as good as others, but the elders cannot resist at all, and can only make some bargaining plans.

  "Well, since there is a bet in advance, of course my disciples can be dispatched to Guimen, but all a dozen disciples will go hunting. This is too trivial. I think I will send them half!"

  This elder is now very conflicted in his heart. If all the disciples go hunting, naturally these disciples can all go away, but he has become a man who eats his promises and is fat, and I am afraid that in the future, he will no longer have a position in Yuyu Sect. And all ran away, it also meant that the mission of killing the orcs was defeated, and they returned to the sect before touching the shadow of the orcs, which would make everyone laugh. While staying here, I lost the dominance. Fortunately, the people at the gate of God's Heart didn't seem to be evil people, and promised that the spoils obtained by his side belong to him. After many comparisons, he finally decided to stay and continue to complete the task.

   “As long as the elder Yuan promised to be responsible for getting the prey, we did not ask Guimen to hunt all of them,” said Elder Gong. He didn't want everyone in Yuyuzong to go hunting. If there was a collective escape, wouldn't the gate of God's Heart be beaten up? He is only slightly stronger than the elder Yuan, when the elder Yuan will run away, he can't stop it anyway.

  "Okay, it's settled. I have one last request. I hope that the people of your family will not tell me the results of today's test, so that I can schedule their work."

  Elder Gong nodded, this elder Yuan’s face still needs to be taken care of, otherwise the future cooperation will be very difficult.

Yuyuzong is not far away from Shenxinmen, only half a mile away. However, the disciples of Shenxinmen are all around here. Yuyuzong doesn’t know what happened to his leader there, just feels In some fights, these disciples did not dare to come and inspect because of their low realm.

  When the elder Yuan and Deputy Wang went back desperately, everyone surrounded them. However, the elder Yuan asked Deputy Wang to announce that they would temporarily merge with the team over there, and the food for all personnel would be hunted and maintained by the Yuyuzong disciples.

  All the faces of Yu Yuzong showed shocked expressions, but no one raised any objection. After all, the elder Yuan was far higher than their realm. The elder Yuan had decided that they had nothing but to obey. If they talked a lot, they would not find anyone to cry when they were destroyed in the wilderness.

More than 30 people in this line were stationed at one hundred and eighty miles in the forest. They did not move a step for two days. However, more and more practitioners went from the outside to the inside. Many people who came after this did not know the forest. Circumstances, seeing the empty caves left by various spirit beasts, thought that these spirit beasts had been hunted by people in front of them, and regretted that they had gone out too late, they all gathered their energies and rushed to the deeper part of the forest. .

  Of course, there are some latecomers who have been inquiring and learning about some situations, but they are skeptical, but they have no intention to stop there. Who knows what the purpose of the person who tells them the news will be? Also, even if they had to camp and garrison, it would be impossible to garrison with these thirty-odd people.

  So almost all the latecomers chose to move on, and these thirty people were basically at the outermost periphery.

  Chen Xuan was very satisfied with this. He hoped that all the disciples of Shenxin Sect would retreat outside the forest and be stationed, but now he is already at the outermost periphery of everyone, and he has basically achieved his initial goal.

On the seventh night, a light rain began to fall in the sky, and the forest quickly became blurred, making people unable to distinguish between east and south. More than 30 people lit up seven or eight bonfires. Everyone was roasting food, chatting and chatting. There is no meaning to guard against danger.

  Because there are too many cultivators who have entered the depths of the forest, if something major happens inside, there will be people going crazy, so everyone's vigilance has been relaxed a lot these days.

  Chen Xuan is using this wonderful time to temper his mental power. He already feels that after these ten days of cultivation, his mind is much stronger.

  A cold wind blew by, and Chen Xuan's heart suddenly had a palpitation, which made his persistent thoughts disappear. Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and scanned the surroundings desperately, but the surroundings were dark and there was no sound at all.

What's going on here? I have never felt this way before, as if something big is about to happen, and the dangerous feeling is as terrifying as disaster strikes.

"Senior Brother Qi, quickly ask someone to strengthen the defense. I feel a big danger is about to happen in this weather." Chen Xuan and Senior Brother Qi are inseparable now. When it rains, Chen Xuan hid in the tent set by Senior Brother Qi. Brother Qi was notified as soon as possible.

   "What is the danger? Why didn't I feel it, so many people are in the forest, they should warn us, don't think too much." Senior Brother Qi said with a smile.

   "I don't know exactly how the danger will happen, but I have a strong hunch. Just now, this hunch has dispelled all my stubborn thoughts, and it will definitely not happen for no reason." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

  Senior Brother Qi heard this, and a trace of vigilance appeared in his heart. Premonition unexpectedly impacted his mind. Senior Brother Qi's seven-fold mental power was also cultivated step by step. Of course, he knew how much impact it would take for his stubborn mind to collapse. This proved that Chen Xuan had just encountered a strong warning of foreboding.

  Warriors have such a talent, they may feel danger lurking before they encounter danger. Brother Qi immediately instructed the disciples of Shenxinmen to step up vigilance, pack up important items, and prepare to evacuate at any time.

  Shenxinmen disciples just finished their preparations. Before Senior Brother Qi had time to inform those of Yuyuzong, everyone heard that there seemed to be tens of thousands of horses on both sides of the forest, and the trees in the forest shook.

  The tide of beasts struck, and it came from both sides of the periphery. It seemed that these orcs wanted to wipe out the human races that entered the Blackwind Forest, but they didn't know how they got around behind so many searchers.

   "Quick, there is danger, break out of the forest." Elder Gong shouted.

   Senior Brother Qi pulled Chen Xuan and rushed towards the place outside the forest where there was no sound. Others also chose that direction without exception.

  This group of people rushed out less than 100 meters, and the surrounding areas where there was no sound no longer existed. The entire forest periphery was full of rumbling noises.

  "Continue forward, don't retreat. The siege of the orcs has just formed, it is the time when it is weak." Elder Gong issued an order. The elder Yuan also issued the same order, but many of Yu Yuzong's low-level disciples turned around and fled.

  It can’t be said that these disciples are greedy for life and fear of death. It’s just that under this situation, everyone thinks of things in front of them. There is a safe place, so how can people rush to a dangerous place? At this time, charging into a dangerous place, most of the people who can survive are high-level disciples, and their mortal realms can only be regarded as cannon fodder.

  The noise outside the forest is getting louder and louder, on the contrary, the inside of the forest is silent. The faces of Elder Gong and Elder Yuan were very ugly. In such a situation, Senior Brother Qi also stopped, and Chen Xuan was staggered by him.

   "Elder Gong, there are too many beasts in the periphery, and the low-level disciples have no chance of survival. Let me lead the disciples in the mortal realm to break through the forest!" Senior Brother Qi shouted at Elder Gong.

  Elder Gong glared at him, but did not speak. It seemed that he was also starting to think about what to do.

  "Alright, they are really useless here. They can only escape if they can." Elder Gong made a decision.

   Chen Xuancai's mortal realm's five-fold cultivation base is not much stronger than an ordinary person, he did not think that he would survive if he rushed into the beast tide. So he had already had the thought of breaking through the forest, but he had been dragged by Senior Brother Qi, and he had no right of autonomy at all.

   But compared to many mortal disciples, Chen Xuan is undoubtedly a very calm one, at least he can think about problems now. What he thinks now is, is it really useful to break through the forest? The purpose of the orcs is obvious, to force all the humans who enter the Blackwind Forest into the forest. In this action, the most dangerous places are the breach and the inside of the forest.

  (End of this chapter)

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