Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1545: Dead end

   Chapter 1545

The role of   Breakthrough is to use a powerful threat to drive people who do not want to enter the trap. The Orcs absolutely deployed heavy troops at the Human Breach. And the innermost part of the forest is also a very dangerous place. There is a slaughterhouse set up by the orcs.

  The relatively safe place is on the two wings. Although the orcs have some power, they are definitely not the strongest. Maybe only some small soldiers are arranged to look like. And because the orcs want to drive these human races into the forest, the two wings will be stretched like fishing nets, and the weak places will become weaker. It's just because when someone suffers a big loss in a breach, they will choose to stay away from the animal tide and flee to an absolutely quiet place inside the forest, often not touching these weak points.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan pulled Senior Brother Qi's arm forcefully and said: "Brother Qi, I have a suggestion that everyone should run away from that direction." Chen Xuan pointed his finger at the edge area where the loud noise was made.

   "There? It's also where the beast tide is. How can you escape there? Isn't that going to kill yourself?" shouted a mortal female disciple next to her.

   Senior Brother Qi ignored the female disciple’s words and nodded and said, “Yes, the two wings are indeed the most ideal place. Let’s go quickly.” While talking, he pulled Chen Xuan back.

  At this time, Elder Gong and the eight disciples of the Cultivator Realm of God's Heart Sect had already begun to confront the oncoming Orcs. The elder Yuan and Deputy Wang led a few disciples who followed the orders and were surrounded by the beasts, and the low-level disciple of Yuyuzong who fled first had already escaped into the forest deep without a trace.

   Seeing Chen Xuan and the others heading deep into the forest, the red-eyed orcs did not pursue them, but turned to besiege those who remained.

  Chen Xuan and the others ran for at least five miles, and the voices on both sides were slightly lower. Because it's too dark, they still don't know what animal is in this tide of beasts.

   "Stop!" Chen Xuan shouted, "We can't run anymore, we are going to try to break through." If we run again, we will be farther and farther away from the best breakthrough point. The Wulikuan beast wave was already a big beast wave, and Chen Xuan felt that they were already very close to the edge of this beast wave.

  Compared with the noise in the distance, Chen Xuan and his group looked very quiet. They raised their ears one by one, carefully distinguished the sound of the orcs not far away, and then sneaked quietly.

  When the sound becomes a little louder, they will retreat quickly, and when the sound becomes smaller, they will choose to approach.

Through the analysis of the sound produced by the beast tide, everyone found that the orcs had originally cut diagonally from both sides of the forest. It was just that their first troops had already met in the place where Elder Gong and the others were fighting, but the follow-up troops were still a few miles away. Continue to move even dozens of miles away. Their route choice is just the opposite of Chen Xuan's forward route.

  The orcs have a clear goal this time. Their meeting place chooses the place where the disciples of the gods will be stationed, which proves that they are well aware of the situation of the human race. As for who the orc spies are, don't think about them, they must be the goshawks that always hover on top of the human heads.

  This tide of beasts must be commanded by a strong orc with a long history of battle, otherwise it would be impossible to be considered exhaustive. Following this trend, only some high-level cultivators with good luck can escape this time, and those with bad luck will fall directly.

  The twelve people ran carefully for two hours, the sound of the beast tide still did not stop, and they all looked at each other. This is simply unreasonable. What a large team must pass two hours. If this happens on the frontal battlefield where the two races are fighting, it is definitely not surprising, but it's just that the Black Wind Forest, how could it appear so Big animal tide.

  But because the night was too dark, Chen Xuan and the others couldn't detect the reality of the beast tide. As long as they contacted the beast tide, they could only choose to be besieged. At that time, they would either break through or be killed.

  Do you really have to wait until dawn before starting to break through? At that time, not only the people like Shenxinmen could clearly see the situation of the orcs, but the other party was also well prepared, waiting for the human race to do a dying struggle.

   "We must move closer to see what tricks the orcs are playing." Chen Xuan said softly.

   "What if it is discovered?"

   "It was discovered, we made a decisive choice to break through, so everyone is ready."

  "Alright, if this continues, the orcs will really be ready. We don't even have a chance to escape." Senior Brother Qi made up his mind.

  At this time, everyone no longer chose to keep a distance from the beast tide, but approached quietly.

  The travel route of the beast tide is of course along the valley, but Chen Xuan and the others can only choose to climb to the mountain, and then slowly approach downwards. Since it was still raining, everyone was very careful, for fear that they would kick the pebbles inadvertently, so that they might be exposed. Fortunately, some dwarf trees have grown on the mountains. They can cling to the trunk without losing their center of gravity.

  In the middle of the mountain, they stopped, and then they continued to get closer, and they were really discovered. The orcs have more sensitive feelings than humans, and they can easily do many things with their talents.

  There is still darkness all around, and the rain drops wet the clothes of everyone. These people can only hear the sound of the orcs marching in the valley below, but there is no way to see their shadows.

However, due to the crowding of many orc races, their body temperature rose very high. Chen Xuan could clearly feel bursts of breath breaking into his nose. The heat was floating upwards, but Chen Xuan and their breath would not fall. .

  It’s enough to smell the breath, Chen Xuan thought to himself, I’m afraid Chen Xuan is the only person in this world who can know what animal it is through the breath of an animal. This is not because he has a dog nose, but the magical "Beasts" in his mind.

   "A group of hamsters passed by, the number is about tens of thousands," Chen Xuan said secretly. Hamsters are first-class beasts. Their horror is to win by numbers. They have almost nothing to eat. Under the group attack, even elephants can only flee away from the wind.

  "There is also the smell of bears, is it leading these hamsters?"

"No, Gang Xiong is only a seventh-level beast. It should still be wise. It won't lead other orc races." Chen Xuan denied his judgment. "That's because of the slow walking of the previous team. ."

  "Hoho!" This voice came from a long way. It was the voice of a gibbon, and Chen Xuan listening to it knew what was going to pass next. Gibbon is a fifth-level beast. "This number is as many as several thousand." Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"Well, why are there greedy wolves mixed together? Could it be that two pairs passed together." Chen Xuan secretly said. Last time, greedy wolves brought Chen Xuan far to the south, but they reappeared here. Figure.

  A team of orcs passed in front of them, but Chen Xuan could always feel two breaths appearing at the same time. These two animals don't seem to be heading in the same direction, otherwise, there should be a fixed aura match between them. But the atmosphere here is very chaotic. This means that the orcs underneath are not just rushing towards the outer forest, they also rush from the outer edge to the inner.

  It turned out that, Chen Xuan couldn't help but laugh at himself as silly. No wonder this tide of beasts looks so big. This is simply a shuttle movement. The purpose of these beasts is to deter those who want to escape into the deep forest.

After hearing a few more breaths, Chen Xuan already had a bottom in his heart.

   Almost, when the next low-level beasts that are easy to deal with pass through this valley at the same time, they can rush down to break through. It's just that there is no way to inform the people around. Now as long as Chen Xuan speaks, no matter how small the voice is, the trail of twelve people will be exposed.

"Jackal, a team of jackal is here, and there are many in number. A team of bulls have just walked in front. The clouded leopards should have retreated. These are low-level beasts. It's time to break through." Chen Xuan secretly said.

  "The fox and the clouded leopard are below, go!" Chen Xuan yelled, and the eleven people hiding behind the tree were taken aback.

   "Chen Xuan, you are crazy, you are going to kill us." Almost everyone was furious.

   "Chong!" Senior Brother Qi shouted. No matter what reason Chen Xuan exposed them, they could only bite the bullet and rush forward, and he also vaguely felt that Chen Xuan definitely had some reliance to expose everyone.

  The orcs below heard the human voice from the mountains, and immediately made a huge noise. Firstly, they wanted to frighten the invading enemy, and secondly, they wanted to issue a warning so that the higher-order orc came to support.

  Chen Xuan has the fastest impact speed, and he chooses a location where there are fewer clouded leopards and more jackal foxes. However, Senior Brother Qi had already arrived first and grabbed Chen Xuan. By this time, he still hadn't forgotten the words of Master Zhang, and he must protect Chen Xuan's safety.

  "Let me go, Brother Qi, there is only a jackal in front of me. I can deal with it. Quickly kill the clouded leopard in the front."

  "Where is the clouded leopard?" Senior Brother Qi asked, and he also let go of Chen Xuan.

   "At the very front, we must pass by the mountain on the opposite side."

   "Okay!" Senior Brother Qi rushed forward with a sword.

   Although Chen Xuan could smell the scent of jackals, he didn't know the specific expressions of these jackals. The dark night completely blocked his vision. He picked up the sword in his hand and pierced directly at the shadow in front of him.

  The shadow screamed in pain, but did not fall to the ground and died.

"Samsung Moon Sword nodded," Chen Xuan yelled. This is the only one Chen Xuan knows. The advantage is that with three consecutive swords, the sword can hit the same target, so when Chen Xuan's second sword pierced the jackal again When the fox was in the chest, the jackal finally died of anger.

   "Huh!" A gust of wind rushed from a distance, and then I smelled the unique aura of the clouded leopard. This clouded leopard was also a fourth-level beast, with a realm comparable to Chen Xuan. Although it was fast, it did not succeed in attacking Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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