Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1546: Nocturnal animal

   Chapter 1546 Nocturnal Animals

   Chen Xuan's feeling is also quite sensitive. As soon as he noticed a strong wind, he knew that he must have been attacked by the orcs, and the clouded leopard was most likely to have the ability to attack nearby.

  Chen Xuan's feet moved slightly, avoiding the frontal attack of the strong wind, and the clouded leopard swept past Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was again the trick "Samsung Moon Sword Nodding", but unfortunately, this time he did not get his wish. The clouded leopard's attack speed is fast, and its escape speed is faster. Before Chen Xuan's head stabs the target, the clouded leopard has already disappeared. In the darkness.

  Chen Xuan didn't mean to chase, and now he had to deal with a lot of jackal foxes, although their power is small, but once they are tightly surrounded, they will be difficult to cope with.

  At this time, the ten people behind also rushed over, and they quickly moved closer to him according to Chen Xuan's voice. In the process of getting closer, the jackals that blocked them were all killed one by one.

   There was another strong wind. It seemed that not only the disciples of Shenxinmen knew the position of Chen Xuan, but the clouded leopard knew his position well now. In the dark night, even the nocturnal animals, they do not see things very clearly, but in general, their vision is still much more sensitive than humans.

  Chen Xuan's footsteps moved for a while, but this time, he chose the strong wind that struck with the sword tangentially. This time, the clouded leopard did not pass by. He actually chose to turn in midair, trying to avoid the sword facing it.

  Chen Xuan was overjoyed. He decided to use the second style "Meteor Chasing Moon Sword" in the "Twelve Swordsmanship" that he had been practicing hard these days. This trick was originally a magic trick for chasing and killing, and it was very suitable for the current situation.

  Because of the clouded leopard's air meal, his speed decreased too much, and there was no way to get rid of Chen Xuan's perception in the process of escaping. Of course, Chen Xuan could perform this stunt of hunting and killing.

Sure enough, this trick is really miraculous. The clouded leopard that escaped was hit by Chen Xuan's sword. It was waiting to flee in a hurry. The next disciple of Shenxinmen took off its head with a sword coming over, and its body slammed out. Far away.

  Chen Xuan did not dare to fall in love with each other. Their main purpose this time was to break out of the encirclement. As for how many orcs to kill, it was no longer in their consideration.

   However, even though it was only in the valley, there were too many low-level orcs in front of them, and for a while, Chen Xuan and the others were surrounded by layers.

   "Look for the goal, everyone breaks through the mountains on the opposite side", Senior Brother Qi shouted not far in front. Indeed, as long as they reach the opposite mountain and the orcs have to pursue them, Chen Xuan and the others will escape to a safer place. At that time, no matter whether the orcs were chasing or not, these people would no longer have any worries.

   Fifty meters, forty meters, and 30 meters, everyone used their own housekeeping skills and rushed forward desperately, but the jackal and clouded leopard that blocked them were beaten to pieces.

   "Moo", a bull call made both parties in the conflict pause. Chen Xuan was anxious, he heard it, it was a vivid voice. Lingxi is a fourth-level spirit beast, its realm is higher than that of Senior Brother Qi, plus it is born with a thick skin, almost invulnerable, it is too difficult to kill it. Once entangled by this spirit, it becomes extremely difficult to break through.

   "Brother Qi, quickly block this spirit," Chen Xuan shouted. This is the only way everyone can escape. Only if Senior Brother Qi can entangle Lingxi, will they have the opportunity to complete the last thirty-meter sprint.

   "You speed up, I will deal with this spirit." Senior Brother Qi didn't retreat, and went straight towards the spirit.

   escaped another ten meters. Chen Xuan secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, there was only one head of this rhinoceros. If a group came, none of this group would be able to escape except Senior Brother Qi.

In fact, Chen Xuan’s worries are unreasonable. The length of the entire beast tide is too long, and the number of spirit beasts in the Blackwind Forest is limited, so the scheduler has no way to form the spirit beasts, the main spirit beasts. The task is to supervise the actions of other beasts. It's already their maximum limit to have a spirit beast as an overseer every half a mile away.

  Of course, I'm talking about the situation on the two wings of the beast tide. This is not the same as the situation at the flanking place. There, not to mention the spirit beasts can be seen everywhere, and the level of the spirit beasts is still very high. And the thickness of the animal tide team is at least ten times thicker than here.

   Seeing that the enemy was about to run out of the encirclement, the remaining jackal fox and clouded leopard went mad. They had no fear of death at all, and they wanted to use the accumulation of flesh and blood to stop the advancing person.

Chen Xuan stabbed a jackal with a sword. The jackal did not dodge, but instead hugged the sword that stabbed him with its front paws. When Chen Xuan withdrew, he couldn't pull the sword out after pulling it a few times. But the other jackal had already pounced on it.

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and kicked the jackal in the middle sword fiercely. Then he took the sword back into his hand, but the claws of the jackal attacked from the side marked a few blood marks on his leg. If it weren't for a thicker dress, I'm afraid it would be dripping with blood.

   Chen Xuan saw that the jackal was not afraid of death, and quickly stepped up to break through, and there was no time to make up for the jackal who had just injured him.

   "Oh!" A female disciple's arm was also scratched, and she suddenly let out a scream.

  "Don't be entangled, hurry up." Chen Xuan shouted. What everyone has to do now is not to kill the enemy, but to rush through the defense before the enemy lays down a wall of flesh and blood.

   is still a short distance away, but at this time the clouded leopard has erected a real wall of flesh, and they have to use their bodies to force the more than a dozen people from the Shenxinmen back.

"Ten swords in one, attack a little." Chen Xuan yelled. In fact, he has never practiced the technique of combining attacks with others. It's just that in this situation, a single sword won't work at all. Chen Xuan is anxious to become wise. Shouted this trick that he would not even know. In fact, what Chen Xuan shouted out was just a very appropriate title. Not all the ten disciples of Shenxinmen were using swords, but this did not prevent everyone from hearing what Chen Xuan meant.

   "Look at my attack point." Chen Xuan shouted. His sword turned a bit of cold light and went straight to a clouded leopard. The clouded leopard did not dodge, but only grabbed the blade with his claws. However, under the guidance of Hanguang, ten other weapons of Shenxinmen attacked together. They either stabbed or chopped, or banged or collided, and the clouded leopard that was hit by Chen Xuan instantly turned into dust. Even the two clouded leopards next to him were shocked, and automatically gave way to a **** path.

  Chen Xuan was the first to dash up the mountain, and then ten low-level disciples of Shenxinmen followed closely behind. But the clouded leopards who were chasing behind immediately followed in a swarm, and they still did not give up, they had to do their best to save the defeat.

  Although the clouded leopard's pursuit has begun, the flesh and blood city wall under the mountain has not disappeared. Is there another Senior Brother Qi who is entangled with Lingxi? They won't let the only enemy trapped easily anymore.

   "Senior Brother Qi, don't fall in love with war, hurry up and get rid of Lingxi." Chen Xuan shouted. Although Chen Xuan and the others escaped this time between the electric light and flint, it is very likely that the orcs will have the strong immediately rushed there. If Senior Brother Qi continues to entangle the spirit rhinoceros, it is very likely that he will be besieged by many high-level spirit beasts. .

   "You continue to speed up, I will rush out immediately," Senior Brother Qi shouted. Now that he knew that those low-level disciples had escaped the encirclement, he felt happy in his heart, and at the same time he couldn't help but feel a sense of heroism.

Of course, Chen Xuan no longer cares about this Senior Brother Qi. He believes that Senior Brother Qi should be very easy to escape. After all, only some first-level jackal and fourth-level clouded leopards besieged him, as long as he can Escape from Lingxi's hands, those things can't stop him.

  Chen Xuan and the others were eleven in front, followed by a large group of clouded leopards and jackal foxes, and they slowly moved towards the top of the mountain. From time to time, clouded leopards and jackals that were killed would fly down from the mountains. These eleven people killed them easily.

Ten minutes later, eleven people climbed up the mountain. There was a reckless forest in front of him, but this forest was no longer dangerous in Chen Xuan's mind, because all the orcs should have been left behind by them, ahead of him. There will only be game such as rabbits and pheasants.

  When they saw Chen Xuan and the others entering the forest, the clouded leopard and jackal in the back actually stopped pursuing them. It seemed that they had turned around to intercept Senior Brother Qi.

  Everyone rushed in the opposite direction of Chao Chao for an hour before they stopped. Everyone was panting, lying motionless on the ground.

  After a long time, everyone greeted each other. After all, a few people were injured just now. After this rest, the wound began to ache.

  Chen Xuan gently stroked the scars on his leg with his hand. Although he felt a little pain, he was more relieved at this time.

   "Chen Xuan, how do you know that low-level beasts are defending?" A disciple began to ask this question.

   "Heh, this is my unique secret, called smelling and knowing the beast." Chen Xuan smiled.

   "Smell the beasts, I have never heard of this skill. You mean that as long as you smell the scents of the beasts, can you know what they are even if you don't see them?"

   "Yes," Chen Xuan said modestly. Chen Xuan is indeed humble, because he can not only smell what kind of orcs it is, but also the specific number of such orcs. But since the disciple who inquired didn't ask, Chen Xuan didn't say anything. Isn't this what humility is?

"No wonder you yelled for us to rush. It seems that we really met a lucky general if we were able to escape this time. If it weren't for Chen Xuan, we blindly touched, and once we met a more powerful animal herd, we would be finished." There is a disciple. Said angrily.

   "Yes! If there is a large group of Lingxi, there is no chance for us to escape. Fortunately there is only one. Hey! I don't know how Brother Qi is doing now, he should have escaped the siege of the animal group!"

   "As long as Brother Qi doesn't love the battle, it shouldn't be a big problem, the spirit can't hold him. It's just this black rumbling, even if Brother Qi escapes, it will be very difficult for us to find him!"

  (End of this chapter)

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