Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1551: Basic training of the blue sword

  Chapter 1551 Basic training of the blue sword

   Chen Xuan didn't dare to think too much and delay when he woke up. Otherwise, he would raise Ash Pill and he would not be a vegetarian. Such pain would not be able to bear.

  Chen Xuan put on a clean white robe and came to Wuzhisen, where Mr. Sanbai had been waiting for him.

   "Xuan boy, the recovery is not too slow this time, yes, it has made progress, but the training in the afternoon is not as good as the morning, so it is so good, and the afternoon is the real training." Sanbai smiled coldly.

Chen Xuan was flustered, but his face was still very calm. Chen Xuan had been able to show his emotions and anger in the mainland since before. Even if he was in pain, he would not scream such a quality, so he could abruptly deal with fierceness in the morning. The pain from the beast was completely endured, and there was no cry during the whole process.

  This is also where Sanbai appreciates Chen Xuan.

"Okay, let's talk about "Jialan Sword Technique". Seeing that there is no tactics in your battle in the morning, then I will teach you the basic skills, the basic postures of chopping, slashing and blocking. This is indeed the most basic. But if you don’t learn the basics well, Jia Lan Jian learns it for nothing."

  Sanbai only showed Chen Xuan once.

I saw San Bai drew out the sword, jumped up and slashed towards the big tree next to Chen Xuan. The blue light of the Jianlan sword's blade split the big tree in half at once, and then just paused for a while and got up and took it. The branches that were about to fall just cut were cut in half, and the movements were extremely skillful.

  Then, because the branches were cut down, the leaves were shook all over the sky, and the three whites and the first gear, the blue sword and sword energy formed a blue barrier, and all the leaves floating in the air were retreated outside the barrier.

  These movements made Chen Xuan stunned. Chen Xuan felt that his mental power was very severely damaged when he swung his sword, let alone, he could complete this set of movements like this.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This is just a basic skill. From now on to the next one month, you will need to practice these three movements every afternoon. If your movements are not as proficient as I am after a month, then you will be better. Gray Dan should be inevitable." Sanbai said with a smile.

This is Chen Xuan’s pressure and Chen Xuan’s motivation. Chen Xuan mentioned the Jialan Sword without saying a word, but even though Chen Xuan’s mental power is now at the fifth and primary level, it’s because the Jialan Sword has the lowest use of innate realm powerhouses. , So when the mental power does not reach the sixth level, before the body does not reach the innate state, it will be very difficult to lift and release the sword.

  Like a seven or eight-year-old kid holding a Guan Gong knife, it is very tired and difficult, not to mention the movements that have just been fluent.

  However, because Chen Xuan had taken the Jialan Sword in the fourth intermediate level, he can feel that the effort is much better than before. Instead, he feels fortunate that he is not as tired as before with the Jialan Sword.

Chen Xuan pulled out the Jialan sword, looked at his blue sword body, concentrated the mental and physical strength of his whole body, holding the sword to learn the three whites, jumped towards a big tree, and the blue sword shadow seemed to be Split the big tree a bit, but not like the three-white split just now, the whole big tree was instantly split in half.

   Chen Xuan was not reconciled, and concentrated again, and slashed towards the split, the big tree cracked again.

  Sanbai smiled and didn't mean to interrupt him.

What Chen Xuan didn't know was that San Bai had attached the spiritual power of the innate realm to these big trees long before he came. So although the tree can't attack, the defensive ability of the big tree is as strong as that of an inborn realm. By.

  Chen Xuanneng twice used the Jialan sword to split the tree into this way. Actually, it was already quite remarkable. If you put it outside, everyone would lament Chen Xuan's talent and evil spirit.

But Chen Xuan was even more reconciled. He felt that he was placed in a state where he was a strong person in the original mainland, and now his spiritual power has reached the fifth level, and he can't cut a tree. For the third time, he gritted his teeth and threw himself up. And started to chop down towards the big tree.

This big tree can also be regarded as giving him Chen Xuan's face, so that San Bai could not think that the big tree was cut in half by him. Three moves to the middle stage of the cultivation realm, the five-tiered middle-rank kid actually broke the congenital realm. defense.

  Mr. Sanbai couldn't think of this, and he was surprised, but such a surprised expression quickly disappeared on Sanbai's face. Just kidding, Sanbai, a powerhouse in the acquired realm, showed a surprised look that he had never experienced in Xuncheng, and probably not in other continents.

This is enough to see that Chen Xuan’s talent is too enchanting. Chen Xuan’s white robe was once again soaked, and his physical and mental strength were once again overdrawn, but Chen Xuan was not dizzy this time, he stood up, only his expression was on his face. Unusually pale and crumbling.

He still gritted his teeth and held on to prevent himself from falling. He felt that he couldn't even cut a tree with his sword, and it was a very embarrassing thing to be stunned by the tree. Maybe he was Chen Xuan in his life. It's never been so embarrassing.

  However, this was very surprised from Sanbai's point of view. It was obvious that the mental power could not be overdrawn anymore, and he could still stay awake. This made Sanbai once again lamented Chen Xuan's evil spirits.

Without saying anything, Chen Xuan immediately fed a black pill into Chen Xuan's mouth to replenish his mental and physical strength. It was the pill that was given to Chen Xuan for lunch at noon, Melt Pill.

   Chen Xuan suddenly felt that his body’s warm mental strength seemed to be recovering, and his physical strength was gradually replenishing.

  About half an hour.

Chen Xuan miraculously recovered his physical fitness, which also surprised San Bai. However, San Bai didn't have much emotion in his heart for Chen Xuan's enchanting physique. Anyway, this kid is different from ordinary people, a genius among geniuses. A genius who can kill a genius with anger and shame.

  Chen Xuan immediately started training for the second movement, cutting with a Jialan sword. In Chen Xuan's opinion, the branches seemed to have become steel bars and difficult to cut, but this time Chen Xuan was better than splitting the trees. He cut down the branches twice, and his mental and physical strength would not be overdrawn.

  As for using the Jialan Sword to block, Chen Xuan practiced for about two more hours, and was finally able to persist in completing this set of basic movements.

  At this time the sky is getting dark

Chen Xuan thinks it is a miracle that he can survive until now. There is no place in his whole body that is not sore. He feels that his soreness is almost numb, but there is still a class in the Cangjin Pavilion at night, and he needs to go to the Cangjin Pavilion. Go to the class and will be asked about today's content tomorrow.

  Supper was solved by Sanbai's one pill again, and Sanbai gave Chen Xuan half an hour to recover, and Chen Xuan jumped into the medicine pool without saying a word.

  At night, inside the Cangjin Pavilion

San Bai had long been sitting in jeopardy and waiting for Chen Xuan’s arrival. This was the case every time. San Bai always came before Chen Xuan. This made Chen Xuan more and more feel that San Bai was a good master, even though San Bai’s sternness made Chen Xuan unbearable. Less skin and flesh suffering.

  Zangjin Pavilion really lives up to his name. The so-called gold is not real gold, but a book. The so-called "book has its own house of gold." Don't think that reading is a good training.

In fact, after a day of high-intensity training, Chen Xuan's body was exhausted to the extreme, soreness to the extreme, and now he just wanted to sleep, and reading and listening to Sanbai talks about knowledge is very boring, and it is easy to fall asleep. Punishment, of course, is a pill of ash.

  The next day, you will taste the powerful Ash Pill, but Chen Xuan endured sleepiness and listened to Sanbai's lecture.

  "The name of this world is Xuncheng. Xuncheng is not a city or a general term for this world. It was developed by the Sanbai sect, who was first in charge. As for the order of this world, let me briefly talk about it."

  Sanbai's voice is not loud, but she can talk about things in this world again.

"The world’s largest executive officer is the President of Xuncheng. The parliament is the largest decision-making body, and the largest judicial body is the president of the Judicial Council. The world is divided into three powers. Under the city are the capitals and the provinces. It's each house." Sanbai stroked his beard and said.

"Each government has its chief, each government has its governor, and it is very orderly. The governor directly subordinates to the governor, the governor subordinates to the president, and six other executive agencies are directly subordinate to the president. As for The power of the army is not under the control of the president, but only after the three agencies have issued a document to use it." Sanbai said with a smile.

"And these people were selected by the first head of the house at that time. Although the Sanbai sect has long been hidden from the world, his influence in this world is afraid that even the president has to tolerate three points, and the parliament and the judiciary have to give it. We save face, but in this way, the Sanbai sect is even more responsible for protecting the city of Xun." Sanbai solemnly said.

  And when Chen Xuan heard this, he was even more certain, and he would protect Xuncheng in the future, because Chen Xuan always believed that there was a great deal of responsibility as a matter of power.

"However, Xuncheng has also become uneasy over the years." For the first time, Chen Xuan saw a worried look on San Bai's face. Generally, San Bai gave him a cool, almost cold smile or a thief grinning. Expressions, and worries have never been, Chen Xuan also thought that there would never be, because how can a worldly expert be so sad.

"Because in the past few years, Xuncheng has been too easy, and in these years there have been invaders from the outside world, which disrupted the order of Xuncheng, and made some people in Xuncheng with unruly minds even more unpredictable. The desire for rights Getting stronger." San Bai frowned and said

"Including the parliament of the decision-making body, the Judiciary, the people in the six ministries, and the president of this term is about to run out of time, he has to go to the parliament, so countless people with wealth and power are staring at the president's seat. Huh, let them sit. Go up, the people in Xuncheng are afraid it will turn the sky." San Bai said fiercely.

  Chen Xuan nodded in agreement. Chen Xuan felt that if even the president kept amassing money regardless of the safety of Xuncheng, then Xuncheng might really have a catastrophe, but fortunately, there are three white sects, which can be regarded as the last guarantee of Xuncheng.

   Looking at Mr. San Bai, Chen Xuan would definitely not sit idly by the chaos in Xuncheng, nor would he let himself sit idly by.

  (End of this chapter)

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