Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1552: Zhou Kao

  Chapter 1552 Weekly Examination

  Chen Xuan was tired after listening to Mr. San Bai’s knowledge of this world and other worlds in the Zangjin Pavilion, because Chen Xuan was also absorbed in the Zangjin Pavilion and did not dare to lose his mind for a moment.

  The mental power required for this is also very huge. After listening to the class, Chen Xuan did not dare to be negligent, and immediately ran to the side hall of the main office and jumped into the medicine pool. Because Chen Xuan knows very well that the same training will also torture Chen Xuan tomorrow, so Chen Xuan needs to recover himself immediately.

  So soaked in the medicine pool overnight.

  The **** chicken cried before dawn again the next day...

  In this way, Chen Xuan trained day after day, after a week, this week’s weekend.

  On this day, Mr. Sanbai came very early. Starting the weekly test, the first level is of course Tan Xue, to see if Chen Xuan's progress can be passed by Mr. San Bai.

Chen Xuan was still thrown into the Tan acupoint, bitten by various beasts, but at this time Chen Xuan was already very skillful in using the Jialan sword, chopping, slashing and blocking. Not as easy and simple as Mr. Sanbai, but he has made considerable progress.

  But what was different this day was that Chen Xuan felt that these fierce beasts were more ferocious than before. When bitten, Chen Xuan felt more painful than ever.

  What Chen Xuan didn't know was that today's fierce beast was already an intermediate-level fierce beast in the innate realm, and it was three levels behind Chen Xuan's current physical level, and the spiritual fierce beast had also become a sixth-level elementary level.

  And Chen Xuan's current body is only the spiritual power of the middle and fifth-level primaries of the Qi Cultivation Realm. This makes this weekly test very tricky for Chen Xuan.

  The feeling of powerlessness arose from Chen Xuan's heart again, but even then Chen Xuan didn't let his attacks mess up the game like the first time. He still cleaved, chopped, and blocked with a sharp eye. Every move is very organized.

  As for the pain caused by the fierce beast, he gritted his teeth and persisted like the first time, but the attack did not stop at all. Chen Xuan's face became paler and paler. This was the first time that Chen Xuan felt that he was about to faint.

  But he supported him every time and didn't let himself put down his weapon.

"Hmph, this kid is really an evildoer, but the old man can be considered to deal with an evildoer in this test. As long as you can't help but faint or put down the Jialan sword, you may not be able to pass the first level." Mr. Sanbai smiled. .

  But whenever San Bai thought that Chen Xuan was going to faint, Chen Xuan always stood up again and continued to attack and block.

  Mr. Sanbai couldn't help but screamed when he saw this, Chen Xuan was evil.

  Chen Xuan disintegrated the attack of the beast with one sword and one sword. Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt a burst of heat in his body, and then a powerful force wandered through Chen Xuan's body, as if to break through something.

   Chen Xuan immediately realized that he was about to break through again.


  The mental power in Chen Xuan's body seemed to have taken another step, and the pain that had just been hot and weakened slowly, turning into a warm current in Chen Xuan's body.

This made San Bai feel incredible. This time Chen Xuan broke through his mental power in a sober battle. The mental power reached the fifth intermediate level. The pain of the mental power breakthrough and the pain of the fierce beast combined together, unexpectedly made Chen Xuan hard. Tolerated it for a lifetime, this made Sanbai feel that Chen Xuan really had extraordinary potential.

But what followed might be even more incredible for San Bai. Chen Xuan felt that the skin of his body was about to be torn, but Chen Xuan immediately realized that this was a sign of breaking through the middle level of Qi cultivation realm, and his body was terrifying and had to be upgraded. Up.


  Even the middle-level fierce beasts of the Innate Realm were shaken back for half a step, and Chen Xuan felt that his skin and his meat hurt as if they were being boiled in a pot. In about a quarter of an hour, the pain disappeared, and the whole body was relieved in exchange.

  Chen Xuan looked at the sky, and it was an hour before noon, and he needed another hour.

However, Chen Xuan, who is at the high-level of the Qi Cultivation Realm and the five-tier mid-level mental power, can deal with these fierce beasts a little easier than just now, but Chen Xuan’s mental power and physical power have just been consumed a lot, so this is for Chen Xuan. It's still a big test.

  Finally the sun reached the sky, and Chen Xuan dragged his body to the side hall of the official affairs hall, and soaked himself in the medicine pool.

  Chen Xuan thinks about it in the afternoon and feels terrible. In the afternoon, he was fighting with Mr. San Bai, so he was afraid of fighting against the acquired realm with the high-level cultivation realm and the five-fold intermediate mental power.

  So Chen Xuan seized the time to recover, and at the same time fed himself a melt pill. For Mr. Chen Xuan and San Bai, this was breakfast, lunch and dinner, which saved time and effort, but was not as enjoyable as eating food.

For Chen Xuan, practicing in the Three White Valleys is very boring and fatigue, because every time I challenge on the limit, there is no relaxation or enjoyment except for the challenge or the challenge, including sleeping in the medicine pool, in order to better recover. .

  Afternoon, Takeno Morinai

  Sanbai stood with his hand this time, prepared a wooden sword for himself, waiting for Chen Xuan's way.

   "Xuan boy, this afternoon's test, but not as good as your morning, don't worry, as long as you can catch my wooden sword and hit you, you will be considered as a pass."

I saw San Bai pull out the wooden sword this time, and the sword technique hits Chen Xuan's white robe like flowing clouds. Chen Xuan suddenly felt the oppression of the powerful spiritual power and sword intent. Chen Xuan swung out the Jialan sword and injected spiritual power. Make a block.


   Chen Xuan was shaken back by five or six supplements, but he took it abruptly.


  Chen Xuan suddenly vomited blood, but Sanbai’s wooden sword was intact.

"This is the first style of the Jialan sword technique, the flowing cloud style. I use it with a wooden sword. But for the acquired powerhouse, let alone a wooden sword, it can kill a single tree and grass. The first trick is that you can barely take it. Up."

  Chen Xuan nodded.

  Sanbai smiled. The second move is that Sanbai’s sword is as flexible as a dragon, and the speed is also very fast. Chen Xuan drew out the Jialan sword to imitate the flow cloud style of Sanbai just now.

  Bang, bang...

   Chen Xuan was not retreated this time, but Chen Xuan felt that his mental power had become vulnerable in front of Mr. San Bai. However, Chen Xuan's Flowing Cloud Pose gradually grew in power under the exertion of the Jialan Sword.

After all, Mr. Sanbai used a wooden sword, and the Jialan sword was also a famous sword in ancient times. Therefore, the suppression of the weapon, I saw the wooden sword bend in an incredible state, and then Mr. Sanbai’s flowing dragon style went smoothly. 'S escaped Chen Xuan's Liuyun style.

"Yes, the Liulong Pose and the Liuyun Pose are indeed mutually reinforcing, and you are very good at learning and using them. It's just that your mental power is really weaker than mine and the first time you are not skilled enough, you still can't hurt me. If you He is an inherently strong man, the old man may have been in danger just now." Mr. San Bai said with a smile.

  Let’s take a look at the third move. Sanbai’s sword power is like a storm, generally fast, and his sword intent is also very scattered. It seems that there are many attack points.

   Chen Xuan looked at this move, and thought about it. If ordinary block or Liuyun style should not be able to stop it, it would be better to stop the attack by attack.

Chen Xuan interrupted an attack by Mr. San Bai with a flow of clouds. Mr. San Bai smiled and said, "Boy, you can't break this trick with a normal block. The old man wants you to taste the ash-raising pill today. By the way, the old man has no way to crack this trick."


  I saw Chen Xuan start to attack Mr. San Bai with the flow of clouds, but Mr. San Bai's attack was still very structured and was not disrupted by Chen Xuan's flow of clouds.

  A moment later

  Chen Xuan smiled, because he found that Mr. Sanbai’s flaws, he used the second flow dragon pose of the Jialan Sword to directly hit the flaws.


  Mr. Sanbai looked at Chen Xuan in surprise, but Mr. Sanbai was not injured either because after all, one was a strong man in the acquired realm and the other was only a high-level qi cultivation realm. However, if Chen Xuan reaches the innate state, it is not necessarily true.

  But this time Sanbai didn't use all his strength for fear of hurting Chen Xuan and only used seven points of force, plus the wooden sword used, while Chen Xuan used the Jialan sword, and the weapon difference was also quite large.

However, Chen Xuan's strength has already made Sanbai look at him. The first is Chen Xuan's ability to imitate. He hasn't learned the first three styles of Jialan swordsmanship. Learn to use his third trick.

  The third trick to crack the method did not even think of Sanbai himself. If he continues to practice the first three styles of Jialan swordsmanship next week, I am afraid that he will be as proficient as his own when he takes the exam next week.

   Such learning ability and improvement ability, so that Sanbai can only be described in two words. I can't think of other adjectives, that is evildoer.

  In the evening of the Golden Pavilion

   Chen Xuan's proficiency in a week's knowledge and mastery of the world should be very satisfactory to Sanbai. So Sanbai rewarded Chen Xuan with a pill called bone-setting pill.

  Chen Xuan was taken to the medicine pool to take it.

  A medicinal pill with a fragrant appearance and shameless appearance, Mr. Sanbai said that it can raise a level of mental power.

  Of course Chen Xuan couldn’t wait to swallow it...

  Half a quarter of an hour...

A quarter of an hour…

  Three quarters of an hour...

Suddenly Chen Xuan felt painful to cramps all over, and felt like he was about to explode. The power in his body burned his body violently. This was Chen Xuan's most painful time so far. It burned for about half an hour, and there were thousands of them. Ten thousand ants were scratching Chen Xuan's body.

  Chen Xuan immediately released his mental power and tried to resist this pain. For the first time, Chen Xuan felt that he was about to suffocate.

   Suddenly Chen Xuan's mental strength began to rise, breaking through to the fifth high-level, but Chen Xuan's body really suffered to the extreme, as if he had to bear the pain of upgrading from the fifth intermediate to the high-level this time.

  Chen Xuan finally understood the origin of the name of the bone contusion pills. Although taking it can enhance the mental strength, but it has the pain of bone contusion, and it is only a wonderful way to put multiple pains in one time.

   "What kind of reward is this?" Chen Xuan roared.

  And Mr. Sanbai smiled in the scenery at the moment and said, "Xuan boy, the old man just wants you to know that there is no shortcut in cultivation. The so-called shortcut is to suffer others a hundred times, and you suffer all at once."

  (End of this chapter)

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