Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1554: Forest of Martial Master Trial

   Chapter 1554 The Forest of Martial Master Trial

  A few months later, Chen Xuan was dressed in a white robe, with a Jialan sword on his back, and stood facing the wind in Wuzhi Forest. And San Bai is also very pleased to see Chen Xuan now. In three years, Chen Xuan came to San Bai Valley from the middle level of Qi cultivation realm and the fourth peak of spiritual power, breaking through to the low level of innate realm and the sixth level of spiritual power. Rank, such a young innate powerhouse, I am afraid that he would not believe it when he said it.

Today is a special day for the Three White Valleys. Today is the trial of Chen Xuan’s head. The trial lasted for three years. The first step of the trial is to enter the Martial Forest to kill the king of the beasts and get the evil. The galan stone guarded by the king of beasts was injected into the galan sword with spiritual power, and spent two years in retreat to learn the last three forms of the "galan sword technique", and passed the half-immortal trial set by the creator.

According to legend, the Jialan Sword is a magical sword after being equipped with the Jialan Stone. It will be called a semi-immortal after getting the artifact from the innate strong. Generally speaking, the innate strong will need to participate after obtaining the artifact. A half-immortal trial. The half-immortal trial is determined by the talent of the trialer and the teammates.

   "Back when the old man got the blue stone, he passed the trial of the head, hum, it was not easy, it was almost a lifetime of nine deaths. As for your trial, I am afraid it will be more difficult." Sanbai smiled.

   "I hope you can come back safely, Xuan boy, so that you can be the master of the school and can go to the teacher." Sanbai patted Chen Xuan on the shoulder.

  Chen Xuan carried a Jialan sword on his back, dressed in a white robe, and flew into the Wuzhi Forest with white feathers on his feet.

Before, Chen Xuan and San Bai had also been to Wuzhi Forest, but San Bai threw him in the Tan acupoint set by San Bai. The fierce beasts in the Tan acupoint would not harm Chen Xuan's life, but those outside the Tan acupoint Wu Zhisen is different.

  The fierce beasts over there are all fierce beasts from the middle-level of the Qi Cultivation realm to the middle-level of the innate realm, which means that the rank span is very large.

  Chen Xuan flew past Tan acupoint and landed, because he needed to find the king of fierce beasts and the cave where he was.

  In this **** forest, apart from the fierce beast, only Chen Xuan exists, and there is no other person's breath, which makes Chen Xuan feel very depressed and a little scared. Suddenly, a fierce beast strung out from behind Chen Xuan and pounced directly at Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan immediately used the white robe to block, the technique of the white shield. A white light flashed, and the fierce beast was bounced several meters away.


  The fierce beast got up with a roar, staring at Chen Xuan, which is actually normal.

This fierce beast is a high-level fierce beast of the Qi Cultivation realm. In this forest where the weak and strong food is eaten, these fierce beasts are already lucky if they are not eaten. You can see a middle-level fierce of the Qi cultivation realm in half a month. It's good to catch animals and eat them, and I'm hungry most of the time.

   And the fierce beasts in the middle-level cultivation realm can only eat fruit, and the poor carnivorous race has turned into a vegetarian.

  The fierce beast rushed towards Chen Xuan again, as if trying to swallow Chen Xuan in one bite.

Because Chen Xuan is already an innate strong, and his mental power has reached the sixth elementary level, so in order to find the aura of the king of fierce beasts, he hides his own strength, unless he is stronger than him or is innately strong like him. The fierce beast can see his strength, otherwise... Chen Xuan is just like an ordinary person.


  Chen Xuan had no intention of harming fierce beasts. The reason is very simple. Because of the Sanbai sect's rules, indiscriminate killing of innocents is not allowed. After three years of reading and seeing, Chen Xuan now has compassion for everyone and everything.

  However, this fierce beast repeatedly attacked Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan didn't want to spend too much time with him.

  The fierce beast rushed towards Chen Xuan again, this time Chen Xuan did not have too much patience.


Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword killed the high-level fierce beasts in the Qi Cultivation Realm with a single stroke. Now Chen Xuan and the murderers of the Qi Xiu realm only need one move, even though Chen Xuan is innate. The low-level powerhouse.

However, his mental power has reached the sixth low-level. Such mental power is generally only possessed by the innate mid-level powerhouse. In addition to his Jialan sword artifact and the white shield technique, it is enough to compete with the innate realm. The mid-level powerhouses played against each other without distinction.

  For example, this time the king of fierce beasts is an intermediate-level powerhouse in the innate realm. Chen Xuan and him should be struggling to fight, but it's really hard to say who wins and who loses.

  Chen Xuan slowly approached the valley, because he seemed to perceive the aura of the strong, he was almost convinced that the king of fierce beasts was in this valley.

   "Hahaha, funny kid, let me see..." A man in a black robe appeared in front of Chen Xuan. In this desolate forest with only fierce beasts, some people are already very strange, and Chen Xuan can't feel the strength of this person, which is even more strange.

   "Huh? Innate low-level mental power six-fold low-level hum, so young is also considered a gift, and it is not wronged by Jia Lanjian." The black robe man said with a cold hum.

   "Let's see if you can beat the king of the fierce beasts. If you can't beat it, it's a waste of wood. If you can beat it, we will meet by chance." The black robe man said coldly.

  In less than a quarter of an hour, the black robe man walked away from the wind.

  Chen Xuan felt that this black-robed man was getting more and more unfathomable. Who is he and why he can see through my strength at a glance, but I can’t see him at all. This is really terrifying, I don’t know if it is an enemy or a friend...

  Chen Xuan approached the valley and finally saw the king of fierce beasts that this trial required to kill. His strength was about the middle level of the innate realm, and his body was very mighty and huge. With the palm of his hand, all the land under his palm was shattered.


This sound seemed to shake the entire Wuzhi Forest. Chen Xuan looked at him directly, with awe-inspiring expressions in his eyes. He pulled out the Jialan sword, the sword glowing with blue sword aura, and saw the king of fierce beasts facing Chen with a palm. Xuan chopped over.

  The speed is as fast as a violent tornado, and the momentum is as big as the collapse of Mount Tai. Chen Xuanbaidun blocked...


  The two are on par...

  Into a stalemate...


  Chen Xuan put away the white robe, and used the Jialan sword to strike with a dragon-style blow, only to hit the weak point of the king of the beast.


The king of fierce beasts was hit by Chen Xuanqing’s full strength. The wound was serious and blood was flowing, but the king of fierce beasts did not lose the will to fight. He was about to take his second palm. Chen Xuan was not sure whether he could stop the fierce. The second palm of the king of beasts.

  The oppressive feeling of the opponent's mental power is too strong. Chen Xuan feels that if he fights like this, he may have no chance of winning. It is better to use offense to control the offense.

Chen Xuanjia waved his blue sword, a blue light, flowing rain style, trying to disrupt the attack of the king of the beast, so that the king of the beast could not find time and opportunity to attack Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan's flow rain style, indeed Overwhelmed by the king of fierce beasts, although the power of each point is not great, the king of fierce beasts gradually loses control under Chen Xuan's sword.

  After fighting for hundreds of rounds...

  Chen Xuan's sword is still very clear. Every sword stab will go down mercilessly. This is closely related to Chen Xuan's practice and extreme training methods.

   Suddenly a hole appeared in the defense of the king of fierce beasts, and Chen Xuan made a dragon-like blow towards the hole.


The king of fierce beasts was actually defeated by Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt very tired. It was even more tired than being in the acupuncture point of Tan, and even more tired than a day of training. This kind of cross-level actual combat is very great for cultivators. Those who suffer, most of the cultivators will be killed directly in the decisive battle across the ranks.

  There are a small number of people who can escape from birth, and they can go to pay the gods and worship the Buddha, and Chen Xuan directly killed the king of the beasts, which is simply incredible.

At this time, San Bai was also sweating for Chen Xuan. For a good seedling like Chen Xuan, if he could give San Bai some more time, he would surely make Chen Xuan rush to the middle level of the innate realm. This is for sure, but... The situation in Xuncheng is no longer optimistic, and Chen Xuan can only take a risk.

  He is a disciple of the Sanbai sect. He should take the safety of Xuncheng as the most important thing. Xuncheng must be injected with fresh blood, otherwise it may really perish.

  Chen Xuan defeated the king of fierce beasts and got the blue stone behind the king of fierce beasts. A stone glowing with blue light like the Jialan sword, Chen Xuan held the stone and closed his eyes.

  He was using his mental power to feel this Jialan Stone. He found that he was like a gap in the Jialan Sword. He slowly used his mental power to sew the Jialan Stone and the Jialan Sword together.


  A burst of blue light around Chen Xuan


  With Chen Xuan as the center, a burst of blue light in various areas.


  The entire Wuzhi Forest and even the entire Sanbai Valley were affected by this blue light.

  Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword is complete, and the last three styles of "Jialan Sword Technique" are deeply imprinted in Chen Xuan's mind.

   "Hahaha, okay Xuan boy, I have passed the first level, but I don't know what your half-immortal trial is? You pass the first level so quickly, I'm afraid that the half-immortal trial will be difficult." Mr. Sanbai said.

  In fact, the strong innate are semi-immortals, and the strong inborn also have a trial after breaking through to the strong in acquired, called the Trial of Sanxian, and the Trial of Sanxian also summons practitioners through divine tools.

As for the artifact, the Trial of Half Immortal is a complete artifact, and the Trial of Sanxian is a refining artifact, but if you stop at Sanxian, you can’t go up, generally Sanxian will choose to hide, once the artifact is returned, it will be returned to the original appearance.

  Just like Mr. San Bai and Jia Lan Sword, Mr. San Bai retires, so Jia Lan Sword is restored to its original appearance. This is the magical place of the artifact, and people have to admire the creator.

   Regarding the Jialan Sword, only the last three forms of the Jialan Sword are the original techniques of the Jialan Sword, which is called "Jialan Sword Art." And the set that Sanbai taught Chen Xuan was the original "Jialan Sword Art" created by Sanbai, because at that time Chen Xuan could not learn "Jialan Sword Art" before reaching the innate realm, let alone pass the trial of the master.

  But in order to make Chen Xuan more familiar with the Jialan Sword, he had to admit that Mr. San Bai had a profound knowledge of the exercises, and he was able to create unique magical tools and defeat the king of fierce beasts.

  (End of this chapter)

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