Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1555: Complete ga blue sword

   Chapter 1555 Complete Jialan Sword

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes and looked at the moves in his mind. There was a self in his mind, trying to demonstrate the last three poses of the Jialan sword.

The first blue flow of "Jialan Sword Art" is like a blue light. It hits the target directly when it is cast, and it is simply and neat, but the requirements for spiritual power are also very high. It is just to see the spiritual power of the body in the mind. All are lost.

  Chen Xuan stood up after reading it.

Picking up the Jialan Sword, the Jialan Sword at this time is much heavier than before, and the spiritual power to control him is much higher than before, because Chen Xuan's mental power is not enough at this time after the fight against the king of the fierce beasts. .

  But years of extreme training made Chen Xuan choose to stick to it.


  A flash of blue light flashed, and the valley where Chen Xuan was in, the valley where Chen Xuan was, was about to collapse, and the fierce beasts in the valley kept roaring.

  Yes, this is the power of the innate strong, which can make the sky break and the ground collapse, and the destructive power of a move is also very large.

  Chen Xuan found a secluded place and simply built a bamboo dock. He ate Melt Pill and drank spring water every day, and practiced "Jia Lan Jian Jue".

one year later.

  Chen Xuan’s Lan Liu is already very adept, and he has also begun to practice the second type of blue-ray blade of the last three types of the blue sword. The difficulty of the blue blade is higher than that of the blue-liu, but Chen Xuan is still not afraid. From the moment he came to this continent, Chen Xuan decided to stand on the pinnacle of this world and even break the world to take a look.

Therefore, after Chen Xuan became proficient in Lan Liu, he immediately began to practice the Blu-ray Blade. When he first started practicing, Chen Xuan often passed out because of physical exhaustion, but although this was torturing Chen Xuan's body, Chen Xuan knew that there was only constant overdraft. And suffering can make a breakthrough.

In the past few days, his mental power has faintly broken through, but he still feels like the practice of stopping water, because he has not forgotten the first experience of eating bone-setting pills, so he will not be as impetuous as before. This is for cultivators. It is still very difficult and valuable.

  When the blue blade attacks, it is like a blue blade directly slashing towards the opponent, which is ten times more powerful than the blue stream. Chen Xuan opened up an enchantment around him, otherwise the forest of Wu would be destroyed by Chen Xuan. With an innate powerhouse and a divine tool, his destruction would also be terrifying for a country.

   Generally speaking, there is an innate mid-level who participates in decision-making, and a country is considered to be strong. However, these people in Xuncheng live too easily. The highest-ranked Xuncheng has not yet participated in the policy decision of seclusion, and there is only one innate low-level strong.

  The rest are in the Qi Cultivation Realm, which is why San Bai was so eager to let Chen Xuan be a teacher, and sent Chen Xuan to the head of the trial so early.

one year later

  Chen Xuan's blue stream and Blu-ray blades are very skilled, and the third type of Blu-ray Slash is also gradually getting better. In the past two years, Chen Xuan has been almost closed training for himself, and every time he challenges the limit.

  This day Chen Xuan intends to walk out of the enchantment to see Wu Zhisen, and wants to hunt down some fierce beasts as a delicious meal. After all, there is still a year, and his half-immortal trial is approaching.

  As soon as Chen Xuan walked out of the barrier, he found a low-level beast of innate realm waiting for him, carrying him like a rabbit. Pounced at him desperately. Chen Xuan smiled coldly.


  The White Shield technique directly bounced the fierce beast several feet away. Now Chen Xuan's strength has become much stronger after practicing the three postures of the Jialan Sword. Although the mental power barrier has not been broken, it is just around the corner.

  Chen Xuan killed the fierce beast with a blue stream, brought it back to the enchantment, and made up for it.


  The whole body is hot and uncomfortable, why is it going to break through again? Chen Xuan secretly said. This is the first time for Chen Xuan to break through without challenging the limit, but the meaning of breakthroughs has indeed become more and more obvious this year, and it has become more and more obvious... Spiritual power keeps hitting the barrier, constantly hitting...

  Chen Xuan took off his white robe and let his tight body breathe. But the plain clothes in Chen Xuan's white robe were already soaked, and seemed to be about to turn to ashes. This is the breakthrough of the innate strong, the breakthrough of the six-tier mid-level mental power.

  Because when you reach the congenital realm, you are already going against the sky, so every time you break through, your body and will will be strongly tested. If the will is not strong, the body is not strong, you may die directly.

  Ah ah...


  The plain clothes on Chen Xuan's body were directly turned into ashes, only his angular body was exposed, the skin was abnormally red, and the flesh and blood inside seemed to flow out directly from the skin...

  About half an hour

  The scorching heat on Chen Xuan's body turned into a warm current, flowing in Chen Xuan's blood. Chen Xuan knew that this meant that the upgrade was successful. Chen Xuan's pressed heart also gasped.

"Xuan boy seems to have broken through again. Is this an evildoer or a human? A young man in his twenties with a six-tier mid-level mental power in the Innate Realm, it seems that we are really old." Mr. San Bai laughed, because Whenever an innate strong person breaks through his body or spiritual power, his spiritual power will spread to the surrounding...

However, although Mr. San Bai said Chen Xuan was a monster, he was not as surprised as the first time, because San Bai knew that Chen Xuan’s talent could no longer be considered by normal people. This also made San Bai worry that Chen Xuan was It is not able to withstand the half-immortal trial designed by the creator.

Rumor has it that the more perverted the talent, the more perverted the trials that the more perverted person encounters. This makes San Bai worry about Chen Xuan, but he believes that Chen Xuan must be able to cope with it. Chen Xuan has brought him too much. It was a pleasant surprise, and San Bai had never treated Chen Xuan as an ordinary person.

  Chen Xuan went to the spring to take a bath and put on a white robe. His body was more handsome and slender, and his face was very pale. It was easy to be mistaken for a little white face.

  But it is precisely because of Chen Xuan's harmless appearance that he may be more able to protect him. In addition, Chen Xuan is also low-key and uninterested in fame and fortune, so it is destined that he will definitely be confused after he leaves the teacher.

Chen Xuan began to practice the sword again. If we talk about the difference between the sixth level of mental power and the elementary level, it can only be said that if the sixth level of elementary level is capable of shifting the mountains and the sea, then the sixth level of intermediate level can be. The ability to destroy mountains and seas.

   Therefore, Chen Xuan's current use of the last three forms of the "Jialan Sword Art" is far more powerful than before.

  Another year later.

At this time Chen Xuan is already twenty-five years old, but Chen Xuan's posture is still very slender and handsome. He is definitely a woman's favorite object, and the last three forms of the Jia Lan sword, the blue stream, the blue blade and the blue sword, Chen Xuan I have used it to the extreme.

  But this year, Chen Xuan is about to usher in the half-immortal trial, and this pressure forces Chen Xuan to dare not neglect his cultivation.

   Still persisted with one sword and one sword. Chen Xuan's self-control ability is extremely strong. When he was in Sanbai Valley, Mr. Sanbai was supervising him, but now there is no one to supervise him. It is just that he retreats on his own and learns swordsmanship by himself. This process is very boring, but Chen Xuan has never been half a moment be lazy.

  A few more days...

  Jia’s blue sword’s blue body suddenly had a red aura lingering. He had heard from Mr. Sanbai in the Zangjin Pavilion that this was a sign of the coming challenge. I wonder what half-immortal trial is waiting for him?


  Only listen to the sound of the barrier barrier arranged by Chen Xuan outside, and the sky also began to appear abnormal red, like a kind of war book.


  The Forest of Martial Arts seemed to have all the fierce beasts let out a long roar, and then Chen Xuan saw that there was a **** smell around him, and the spring water was also contaminated by the blood of the fierce beasts.

   "Is it finally coming? Xuan boy, you must make it through!" Mr. San Bai said in tears for the first time. Although Chen Xuan could neither see nor hear.

  It is said that before the trial of the half immortal, all the beasts and wild beasts around will be buried with the half immortal, so the transmission site of the trial of the half immortal will be arranged in the forest or remote places.

  About half an hour later...

   A red beam of light appeared, Chen Xuan walked in, and then his eyes went dark...

  Chen Xuan woke up again in a hall. Chen Xuan couldn't tell whether this was an illusion or a real existence, but Chen Xuan knew clearly that the trial had begun.

   "Welcome to the Hall of the Creator, I am the Creator." The man in the black robe covered his face and said in a low voice. This man is slender and possesses mysterious power that makes people feel unfathomable.

   Chen Xuan felt that he seemed to have known each other before, as if he had seen him somewhere.

  Yes, it was the man in the black robe who killed the King of Beasts three years ago. It was him.

"Unexpectedly, you have a good memory. Congratulations. You have passed the trial of the head, but I am the chief examiner for this half-immortal trial. You can also choose your exam questions, but every difficulty is the same, so don’t I'm lucky, hahahaha." The Creator said with a smile.

"Okay, let’s get back to the subject. Although you only have spiritual power in this temple, once your spiritual power is destroyed, your body will become like a waste wood, without any exercises, and you will suffer in trials. The injury will also be brought to the body, and even damage the mental power." The creator is serious.

"As for the following three exam questions, you can choose one. The first secret valley trial. You have another team composed of three teammates and four enemies. There is also a secret valley valley god. You can kill the valley **** and the four through the conditions. A team of enemies, but you can rest assured."

  "Their souls are all held there by me. You can kill them and wait for you to leave them and they can be resurrected. They kill you, and you are finished hahahaha." The creator coldly snorted.

   "Also you have to protect a designated teammate. She is called Wang Keke and will not suffer any harm. If she is harmed, this damage will be added to you and brought back to reality by you." The creator smiled.

  (End of this chapter)

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